Welcome to BBBike - your cycle journey planner! We'll help you find a nice, safe and short bike route in Halifax and around.

Please click on a street or point of interest (POI) to start the route search:


10 tamarack
100 Cha Baa Tai
102 OUT
11 Street Boutique
111-3-E Ramp
111-3-G Ramp
14 Bells
14 Leiblin Park

2 Crows Brewing
2 Crows Oxford Taproom
2 Doors Down
224 Metro Pre Owned Auto Sales
24 Carrots Bakery
2411 Vape & Cannabis Accessories
28 JES

3 Mile Outfitters
32 Cowie Hill Express

45 Elmwood Ave Apartments

54 Montebello
5548 Rusell food equipment

62 Wildwood
6H Proctor Street Substation

7 Peppers Grill

85 Metals 'R' Us

9 + Nine

A Taste of India
A. Y. Jackson Court
Abbey Road
Abbie J. Lane 2nd floor entrance
Abbington Avenue
Abbott Drive
Abby's Designer Home Fabrics
Abercrombie Lane
Aberdeen Court
Aberdeen Hall
Abigail Apartments
Abrams Way
Absolute Travel
Acacia Street
Acadia Mill Drive
Acadia Street
Access to Delta Halifax Hotel
Accomplice Content Supply Co.
Acorn Road
Adams Avenue
Addison Place
Adelaide Avenue
Adelchi Court
Adeor Drive
Adept Tattoos
Adlington Court
Admiral Cove Drive
Admiral Cove Shore Loop
Admiral Street
Admirals Cove Park
Admiralty House
Advanced Screen Printing Limited
Advancement House
Aerobics First
Africville Lookoff Park
Africville Museum
Africville Road
Africville Sundial (1998)


Afton Court
Agency Drive
Agincourt Crescent
Agricola Street
Agricola Street Books
Agricola Street Brasserie
Ahern Avenue
Ahmadi Crescent
Aikens Avenue
Aisle 24 Market
Akerley Boulevard
Alabaster Way
Alamir Court
Albacore Place
Albacore Place (B0J 3A0)
Albany Terrace
Albemarle Street
Alberni Lane
Albert Place
Albert Street
Albert Walker Drive
Alberta Street
Albion Road
Albro Lake Beach
Albro Lake Park Trail
Albro Lake Road
Albyn Ave Group Home
Albyn Avenue
Alder Street
Aldergrove Drive
Alderney Cairn
Alderney Drive
Alderney Landing
Alderney School Playground
Alderwood Court
Alderwood Drive
Alderwood Village
Alex Lane
Alex Oh Sushi Rolls
Alex Street
Alexa Pope
Alexandra's Pizza
Alexandras pizza
AlfaGomma Hose Fittings
Alfred Drive
Alfred Street
Algonquin Path
All About Eyewear Optical
All Done Automotive Limited
All Dressed Up
All Dressed Up Boutique
All Nations Christian Reformed
All Saints Anglican Church
All Saints Cathedral
All Star Vacuum
Allan Street
Allison Drive
Allstar Vacuum
Allure Hair Lounge
Alma Crescent
Almon Lofts
Almon Street
Almon Street Post Office
Almora Court
Alpine Court
Alpine Drive
Alta Gymnastics Centre
Altavista Lane
Alter Egos
Alton Drive
Alumni Arena
Alumni Crescent
Alvena Cain Avenue (B3K 5W4)
Amalamek Way
Amalfi Way
Amaranth Crescent
Amazon warehouse
Ambercrest Drive
Ambercrest Place
Amberwood Court
Amelia Court
Amelia Place
American Eagle Outfitters
Amesbury Gate
Amethyst Crescent
Amin Street
Amirault Court
Amish Furniture
Amos Pewter
Anahid Court
Analise Lane
Ancaster Court
Anchor Drive
Anchorage House
Anchorage Street
Ancona Place
Anderson Lake Connector
Anderson Street
Andover Street
Andrea Lynn Avenue
Andrei Master Tailors
Andrew Avenue
Andrew Cobb Court
Andrew Street
Angel Court
Anglican Church of the Apostles
Angus L. MacDonald Bridge
Angus L. MacDonald Bridge Bike Lane
Angus L. MacDonald Bridge Walkway
Angus Macdonald Bridge A Ramp
Angus Macdonald Bridge Barrington Street Ramp
Angus Macdonald Bridge D Ramp
Angus Macdonald Bridge E Ramp
Angus Morton Drive
Annandale Street
Annie's Place Café & Catering
Anson Road
Anson Road (B0J 3A0)
Antares Court
Antojo Tacos + Tequila
Apollo Court
Appian Way
Apple SelfStorage
Apple Street
Applewood Lane
Aquavista Lane (B2W 0K5)
Arborstone Enhanced Care
Archibald Avenue
Ardmore Hall site
Ardmore Tea Room
Argo Building
Argus Drive
Argyle Street
Arirang Korean & Japanese
Arklow Drive
Arlington Avenue
Arm Road
Armada Drive
Armament Road
Armbrae Academy
Armbro Lane
Armcrescent East Drive
Armcrescent West Avenue
Armdale Rotary
Armenia Drive
Armitage Hardware
Armoury Gate
Armoury Place
Armoyan Centre
Armoyan Court
Armshore Drive
Armstrong & Quaile Assoc Inc
Armstrong Court
Armstrong Court Park Tennis Court
Armview Avenue
Armview Terrace
Army Museum
Arnold Drive
Arsenal Drive
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Arthritis Society Canada
Arthur H. Merrick Ballfield
Arthur Lismer Court
Arthur Street
Arthur's Urban Market
Artillery Place
Artz Street
As You Like It
ASAP Mabuhay
Ascot Avenue
Ash Lake Court
Ash Lake Portage
Ash Lake Wilderness Trail
Ashburn Avenue
Ashdale Avenue
Ashgrove Avenue
Ashley Drive
Ashton Lane
Ashwood Court
Asia Restaurant & Bar
Aspen Way Crescent
Aspenhill Court
Aspirations Hair Design
Association of Atlantic Area Artists
Aster Court
Astral Drive
Athabaskan Avenue
Athabaskan Lane
Atholea Drive
Athorpe Drive
Atikian Drive
Atlantic Acura
Atlantic Eye Centre
Atlantic Fabrics
Atlantic Gardens
Atlantic News
Atlantic Photo
Atlantic School of Theology
Atlantic School of Theology Library
Atlantic Street
Atlantic Superstore
Atlantic Wholesalers #0378 RPO
Atlantica Hotel Halifax
Atlee Court
Atmosphere Outdoor Apparel
Attenborough Court
Attwood Crescent
Atwood Terrace
Aubrey Terrace
Auburn Court
Auburn Drive
Auburn Drive (B2W 6E9)
Audi Halifax
Audio Tour 1 - Point Pleasant Lodge and Quarry Pond
Audio Tour 10 - Point Pleasant Battery
Audio Tour 11 - HMCS Boneventure Memorial
Audio Tour 12 - Fort Ogilvie
Audio Tour 13 - Summerhouse
Audio Tour 2 - Prince of Wales Tower
Audio Tour 3 - Chain Rock Battery
Audio Tour 4 - Mik'maq Cultural Site
Audio Tour 5 - Cambridge Battery
Audio Tour 6 - Juan Demonstration Forest
Audio Tour 7 - Purcell's Landing
Audio Tour 8 - Northwest Arm Battery
Audio Tour 9 - Sailors Memorial
Aukland Place
Aurora Avenue
Aurora North End Parish Church
Austen Drive
Auto Club
Auto Detail Depot
Autoport Avenue
Autumn Place
Avenger Place (B0J 3A0)
Avenue Du Portage
Avenue Du Portage (B2X 3S3)
Avenue Du Portage (B2X 3S9)
Avenue Du Portage (B2X 3T4)
Averill Street
Avery Avenue
Avignon Lane
Avondale Road
Ayeshah's preschool home daycare
Azita Court

Baan Thai
Babies R Us
Back Slab
Badger Avenue
Baffin Boulevard
Bagel Montreal Style
Baha Court
Bai Wei Grill Bar
Baileys's Meats
Bainbridge Court
Baini's Pizza
Baker Drive
Baker Drive Community Park Basketball Court
Baker Drive Community Park Pickleball Court
Baker Drive Community Park Walkway
Bakers Drive
Balcomes Drive
Bald Eagle Place
Ballantrae Lane
Balmoral Road
Balsam Place
Balsam Road
Balsam Street
Balwearie Lane
Banbury Close
Bancroft Lane
Bancroft Place
Banh Mi A&B
Bank of Commerce Building
Bank of Montreal
Banks Court
Banook Avenue
Banook Canoe Club
Banshee Avenue
Bar Kismet
Barat Spirituality Centre
Barbara Drive
Bareng Court
Barkton Lane
Barnstead Lane
Baron Court
Barracuda Drive (B0J 3A0)
Barran barber shop
Barrens Street
Barrington Gate
Barrington Greenway
Barrington Greenway extension
Barrington Place
Barrington Street
Barry Allen Drive
Bartlin Road
Basil Avenue (B2X 1C4)
Basin Farmer's Market
Basinview Drive
Bass Court
Basswood Run
Bath & Body Works
Baton Rouge
Battlefield The Cat Rental Store
Bauer Street
Bay Boutique
Bay Rentals
Bayer's Lake Trail
Bayers Lake Mystery Walls
Bayers Lake Mystery Walls Trail
Bayers Road
Bayers Road Baptist Church
Bayers Road Centre
Bayne Street
Bayswater Road
Bayview Road
Beacon Street
Beals Crescent
Bearly's House of Blues and Ribs
Beaufort Avenue
Beaufort Drive
Beaver Crescent
Beazley Ball Field #2 -Little
Beazley Ball Field #3 Kinsman
Beazley Ballfield #1
Beazley Field Track
Beazley Grandstands
Beazley Park Basketball Court
Beckfoot Drive
Becks Way
Bed Bath & Beyond
Bedford -Windsor Ramp
Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres
Bedford Baptist Church

bedford Draperies

Bedford eye care
Bedford Guardian Post Office RPO
Bedford Harbourwalk
Bedford Highway
Bedford Hills Road
Bedford Pharmacy
Bedford Place Mall
Bedford Presbyterian Church
Bedford Public Library
Bedford Row
Bedford Sackville Greenway Connector
Bedford Station
Bedford Street
Bedros Lane
Beech House
Beech Street
Beech Tree Run
Beechville Baptist Church
Beechville Park Drive
Beechwood Terrace
Behan Street
Bel Ayr Avenue
Bel Ayr Elementary Sportsfield
Belcher's Marsh Trail
Beldina Drive (B3A 4L1)
Bell Aliant Spryfield Exchange HLFXNS01GT5
Bell Aliant Timberlea STMRNS01RS1
Bell Aliant Woodlawn DRMONS050MD
Bell Road
Bell Street
Bella Rose Arts Centre
Bellarosa Way
Bellbrook Crescent
Bellbrook Crescent (B2W 6S2)
Belle Aire Terrace
Belle Street
Belle Vista Drive
Bellevue Avenue
Bellroyal Court
Belmont Avenue
Belmont On The Arm
Belmont Road
Belvedere Drive
Ben & Florentine
Ben Johnson Lane
Ben's Bakery
Ben's Barber Shop
Benalder Lane
Benjamin Green Drive
Benjamin Moore Paint Shop
Bently Drive
Bento Sushi
Bentridge Way
Benview Drive
Beresford Road
Berkley Brae
Berkshire Close
Berlin Street
Bermuda Avenue
Bernard Street
Berncray Avenue
Berry Hill Drive
Berts Drive
Berwick Street
Best Buy
Best Buy Express
Best Choice Chinese Food
Best Street
Best Western Plus
Best Western Plus Dartmouth Hotel & Suites
Beth Israel Synagogue
Bethany Gospel Chapel
Bethany Way
Bethel Avenue
Bethel Church Halifax
Bethel United Baptist Church
Better Baths
Better Than Her
Betty Drive
Betty Jane Court (B2W 5Z9)
Beverley Street
Bi One
Bib N' Tucker
Bicycle Thief
Big Al's Pizza
Big Leagues
Bike Again
Bilby Street
Bills Island
Bilton Lane
Binnacle Court
Binney Street
Birch & Anchor
Birch Cove Baptist Church
Birch Cove Lane
Birch Road
Birch Street
Birchdale Avenue
Birches Drive
Birchill Drive
Birchview Drive
Birchwood Court
Birchwood Drive
Birchwood Terrace
Bird's Nest Cafe
Birkdale Crescent
Birmingham Street
Biscuit General Store
Bishop Avenue
Bishop Street
Bishop's Cellar
Bishop's Landing
Bishop's Landing North
Bishop's Landing South
Bishop's Seawall
Bisley Court
Bison Crescent
Bisset Community Playground
Bissett Lake Greenway
Bissett Lake Pumping Station
Bissett Lake Pumping Station Storage Tank
Bissett Lake Trail
Bissett Road
Bissett Trail
Black Educators Association NS
Black Market
Black Rock Beach
Black Street
Black Velvet Beauty Supplies
Black/Fuller Street Painting
Black/Northwood Street Painting
Blackberry Lane
Blanchard Crescent
Bland Street
Blended Athletics
Blenheim Terrace
Blessed Mother Teresa Parish
Bligh Street
Blink Bonnie Terrace
Bliss Street
Blockade Circle
Bloom & Wander
Bloom 24
Bloom Lane
Bloomfield Centre
Bloomfield Street
Blooming cafe
Bloomingdale Pool
Bloomingdale Terrace
Blossom Court
Blowers Street
Blue Collar Barbershop
Blue Elephant Thai Restaurant
Blue Jay Street
Blue Jay Way
Blue Ocean Contact Center
Blue Olive Greek Tavern
Blue Thistle Road
Blue Willow Court
Bluenose Building
Bluenose II
Bluenose Inn & Suites
Bluenose Laundromat
Bluenose Mini Mart
Bluestone Road
Bluewater Road
BMO Centre (Four Pad Arena)
Board Room Game Cafe
Board room game cafe
Boathouse Lane
Bobolink Street
Boland Road
Boling Green Crescent
Bolton Terrace
Bolwes Arena
Bombay Spices
Bonaventure Anchor Memorial
Bonaventure Drive
Bonaventure Street
Bond Street
Boneheads BBQ
Bonita Drive
Bonnie Brae Drive
Book Tour


Booster Juice
Booth Street
Booza Emessa Ice Cream
Borden Avenue
Borden Street
Boreal Highland Path
Boscobel Road
Bosso Bamboo Boutique
Boston Pizza
Bosun Run
Botany Terrace
Bottling Plant
Boulderwood Road
Boundary Road
Boundary Road (B0J 3A0)
Boundary Street
Bounty Fashion
Boutiliers Grove
Boutiliers Lane
Bow Street
Bower Road
Bowser Avenue
Bowsprit Close
Box Office
Boylan Lane
Boyne Court
Brackley Place
Bradbury Lane
Bradford Hall
Bradford Place
Bradorian Drive
Bradorian Drive (B2W 6G9)
Bradshaw Pure Esthetics
Braeburn Road
Braeloch Court
Braemar Drive
Braemount Drive
Braeside Court (B2X 3M9)
Braeside Lane
Brain Candy Toys
Bramble Cafe
Bramco Lane
Bramwell Court
Brannon Drive
Bras D’or Lane
Brawta Jamaican Jerk Joint
Breaktrail Drive
Breathing Space Hair
Breen Avenue
Breeze Drive
Brenton Grill & Wine bar
Brenton Street
Brentwood Drive
Brewer Court
Brewery Barber
Brewery Park
Brewery Park Hotel
Brewster's Bar & Grill
Brian Drive
Briar Lane
Briar Place
Briarlynn Crescent
Briarwood Crescent
Briarwood Drive
Bridge Street
Bridge Terminal Walkway
Bridges Street
Bridget R. (Delia) Edwards Memorial Building
Bridgeview Drive
Bridgeview groccery
Bridle Path
Brief Break
Brigadier Court
Brigadoon Avenue
Bright Place
Bright Street
Brighton Avenue
Brightwood Avenue
Brilliance Computer Technologies
Bristol Place
Bristolton Avenue
Broad Street
Broadholme Lane
Broadway Street
Brock Street (B2Y)
Brockhurst Close
Brockwell Street
Brodick Lane
Bromley Road
Brompton Road
Brook Street
Brook Trail
Brookdale Court
Brookdale Crescent
Brookfield Avenue
Brookhouse Road
Brookline Drive
Brookshire Court
Brookside Avenue
Brookside Trail
Brookview Drive
Broom Road
Broth House
Brothers Meats & Delicatessen
Brown Avenue
Brownlow Avenue
Brownstone Way
Bruce Street
Brule Street
Brunello Boulevard
Brunswick Street
Brunswick Street Mission
Brussels Street
Brycedale Lane
Bryden Avenue
Bubba ray's
Bubba Ray's Sports Bar
Bud Bremner Field
Budapest Bisztro
Buddy Daye Street
Buddy's Deli
Buffers Lane
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Bulk Barn
Bunchberry Lane
Bundy Lane
Buoy Road
Burbridge Avenue
Burgee Run
Burger King
Burial site for cholera victims from the SS England, 1866
Burke Street
Burley Court
Burnaby Lane
Burnaby Lane (B2W 0H4)
Burnhope Drive
Burning Tree
Burns Drive
Burnside AT Greenway
Burnside Drive
Burnside Water Reservoir
Burrito Jax
Bus Stop Theatre
Busy Bee Tools
Buta Ramen
Butler Scaffolding
By Design Embroidery & Screen Print
Byblos Lebanese Restaurant
Byron Crescent

C. Robertson Electric Bikes
C&R Auto Supply
Ca-Hoa Grocery
Cabela Road
Cabernet Court
Cabin Coffee
Cabin Lake Trail
Cable Hut
Cable Plaza
Cable Road
Cable Wharf
Cabot Back Lane
Cabot Building
Cabot Place
Cabot Street
Cache Close
Cadet Road
Cadmus Court
Cadogan Street
Cafe 98
Cafe Aroma Latino
Cafe Chianti
Café Good Luck
Café Lara
Café Lunette
Cafe Marco Polo
Cafe Ristretto
Café Tayaiki 52
Cain Street
Cairn Street
Cairndow Drive
Cairnstone Lane
Cairnwell Close
Caitland Court
Caldwell Road
Caledonia Road
Calendar Club
Calvary Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church
Calvin Presbyterian
Cambridge Battery (historic)
Cambridge Drive
Cambridge Military Library
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Suites - Halifax
Camden Street
Camelot Lane
Cameron Hall
Cameron Street
Camilla Court
Campbell Avenue
Campbell Drive
Campeau Court
Canada 150 sign
Canada 150 Trail
Canada Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services
Canada Computers & Electronics
Canada Food Inspection Agency
Canada Games Centre
Canada Games (Common #9)
Canada Post
Canada Post - Central Stn
Canada Post Atlantic Region
Canada Post Burnside Sub Post Office
Canada Post Halifax Station Central
Canada Post Outlet (in Shoppers Drug Mart)
Canadian Armed Forces who fought in Holland
Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Coast Guard Building
Canadian Military Museum
Canadian National Railway Dartmouth Yard
Canadian Sailors Serving in War and Peace
Canadian Sea Turtle
Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire Gas Bar
Canadian Tire Gas+
Canagian National Rockingham Yard Operations
Canal Street
Canary Crescent
Canfield Court
Cannon Terrace
Canso Lane
Canterbury Close
Canterbury Place (B2Y 4J5)
Canterbury Street
Canton Garden
Capistrano Drive
Capital Pawn
Capri Court
Capstone Crescent
Captain Sub
Cardiff Place
Care And Fun Childcare
Caribbean Bliss
Carisbrooke Lane
Carleton Street
Carlina Court
Carlisle Drive
Carlo's Barbershop
Carlson Court
Carlson Wagonlit – Harvey’s Travel
Carlton Cards
Carlton Street
Carmichael Street
Carnaby Crescent
Carolyn's Way
Carolyn's Way Playground
Carpenter Shop
Carquest Auto Parts
Carr Street
Carrefour Atlantic Emporium
Carriageway Court
Carriageway Crescent
Carrie Best Court
Carrington Place
Carroll Lane
Cartaret Street
Carters Road
Carver Street
Casavechia Court
Cascade corner store
Cascade Drive
Cash Money
Cassandra Drive
Castello Café
Castine Way
Castle Hill Drive
Castle Hill Park Basketball Court
Castle Hill Park Tennis Court
Castle Hill Pickleball Court
Castlebridge Lane
Castlepark Grove
Castlestone Drive
Castleton Court
Castleton Crescent
Castlewood Drive
Catamaran Road
Catelina Court
Cathedral Lane
Catherine Furness Park Playground
Catherine Street
Cathy Cross Drive (B2W 2R5)
Cathy Lane
Cavendish Road
Caxton Close
Caytyon Court
Cayuga Drive
Cazza Petite
Cecil Lane
Cedar Court (B3A 2K2)
Cedar Crescent
Cedar House
Cedar Lane
Cedar Manor
Cedar Street
Cedar Walk
Cedarbank Terrace
Cedarbrae Lane
Cedarwood Drive
Cell Smart
Cellicon Store
Celtic Corner Public House
Celtic Drive
Cempoal de la Calavera Negra
Centennial Arena
Centennial Pool
Centennial Pool Dog Park
Central Avenue
Central Services Building
Central Street
Centre for European Studies
Centre Gate
Centre Street
CFAD Bedford Magazine
CFAD Bedford Magazine Fire Station
CFB Halifax Curling Club
CH Commons Track
Cha Baa Thai
Chabaa Thai
Chadwick Place
Chadwick Street
Chain Lake Drive
Chain of Lakes Trail
Chain Rock Drive
Chain Yard Urban Cidery
Challenger Drive
Chamberlain Drive
Chameau Crescent
Champlain Building
Champlain Court
Chapel of Remembrance
Chapman Auto
Chapman Street
Chappell Street
Chapter Indigo
Charles Keating Drive
Charles P. Allen High School Park Sport Field
Charles Street
Charles/Creighton Street Painting
Charlies Lake Loop
Charlies Lake Trail
Charlois Court
Charlotte Drive
Charlotte Lane
Charlottetown Way
Charm Diamond Centres
Charm School
Chartwell Lane
Chaswood Drive
Chateau Bedford
Chatters Hair & Beauty Salon
Chaucer Lane
Cheapy Tire & Auto Service
Chebogue Lane
Chebucto Inn
Chebucto Landing
Chebucto Lane
Chebucto Road
Chebucto Village
Cheelin Chinese Food
Cheers Live Country Bar
Cheese Curds and Habaneros
Cheese Curds Burgers
Cheese Curds Gourmet Burgers and Poutinerie/Habaneros Modern Taco Bar
Chef Abod
Chelmsford Place
Chelsea Lane
Chelton Woods Lane
Cheltonham Court
Cherry Berry
Cherry Brook
Cherry Brook Road
Cherry Brook United Baptist Church
Cherry Drive
Cherry Lane
Cherry Street
Cherrywood Drive
Chessvale Close
Chester & Felicity
Chester Avenue
Chestnut Lane
Chestnut Street
Chicken Little Cafe & Dairy Bar
Chicken Rocks
Chicory Lane
Children's Emergency
Chinook Court
Chipstone Close
Chisholm Avenue
Chisholm Avenue Extension
Chittick Avenue
Chives Canadian Bistro
Chkn Chop
Chocolate Lake Baseball Diamond
Chocolate Lake Road
Chops Meat Market
Chorus Aviation
Christ Church
Christie Court
Christina and Hedley Ivany Place
Christopher Avenue
Chrysler Avenue
Chung's Custom Tailoring
Church Court
Church Drive
Church of St. James
Church of the Nazarene
Church Street
Church Street (B2Y 1A9)
Church's Barber Shop
Churchill Court
Churchill Drive
Churchill Terrace
Ciao Bella Hair Studio
Cineplex Cinemas Dartmouth Crossing
Cineplex Cinemas Park Lane
Cineplex Playdium
Circassion Drive
Circle Drive
Circle K
Citadel Court
Citadel Gate
Citadel High School
Citadel High School Basketball Court
Citadel Hill Access Road
Citadel Music
City Church
City Heights Church
City Mazda
City Mazda Certified Pre-owned
City Shawarma


Claremont Street
Clarence Avenue
Clarence Street
Clark Kent
Clark Kent Drysdale Road Entrance
Clarke Street
Clay West Bar & Grill
Clayder Lane
Clayton Park Drive
Clayton Professional Centre
Clearview Crescent
Clearview Drive
Cleary Drive
Clement Street
Clermont Crescent
Cleve's Source for Sports
Cleve's Source For Sports
Cleve's Source for Sports
Cleveland Crescent
Cleverdon Building
Cliff Street
Cliffhanger loop
Clifford Drive
Clifton Street
Clinton Avenue
Clipper Court
Cloverdale Road
Cloverfield Court
Clovis Avenue
Clubmen's Barber Shop
Cluney Lane
Clyde Street
Clysdale Drive
CN 100 Legacy Forest Plaque
Coast Gas
Coast Tire
Coastal Inn
Coastal Inn Halifax
Cobb Building
COBS Bread
Coburg Place Professional Centre
Coburg Road
Coco Beach
Cocoa Street
Coconut Creek
Codroy Avenue
Codroy Crescent
Coffee Pro
Cogswell Interchange Redevelopment
Cogswell Street
Colburn Walk
Colby Drive
Colby Drive Bible Chapel
Colby Village
Coldstream Run
Cole Drive
Cole Harbour
Cole Harbour - Woodside United Church
Cole Harbour 30
Cole Harbour Esso
Cole Harbour Fire Station No.17
Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum
Cole Harbour Place
Cole Harbour Place Skateboard Park
Cole Harbour Post Office
Cole Harbour Public Library
Cole Harbour Road
Coleman Court
Coleridge Court
Colford Avenue
Colindale Street
Colins Road
Colleen's Pub
College of Continuing Education
College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University
College Road
College Street
Collingwood Court (B2W 0G4)
Collins Grove
Collins Grove Court (B2W 5Y1)
Collins Grove Ridge (B2W 5Y2)
Collins’ Court
Colonel John Stuart Elementary School Ballfield
Colonial Honda
Colonial Used Cars
Colonna Place
Colours Esthetics
Colpitt Lake Road
Colpitt Lake Trail
Columbia Factory Store
Columbo Drive
Columbus Back Lane
Columbus Place
Columbus Street
Colwell Building
Comfort Inn Bayer's Lake
Comfort Inn Halifax
Comfort Lane
Comfort Orthotics
Command Court
Commission Street
Commodore Drive
Commons Inn
Community Mail Box
Compass Rose Court
Compton Avenue
Condo Sarto Playground
Condor Road
Connaught Avenue
Connolly Street
Connor Lane
Connor Street
Connrose Avenue
Cono Drive
Conrose Park MUP
Continental Lane
Convenience 4 u
Convoy Ave RCF
Convoy Avenue
Convoy Run
Cook Avenue
Cool As A Moose
Coppermoon Court
Cork Street
Corner Store
Cornwall Street
Coronation Avenue
Coronation Crescent
Coronet Avenue
Corsair Drive
Corsair Drive (B0J 3A0)
Cortados Tasting Room
Costley Farm Trail
Cosy Snack Bar
Cottage Cafe
Cottage Hill Drive
Cottage Road
Cottman Transmission
Countryview Drive
Courtland Street (B2W 2P4)
Courtney Road
Courtyard Halifax Downtown
Cousins Restaurant
Cove Lane
Coventry Lane
Covey Court
Covington Way
Cow Bay Road
Cowie Hill Road
Coxswains Lane
Coyote Bog
C.P. Allen High School
CPO1 Carroll Road
Crabapple Lane
Crafty Fox
Cragg Avenue
Craigburn Drive
Craigmore Drive
Cranberry Crescent
Cranbrook Street
Crane Lake Drive
Crane Lake Portage
Cranehill Road
Cranfield Court
Cranston Avenue
Crawford Street
Creamy Rainbow Bakery and Cafe
Creative Cup Cafe
Creative Textile Solutions
Credit Union Atlantic
Creelman Drive
Creighton Fields Gate
Creighton Street
Crepe Crepe Cafe
Crescent Avenue
Crescent Gold and Diamonds
Crescent Gold Anf Diamonds
Crescent Street
Crest Drive
Crest Loop
Crest Road
Cresthaven Drive
Cresthaven Trail
Crestview Children's Center
Crestview Drive
Crestwood Place
Crichton Avenue
Crichton Park
Crichton Park Road
Crimp Court
Crocodile Ice Cream
Cromarty Drive
Cromwell Road
Crosby Street
Cross Road
Cross Street
Crossland Ice Trail
Crowe Building
Crowell's Guardian Post Office RPO
Crowell’s Pharmacy
Crown Bay
Crown Drive
Crowning Glory
Crownridge Drive
Crows Nest Drive
Crozier Court
Cruikshank's Funeral Home
Crumbl Cookies
Crusher Road
Crystal Drive
Cuddy Lane
Cuisack Street
Culrain Crescent
Cumberland Drive
Cunard Seawall
Cunard Street
Cunard Trestle Bridge
Cunningham Drive
Curley Drive
Curry Village
Curtiss Road (B0J 3A0)
Cut Contemporary Steak House & Urban Grill
Cutler Avenue
Cutler Avenue MUP
Cutter Drive
Cuttin' Up

D. J. Butler Park Ball Diamond
D. J. Butler Park Basketball Court
D. J. Butler Park Tennis Court
DaCosta Row
Dahlia Street
Dairy Queen
Dakin Drive
Dal/King's Bike Centre
Dalhousie Analytics
Dalhousie Bookstore
Dalhousie Dentistry Building
Dalhousie Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Dalhousie Faculty of Management
Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine
Dalhousie Registrar's Office
Dalhousie School of Nursing
Dalhousie Street
Dalhousie Student Union
Dalhousie University Department of Chemistry
Dalhousie University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dalkeith Drive
Danforth Road
Danville Drive
Dapper Dogs
Darjeeling Drive
Dartmoor Crescent
Dartmouth Avenue
Dartmouth Cenotaph
Dartmouth Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
Dartmouth City Limits, Underpass
Dartmouth Common Basketball Court
Dartmouth Common Basketball Court 2
Dartmouth Common Playground
Dartmouth Common Skateboard Area
Dartmouth Common Tennis Court
Dartmouth Common Trails
Dartmouth Common Volleyball Court
Dartmouth Crossing Connector
Dartmouth Curling Club
Dartmouth East Community Center
Dartmouth Gate
Dartmouth Harbourwalk
Dartmouth High Football Field
Dartmouth High School Park Walkway
Dartmouth Main Post Office
Dartmouth Medical Centre
Dartmouth North Public Library
Dartmouth Professional Centre
Dartmouth Road
Dartmouth Sign
Dartmouth Wastewater TreatmentPlant
Dartmouth Waterfront Trail
Dave's Lobster
Daventry Lane
David Lawrence Salon
David Street
Davies Lane
Davis Street
Davison Street
Dawn Drive
Dawn Street
Dawson Street
Day Avenue
Deacon Street
Deal Street
DeeDee's Ice Cream
Deep Water Church
Deepwater Drive
Deepwood Crescent
Deerbrooke Drive
Deganis Drive
Degaussing Lane
Dejan's European Bakery
Delcraft Court
Delectable Desserts
Dellridge Lane
Delmac Court
Delorey & Levy
Delta Drive
Delta Hotels Dartmouth
Deluxe Dry Cleaners
Deluxe Drycleaning
Delwood Place
Demetreous Beaks Basketball Court 1
Demetreous Beaks Basketball Court 2
Demetreous Lane
Demone Street
Denis Office Supplies & Furniture
Denis Office Supplies and Furniture
Dennis Building
Dentith Road
Department of Economics - Dalhousie University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Depend On Me Child Care Centre
DermaEnvy Skincare - Dartmouth
DermaEnvy Skincare - Halifax
Desmond Avenue
Devonshire Avenue
Devonshire Street
Dewhurst Drive
DeWolf Court
Deyoung Drive
Dharma sushi
Diabetes Canada
Diana Grace Avenue
Dickson Avenue
Dickson Street
Digby Crescent
Dillman Place
Dillon Crescent
Dilly Dally Coffee Cafe
Dime Salon Inc
Dimitri's Pizza
Dingle Road
Dingle Tower
Dipper Crescent
Dipper the Dolphin
Disciples Way
Discovery Centre
Discovery Drive
Divergence Tattoos
Division Street
Dobbin Lane
Dockyard by Thornbloom
Dockyard Clock
Doctor Piano
Doctors Eye Clinic
Dogwood Street
Dominion Court (B2Y 4N6)
Dominion Crescent
Dominion Public Building
Don Bayer Sports Field
Don Messer Court
Don Scheleus Cleaning
Don Schelew
Dona's home daycare
Donald Court
Donald Lane
Donaldson Avenue
Donegal Drive
Donegal Drive To Portland Hills Bus Terminal
Donnini's Pizza
Donovon Drive
Donview Drive
Dora Q - Japanese Cuisine
Dorey Avenue
Doris Diary Fine Designed Jewelry
Dorothea Drive
Dorothy Joyce Court (B2W 5Z9)
Double Track
DoubleTree by Hilton Halifax Dartmouth
Doug Branscombe
Doug Smith Drive
Douglas Crescent
Douglas Drive
Doull Avenue
Dove Street
Dover Court
Dowell Drive
Downey Road
Downing Street
Downs Avenue
Downtown Dartmouth
Downtown Dartmouth Parcel Pickup
Downtown Halifax
Downtown Pizza
Doyle Court
Doyle Street
Dr. Alfred Waddell Street
Dr Donald Skeir Way
Dr. Gerald J. Lebrun Memorial Centre
DRDC Atlantic Acoustic Calibration Barge
Drea's Nail Design Studio
Dresden Row
Driftwood Crescent
Drillio Crescent
Driven Auto
Dronachy Lane
Drum Road
Drumdonald Road
Drummond Court
Drummond Hall
Drysdale Road
Dublin Street
Dubonnet Drive
Duc D'Anville's Encampment National Historic Site of Canada
Duck Pond Road
Dudley Street
Duff Court
Duffus Drive
Duffus Street
Duffus Tires & Repairs
Dugger Mcneil Drive
Duke Street
Dulux Paints
Dumbarton Avenue
Dunbar Lane
Dunbrack Greenway
Dunbrack Street
Duncan Street
Dundas Street
Dundee Lane
Dunniker Road
Dunolly Street
Dunrobin Drive
Dunvegan Drive
Durham Way
Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
Dustan Lane
Dustan Street
Dustan Street (B2Y)
Dutch village
Dutch Village Road

e print it

Eagle Crescent
Eagle Lane
Eagle Place
Eagle Rock
Eagle Rock trail
Eagle's Nest
Eaglewood Drive
Earleton Avenue
Earth Goddess
Earthline Jewelry
East Coast Buy & Sell
East Coast Credit Union
East Coast Dog
East Coast Lifestyle
East Coast Scuba and Watersports
East Cup Cafe
East Division Satellite Office
East of Grafton Tavern
East of Montreal Consignment Dress Shop
East Peak Indoor Climbing
East Perimeter Road
East Side Mario's
East West
Eastbrook Avenue
Eastcoast Court
Eastern Passage
Eastern Passage Baptist Church
Eastern Passage Cow Bay Lions Club 65
Eastern Passage Education Center
Eastern Passage Fire Station 16
Eastern Passage Post Office
Eastern Passage RCMP Satellite Office
Eastview Drive
Eastwood Court
Eastwood Terrace
Easy Financial


Eaton Avenue
EB Games
Ecko Unltd
Ecole Beaubassin
Ecole Beaubassin Park
Ecole Chebucto Heights School
Ecole Grosvenor Wentworth Park School
École Mer et Monde
École secondaire du Sommet
Ecole secondaire du Sommet Park Playground
Ecology Action Centre
Economy Shoe Shop
Eddie Bauer
Edenbank Terrace
Edgecombe Crescent
Edgehill Road
Edgewater Close (B2W 6S3)
Edgewood Avenue
Edgewood United Church
Edible Arrangements
Edinburgh Street
Edmond Drive
Edna Lane
Edward Arab Avenue
Edward Drillo Park Tennis Court
Edward Lane
Edward Laurie Drive
Edward Street
Edwards Drive
Edwin Ford Court
Edzell Castle Circle
Efe's Turkish Cuisine
Efendy Turkish & Mediterranean Grill
EHS Dartmouth Paramedic Station
Eileen Stubbs Avenue
Eisener Boulevard
El Chino
El Este Tacos
Ela Greek Taverna

ela! Greek Taverna

Elder Avenue
Elgin Lane
Elgin Street
Eliot & Vine
Eliza Ritchie Crescent
Elizabeth Doane Drive
Elizabeth Drive
Elizabeth Street
Eljay Drive
Ella Lane
Elle's Bistro
Ellen Drive
Ellenvale Avenue
Ellerslie Crescent
Elliot Street
Elliott Street
Ellis Court (B2X 2T4)
Elm Grove Avenue
Elm Street
Elmore Drive
Elmwood Avenue
Elsie Tolson Way
Elswick Street
Elwin Crescent
Elwood Drive
EMCO Limited
Emera / NS Power Headquarters
Emera Oval
Emergency Health Services
Emergency Health Services Cole Harbour
Emergency Health Services Halifax
Emergency Heath Services Spryfield
Emma Court (B2W 6L2)
Emmanuel Anglican Church
Emmanuel Drive
Emmerson Street
Empress Court
Emscote Drive
Encore Clothing
Endeavour Drive
Engineers Way
Enterprise Customers
Eric Spicer Building
Erin Drive
Ernest Avenue
Ernie Lane
Ernst Avenue
Erskine Street
Esdaile Avenue
Espresso 46
Esquire Lane
Esquire Restaurant
Essex Lane
Esso On the Run
Esson Road
Estate Drive
Estates Road
Estelle Avenue
Estelle Drive
Esther Benjamin Water Trough
Ethel Court
Evandale Lane
Evans Avenue
Evans Court (B2X 2T5)
Evelyn Wood Place
Everette Street
Evergreen Drive
Evergreen House
Evil Birch Wilderness Trail

ex-Texpark site for "Twisted Sisters"

Exceeding Reading Learning Centre
Excel Towing Halifax
Express Lodge Motel
Exquisite Cuts Barbershop

eyecandy SIGNS

Eyes On Bedford

Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University
Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University
Fader Street
Fairbanks Centre
Fairbanks Street
Fairbanks Street Look off
Fairfax Drive
Fairfield Avenue
Fairfield Road
Fairmount Road
Fairview Avenue
Fairview Cove Sequestration Facility
Fairview Heights Elementary School
Fairview United Church
Fairway Grove
Fairwinds Place
Faith City Church
Falcon Place
Falcon Run
Falkland Street
Famous Curry Chicken
Fan's Chinese Restaurant
Fancy Lebanese Bakery
Fares' Sales Office
Farmers Dairy
Farmers Dairy Lane
Farnham Gate Road
Farquharson Street
Farrell Hall
Farrell Street
Farringdon Way
Farthington Place
Fast Fuel
Fast fuel
Fast Fuel
Fast Fuels
Fathom Court
Fattoush Mediterranean Grill
Faulkner Drive
Faulkner Street
Fauna Sugaring
Fays Lane
Feather Lane
Federal Avenue
Fenerty Road
Fenwick Convenience
Fenwick Post Office
Fenwick Street
Fenwood Road
Ferguson Lane
Ferguson Road
Ferindonald Close
Fern Avenue
Fern Lane
Fernbrook Court
Ferndale Drive
Fernhill Drive
Fernlilly Place
Fernwood Lane
Feruz Crescent
F.H. Sexton Memorial Gymnasium

fia fia Knitting and Yarns

Fiddlers Green
Field Guide
Fielding Avenue
Fieldwood Circle
Fife Lane
Fillings Bistro 32
Finbar's Irish Pub
Finch Lane
Findlay Community Centre Park Playground
Findlay Road
Finer Things
Finlay Drive
Finnian Row
Fir Walk
Fire Station 12
Fire Station 14
Fire Station 15
Fire Station 18 - Westphal
Fire Station 22 - North Preston
Fire Station 3
Fire Station 4
Fire Station 5
Fire Station 58 Lakeside Fire Stration
Fire Station 6
Fire Station 8 / HRPD
Fire Station 8 Bedford
Firefly Terrace (B0J 3A0)
Fireside Drive
Fireworks Gallery
First Avenue
First Baptist
First Baptist Church
First Choice
First Choice Hair Cuts
First Choice Haircutters
First Congregational Church
First Street
Fish Lab
Fisherman's Market
Fishing Fever
Fiske Street
Fitzgerald's Bridge
Five Fishermen
Five Guys
Flagstone Drive
Flamingo Drive
Flatrock Crescent
Flaxcombe Court
Fleet Court
Fleet Fitness and Sports Center
Fleet Mail Office
Fleetview Drive
Fleetview Trail
Fleming Drive
Fleming Pathway
Flenjor Foods
Flight Centre
Flinn Street
Flinns Hill
Flint Street
Flora James shop
Floral Avenue
Florence Avenue
Florries Lane
Flotilla Lane
Flower Court
Fluffy bottom babies
Flying Cloud Drive
Flynn's Dairy Bar
Flynn's Dairy bar & Convenience
Flynn's Dairy Bar & Convenience
Fog Lane
Food Court of Spring Garden Place
Foot Locker
Foot Solutions
Ford Street
Foreign Affair
Forest Court
Forest Hill Drive
Forest Hills
Forest Hills Followship Baptist Church
Forest Hills Greenway
Forest Hills Parkway
Forest Lane
Forest Road
Forestgate Drive
Forestside Crescent
Former Findlay's Picnic Grounds
Former Hugonin Wharf
Former McNabs Island Lighthouse (1903-1976)
Forrest Avenue
Forrester Street
Fort Clarence
Fort Clearance
Fort Massey United Church
Fort Ogilvie
Fort Road
Fort Sackville Elementary
Fort Sackville Road
Fort Sackville Walkway
Forum Multi-Purpose Centre
Forward Avenue
Foston Street
Foulis Row
Foundation Triangle
Founders Square
Foundry Lane
Fountain School of Performing Arts at Dalhousie University
Four Mile Lane
Four Points by Sheraton Halifax
Fourth Street
Fox Lake Look-off
Fox Lake Trail
Foxglove Lane
Foxgrove Lane (B2Y 4N8)
Foxtail Court
Foxy Moon
Fraggle Rock Road
Frame Plus Art
Fran's Fish n' Chips
Frances Street
Francis Drive
Francklyn Street
Franklyn Court
Franklyn Street
Fraser Farm
Fraser Street
Frazee Avenue
Freak Lunchbox
Fred Keyes Court
Freda Wales Trail
Frederick Avenue
Frederick Street
Fredericks Lane
Freeman's Lil New York
Freeman's Little New York
Freemasons’ Hall
French Masts Lane
Fresh New You
Fresh Prints Custom Apparel
Freshly Squeezed
Freshwater Trail
Freshwater Trail Park Walkway
Fries & Co.
Friesian Court
Frog Pond Trail
Fuller Terrace
Fulmar Avenue
Fundy Lane
Funky Monkey
Funky Munky Ice Cream Hut
Fury Drive
Future Inns Halifax
Fyne Lane

G-Street Pizza
Gahan House
Gainsborough Place
Gainsborough Place footpath
Galaxy Avenue
Gale Terrace
Galway Road
Gammon Crescent
Gander Avenue
Gap Outlet
Garden Court
Garden Court Terrace
Garden Court Terrace (B3A 3S6)
Garden Drive
Garden Stone Place
Garden Street
Garden View Restaurant
Garland Avenue
Garnett Street
Garrick Lane
Garrison Brewery
Garrison Drive
Garrison Place
Garshan Road
Gary Martin Drive
Gary Martin Drive Trail
Gaston Road
Gate Keeper's Motorcycle Club
Gate Posts
Gateway Meat Market
Gateway Road
Gaudet Optical
Gaudet Optical Ltd
Geary Street
Gebhardt Street
Geddes Furniture
Geizer Hill Trail
Geldart Court
Geldert Street
Gem Lane
General Avenue
Genesis Salon
Genji Sushi
Gentle Touch Spa
George Dauphinee Avenue
George Street
George Wright (Titantic)
George's Bubble Tea
Georges Island National Historic Site
Georgian Court
Geovex Court
Gerald B. Gray Memorial Arena
Gerald Street
Gerrish Lane
Gerrish Street
Gerry Lane
Gertrude Drive
Gesner Street
Getaway Farm
Giant Robot Comics
Giant Tiger
Giberson Drive
Gibson Street
Gigantic Video
Giles Drive
Gingerbread Haus Bakery
Gladstone Avenue
Gladstone Street
Gladys Porter Place
Glass in Glass
Glazebrook Lane
Gleave Walk
Glebe Street
Glen Eagle Way
Glen Manor Drive
Glen Moir Terrace
Glenalva Court
Glenbourne Court
Glenbourne Park Basketball Court
Glenbourne Park Bike Facility
Glenbourne Park Playground
Glencairn Crescent
Glencoe Drive
Glenda Crescent
Glendale Road
Gleneagle Bakery
Glenelg Court
Glenforest Drive
Glengary Drive
Glenmont Avenue
Glenmore Avenue
Glenn Avenue
Glenn Court (B2W 1M4)
Glenn Drive
Glenora Avenue
Glenview Drive
Glenwood Avenue
Glitter Bean Cafe
Global Pet Food
Gloria Mccluskey Avenue
Gloster Court
Go Convenience
Go Store
Go Wild!
Gold Lane
Golf Links Drive
Golf Town
Golf View Drive
Good Robot Brewing Company
Goomba Bollard
Gordon Avenue
Gordon Street
Gorsebrook Avenue
Gorsebrook Junior High School
Gorsebrook Park
Gorsebud Close
Got Drunk, Fell Down
Gottingen Street
Gough Close
Gourok Avenue
Gouthro's No Frills
Government House
Governor's Loop
Governors Court
Governors Lake Drive
Grace Baptist Church
Grace Chapel
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace United Church
Grad House
Graffiti Wall
Grafton Street
Graham Street
Grahams Grove
Grahams Grove to Main Street Ramp
Grand Dérangement (Acadians)
Grande Allée
Grandhaven Boulevard
Grandhaven Clubhouse
Grandview Drive
Grandview Drive Group Home
Grandview Golf and Country Club
Granite Terrace
Grant Hill Lane
Grant Street
Granville Mall
Granville Road
Granville Street
Graphite Drive
Grassy Lake Drive
Gravity Beauty Lounge
Graycourt Terrace (B2W 5X2)
Great Wall Restaurant
Greco Pizza
Greek Village
Greely Court
Green Café
Green Lane
Green Light Certified Used Cars
Green Light Used Cars
Green Road
Green Road Ballfield
Green Road Walkway
Green Street
Green Village Lane
Greenbank Court
Greenborough Crescent
Greenhead Road
Greenmount Drive
Greenoch Drive
Greenough Ballfield
Greenpark Close
Greenway Trail
Greenwich Drive
Greenwood Avenue
Greenwood Drive
Gregory Drive
Gregory Lane
Grenadier Drive
Grenoble Court
Griffin Place
Grill Way & Catering
Grille Works
Grimes Avenue
Gristmill Court
Grosse Street
Grosvenor Road
Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary School Park Ball Diamond
Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary School Park Sport Field
Ground Zero
Grounded Espresso Bar
Grove Street
Guapa Boutique
Guildford Avenue
Gulf Street
Gurholt Drive
Gus' Pub
Guy Street
Guysborough Avenue

Habanero’s Modern Taco Bar
Habesha Convenience & Laundromat
Habesha Corner Store
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Hadley Crescent
Haig Street
Hair Artistic and Laser Center
Hair Attic
Hair by Bea
Hair Factory
Hair I Am
Hairs to Ya
Hakim Optical
Halal Basha Restaurant
Halcraft Printers Incorporated
Halef Court
Hali Deli
Hali kids
Haliburton Avenue
Halifax - Dartmouth Ferry
Halifax - Woodside Ferry
Halifax Alehouse
Halifax Army Navy Store
Halifax Atatürk Memorial
Halifax Auto Sport
Halifax Bread Factory
Halifax Brewery Farmers Market
Halifax Buy & Sell
Halifax Casino Sculpture
Halifax Central Common Tennis Courts
Halifax Central Junior High
Halifax Central Library
Halifax Cheese Shop
Halifax Chinese Alliance Church
Halifax Chinese Christian Church
Halifax Christian Church
Halifax Citadel
Halifax Citadel Coffee Bar
Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Halifax City Hall
Halifax Common Footway
Halifax Common Pool
Halifax Commons Skatepark
Halifax Curling Club
Halifax Cycles
Halifax Cycling Coalition Discount
Halifax Explosion
Halifax Explosion Commemorative Marker
Halifax Explosion Firefighters (2004)
Halifax Explosion Marker
Halifax Explosion Memorial
Halifax Explosion Memorial Bell Tower
Halifax Folklore Centre
Halifax Grammar School
Halifax Harbour Bridges Mackay Toll Station
Halifax Harbour Inner Light
Halifax Hydrostone (2001)
Halifax Independent School
Halifax Infirmary
Halifax Infirmary main entrance 4900
Halifax Infirmary Summer Street entryway
Halifax Lancers
Halifax Laundry Co.
Halifax Link
Halifax Mac Store
Halifax Memorial
Halifax Mosaic
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #1
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #10
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #11
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #2
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #3
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #4
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #7
Halifax North Common Ball Diamond #8
Halifax North Common Cricket
Halifax North Common Football Field
Halifax North Memorial Library
Halifax Nova Scotia Temple
Halifax Port Authority
Halifax Provincial Courthouse
Halifax Public Gardens
Halifax Public Libraries
Halifax Regional Police Central Division
Halifax Regional Police East Division Community Office
Halifax Regional Police Headquarters
Halifax Regional Water
Halifax Rgional Police West Division Community Office
Halifax Rowing Club
Halifax Seed Company
Halifax Shopping Centre Boulevard
Halifax Tool Library
Halifax Urban Greenway
Halifax Vintage
Halifax Water Operations (Western Region)
Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk
Halifax Waterfront North Boardwalk
Halifax West Armoury
Halifax West High School Park Basketball Court
Hallmark Crescent
Halls Road
Halo Lane
Hamachi Kita
Hamachi Mura
Hamblen's Audio/Video Service
Hamilton Lane
Hamilton Street
Hamlet Lane
Hammonds Plains Road
Hampshire Way
Hampstead Court
Hampton Green
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Halifax - Dartmouth
Hampton Inn by Hilton Halifax Downtown
Hamshaw Drive
Hannebury Drive
Hanover Court
Hanover Street
Hanson Drive
Happy Kraken Hobby Lounge
Happy Sushi
Harbour City Bar & Restaurant
Harbour Drive
Harbour Isle
Harbour Lane
Harbour Mews
Harbour Place
Harbourview Bar and Lounge
Harbourview Drive
Hardisty Court
Hare Lane
Harlington Crescent
Harmes Drive
Harold W. Conrad Memorial Ballfield
Harrington Drive
Harrington's VW Parts & Service
Harris Court
Harris Road
Harris Street
Hart House
Hart Road
Hartlen Avenue
Hartlen Street
Harvard Drive (B0J 3A0)
Harvard Street
Harvest Bedford
Harvey Street
Harvey's/Swiss Chalet
Hastings Drive
Hatchery Lane
Haute Street
Havelock Crescent
Havenbrook Hill (B2W 0G1)
Hawk Terrace
Hawthorn Street
Hawthorne Business Centre
Hawthorne Elementary Field
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Street
Haystead Ridge
Hazelholme Drive
Hazelhurst Street
Hazelnut Court
Hazelton Hill
Head House
Health Nutz
Hearing Institute Atlantic
Hearthstone Inn Boutique Hotel Dartmouth/Halifax
Hearthwood Crescent
Heartwood Bakery and Cafe
Heather Road
Heatherwood Court
Heathland Way
Heathside Crescent
Hebb's Automotive
Hebden Court
Hector Gate
Heffler Street
Heinish Avenue
Heirloom Tattoo
Helen Creighton Court
Helen's Family Barbershop
Helene Avenue
Helmsman Court
Hemlock Ravine
Hemlock Street
Hemlock Walk
Hemming Court (B2W 5E4)
Heng Fung
Henneberry Drive
Hennessey Back Lane
Hennessey Place
Hennessey Street
Henry House
Henry Street
Heppy's Pie Lady
Herbert Road
Herbert Street
Heritage Hearth
Heritage Hideaway B&B
Heritage Hills Drive
Heritage Memorials
Heritage Oak Columbarium
Heritage Trail
Hermes Gallery
Heron Walk
Herring Cove Road
Hershey Road
Hershey Road (B2Y)
Hester Street
HFX sports bar and grill
HFX Wanderers FC FanShop
Hi liner
Hibernia Court (B2W 4Z3)
Hickory Lane
Hidden Gems and Rock Shop
Higgins Avenue
High Ego walk
High Road
High Street
Highfield Park Drive
Highfield Street
Highland Avenue
Highland Crescent
Highland Park Junior High
Highway 7
Highwood Street
Higney Avenue
Hilchie Road
Hilford Street
Hill Court
Hillary Street
Hillcrest Avenue
Hillcrest Drive
Hillcrest Street
Hillcrest Volkswagen
Hillsboro Drive
Hillsburn Court (B2W 4M8)
Hillside Avenue
Hillside Avenue (B3A)
Hillside Lane
Hillside Wesleyan Church - Parkway Campus
Hillside Wesleyan Church - Ritcey Campus
Hillspire Grove (B2W 6P4)
Hilltop Terrace
Hillview Drive
Hillwood Crescent
Hilton Drive
HimYum Pizza
Hines Road
Hinterland Run
Hirandale Crescent
Hirandale Crescent (B2W 6H2)
Hirandale Crescent (B2W 6H3)
Historic Properties
H.J. Shanks Avenue
HMCS King’s Wardroom
Hobsons Lake Drive
Hobsons Lake Express
Hobsons Lake Look-off
Hobsons Lake Loop
Hobsons Lake Trail
Hockey Life
Hogan Court
Hogan Court Esso
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Halifax – Dartmouth
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Halifax-Bedford
Holiday Lane
Holland Avenue
Holland Building
Holland Street
Hollis Street
Holly Lane
Hollyhock Way
Hollyoake Lane
Holmes Lane
Holtwood Court
Holy Cones
Holy Trinity Emmanuel Church
Home Hardware
Homecrest Terrace
Homefire Crescent
Homeward Avenue
Homewood Suites by Hilton Halifax-Downtown
Honey & Ginger
Hood Street
Hooper Lane
Hop Sing Restaurant
Horace Loop
Horizon Court
Horizon Road
Hornes Road
Horse Lane
Horseshoe Lake Drive
Horticultural Hall
Hostel backpackers
Hotel Halifax
Hotel Halifax - Entrance & Reception
Houda Court
House of Halal
House of Mei Mei
Howard Avenue
Howe Street
HRM Modular Shelters (Halifax)
HS Studio
Hubleys Drive
Hudson Way
Hudson's Bay
Hugh Allen Drive
Humble Pie Kitchen
Hume Street
Hunter Street
Huntingdon Drive
Huron Street
Huskies Stadium
Huxley Close
Hydrostone Groceteria

I love Pho
I Love Sushi


Ida Street
Idlewylde Road
Ihab Barber Shop

il Canino & Growlies - Bedford

Il Mercato
Ilsley Avenue
Immanuel United Baptist Church of Westphal
Imo Lane
Imperial Oil Dartmouth Centotaph
In a box
In Spring

in spring asian fusion cuisine

Independent Mercantile Company
Indi's Shoetique
India Street
Indian grocceries
Indian Point
Indochine Banh Mi
Inez Lane
Inglewood Crescent
Inglewood Drive
Inglis Lodge
Inglis Street
Inglis Street Elementary School
Inner Flow
Innovation Drive
Innsbrook Way

iNova Credit Union

Inspector Court
Intercolonial Street

interSPACE Resource Group

Inverary Drive
Inverness Avenue
Iona Presbyterian Church
Ira Settle Ballfield 1
Ira Settle Ballfield 2
Irises Flowers
Irishtown Road
Ironstone Lane
Iroquois Drive
Irvin Cross Place
Irving / Circle K
Irving Gas Station
Irving OI
Irving Shipyard
Irving Street
Isabel Lane
Isabella Drive
Isaiah Lane
Islamic Association of Nova Scotia
Islamic Centre
Islandview Drive (B2X)
Isleville Street
Isner Avenue
Isnor Drive
Israel Convenience
Italian Market
Ivanhoe Street
IWK Health Centre
IWK Health Centre AIS
Izzy's Bagel Co

J'Adore Nails Salon & Spa
JA Snow Funeral Home
Jack & Jones
Jack Astor's
Jack Fergusson Avenue
Jack's Lake Cutover Path
Jackson Road
Jacky's Cafe
Jacob Lane
Jade Dragon
Jake's Florist & Chocolatier
Jam Lane
James Street
James Winfield Lane
Jamieson Street
Jane's Next Door
Janet's Flowers
Janice Ann Drive
Jarvis Lane
Jason MacCullough Memorial Park Trail
Jasper Drive
Java Blend
Jaybe Drive
Jayden Drive
JB Higgins Field
Jean Avenue
Jeans Chinese Restaurant
Jeep Crescent
Jekyll & Hyde
Jennett Avenue
Jennifer's of Nova Scotia
Jennings Street
Jenny's Place
Jerry Lonecloud Trail
Jerry's Kwik Way
Jersey Drive
Jersey Jack Trail
Jessies Pizza
Jessy's Pizza
Jessys Pizza
Jetty Road
Jiffy Lube
Jim Connors Avenue
Jim's Family Restaurant
Jincheng Chinese Cuisine
Jishung Restaurant
JJ Mart
Joan Eleanor Drive (B2W 5Z9)
Joaquina Court
Joe Street
Joe's Market
Joffre Street
John Brenton Drive
John Cross Drive
John Gorham Lane
John MacNeil Elementary School Park
John Macneil Elementary School Park Greenway
John Martin Junior High
John Parr Drive
John Russell Field
John Savage Avenue
John Stewart Drive
John Street
John W. Doull, Bookseller
John Young 'Agricola' (1981)
John's Lunch
Johnny's Snack Bar
Johnson Road
Johnstone Avenue
Johnstone Avenue (B2Y)
Jolly Tails
Jon Jacques Court
Joseph Howe Building
Joseph Howe Centre
Joseph Howe Drive
Joseph Howe Greenway
Joseph Street
Joseph Strug Concert Hall
Joseph Young Street
Joseph Zatzman Drive
Josephine Court
Joyce Avenue
Jubilee Junction
Jubilee Road
Judith & Charles
Jugo Juice
JUKAI Japanese & Thai
Julieanne E. O'Brien Memorial Ballfield
Julien’s Bakery and Café
Julies Walk
Julius Boulevard
Jumpstart Inclusive Playground
June Street
Jungle Jim's
Juniper Crescent
Just Cosy
Just Cozy

Kabyan Food Mart
Kajohn Thai
Kaleigh Drive
Kane Back Lane
Kane Place
Kane Street
Kanpai Izakaya
Kapuskasing Street
Karen Court
Karen Drive
Karlsen's Wharf
Kartbahn Racing
Kassi Lane
Kate Court
Katherine Ellis Laboratory
Katrina Crescent
Kaye Street
Kaytyon Court
Kearney Lake Beach
Kearney Lake Park
Kearney Lake Road
Kearney Lake Trail
Keating Road
Kebab Kitchen
Keddy Road
Kee Heong Cantonese Bakery & Dim Sum
Keefe Drive
Kellogg Learning Commons
Kelly Street
Kelvin Grove
Kempster's Cookhouse
Kempt Road
Kencrest Avenue
Kendall Court
Kennedy Court
Kennedy Drive
Kenny Street
Kenny's Pizza
Kent Avenue
Kent Building Supplies
Kent Street
Kenwood Drive
Kenyatta Drive
Kerri Lea Lane
Keshen Goodman Public Library
Keyes Court
Keyport Avenue
Keystone Court
Keyworth Lane
Keyworth Lane connector
Kids & Company
Kidston Road
Kilbirnie Lane
Kilgar Road
Killam Memorial Library
Killarney Drive
Killkee Gate
Kiltearn Row
Kim's MJ
Kimberley Crescent
Kimberley Crescent Pedway
Kincardine Drive
King Andrew Tower
King of Donair
King Street
King Street Fire Station
King Vapour
King's Co-op Bookstore
King's College Chapel
King's Library
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witness
Kingfisher Crescent
Kings Court
Kings Wharf Place
Kingsbury Way
Kingsley Close
Kingsmere Court
Kingspier Curated Collections
Kingston Crescent
Kinsale Court
Kirk Road
Kirkcaldy Lane
Kirkwood Court
Kirtland Court
Kissock Court
Kit Kat Pizza
Kitchen Design Plus
Kiwanis Centre Beach
Kiyoto Sushi
Kline Street
Knightsridge Drive
Knob Hill Crescent
Kofuku Japanese and Thai
Kohar Court
Koodo and Telus
Korca Pizza
Koroni's pizzeria & mediterranean
Kraal Terrace
Krause Court
Krave Burger
Kuhn Road
Kuluna Court
Kurves Brow Bar
Kwick Way
Kwik Way Convenience
Kyles Court
Kylie's Nail and Spa

La Cucina Cafe Pizzeria and Spaghetti House
La Familia Pizza
La Frasca Restaurant
La Piazza Ristorante
La Pierre Crescent
L.A Smith's Convenience Store
La Vie en Rose
La Villa
La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor
Labrador Avenue (B0J 3A0)
Lace Up
Lacewood Drive
Lacewood Pharmacy
Lacomb Drive
Lady Hammond Grooming Centre
Lady Hammond Road
Lady Luck Boutique
Lady Slipper Drive
Lahey Road
Lake Banook Trail
Lake Charles Drive
Lake Charles Trail
Lake City Motel
Lake Drive
Lake Loon
Lake Loon Crescent
Lake Loon Golf Centre
Lake Loon Road
Lake Major Road
Lake Major Water Treatment Plant
Lake Major Water Treatment Plant Access
Lake Walkway
Lakecrest Drive
Lakefront Road
Lakehigh Crescent
Lakehill Drive
Lakelands Boulevard
Lakemist Court
Lakeridge Crescent
Lakeshire Crescent
Lakeshore Park Playground
Lakeshore Park Terrace
Lakeshore Park Trail
Lakeshore Trail
Lakeside Drive
Lakeside Parcel Pickup location
Lakeside Post Office
Lakeside Terrace
Lakeview Avenue
Lakeview Drive
Lakeview Point Road
Lakeview Trail
Lakewater Court
Lakewood Court
Lambert Lane
Lamont Terrace
Lanark Street
Lanarkshire Court
Lancaster Drive
Land Rover Halifax
Landrace Crescent
Landsburg Road
Landsdown Drive
Lang Optometry
Langbrae Drive
Langdon Drive
Langilles Lane
Langley Avenue
Lanigan Court
Lanshaw Close
Lansing Court
Lantana Terrace
Larch Street
Larkview Terrace
Larry O'Connell Field
Larry Uteck Boulevard
Lasalle Court
Lashburn Place (B2Y 4B3)
Last Post Drive
Last Stop
Lauderdale Court
Laura Secord
Laurel Lane
Laurelcrest Drive
Laurentian Drive
Laurentide Drive
Laurie Drive
Laurier Street
Lawlor Crescent
Lawlor Crescent (B2Z 1C1)
Lawnsdale Drive
Lawnwood Avenue
Lawrence Street
Lawson Avenue
Lawton's Drug Store
Lawton's Drugs
Lawtons Drug #172 Post Office RPO
Lawtons Drug #2754 Post Office RPO
Lawtons Drugs
Lawtons Drugs #112
Lawtons Drugs #112 Post Office
Lawtons Drugs #163 RPO
Lawtons Drugs Spring Garden
Lawtons Drugs Spring Garden RPO
Lawtons Lord Nelson #114
Lawtons Lord Nelson #114 RPO
Layla's Mediterranean Cuisine
Layton Road
LDM: Lisa Drader-Murphy
Le Bistro by Liz
Le Château
Le Petit Voilier
Lea Street
Leacock Court
Leaman Drive
Leaman Street
Leander Drive
Lebanese Cultural Centre
Leblanc Court
Ledgegate Lane
Lee Valley Tools
Lee's Nails
Leeds Street
Legacy Tattoos and Supplies
Leicester's Deli
LeMarchant Street
Lemlair Row
Lemon Tree
Lemont Lake
Lenora Lane
Leo's Pizza
Leonamarie Drive
Leppert Street
Lethbridge Avenue
Letson Court
Levantic Bakery
Lewis Drive
Lewis Street
Lexington Avenue
Lexington Avenue (B2X 3S2)
Lexington Avenue (B2X 3T5)
Leyland Grove
LF Bakery
Lido Pool
Life (1968)
Life Branch Church
Life Salon & Spa
Life SalonSpa
Life Sciences Centre
Life Sciences Research Institute
Lighthouse Gallery
Lilac Street
Lillian Drive
Lily Pond Way
Limardo Drive
Limerick Road
Lincoln Cross
Lincoln Drive
Linden Court
Linden Court (B2W 4X2)
Linden Lea (B2Y 2E2)
Linden Street
Lindenwood Terrace
Lindola Place
Lindsay Hill
Lindy Lane
Linen Chest
Lion's Head Tavern
Liquid Gold
Lisa Drader-Murphy
Liscomb Court (B2W 4G8)
Lister Drive
Litchfield Crescent
Little 'Dutch' Church
Little Belchers Pond Trail
Little Caesars
Little Fox Lane
Little Lauderdale
Live Art Dance
Lively Court
Liverpool Street
Livingstone Back Lane
Livingstone Place
Livingstone Street
LK Yarns
Lloyd Fox Avenue
Local Source
Local Source Market
Location 1
Location 10
Location 11
Location 12
Location 13
Location 14
Location 15
Location 16
Location 17
Location 19
Location 2
Location 20
Location 22
Location 23
Location 24
Location 25
Location 26
Location 27
Location 28
Location 3
Location 4
Location 5
Location 6
Location 7
Location 8
Location 9
Lochaber Court
Lochburn Lane
Lochiel Circle
Lochiel Circle (B2W 6H1)
Lochmoor Lane
Locke Street
Locks Road
Lockside Canteen
Lodge Court
Lodge Crescent
Lodge Drive
Lodge Road
Logiealmond Close
Lois Lane
Lombardy Lane
London Street
Londra Court
Long & McQuade
Long Alley Bicycles
Long Alley Bikes
Long and McQuade musical school
Long Lake Drive
Long Lake Wilderness Loop
Long Lake Wilderness Trail
Longard Plaza
Look Ho Ho
Lookoff Lane
Lookoff Trail
Loon Terrace
Loong 7 Chinese Restaurant
Loonview Lane
Loop Road Walk
Loppie Close
Lord Dalhousie Drive
Lorne Avenue
Lorne Drive
Lorne Terrace
Lorraine Street
Lorway Drive
Lost & Found
Lost Cod Clothing
Lot Six Bar & Restaurant
Lou Pécou
Loughborough Lane
Louis Court
Louisburg Lane
Louise Avenue
Louise Court
Lovell Lane
Lovett Lake Court
Lovett Street
Lowe Court
Lower Deck Bar & Grill
Lower Water Street
Lower Water Street mural
Lower Water Street Protected Bike Lane
Lowery Court
Lowther Lane
LRS Trophy
Luann Drive
Lucien Drive
Lucknow Street
Lugar Court
Luminate Co Wellness Market
Lumpkin Road
Lundy Drive
Lundys Lane
Luxury Hair Halifax
Lyle Street
Lynch Estates Court
Lynch Street
Lyngby Avenue
Lynn Drive
Lynn Road
Lynwood Drive
Lynwood Lane
Lyon Street
Lyons Avenue

M & Y Asian Market
M&M Food Market
M&Y 中国城市
Mabou Avenue
Macara Street
MacDonald Avenue
Macdonald Bridge Bikeway
Macdonald Bridge Cyclepath
Macdonald Street
MacDonalds Beach Road (B0J 3A0)
Macdougall Street
MacKay Street
MacKay's Pharmachoice
Mackenzie Street (B2W 1B2)
Mackerel Benches and Whale Tail
Mackintosh Street
Maclaughlin Road
MacLean Avenue
Macleod Drive
Macnab Avenue
Macrae Avenue
Made In The Maritimes Artisan Boutique
Madeira Crescent
Madeline Place
Madison Drive
Magnificent Avenue
Magnificent Avenue (B0J 3A0)
Magog Court
Mahogany Lane
Mailing Street
Main Ave Small Option
Main Avenue
Main Pool
Main Road
Main Street
Main Street Ballfield
Main Street to Braemar Drive Ramp
Mainland Common All-Weather Sport Field #2
Mainland Common Ball Diamond
Mainland North Linear Parkway
Maintenance Shed
Maitland Street
Major Street
Mall One
Malrooney Building
Malt Plant
Mama Gratti’s Deli & Market
Man Bean
Manchu Wok
Mandaville Court
Manhattan Pizza
Mann Street
Manor Drive (B2Y 4H6)
Manor Lane
Manulife Tower Two
Maple Drive
Maple Grove Avenue
Maple House
Maple Lane
Maple Road
Maple Street
Maple Walk
Maplehurst Drive
Maplewood Drive
Maplewood Lane
Maps & More
Marble Building
Marble Slab Creamery
Marcs Way (B2Y 4G1)
Margaree Parkway
Margaret Road
Margaretta Site
Margate Drive
Marginal Road
Marilyn Drive
Marine Drive
Marine Parade Drive
Mariner Close
Maritime Beauty
Maritime Canvas Converters
Maritime Centre
Maritime Conservatory of Music
Maritime dance Academy
Maritime Dance Academy
Maritime Frame-It
Maritime Hall
Maritime Hobbies & Crafts
Maritime Motel
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
Maritime Muslim Academy
Maritime Travel
Marjorie Ann Drive
Marjorie Russell Lane
Mark A. Hill Accessibility Centre
Market Street
Marketplace Drive
Marketway Lane
Marlborough Avenue
Marlborough Woods
Marlwood Drive
Marquee Ballroom
Marriott Harbourfront
Marriott Hotel driveway
Marriott Murals
Marriott Street
Marshall Street
Martello Street
Martha's Pizza ||
Martino's Pizza
Martlet Place
Marvin Street
Mary Brown's
Mary Fenton Court
Mary's place cafe II
Mary‘s African Cuisine
Masala Delight
Mascarene Drive
Mashawee Mediterranean Grill
Maskwa Aquatic Club
Maskwa Club Trail
Maskwi Lane
Mason Street
Mason Street Emergency Access
Massachusetts Avenue
Massage Experts
Mastermind Toys
Masthead Court
Mathers Court
Mathers House
Matthew Francis Court (B2W 6A1)
Mattress Mart
Maugers Beach
Mawio'mi Place (B2Y 0A5)
Mawiomi Place
Mawiomi Place (B2Y 0A5)
Maxwell Avenue
Maxwell House
Maxwell's Plum
May Garden
May Street
Maybank #1
Maybank #2
Maybank #3
Mayfield Avenue
Mayfield Drive
Mayflower Curling Club
Mayflower Street
Maynard Street
Maynard Suites
Mayor Avenue
Mc. Jolly
McAlpine Avenue
McCarthy Street
McClure Close
Mccormacks Lane
Mcculloch Court
McCully Street
McCurdy Avenue
McFatridge Road
Mckay Lane
McLean Farm
Mclean Street
McLennan Avenue
McLoughlan Supplies
Mcmanus Road
Mcmullen Road
Mcnab Drive
McNabs Island
McNeil Street
Mcquade Lake Crescent
Mcquillan Lane
Meadow Walk
Meadowbrook Drive
Meadowlark Crescent
Meadowview Drive
MEC Mountain Equipment Company
Medford Street
Medina Court
Medway Court
Mellor Avenue
Mellowglen Court
Melody Drive
Melrose Avenue
Melrose Crescent
Melton Avenue
Melva Street
Melville Avenue
Melvin Road
Melwood Avenue
Memorial Drive
Memorial Lane
Mengoni Avenue
Merchant Court
Meridian Court (B2W 0A1)
Merkel Back Lane
Merkel Place
Merkel Street
Merlin Court
Merlot Court
Merrill Drive
Merrimac Drive
Merson Avenue
Merv Sullivan Park
Metro Care and Share Society
Metro Food Equipment
Metro Mitsubishi
Metro Pizza
Metro Preowned Auto Sales
Metro Self Storage
Mezza Lebanese Kitchen
Mic Mac A.A.C.
Mic Mac Mall
Michael Lane
Michelle Ashley's Bakery
Micmac Boulevard
Micmac Court
Micmac Drive
Micmac Street
Micmac Tailor Shop
Mid-East Food Centre
Midas Muffler
Middle Lane
Middle Street
Midyat Court
Mike's Hike
Mile et Buerre
Milk & Cookies
Mill Court
Mill Cove
Mill Cove Post Office
Mill Cove Wastewater Treatment Facility
Mill Lane
Mill Lane (Proposed)
Mill Run Trail
Millbrook Avenue
Millbrook First Nation
Miller Waste Systems
Millers Road
Millrun Crescent
Millview Avenue
Milsom Street
Milton Drive
Milverton Road
Minato Sushi Japanese Restaurant
Mini Halifax
Minshull Drive
Mirchi Tandoor
Mission Mart
Missionary Bible Church
Mistletoe Lane
Mitchell Court
Mitchell Street
Mizu Sushi
MJ Cash for Gold
MMA Service Lane
Modern Orchid
Modular Shelter
Moira Street
Moirs Mill Road
Momoya Restaurant
Mona Parsons Drive
Monaghan Drive
Monarch Drive
Monastery Lane
Money Direct Halifax
Money Mart
Monique Avenue
Monster Comic Lounge
Monster Lane
Mont Blanc Cannon
Mont Blanc Terrace
Mont Street
Montague Drive
Montague Gold Mines
Montague Mines Road
Montague Road
Monte's Showbar Grill
Montebello Drive
Montgomery Court
Montgomery Court Playground
Montrose Crescent
Moore Road
Moosehead Cold Beer Store
Morado Lane
Moran Street
Morash Drive
Morningfield Lane
Morningside Drive
Morris Avenue
Morris Drive
Morris East
Morris House
Morris Lake Drive
Morris Street
Morris Street East
Morris Street Extension
Morse's Tea Building
Mosher Drive
Moss Court
Mother's Pizza
Mott Street
Mount Edward Ballfield
Mount Edward Bike Park
Mount Edward Road
Mount Hope Avenue
Mount Olivet Cemetery
Mount Pleasant Avenue
Mount Portobello Road
Mount Royal Court (B3A 4R5)
Mountain Ash Court
Mountain Avenue
Mountain Road
Mountbatten Avenue
Moxie's Classic Grill
MR Apartments
Mr. Chang's Chinese Food Emporium
Mr. Lube
Mr P's Bakery
Mrs. Fields
Mt Edward Road Park
Mudwraps To Manicures
Muin Drive
Muir Gymnasium
Mulgrave Lane
Mumford Road
Murdoch Avenue
Muriel Avenue
Murphy Gear
Murphy's Laundromat
Murphy's The Cable Wharf
Murray Building
Murray Hill Drive
Murray Place
Murray Street
MVP Barbers
My Buddy’s Barber Shop
My City Life
My Humps
My Mother's Bloomers
My Mothers Bloomers
Myers Lane
Myra Road
Myrer Drive
Myrtle Street
MysteryByte Computers

Nabob Court
Nadia Drive
Nails for You

naji's barbershop

Naka Beauty Salon
Nantucket Ave Multi-use Pathway
Nantucket Avenue
NAPA Auto Parts
NAPA Auto Pro
Narrow Espresso
Narrowleaf Grove (B2W 6P5)
National Radiators
Natural Karaoke
Natural Means Massage Therapy Inc.
Nature's Cove
Natures Close
Naughty Paw
Nausett Crescent
Nautilus Aquatics and Hobbies
Naval Museum of Halifax
Navara Crescent
Navicula Lane
Navigation Way
Nayya Pizza & Grill
Needham Community Centre
Needham Street
Needs Convenience
Neilson Drive
Nellie's Brook
Nelson Avenue
Nelson Place
Nelsons Landing Boulevard
Nena's Breakfast House
Neptune Crescent
Neptune Theatre
Ness Lane
Nestor Crescent
New Apostolic Church
New Asia
New Asian Food Market
New Covenant Ministries
New Hope Baptist Church
New Indian Bazaar
New Scotland Brewing
New Scotland Yard Emporium
New Wing Wah
New York Fries
Newberry Court
Newbery Street
Newcastle Street
Newton Avenue
Niche Supper Club Lounge
Nicholas Meagher Basketball Courts Park
Nicholson Drive
Nicole Court (B2Y 4P3)
Nighthawk Lane
Nightingale Drive
Nine Mile Drive
Niobe Gate Bridge
Nivens Avenue
No Frills
Noah Avenue
Noble Grape
Noggins Coburg
Nootka Avenue
Nora Bernard Street
Norah Lane
Norbec Lane
Noreast Barber
Norm Newman Drive
Norma Eddy Drive
Norman Crescent
Normandy Drive
North Building
North Green Road
North is Freedom
North Marginal Road
North Park Street
North Preston
North Preston Road
North Ridge Road
North Street
North Street Ramp
Northbrook Bible Chapel
Northbrook Park Walkway
Northbrook Police Training Facility
Northcliffe Lane
Northeast Equipment
Northen Reflections
Northern Reflections
Northumberland Lane
Northwest Arm Path
Northwood Terrace
Norwood Street
Notting Court
Nottingham Street
Nova Court
Nova Grocery
Nova Pharmacy and Convenience
Nova Scotia Crystal
Nova Scotia Liquor Commission
Nova Scotia Medical Examiner Service
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
Nova Scotia RCMP Headquarters
Nova Scotia Rehab Centre
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame
Nova Scotia Store
Nova Scotian Crystal Mural
Nova Tactical
Nova Terrace
Novalea Drive
Novalea Kitchen & Market
Novawood Drive
Nowlan Street
NS 102
NSCAD Academy Building
NSCAD Temporary Sound Sculpture
NSLC Express

O'Brine Street
O'Regan's BMW
O'Regan's Collision Centre
O'Regan's Kia
O'Regan's Lexus Toyota Halifax
O'Regan's Mercedes-Benz
O'Regan's National Leasing
O'Regans Chevrolet Cadillac
O'Regans Nissan Dartmouth
Oak Lane
Oak Street
Oakburn Court
Oakdale Court (B3A 4R3)
Oakdale Crescent
Oakland Road
Oakleigh Avenue
Oakley Avenue
Oakmount Drive
Oakridge Drive
Oakwood Ave Pedestrian Overpass
Oakwood Avenue
Oakwood Court
Oasis Pub and Eatery
Oathill Crescent
Obsolete Records
Ocean Optometry
Oceanlea Drive
Oceanview Drive
Oceanview Drive (B2Y 0A5)
Oceanview School Road
Ochterloney Street
Ocono Court (B2W 5X6)
Octagonal Posts
Oddfellow's Barber Shop/Pro Skateboards
Odell Drive

off the Grill

Ogilvie Road
Ogilvie Street
Ohara Drive
OK Tire
Oland Court
Oland Crescent
Old Birch Road
Old Coach Road Trail
Old Ferry Road
Old Ferry Road (B2Y)
Old German Road
Old Keith Hall
Old Lawrencetown Road
Old Lawrencetown Road Greenway Trail
Old Lookout Hill Road
Old Miller Road
Old Navy
Old Port
Old Red Barn
Old Red Store
Old Sambro Road
Old Triangle
Olive Avenue
Oliver Street
Olivet Street
Olympic Court
On the Run
Once Upon a Child
Ondaatje Court
One of a kind
Ontario Street
Opal Court
Opalridge Drive
Open Book Coffee
Open Mic House
Orcadian Court
Orchard Street
Ordnance Road
Organic Earth Market
Ori Foods
Oriole Street
Orion Court
Orion Court (B2Y 4W6)
Orkney Drive
Orlando's Suntanning
Orquel Court (B2W 4Z3)
Orso Pub & Grill
Osborne Avenue
Osborne Street
OshKosh B'gosh
Osprey Nest Loop
Otago Drive
Otter Lake Court
Otter Lake Drive
Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lebanon Parish
Our Saviour Church
Outlaw Country Tatto
Outrigger Crescent
Overall Collision and Custom Restoration
Overdale Lane
OVO Convenience
Owen Drive
Oxford Street

P Thomas Drive (B2W 6A1)
P3 Hair and Beauty Supplies
Pacific Avenue
Pacific Street
Paddlers' Ridge
Paget Lane
Painted Obstacle Course
Paladin Lane
Palisade Place
Palm Tree Kitchen
Palmer Hill Road
Panavista Drive
Pane e Circo
Panorama Lane
Panorama Trail
Papa John's
Papa Mario's Pizza
Paper Hearts
Paper Mill Lane
Paramount Site
Park Ave Pumping Station
Park Avenue
Park Lane
Park West School Ground
Park West School Park Basketball Court
Parkdale Avenue
Parkedge Crescent
Parker Court
Parker Street
Parkhill Road
Parkland Avenue
Parkland Drive
Parkmount Close
Parkstone Road
Parkstone Terrace
Parkvale Crescent
Parkview Lane (B2W 6E5)
Parkway Drive
Parkwood Place
Parkwood Ridge
Parkwood Terrace
Parmbelle Lane
Partridge Lane
Party City
Passage Pizza
Passport Photo
Path to Marsh Lake Swamp
Patricia Lynn Court (B2W 6A1)
Patricia Road
Patricia Street
Patrick Lane
Patrons Golf & Lounge
Patterson Street
Patti's Kitchen & Bath Design Limited
Patton Lane
Paul David Court
Paul Stulac Cigars Smoke on the Water
Pauline Crescent
Paxton Drive
Payzant Avenue
Peace By Chocolate
Peace Court
Peace Officers Memorial
Peace Park Pavillion
Peachtree Hill
Peak Audio
Peakview Way
Pearl & Daisy
Pearl City
Pearl Drive
Pearl Street
Pearle Vision
Pearlgarden Close
Pearson Drive
Peavey Mart
Pebblecreek Crescent
Peddars Way


Peggys Island
Pelzant Street
Pembroke Court
Penhorn Drive
Penhorn Lake Trail
Penhorn # 1 Ballfield
Penhorn # 3 Ballfield
Pennington Street
Penny Avenue
Peoples Jewellers
Pepperell Street
Percy Street
Peregrine Crescent
Pernix Court
Perron Drive
Persimmon Properties
Perth Drive
Perth Street
Peruz Court
Pet Smart (exterior entrance)
Pet Valu
Pete's Fine Foods
Pete's Frootique
Peter Lowe Avenue
Peter Saulnier Drive
Peter's Pizzeria
Petite Allée
Petro Canada
Pets Unlimited
Pettipas Drive
Peverill Court
PG Cafe and Grill
Pharmasave Brookline Pharmacy
Phat's Barber Shop
Phil's Seafood
Philip Louis Pratley
Philip Street
Phillips Lane
Phinney Building
Phở Hoang Minh
Pickard Lane
Pickford & Black Building
Picnic Landing
Piece of Cake Bakery and Cafe
Pier 21
Pier 21 Immigration Annex
Pier 22
Pier 22 / Studio 22
Piers Avenue
Piers Military Community Centre
Pilchers Flowers
Pilot's Pub
Pilots Wharf
Pine Grove Drive
Pine Hill Crescent
Pine Hill Drive
Pine Hollow
Pine House Chinese Restaurant
Pine Road
Pine Street
Pinecrest Drive
Pinehaven Drive
Pinehill Road
Pineridge Drive
Pinewood Crescent
Pinewood Drive
Pinewood Terrace
Pino's Hair Studio
Pioneer Avenue
Pioneer Court
Pipeline Loop
Piper Street
Pita Pit
Pizza Co.
Pizza Delight
Pizza Girls
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut Delivery
Pizza Land
Pizza Pizza
Pizza Tomaso
Pizza Town
Plateau Crescent
Plaza Drive
Pleasant Shoal
Pleasant Street
Pleasant Street (B2Y)
Pleasant Street Diner
Pleasures N' Treasures
Plymouth Road
Plymouth Street
Point Pleasant Battery
Point Pleasant Drive
Point Pleasant Grocery
Polaris Wing
Pole Star convenience store
Pollys Lane
Pompano Court
Pondicherry Crescent
Pondside Amphitheatre
Pontac House
Poonam Court
Poor's Farm Road
Popcorn Island Trail
Pope John XXIII Catholic Church
Popeye's Supplements
Poplar Drive
Poplar Street
Porsche of Halifax
Port of Wine
Port Wallace
Port Wallis United Church
Portable Classroom
Portia White Court
Portland Estates
Portland Estates Boulevard (B2W 6A1)
Portland Estates Boulevard West
Portland Hills AT Greenway
Portland Hills Drive
Portland Hills Drive (B2W 6L7)
Portland Hills Drive (B2W 6L8)
Portland Lakes AT Greenway
Portland Lakes Trail
Portland Place
Portland Street
Portland Street Creperie
Portland Street Honda
Portland Estates Elementary School
Portobello Connector
Portobello Trail
Portside Lane
Poseidon Court
Potter Drive
Power House Youth Centre
Power Street
Power Terrace
Practice Cage
Preamble Footwear
Precision Sharpening
Premium Auto
Prenor Trust Building
Prentice Lane (B2Y 1L4)


Prescott Drive
Prescott Street
President’s Lodge
Press Gang
Preston Street
Prestwick Close
Pretzel Maker
Primal Kitchen
Primrose Street
Prince Albert Road
Prince Albert Road (B2Y 1N8)
Prince Arthur Avenue
Prince Arthur Avenue (B2Y)
Prince Arthur Street
Prince Edward Estates access
Prince Edward Trail
Prince George Hotel
Prince of Wales Drive
Prince Street
Prince Street Corridor
Prince William Street
Princes Walk
Princess Auto
Princess Margaret Boulevard
Princess Nails
Princess Place
Princess Place Shortcut
Princeton Lane (B2W 6K4)
Privateer’s Warehouse
Pro Cycle
Pro-Cathedral of Saint Aidan
Project 9
Project 9 Furniture
Promise Grove
Props floral design
Prospect Road
Prospectors Loop
Provider Road
Province of Nova Scotia
Provincial Building
Provincial Court
Provost Street
Pryor Street
Public Archives of Nova Scotia
Public Garden Path Connector
Public Garden Path connector to Spring Garden at Uncommon Grounds
Public Gardens Trail
Public Gardens Trail (Entrance from South Park)
Puchh Puchh Pet Lovers Point
Pudgey Tire
Pulsifer Court
Pulsifer Court (B2W 6A1)
Punch Bowl Drive
Puncher Avenue
Pür & Simple
Purcells Cove Quarry
Purcells Cove Road
Purcell’s Cove Social Club
Purdy's Landing
Purdy's-Marriott Pedestrian Bridge
Purdys Lane

Q&Q Homestyle
Q-Tique Fashion Studio
QEII New Generation
Qiu Brothers Dumplings
Quality Used Books
Quarry Road
Quarrystone Drive
Queen Square
Queen Street
Queen's Landing
Queen's Marque Boardwalk
Queen's Nails
Quickplus Convenience Store
Quigley’s Landing
Quindora Crescent
Quingate Parcel Pickup Location
Quingate Place
Quinn Court
Quinn Street
Quinpool Road

R Halifax
R. L. Fulton Equipment
Raccoon Lane
Race Auto
Race Auto Group
Radcliffe Drive
Raddall Avenue
Radish Chicken
Rage Room
Ragged Lake Boulevard
Ragus Road
Ragus Road (B2Y)
Raines Mill Road
Rainforth Avenue
Rainmaker Drive
Rainnie Drive
Rainnie Drive Protected Bike Lane
Raithpark Lane
Raleigh Court
Ralph Devlin Drive
Ralph Edward Court
Ralston Avenue
Ramona Court
Ramsbrook Court
Ramsgate Lane
Randall Avenue
Randall Street
Randhawa Court
Randolph Street
Randy's Pizza
Rannoch Road
Ranya Lane
Raptor Way
Raptor Way (B0J 3A0)
Rasa: Flavours of India
Rattling Avenue
Raven Hill
Ravenrock Lane
Ravenscraig Drive
Ravine Park Crescent
Ravine Trail
Ravines Drive
Raymond Street
Raymoor Drive
Rays Trailer Court Road
RBC Centre
RCMP - Cole Harbour Detachment
RCMP Preston Office
Real Canadian Superstore
Real Fake Meats
Reconciliation Way
Rector Street
Red Bridge Pond Pumpng Station
Red Bridge Pond Road
Red Bridge Pond Road (B2X 2C1)
Red Fern Terrace
Red Wing
Redbank Road
Redden Court
Redden Lane
Reddy Drive
Redwood Avenue
Reed Court
Regal Heights Church
Regal Road
Regatta Point Walkway
Regency Drive
Regency Park Drive
Regent Drive
Regent Road
Regina Terrace

reiyee Buy-Sell-Trade

Reliable Parts
Relish Gourmet Burgers
Remington Court
Remington Court Park Playground
Remington Court Park Trail
Ren's Pets
Renfrew Street
Rent Point Road
Research Drive
Reserve Road
Residence Inn Halifax Downtown
Residence Walk
Resto Urban Dining
Retreat Avenue
Revana Pizza
Revolution Automotive
Rexdale Avenue
Rhuland Street
Ribbon of Love
Richards Drive
Richardson Drive
Richmond School
Richmond Street
Ridding Road
Ridge Run
Ridge Valley Road
Ridgecliff Middle School
Ridgecrest Drive
Ridgepark Lane
Ridgestone Court
Ridgevale Drive
Ridgewood Court
Ridgewood Drive
Rifle Range Lane
Riley Road
Rise Again
Ristorante a Mano
Ritcey Crescent
Ritchie Drive
Rite Stop
River Lane
Riverview Crescent
Rixdale Drive
Robar Drive
Robert Allen Drive
Robert Annie Lane
Robert Burns Drive
Robert Drive
Robert Lane
Robert Murphy Drive
Roberts Street
Roberts Street Social Centre
Robertson C Business Equipment Ltd
Robie Street
Robie Street Water Reservoir
Robin Street
Roblea Drive
Robyn's Dairy Bar
Rochdale Place
Rock Head
Rock n' Roll
Rockbottom Brewery
Rockcliffe Drive
Rockcliffe Street
Rockhaven Court
Rockhaven Drive
Rockhead Court
Rockingham Loop
Rockingham Pharmacy
Rockingham United Church
Rocklin Court
Rocklin Drive
Rocklyn Road
Rockmanor Drive
Rockpoint Court
Rockwood Avenue
Rocky Lake Drive
Rocky Lake Junior High School
Rodney Road
Rodney Terrace
Rogers Drive
Roleika Drive
Romans Avenue
Ronald Court
Ronald McDonald House Halifax
Ronald Smith Avenue
Roode Court
Rooksview Lane
Roome Street
Roosevelt Drive
Ropewalk Lane
Rosborough Loop
Rose Fortune Gate
Rose Street
Rose Way (B2Y 4L9)
Rosebank Avenue
Rosecroft Drive
Rosedale Avenue
Rosedale Drive
Rosehedge Lane
Rosehill Drive
Rosehurst Close
Rosemeade Avenue
Rosemount Avenue
Roseway Court
Rosewood Court
Rosewood Court (B2W 6K3)
Rosewood Lane
Roslyn Drive
Roslyn Road
Ross Lane
Ross Road
Ross Street
Rossi Drive
Rotary Stage
Rousseau Chocolatier
Rowan Court
Rowe Avenue
Rowledge Lane
Roxbury Court
Roxham Close
Roxton Road
Roy Archibald Drive
Roy Crescent
Royal Artillery Court
Royal Canadian Legion Spryfield Branch
Royal Centre
Royal Masts Way
Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron
Royal Pine Avenue
Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
Royale Boulevard
Royalfern Way
Royalvue Court (B2Y 4L6)
Royles Avenue
RPM Productions
Ruben Court
Rufus Avenue
Running Room
Rush Hour Pizza
Russell Lake Drive
Russell Lake Drive (B2W 6J5)
Russell Street
Rust Check
Rusty Hinges
Ruth Drive
Ruth Goldbloom Drive
Rutledge Street
Ryan Duffy's Steakhouse
Ryan Gate
Ryland Avenue

Sabra Court (B2W 4Y5)
Sackville Landing
Sackville Landing Stage
Sackville Street
Sacred Heart School of Halifax
Saffron Multi Cuisine Indian Restaurant
Sagewood Lane
Saguenay Place (B2W 6H9)
Sailboat Lane
Sailmaker Lane
Sailors Memorial Way
Saint Andrews
Saint Andrews Anglican Church
Saint Antonios Antiochian Orthodox Church
Saint Benedict Parish
Saint David's Hall
Saint Francis Field - Rugby Pitch
Saint Ignatius Catholic Church
Saint John's Anglican Church
Saint Laurent Place
Saint Lou's Gentlemen's Barbershop
Saint Margaret of Scotland
Saint Mary's Cathedral Basilica
Saint Matthew's
Saint Michael’s Catholic Church
Saint Peter's Anglican Church
Saint Peter's Church
Saint Thomas More Parish
Saint Thomas United Baptist Church
Saj House
Salim's Variety
Salmon River Drive
Salmon River Terrace
Salon117 hair design
Salt Yard
Salt Yard Too
Salter Boardwalk
Salter Street
Saltyard Way
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Fairview Chapel
Salvatore's Pizzaiolo Trattoria
Salzburg Place
Sam's Seafood
Samaa Court
Same Day Dry Cleaners
Samuel Danial Drive
Samuel Terrace
Samuel Walker Drive
Sandhurst Close
Sandlewood Terrace
Sandra Court
Sands at Salter
Sandy Lake Academy
Sandy Lake Trail
Saraguay House
Saraguay Place
Sarah & Tom
Sarah Crescent
Sarah Street
Saratoga Drive
Sarnia Avenue
Sarto Drive
Saskatoon Drive
Saunders Lane
Savona Court
Scallywags Barbershop
Scarfe Court
Scarlet Road
Schnare Street
School Avenue
School of Health and Human Performance
School Street
School Trail
Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University
Schultz Field
Science Park Drive
Score Pizza
Scot Street
Scotch Pine Terrace
Scotia Drive
Scotia Pharmacy
Scotia Square
Scotia Tire
Scotia Tire Service Limited
Scotiabank Centre
Scotiabank Studio
Scotiabank Theatre Halifax
Scotian Road
Scotsburn Avenue
Scott Drive
Scott Manor House
Scott Street
Sea King Drive
Sea Smoke
Sea Troll
Seafire Avenue
Seafire Avenue (B0J 3A0)
Seaforth Street
Seafury Drive
Seapoint Road
Seaport Social
Searchlight Emplacement
Seasons at Atlantica
Seasons Motor Inn
Seaview Avenue
Seawalk Stage
Seawall Walkway
Sebastian Back Lane
Sebastian Place
Sebastian Street
Second Cup
Second Gallery
Second Street
Sedgemoor Court
Sedgewick Place
Selby's Bunker Coffee and gifts
Seldon Street
Selig Street
Selma Drive
Senobe Aquatic Club
Sentinal Square
Sentry Court
Sentry Place
Seoa’s chicken
Seoul Korean Restaurant
Sequoia Lane
Serocco Crescent
Serocco Crescent (B2W 6G5)
Serop Crescent
Serotina Lane
Serpentine Avenue
Serpentine Road
Service Dog Area
Service HFX 118-01 Road
Service Road HFX 118-01
Seton Road
Settle Street
Sexton Design & Technology Library
Sexton House
Seymour Street
Seymour the Sea Turtle
SH hair studio
Shaar Shalom Synagogue
Shades of Pink
Shady Lane
Shaffleburg Run
Shahi Groceries
Shakespeare by the Sea – Office
Shakur Jefferies
Shalimar Crescent
Shambhala School
Shamrock Drive
Shannon Park
Shannon Park Lookout
Shari Ann Court
Sharleen Court
Sharons Place
Shasta Lane
Shaughnessy Place
Shaunslieve Drive
Shaw Crescent
Shawinigan Road
Shearwater Aviation Museum
Shearwater Chapel
Shearwater Fitness & Sports Centre
Shearwater Flyer Trail
Shearwater Forum
Shearwater Post Office
Shearwater Yacht Club
Shed 9
Shed 9A
Shed 9B
Sheffield Baptist Church
Sheffield Park Sport Field
Sheiling Lane
Shengs Chinese Restaurant
Shepherd Road
Sheppards Run
Sheradon Place
Sherbrooke Drive
Sheridan Street
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Sherwood Street
Ships and Men
Shipside Lane
Shipyard Road
Shirley Elliott Court
Shirley Street
Shoppers Drug Mart
Shoppers Drug Mart #0129 RPO
Shoppers Drug Mart #0166 RPO
Shoppers Drug Mart #2008 RPO
Shore Avenue
Shore Drive
Shore Road
Shore Road Look-off
Shoreham Lane
Shoreview Drive
Short Street
Shrewsbury Road
Shrimp Lover & Tropical Fish
Shubenacadie Canal Trail
Shubie Beach
Shubie Campground
Shubie Canal Greenway
Shubie Canal Trail
Shubie Drive
Shubie Park Campground
Shubie Park Greenway
Shubie Park Pathway
Shuck Seafood + Raw Bar
Sicilian Pizza
Side Road
Sienna Court
Sievert's Limited
Silistria Drive
Silken lingerie
Silver Dragon Restaurant
Silver Terrace
Silvers Hill Bleachers
Silvers Lane
Silvers Road
Silverwood Terrace
Simcoe Place
Simmonds Drive
Simmonds Road
Sinclair Street
Siniuk Lane
Sinnot Hill Park Look Off
Sioux Road
Sir Charles Tupper Elementary School Park Playground
Sir James Dunn Law Library
Sir James Dunn Theatre
Sir John S.D. Thompson School
Sir Robert Borden Junior High Basketball Court
Sir Sandford Fleming Memorial Tower
Sir Walter Scott Monument
Sir Winston Churchill
Sirius Crescent
Site of former Detention Barracks
Site of former Hugonin-Perrin Estate and Gardens
Six 303 Eatery
Six Mile Falls
Skeena Lane
Skeena Street
Sketti and Ball
Skin Decision
Skokomul Street
Skylark Street
Skysail Court
Skyvue Terrace
Slayed Hair & Esthetics
Slayter Street
Sleep Country
Sleep Therapeutics
Smallwood Avenue
Smart Set
Smart Street
Smelt Brook Park Trail
Smiling Goat

smiling goat

Smith Avenue
Smith Lane
Smith Street
Smiths Road
Smoke's Poutinerie
Smokehouse Brewery
Snappy Tomato's Pizzeria
Sneaker's Trail
Sniggily Wiggily's Beer N' Booze Concreatery
Snowy Owl Drive
Sobeys Express
Sobeys Fast Fuels
Sock It To Ya
Soft Moc
Soled Out Sneakers
Solutions Drive
Solutions Drive Walking Trail
Somerset Avenue
Somerset Street
Son Community Church
Song's Korean Food
Sophia Crescent
Sophia Street
Sophia's Hairstyling
Source Atlantic
Sout Park Bikeway - Northbound
South Armcrescent Street
South Bland Street
South Building
South End Baptist Church
South End Florist
South Hampton Mini Mart
South House
South Magazine
South Museum Wharf
South Park
South Park Bikeway - Southbound
South Park Street
South Ridge Circle
South Ridge Circle (B3A 4Z2)
South Street
Southampton Drive
Southbrook Crescent
Southdale Post Office
Southdale Street
Southgate Drive
Southhaven Close (B2W 6P8)
Southill Drive
Southwood Drive
Sovereign Building
Sovereign Crescent (B2W 6H2)
Sovereign Crescent (B2W 6H3)
Sovereign Place
Spar Crescent
Sparkling Pools And Spas
Sparks Road
Spectacle Lake Drive
Spectacle Lake Trail
Speedy Auto Service
Speedy Glass
Spence Drive
Spencer Avenue
Spider Lake Connector
Spider Lake Road
Spikenard Street
Spinnaker Drive
Splice Training
Split Crow
Splurge Boutique
Sport Chek
Spring Avenue
Spring Avenue (B2W 4C5)
Spring Garden Café
Spring Garden Place
Spring Garden Road
Spring Street
Springhill Road
Springhouse Market
Springvale Avenue
Springvale Elementary
Spruce House
Spruce Lane
Spruce Street
Spruce View Drive
Spruce Walk
Sprucewood Court
Spry Avenue
Squadron Crescent (B0J 3A0)
Squires Lane
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Agnes Junior High School
St Albans Anglican Church
St Albans Street
St. Andrew United Church
St. Andrew's Community Centre
St Andrews Avenue
St. Anthony's Catholic Church
St Augustine's Anglican Church
St. Brendan's Chapel
St. Catherine's Elementary
St Cecilia Lane
St Clair Avenue
St Clair Avenue (B2X 3S9)
St Clement's Church
St. George's Anglican
St George's Greek Orthodox Church
St. George's Lane
St. James Anglican Church
St Joeseph Alexender M Elementary
St John the Baptist Catholic Church
St. John's United Church
St. Laurent Trail
St. Louis Bar & Grill
St. Luke's Anglican Church
St Margarets Bay Road
St. Mark's
St. Matthews Manse
St Matthias Street
St Mena's Coptic Orthodox
St Michaels Avenue
St. Patrick's Church
St Paul's Church
St. Paul's Parish House
St Pauls Street
St. Paul’s Building
St. Peter's Anglican Church
St Pius X
St Stephen's School
St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
St Vincent de Paul
Staff of Life Bakery and Cafe
Stairs Back Lane
Stairs Memorial United Church
Stairs Place
Stairs Street
Stanbury Street
St.Andrews Chruch
Stanfield Avenue
Stanford Street
Stanhope Street
Stanley Back Lane
Stanley Place
Stanley Street
Star Anise Vietnamese Noodle
Starboard Drive
Stardust Motel
Stardust Motel Timberlea
Starling Street
Starr Lane
States Lane
Station 1 Lebanese Kitchen
Station 2 University Avenue
Station 7 Knightsridge Drive Halifax
Station Road
Stayner's Wharf
Steak and Stein
Steed Court
Steele Certified Pre-owned
Steele Chrysler
Steele Collision
Steele Collision Centre
Steele Ford Lincoln
Steele Hyundai
Steele Volkswagen
Stephen Cross Drive
Stephen Street
Sterns Court
Steve's Radio & Alarm
Stevens Road
Stevens Road United Baptist Church
Stewarts Court
Stillwell Beer Garden
Stillwell Freehouse
Stirling Drive
Stirling Drive Park Trail
St.Mary's Boat Club Upper Deck
Stockleigh Place
Stockton Ridge
Stone Avenue
Stone Gate Court
Stone Gate Drive
Stone Hill Place
Stone Pizza
Stone Stairs
Stone Terrace
Stoneham Court
Stonehaven Crescent
Stonehaven Road
Stonehearth Cafe
Stoneridge Court
Stoneway Lane
Stoneybrook Court
Stonington Park Nature Trail
Stonington Park Trail
Storage Inn Self Storage
Story Court
Strange Adventures
Stratford Drive
Stratford Way
Stratford Way Park Basketball Court
Stratford Way Park Playground
Strath Lane
Strathaven Close
Strawberry Hill Street
Stream Path
Strickland Building
Strictly Singles Sportscards
Stuart Graham Drive
Stuart Harris Drive
Stubborn Goat
Studio 14
Studio 95
Studio East Food+Drink
Studley Avenue
Studley Gym
Su Nails & Spa
Suda Table
Suffolk Close
Sullivan Street
Sullivan Terrace
Sullivans Hill
Sumac Lane
Summer Field Way
Summer St. to Bell Rd. Shortcut
Summer Street
Summit Cafe
Summit Heights Road
Summit Place
Summit Seawall
Summit Street
Sun City Tanning Studio
Sunglass Hut
Sunny Brae Avenue
Sunnybrae Avenue
Sunnybrae Therapeutics
Sunnydale Avenue
Sunnydale Crescent
Sunnyside Restaurant
Sunnyside Tailor
Sunnyside Too
Sunrise Hill
Sunrise Records
Sunrise Walk
Sunset Avenue
Sunset Drive
Super Conenience Store
Superline Fuels
Supplement King
Supreme Court
Supreme Court - Family Division
Surrey Way (B2W 6R7)
Susan Place
Sushi 101
Sushi Cove
Sushi Jet
Sushi Kawa
Sushi Maru
Sushi Nami
Sushi Nami Royale
Sushi Shige
Sushi You & Me
Susie Lake Crescent
Susie's shortbreads
Sussex Street
Sutherland Terrace (B2X 1C5)
Suzuki Japanese Restaurant
Suzy Shier
Svitzer Wharf
Swaad Sagaa Indian Cuisine Incorporated
Swaine Street
Swallow Street
Swan Crescent
Swanton Drive
Swee Tea House
Sweet Beans
Sweet Hereafter
Sweet Jane’s Gift and Confectionary
Sweet Pea Boutique
Swiss Chalet
Swordfish Drive
Swordfish Drive (B0J 3A0)
Sybyl Court
Sylvan Learning
Symonds Road
Symonds Street
Syriana Market
Syriana Market Restaurant
Szechuan Restaurant

T. G. Barber
T&K Hair Salon
TA1 Road
TA12 Road
TA16 Road
TA17 Road
TA18 Road
Ta24 Road
Ta25 Road
TA3 Road
TA30 Road
TA31 Road
TA32 Road
TA34 Road
Ta35 Road
TA38 Road
TA39 Road
TA45 Road
TA49 Road
TA50 Road
TA52 Road
TA6 Road
Tacoma Drive
Taffy & Tees
Taipan Express
Taishan Asian Grocery
Take It Outside
Take it Outside
Take It Outside
Tako Loco
Tako Sushi & Ramen
Takouhie Court
Talay Thai
Tall Ships Quay
Tall Trees Lane
Tallahassee Avenue
Talus Avenue
Tamara Drive
Tamarack Drive
Tamerlane Court
Tangmere Court
Tangmere Crescent
Tanners AllStar Deli & Grill
Tantling Crescent
Tapered Edge Barber
Taranaki Drive
Tarek's Cafe
Tarmac Road (B0J 3A0)
Tarragon Lane
Tart & Soul
Tartan Building
Tayberry Court
Taylorwood Lane
TAZ Records
Taz Records
Tbooth Wireless
TD Bank
TD Canada Trust
Teachery Park Tennis Court
Tempo food+drink
Tennis & Pickleball courts
Terminal Road
Ternan Gate
Terra Cafe
Terra Nova Avenue
Terrain Way
Terrance Court
Terrastone Ridge
Terrebonne Court (B2X 3S7)
Thackeray Close
Thai Ivory
Thai Ivory Cuisine
Thaï Express
The Abigail I
The Armview Restaurant & Lounge
The Auction House
The Avella
The B. P. Corner News
The Barrington
The Barrington Hotel

the Bedford Basin Market

The Best Little Hair House
The Big Wedge
The Billiard Shop
The Binnacle Yachting Equipment Ltd.
The Bitter End
The Black Sheep
The Blue Building Gallery
The Bobcat Run
The Body Shop
The Boss Plaza 3
The Bread Lounge
The Brick
The Bridge
The Brooklyn Warehouse
The Brown Hound
The Brown Hound Public House
The Butcher's Block Pub and Eatery
The Canteen
The Car Guys
The Carleton
The Children's Place
The Chronicle-Herald
The Cliffwalk
The Clothes Horse Fashion Boutique
The Cloud Factory
The Courtyard
The Crane
The Cutting Garden
The Daily Grind
The Deck Box
The Dog Run
The Doyle
The East Coast Hub Saloon
The Emigrant
The eShop
The European Pantry
The Factory on Hollis
The Fickle Frog
The Fieldhouse
The Flower Shop
The Foggy Goggle
The Forth Pull
The Garden South Park Inn
The Gold Barbershop
The Golden Bakery
The Governor
The Grainery Food Co-op
The Green Walking Trail
The Grounds Cafe by Drift Coffee
The Halifax Club
The Halliburton
The Halliburton Hotel
The happy plate
The Harwick
The Head Shoppe
The Heritage House Hostel
The Hive Hair Studio
The Home Depot
The Horseshoe
The Hungry Hut
The Hydrostone Cafe
The Ikebana Shop
The Imperial Bombay
The Juice Press
The Keg
The Last Steps
The Lateral Trail
The Law Courts
The Local
The Local Council of Women Halifax
The Loop
The Loose Cannon

the loot

The Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites
The Lost Cod
The Lower Deck
The Mary Ann
The Meadows
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy
The Mercantile Social
The Mic Mac Bar and Grill
The Middle Spoon
The Middle Spoon Desserterie & Bar
The Mitchell House
The Monkey Show
The Muse Café and Pub
The Narrows Public House
The New Landing
The Nook
The Oaks
The Office
The Old Triangle Irish Pub
The Orient
The Original Sams Pizza
The Osney
The Ostrich Club
The Oval
The Papal Visit of 1984
The Pint
The Pit
The Plaid Place
The Printing House
The Puffin Gallery
The Real Estate Mall
The Salvation Army Halifax Citadel Community Church
The Salvation Army Thrift Store
The Sawmill Playhouse
The Sea in Her Blood
The Seahorse Tavern
The Shoe Company
The Sirens' Calling

the Snore Shop

The Snore Shop
The Social Boutique
The Source
The Stonebury
The Submarine
The Summit Spa
The Sutton Place Hotel
The Ten Spot Halifax
The Terrace
The Trail Shop
The Unicorn
The University of King's College
The UPS Store
The Vault
The Village Green
The Village Taphouse
The Vines
The Viola Desmond Experience
The Vista
The Volunteers
The Wave
The Waverley Inn
The Wooden Monkey
The Wooden Storehouse
The Woodsy Run
Theakston Avenue
Theakston Entrance to Clark Kent
Theodore Too
Theresa McNeil Grove
Things Engraved
Think Kitchen
Third Street
Thistle Street
Thomas Raddall Drive
Thompson Street
Thorndale Terrace
Thorne Avenue
Thorngrove Lane
Thornhill Drive
Thornvale Avenue
Three Admirals Drive
Tian Phat Asian Grocery
Tidal Beacon
Tidewater Lane
Tidewinds Lane
Tigh an Cheoil
Tilbury Avenue
Tilted Tap
Tim Horton's Express
Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons Drive-Through
Timberlea Pharmacy
Timberlea Village Parkway
Tiny Angels
Tip Top Tailors
Titanic Grave Site
Titanic Victims Cemetary
Titus Smith Park Walkway
Titus Street
To Those Who Fly (1983)
Tobermory Road
Tobin Drive
Tobin Street
Tokyo Roll
Tom McDonnell's Service
Tomavinos Pizzeria
Tommy Gun's
Tommy gun's original barbershop
Tommy's Barber Shop
Tony Nails Lounge
Tony's barbering
Tony's Pizza
Top Fresh Market
Tophill Road
Topio's Pizzeria
Topple Drive
Topsail Boulevard
Topsail Court
Torrington Drive
Total Kneads Massage Therapy
Tottenham Street
Touch of Gold
Tower Hill Road
Tower Road
Tower Terrace
Towerview Drive
Toxic Blossom
Toys R Us
Tracker Road
Trafalgar Court
Trailwood Place
Trainer Farm
Tramway Building
Transom Drive
Transom Drive Park Tennis Court
Travelers Motel
Treaty Gas
Trekker Drive
Trelyn Road
Tremont Drive
Tremont Plateau Park Ball Diamond
Tremont Plateau Park Basketball Court
Tremont Plateau Park Playground
Tremont Plateau Park Tennis Court
Tremont Street
Trenholme Street
Trentonian Lane
Tricky Trek
Trident Booksellers and Cafe
Trident Lane
Trider Crescent
Trillium Court (B2W 5G6)
Trillium Terrace
Trimble Court
Trinah Court
Trinity Anglican Church
Trinity Avenue
Trinity Jewellers
Trinity Way
Trip Central
Triple A
Triple N
Trollope Street
Troop Avenue
True Clinical Aesthetics
True North Crescent
True North Crescent (B3A 4V5)
True North Crescent (B3A 4V6)
True North Diner
Truly Tasty
Trust Hair Design
Tufts Cove
Tufts Cove Generating Station
Tug's Pub
Tulip Street
Tulloch Way (B2W 6N6)
Tummell Drive
TUNS Sundial
Tupper Grove
Tupper Street
Turbo Chicken Burger and Milkshakes
Turkish Delight
Turnberry Lane
Turner Drive
Turnmill Drive
Turnmill Drive Park Basketball Court
Turnmill Drive Park Playground
Turtle Grove
Tusket Falls Beer Project
Tutor Court
Twilight Lane
Twin Lane
Twin Oaks Road
Twisted Muse
Two Brothers Deli
Two if By Sea

Ultramar Pipeline Cardlock
Ummah Masjid
Uncommon Grounds
Under Review 262 Un
Under Review 265 Un
Under Review 266 Un
Under Review 267 Un
Under Review 309 Un
Under Review 312
Under Review 313
Under Review 316 Un
Under Review 317 Un
Under Review 616
Under Review 627 Un
Under Review 628
Uniacke Street
Union Foodmart
Union Foodmart 華聯超市
Union Street
United Avenue
United Church of Canada Bedford
United Memorial Church
United Pentecostal Church of Dartmouth
Universe Fitness Atlantic
University Avenue
Upper Cutz
Upper Governor Street
Upper Water Street
Uptown Salon and Spa
Urban Outfitters
Urban Planet
Used Car Dealership
Utility Tattoo
Utopia Lane

Vacant Unit
Vacation Nails and Spa
Val Street
Valkyrie Crescent
Valley Road
Valleyfield Road
Valleyford Avenue
Valour Way
Value Village
Van Steenburgh Wing
Vandal Doughnuts
Vanessa Drive
Vanier Way
Vaughan Avenue
Vaughan Lane
Veith Street
Venice Court
Venture Run

venus envy

Verdi Drive
Veritas Catholic Books and Gifts
Vernon Street
Vero Pizza
Veronica Drive
Vespa Halifax
Vessel Meats
Vestry Street
Veterans Avenue
Veterans Memorial Lane
Vicky Crescent
Victoria Gardens
Victoria General
Victoria Park Playground
Victoria Road
Victoria Road Pedestrian Bridge
Victory Lane
Vidito Drive
Vienna Street
View Street
Viewcrest Drive
ViewPoint Gallery
Villa Madina
Village Crescent
Vimy Avenue
Vina's Jewellers
Vincent Street
Vinnie's Pub
Violeta Izquierdo
Virgin Plus
Virginia Avenue
Viridian Drive
Viscaya Place
Visitor Information
Vitalia Court
Vitality Day Spa
Vivian Lane
Vivian's Way
Vogue Men's Wear
Vogue Optical
Volvo of Halifax
Vulcan Building

W. D. Piercey Park Ball Diamond 1
W. D. Piercey Park Ball Diamond 2
Waddell Avenue
Waegwoltic Avenue
Waegwoltic Club Boat House
Waegwoltic Dining Room
Wagner Avenue
Walcot Run
Walden Place
Walid Auto Repair
Walker Street
Walker's Feed
Wall Street
Wallace McCain Learning Commons
Wallace Street
Wallingham Street
Walmart Supercentre
Walnut Hall
Walnut Street
Walsh Court
Waltdale Drive
Walter Havill Drive
Walters Street
Waltham Lane
Walton Drive
Wamback Road
Wamphray Crescent
Wanda Lane
Wanderers Grounds
Wanderers Lawn Bowling Club
Ward Avenue
Wardour Centre
Wardour Street
Warren Street
Warrior Avenue
Warrior Avenue (B0J 3A0)
Warwick Lane
Wasabi Grill & Noodle
Wasabi House
Washmill Lake Drive
Watch Dog Road
Waterfront Drive
Waterfront Pizza & Wraps
Waterfront Warehouse
Waterloo Street
Waterside Centre
Waterside Terrace (B2W 6M1)
Watervista Lane
Watt Street
Waverley Road
Waverly Terrace
Wax On
WAY (Windsor And Young)
Waynewood Drive
Waypoint Fairview
Waypoint Seaport
Webster Terrace
Wedgewood Avenue
Wedgewood Court
Wedgewood Motel
Wedgewood Park Playground
Weird Harbour
Welch Lane
Wellington Street
Wells Street
Welsford Parker Monument
Welsford Street
Wembley Place
Wendover Close
Wendy's Drive-Through
Wenlock Grove
Wentworth Drive
Wentworth Loop
Wentworth Street
Weslynn Gate
West 49
West Bedford Transitional Health
West End United Baptist Church
West Street
West Village at The Parks
Westbrook Avenue
Westcliff Restaurant & Convenience
Western Parkway
Western Union
Westerwald Street
Westfield Crescent
Westgate Drive
Westgrove Place
Westin Nova Scotian
Westmount Playground
Westmount School
Westmount Street
Weston Court
Westphal Pharmachoice
Westphal Pharmachoice RPO
Westphal Way
Westridge Drive
Westwood Drive
Westwood Park Splashpad
Wexford Road
Weybridge Lane
Weyburn Road
What These Old Things NS
Wheatstone Heights (B2Y 4C6)
Wheatstone Heights (B2Y 4E1)
Whebby Terrace (B3A 1E3)
Wheelhouse Road
Whimsical Lake Crescent
Whiskey's Lounge
White Birch Lane
White Dove Court
White Glove Terrace
White Street
Whitehall Crescent
Wholesale Direct
Whopper MTB trails
Whopper MTB Trails
Whynder Lake Road
Whynette Place
Wilbert Devoe Crescent
Wilbur Court
Wilcot Lane
Wild Bird Co. (pet supplies)
Wild Leek Food & Juice Bar
Wildwood Avenue
Wildwood Boulevard
Wildwood Boulevard (B2W 2L7)
Wildwood Boulevard (B2W 2L8)
Wilfred Jackson Way (B2Z 1A8)
Wilfred Joseph Drive
Wilkinson Avenue
Wilkinson Avenue Paramedic Station
Willett Street
William Borrett Terrace
William Hunt Avenue
Williams Avenue
Williams Lake Road
Williams Street
Willis Lane
Willman's Fish & Chips
Willow Street
Willowbend Court
Willowdale Drive
Willowdale Terrace
Willowhill Ridge
Wilmington Court
Wilson Avenue
Wilson Boulevard
Wilson's Gas Stop
Wilsons Gas Stop
Wilsons Go
Wilton Crescent
Wimbledon Road
Winchester Avenue
Windcrest Terrace
Windermere Road
Windflower Court
Windmill Crossing
Windmill Road
Windmill Road (B3A 1E1)
Windmill Road (B3A 1E2)
Windridge Lane
Windrock Drive
Windsor Street
Windsor Street Campus (2002)
Windsor Terrace
Windsor-Quingate Connector
Windstone Close
Windward Avenue
Wine Kitz
Wing 'n It


Winona Crescent
Winston Place
Winter Street
Winwick Road
Wired Monk
Witherod Lake Trail
Withrod Drive
W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library
Wok Box
Wolf Collision Ltd
Wolfe Crescent
Wolseley Canada
Wong's Palace Chinese Restaurant
Wood Avenue
Woodbank Terrace
Woodbine Avenue
Woodbury Drive
Wooden Monkey
Woodhaven Close (B2W 6P9)
Woodill Street
Woodland Avenue
Woodlawn Library
Woodlawn Road
Woodlawn Shopping Plaza
Woodlawn Terrace
Woodlawn United Church
Woodside Avenue
Woodside Bowlarama
Woodside Tavern
Woodsmere Close
Woodward Crescent
Woolnough's Pleasure Grounds
Woozles Children's Bookstore
World Tea House
Worthington Place
Wournell Drive
Wren Street
Wright Avenue
Wrights Cove Road
Wyatt Road
Wyndcrest Drive (B2X)
Wyndholme Avenue
Wyndrock Drive
Wyse Road
Wyse Road Laundy

Xena's Bread and Butter
Xtreme Pizza

Yale Street
Yeadon Street
Yeah Yeah’s Pizza
York Lane
York Street
Yorks Lane
Yorkshire Ave Extension
Yorkshire Avenue
You Like It Chinese
Young Avenue
Young Back Lane
Young Street
Your Father's Moustache
Yuille's Autoworks
Yukon Street
Yum Yum

Zatzman Sportsplex
Zatzman Sportsplex Walkway
ZEN Chinese Food
Zig Zag
Zwicker's Gallery