A A Bake A Block A Crate Adventure A flower shop A Gan Guo Kui A Great Emporium A Gun Pub A Noodle Story A One Claypot House A One Signature A Poke Theory A. R. Jewellers A Star Trading A Tilly A Day A Treasure Trove A Vintage Tale A Visit to the Museum: ... A Walk along the Bay A World United A World United Structure A&A Banana Leaf A&K Electrical Hardware Pte Ltd A&W A'Zone A+ Hair Boutique A-Lan A-One A-Roy Thai Restaurant A1 Fashion A1 motor Co. A1 Styling A1credit A2B Mohamed A2LG Interior Architecture AA Restaurant Aalst Chocolade Aalto Aayisha Briyani House Aaysha Restaurant Abandoned car Abandoned Motorbike Abang Dol Abbas Restaurant Abbirame ABC ABC Bargain Centre ABC Bistro ABC Bistro Restaurant Pte Ltd ABC Food Court ABC Hostel ABC King Pte. Ltd. ABC Maju Restaurant ABC Nasi Kandar ABC Premium Hostel Abc store bugis murah ABC Wang Restaurant ABC Waters ABC Waters Plaza Abedin Abelia Abi ABI Plaza Abila Coffee Shop Abingdon Road ABM Aboorvass
A ABR Music Video A.B.S All Bicycle Shop Absolute Açaí Absolute Bedding Absolute Teak Absolute Thai Absolute Wellness Abstrax Abundance Abundant Grace Presbyterian Church Aburi En Aburi Kaisen Don Keisuke Aburi-En Aburi-En Grand Aburiya Abwin AC Vision Design Acacia Breeze Acacia Lodge Academy Academy of Rock Academy Roastery Cafe Acai Acai-Guru ACC EduHub Accelerator Accendore Accent Access Access to path Accredit Ace Club Ace Framing ACE Marketplace ACE Mart ACE@Buroh Acer Building Acetek baking school ACMI Training Centre Acoustic Coffee Bar Acqua e Farina ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre ACS (International) Elementary School Action City Action City Plus Action Toyz Active Electronics Trading Co. ActiveSG Gym ActiveSG Gym at Toa Payoh West Market ActiveSG Park ActiveSG Park @ Ang Mo Kio ActiveSG Sport Village @ Jurong Town ActiveSG Sports Facilities Adam & Eve Adam Drive Adam Green Adam Hawa Cafe Adam Park Adam Park Condominium Adam Park Connector Adam Place Adam Road Adam Road Presbyterian Church Adam's Corner Seafood Restaurant Adamas Adamas Bathroom Adamas Bathroom Pte Ltd Adamson Lodge ADD Hair Studio Adda Addictude Adeline Face & Body Adidas Adinda by Gerai Nenek Obek Adipoli Curry Pot Adis Road Admin Building Admin Field Adminstration Admiral Keppel and the pirates Admiralty Drive Admiralty Flora Admiralty Grove Admiralty Lane Admiralty Link Admiralty Place Admiralty Primary School Admiralty Road Admiralty Road East Admiralty Road West Admiralty Secondary School Admiralty Street Admiralty Vista Admiralty West Park Connector Adonis Hotel Adora Green Adria 12 Adstra Gold Microbrewery Adstragold Advance Flat Panel Display (AFPD) Advance Lap Advanced Marine Adventure 21 Adventure Bridge Adventure Cove Waterpark Adventure Fitness Corner Adventure Gear Post Adventure Playwoods Adventure Trail and Treehouses AEM Building Aer Aerie Aero Green Technology Pte Ltd Aero Speed AeroV Aeroviation Aesop Aesthetic Art Gallery Aesthetics Miracle Aetos Holdings PTE LTD. AETOS Holdings Pte. Ltd. AF Home Afandi & Family Affinity@Serangoon Africa Penguin African Dwarf Crocodile African Painted Dog African White Lion Afro Asia Building Afterglow by Anglow Aftershock PC Afuri Agape Agape Child Care (SK) Agape Little Uni @ Compassvale Pte Ltd Agape Village Aggreko Aglio Olio AGrader Learning Centre Agrobazar Ah Bakery Ah Chew Desserts Ah Er Soup Ah Heng Curry Chicken Bee Hoon Mee Ah Hock Fried Hokkien Mee Ah Hoe Mee Pok Ah Hood Gardens Ah Hood Road Ah Hua Kelong Ah Hua Teo Chew Fishball Noodle Ah hua 亚华 kway teow soup Ah Hui Big Prawn Noodle Ah Khoo Ah Khoo Sengkang Ah Loy Thai AH MA DRINK STORE Ah Ma Teo Chew Kuih Ah Mai Satay Bee Hoon, Hainan Beef Noodles Ah May Cafe Ah Mei Ah Meng Bistro Ah Meng Memorial Ah Meng Restaurant Ah Rong's Minimart Ah Seah Trading Ah Seng Ba Kut Teh Ah Soo Garden Ah Soo Walk Ah Tai Chicken Rice Ah Tou Seafood Bok Kat Teh Ah Yat Abalone Ah Yat Kitchen 阿一厨坊 Ah Yat Seafood
A Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School AHMADIYYA PATH 1 Ai by Peter Draw Ai Cafe Ai En Beauty Spa Ai Jai Grocery & Minimart Ai Mui Optical Ai Slimming Ai Tong School AIA Alexandra AIA Building AIA Tower Aida Street Aida Substation Aik Bee Aik Chuan Group Aik Guan Pet Trading Aik Hoe Motor Aik Joo Textiles Aik Koon Tyre and Battery Aikly Paints & Chemicals Aiman Cafe Aimer la Patisserie Ain Liaw Huat Hardware Trading Air Air Force Museum Air House / The Green House Air Traffic Management Research Institute Airline Road Airport Airport Boulevard Airport Emergency Services Airport Police Department Airport Road Airstream Airview Building AiSkiLin AJ Hackett Sentosa Aji-ichi Ajimir Store Ajisen @ AMK Hub Ajisen Ramen Ajiya AJN Impex PTE LTD Ajoomma Korean Charcoal BBQ Ajuma's Ajumma's AK Noodles House Ak Salmal Eating House Pte Ltd Akane Restaurant Akbar & Anand Akbar 24 Hours Restaurant Akemi Uchi Akemiuchi Akihabara Akimitsu AKS Creation Aksa Akyab Road Al Afrida Restaurant Al Ain Al amaan Al Ameen Al Ameen@Hillview Al Ameerag Restaurant Al Azhar Al Barakah Al Bidayah Al Bismi Al Bismi Meat Supplier Al Capone's Al Capone's Sembawang Al Deen Cafe Al Dia (Indian) Al Falah Barakah Al Falah Barakah Restaurant Pte Ltd Al Falah Restaurant Pte Ltd Al Firdaus Al Forno East Coast Al Haleem Restaurant Al Istiqamah Mosque Al Jasra Restaurant Al Jemi Restaurant Al Mayili's Al Mubarah Al Mubin Al Mubin Eating House Al Mubin Restaurant Al Rabeca Al Rayyan Al Thohirah Restaurant AL Tyres Corporation Al-Aameena Prata House Al-Abrar Mosque Al-Amin Al-Amin Education Centre Al-Amin Food Paradise Al-Amin Mosque Al-Azhar Restaurant Al-Bismi Indian Restaurant (24hr) Al-Fazl Restaurant Al-Haji Al-Haji Noordhin Restaurant (24hr) Al-Hussain Restaurant Al-Jilani Restaurant Al-Khairiah Islamic School Al-Makan Al-Mukminin Mosque Al-Mustafa Al-Nasry@Sengkang Al-Noor Biasa Al-Sahira Prata House Al-Tasneem Aladdin's Aladdin's Trading Alameen Alan & Guys Alan Photo Alana Alani Alapana Arts Alati Alaturka Alba Albert Street Albert Street Prawn Noodle (#01-10) Albert Winsemius Lane Alchemist Alchemist Beer Lab Alchemy Alcoholiday Alddin's Elegance Aldersgate Methodist Church Aldo Alessandrea Alex Residences Alex's Eating House Alexandra Alexandra 38 Alexandra Arch Alexandra Canal Alexandra Canal Linear Park Alexandra Central Alexandra Fire Station Alexandra Garden Trail Alexandra Hospital Alexandra Lane Alexandra Park Connector Alexandra Peaks Alexandra Primary School Alexandra Road Alexandra Terrace Alexandra Vale Alexandra View Alexandra-Queensway PCN ALFA H MART Alfa Romeo Building ALFA Unisex Saloon Alfa's Mini Mart Alfred Russel Wallace & Ali Statue Alhambra Ali Khan Ali Nachin Eating House Alibaba Alibaba Eating House Alibabar Alicafe Alice & Peter Tan Multi-Purpose Hall Alijohn's Alip Ba Ta Trading Aliwal Park Hotel Aliwal Street Aljunied Aljunied 119 Food House Aljunied Avenue 1 Aljunied Avenue 2 Aljunied Avenue 3 Aljunied Avenue 4 Aljunied Avenue 5 Aljunied Crescent Aljunied Crescent Street Soccer Court Aljunied Neighbourhood Police Post Aljunied Road Aljunied Walk Alkaff Breeze Alkaff CourtView Alkaff Crescent Alkaff Lakeview Alkaff Oasis Alkaff Quay Alkaff Vista All About Eve All About Pets All Best All Best Fashion All Breeds Pets All India All Saint's Church All Saints Memorial Chapel All Things Delicious All watches Allamanda Grove Allanbrooke Road Allauddin’s Briyani Allenby House Allenby Road Alley Bar Alley on 25 Alliance Allinton Engineering & Trading Allotment Gardens Allpress Espresso Allsworth Park Allure Almond Avenue Almond Crescent Almond Crescent Playground Almond Street Almost Famous Craft Beer Bar Alnwick Road Aloft Aloha Beach Bar Aloha Poké Along drain - Banana fields AloRide Motorbike Rental ALPA-S Office and Uniform Store Alpha Alpha Audio Alpha Dry Cleaning Services Alphine Mobile Media Solutions Alpine Stars Alps Avenue Alqudwah Academy Alsalam Restaurant Alt Alt. Pizza ALTC HQ Alteco Chemical Alter Ego Alternative Pizza Altez Altimate Alton Altura Alumni Clubhouse Alumni Medical Centre Alvin Sports Alwadi AM:PM Cafe Ama Keng Ama Keng Road
A Amrise Hotel AMS Motors Pte Ltd Amu Mart Amy Hair & Beauty Salon Amò An Açai Affair An Enclosure for a Swing An Nisaa An Nur Restaurant An Nyeong An Qi Spa An-Nahdhah Mosque Anagreen Anamalai Avenue
A Ananas Cafe Ananas Seng Kang Ananda Bhavan Ananda Bhavan Veg. Restaurant Ananda Kitchen Ananthi Fashions Anas Bakery Anatolia Anatta Culinary Academy Anchor Green Primary School Anchor Marine Supplies Anchorvale Close Anchorvale Court Anchorvale Cove Anchorvale Crescent Anchorvale Drive Anchorvale Fields Anchorvale Gardens Anchorvale Grove Anchorvale Harvest Anchorvale Horizon Anchorvale Isles Anchorvale Lane Anchorvale Link Anchorvale Parkview Anchorvale Place Anchorvale Plains Anchorvale Road Anchorvale Street Anchorvale Village Anchorvale Vista Anchorvale walk Anchorvale Walk Ancient Dynasty Massage & Spa Ancient Egypt Ancient Therapy Andaz Singapore Andersen's Anderson Primary School Anderson Road Anderson Secondary School Andes Andes By Astons Andes by Astons Andhra Curry Andover Road Andrew Road Andrews Avenue Andrews Terrace Andy Ong Hair Beauty Anemani Anerd Gallery Ang Kwong Hak Chin Ang Mo Kio Ang Mo Kio 409 Fried Carrot Cake #24 Ang Mo Kio 66 KV Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 12 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 2 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Ang Mo Kio Blk 724 Food Centre Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange Ang Mo Kio Central 1 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Ang Mo Kio Central 3 Ang Mo Kio Central Post Office Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital Ang Mo Kio Court Ang Mo Kio Cycling Town Board Ang Mo Kio Drive Ang Mo Kio Electronics Park Road Ang Mo Kio Grove Ang Mo Kio Heights Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 1 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2A Ang Mo Kio Joint Testing & Vaccination Centre Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church Ang Mo Kio North Neighbourhood Police Centre Ang Mo Kio Park 1 Ang Mo Kio Park Connector Ang Mo Kio Primary School Ang Mo Kio Public Library Ang Mo Kio Rise Ang Mo Kio Secondary School Ang Mo Kio South Neighbourhood Police Centre Ang Mo Kio Street 11 Ang Mo Kio Street 12 Ang Mo Kio Street 13 Ang Mo Kio Street 21 Ang Mo Kio Street 22 Ang Mo Kio Street 23 Ang Mo Kio Street 24 Ang Mo Kio Street 31 Ang Mo Kio Street 32 Ang Mo Kio Street 41 Ang Mo Kio Street 42 Ang Mo Kio Street 43 Ang Mo Kio Street 44 Ang Mo Kio Street 51 Ang Mo Kio Street 52 Ang Mo Kio Street 53 Ang Mo Kio Street 54 Ang Mo Kio Street 61 Ang Mo Kio Street 62 Ang Mo Kio Street 63 Ang Mo Kio Street 64 Ang Mo Kio Street 65 Ang Mo Kio Street 66 Ang Mo Kio Town Council (Avenue 1 Office) Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West Playground Ang Mo Kio View Ang Mo Supermarket Ang mo supermarket Ang Sa Lee Oyster Omelette #33 Ang Siang Hill Ang Tian Hock Trading Pte Ltd Angel Angelina Anggerik Angie The Choice Angkara Angklong Lane Anglia Anglia M. Club Anglican High School Anglo Indian Cafe & Bar Anglo-Chinese School (Barker) Anglo-Chinese School (International) Anglo-Chinese School (Junior) Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) Angora Close Angry Bird Angsana Angsana 1 Angsana 2 Angsana Avenue Angsana Breeze Angsana Green East Coast Parkway Angsana Park Angsana Primary School Angsana Residence Angsana@21 Angullia Park Angullia Park Residences @ Orchard Ani Mani Animal Cottage Animal Friends Animal Playground Aniplus Anjappar Anju ANK (ANK Jewellery Pte Ltd) Anker Ann Chin Ann Chin Popiah Ann Siang Hill Ann Siang Hill Park Ann Siang Road Annabella Patisserie Annai Barber Shop Annai Marketing Annai Super Mart Annalakshimi Janatha Annamalai Chitty Lane Annapoorna Anna’s x Union The SoupSpoon Annexe Studio Annie’s Halal Cuisine Anoa Another Day (The Coolies) Anothersole Ansar Garden Anson Audio Anson Road ANTA Ante Bakes Anteh Dispensary Anteh Dispensary Pte Ltd Anteroom Coffee Brewers Anthony Road Antler Antoinette Anua ANZ Apartment Apartment PDRM Apartments at former Keppel Golf Course Apex Motorcycle Apex Studio Apex-Pal Bldg Apgujeong Apiary Apicultury Consultancy Apollo Aquarium Apoze Coffee Shop Apple Corner Apple Store Apple Vacations Applebox Asia APSN Chaoyang School Aptimos Aptos Creations Aqua Adventure Aqua N Leisure Aqua Swing Aquamarin Aquarium, Adv Cove, & Mar Exp Ticket Purchase Aquarius By The Park Aquatic Avenue Aquatica Glaselli Aquatica Glasselli Pte. Ltd. Aquatics Centre Aqueduct Aqueen Hotel (Balestier) Aqueen Hotel (Lavender) Aqueen Hotel (Paya Lebar) Aqueen Prestige Hotel Jalan Besar Aqueen Prestige Hotel Lavender Ar Razak Barber AR Trend Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahman Prata & Teh Tarik Arab Street Arab street shops Arabic Market Aranda Breeze @ Yishun Arangan Fashions Arapaima Arasu Arbite Arbora ARC Arc at Tampines Arc Salon Arcade Centre, Children Playroom & Cafe Arcade Fish Soup Arcadia Hotel Arcadia Road Arcadia.Home.Rest Arch Bridge @Bedok Town Park Archana Store Archerfish Archery Field Archery Range Indoor Arches Archipelago Archipelago Brewery Archipelago Creamery Architecture Drive Ardent's Cafe Bar Ardentec Ardmore 3 Ardmore II Ardmore Park Ardmore Residence Ardor Residence AREA 37 by Food & Barrel Areit Ascendas Arena Arena Esports Hotel Arena Residences Aresa Nails Aria Arianna Hotel Arina East Residences Arirang Arise & Shine Arise and Shine Arise Kindergarten Ariston Ark Hostel Ark Lane Arkadas Turkish Restaurant Arktos Gelato Armenian Church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Street Armenor Armour Heritage Centre Armour HQ Army Logistics Base Army Market Arnasalam Chetty Road Arnold's Fried Chicken Aromas of India Aroozoo Avenue Aroozoo Centre Aroozoo Lane Aroy Dee Aroy Mak Mookata Thai BBQ Steamboat Aroy Mookata Arputha Vilas ARR Fresh Meat Arrival Foyer Arshad Minimart Art & Co Art & Culture Art Deco Apartment Blocks Art di Daniele Sperindio Art Friend Art Gallery Art Journey Art of Drinking Art of Pets Art Of Pets Art of Yoga Art Outreach Art Pastry @ ADM Art plus Gallery Art Seasons Gallery Art Social Art Speaks Studio Art Works Gallery Art Zillions Art Zone Artary Academy of Children's Art ArtBlue Studio Artcommune Gallery Artea Artease Arteastiq Bistro Artemis restaurant (40th floor) Arterial Arthur Road Artichoke ArtiForest Artillery Avenue Artillery Avenue South Artisan Boumanger Artisti Artiz Studio Artlette Artmark Arton Boutique Hotel ARTRA Arts & Antiques Marketplace Arts Link ArtScience Museum Artwork of hands Arukōru Arulmani Gold Arumugam Road Aruna Minimart Arunachala Bhavan A.R.V. Stores Pte. Ltd. Arya Bhavan Arya Restaurant AS Optics A.S. Phoon Pte. Ltd. As-Safeera Restaurant AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS8 Asam Trail Asam Tree Ascensia Academy Ascension Kindergarten Ascentia Sky Ascot Rise Ascott Ascott Centre for Excellence Ascott Orchard Singapore Ascott Raffles Place Ash Grove Asher Ashes Burnnit Ashi Foot Reflexology
A Ashmi Ashmi Restaurant Ashok Ashoka Tandoor Ashwood Grove Asia Hardware PTE LTD Asia Passion Asia Research Institute Asia Square Asia Star Hotel Asia Store Asia-Europe Foundation Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Asia-Pacific Institute of International Studies Asian Arts & Crafts Asian Civilisations Museum Asian Elephant Asian Otter Asian Silq Asian twist by 365 Food Asian Wild Dog Asian Woman Asiatic Engineering Asiawide Industrial Building Asics Asimont Lane Askar Timbalan Setia Johor ASL Solutions ASO Building Asobi Aspella Aspen Heights Aspen Linq Aspen Loft Asphodel Inn Assemblage @ 362 Holland Rd Assembly Hall Assembly of Christians Assisi Hospice Association Building Assumption English School Assumption Pathway School AST Aste Global AsterSpring Signature Aston Lodge Aston Residence Aston Specialties Aston's Astons Astons Specialities Astons specialities Astons Specialities ASTONS Specialities Astons Specialties Astor Astor Green Astoria Astoria Park Astrid Hill Astrid Meadows Astridville Astroturf Astute Medical Clinic ASU ASUS Aswani Asylum At The Myo AT3 Athrow Pte. Ltd. Atico Lounge Atino Live Seafood Atlante Atlantic Tarpons Atlantis@531 ATLAS Atlas Atlas Coffee House Atlassia ATM DBS ATM Go Beyond ATM OCBC Atmosphere Bistro Atout Atrina Atrium Atrix Attap House Attap Valley Road AtTea Atwin Marine Engineering Au Croissant Aube Beauty Salon Auckland Road East Auckland Road West Audi Audi Singapore Ptd Ltd Audio Atelier Audio House Building Audio Solution Audio-Technica Auditorium Augury Aui Food Centre Auntie Anne's Auntie Anne’s Auntie Sticker Works Aunty Rosie Aura Hair Aura Loft Aurelle of Tampines EC Auroma Aurora Auspicious Mansion Australasia Australia Outback Australian International School Singapore Australian Lungfish Austville Residences Authentic Mun Chee Kee King of Pig's Organ Soup Authentic Siam Autium Jewellery Auto Kinetics Auto metal AutoACC Autobacs Venture Autobahn Motors Autocars Premium AutoImage Enterprise Autopass Card / CashCard Top-Up Booth Autopoint Automobile
A Autozone Autumn AV One Ava Road Avalon Avance Avance Living Pte Ltd Avant Aljunied Ave Avenue Avenue South Residence Average Service Avery Lodge Aviation Drive Aviation Park Road Avila Gardens Aviva AVM Mart Avo Avocado Avon Park Avon Road Avone Beauty Secrets Avorush Aw Boon Haw Aw Boon Par Aw Hoe Awesome Coffee Awesomely Natural Awfully Chocolate Awfully Chocolate +Cafe Awfully Chocolate/ Mooshi Bakes AWWA Sch AWWA School @ Bedok Axis @ Siglap Ayam Penyet Ayam Penyet President Ayam Penyet Ria Ayasofya AYE Field 1 AYE Field 2 Ayer Rajah Avenue Ayer Rajah Bus Park Ayer Rajah Crescent Ayer Rajah Drive Ayer Rajah Fields Ayer Rajah Food Centre Ayer Rajah Neighbourhood Police Post Ayer Rajah-JAS Sports Centre Ayesha’s Kitchen Ayomi Lash & Brow Aysha Ayurvedic Healthcare Centre AZ AZ Gift & trading Azabu Sabo Hokkaido Ice-Cream Azalea Park Condominium Azel Jane Salon Aziza Silk House Pte Ltd AZMI Restaurant Azora Azure Dragon
B B. Baker B Block B Spokes B Store B&B 2002 Enterprise B&S B&S MiniMart Private LTD B'smiley Cattitude B01 Blue Grass 200m B02 Pumpin' 120m B1 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B2 B20 B3 B4 B5 B59 B6 B60 B7 B8 B9 Ba Dao Guan Ba Wang Cha Ji Baan Kanom Thai Baan Ying Baanying Bab Muk Ja Baba Chews Baba House Babirusa Baboo Lane Babu's Place Baby Kingdom Baby's HyperStore Bacaha Bacaro Bacera Bacha Coffee Bacino Back Benchers Backpacker Cozy Corner Guesthouse Backpacker's (Inn Chinatown 2) Backpacker's (Inn Chinatown 3) Backpackers Inn Chinatown Backpackers@sg Bacos The Dine Bad Greens Bad Habits Provision Baden Badminton Badminton and Sepak Takraw Court Badminton Court Badminton court Badminton Court Badminton Pitch Baekjung Baghdad Street Bagnall Court Condominium Bagus Bah Heng Long Trading Bah Soon Pah Road Bahat Centre Bahtera Track Bailey bridge Bain Street Baja Fresh
B Baker & Cook Baker And Cook Baker Hughes Baker Street Baker Talent Baker's 13 Baker's Talentq Baker's Well Bakers & Chefs Bakers Brew Bakersmith Bakery 1946 Bakery Brera Bakery Cuisine Bakery Degree Bakery House Cafe Bakery Point Bakerzin Bakerzín Baker’s Bench Balai Polis Sentral Balam Gardens Balam Park Connector Balam Road Balance Balance Coffee Balcon East Balcon East Swimming Pool Balenciaga Baleno Baleno Outlet Balestier Balestier Art Deco shophouses Balestier Bak Kut Teh Balestier Heritage Trail Balestier Road Balestier Road Hoover Rojak Balestier Road Seventh-day Adventist Church Balestier Students' Hostel Bali Lane Bali Nasi Lemak Bali Thai Balinese Spa Balinese Thai Ballaji Bha Awan Ballet Ballota Park Condominium Balmeg Hill Balmoral 8 Balmoral Bakery Balmoral Crescent Balmoral Crest Balmoral Gate Balmoral Heights Balmoral Hills Balmoral Park Balmoral Plaza Balmoral Point Balmoral Residences Balmoral Road Balmoral Tower Balu Supermarket Bam Tapas Sake Bar Bamadhaj Brothers Bamboo Biryani Bamboo Bowls Bamboo Trail Bambu Bambusetum Ban Heng Restaurant Ban Hin Chan Ban Hock Furnishing Ban Keng Florist & Trading Ban Li Heng Ban Mookata Original Ban Nee Chen Pte Ltd Ban San Street Ban Shock Bee Tea Merchant Ban Sok Thai Noodle Ban Soon Bicycle Shop Ban Teck Han Bldg Banana Leaf Banchong Cafe Banda Street Bandlab Technologies Building Bandstand Bangala Stores Bangalore Iyengar Bangkit Kiosk Bangkit Road Bangkok Bank Bangkok D.K. Food Bangkok Express Bangkok Jam Bangkok Jam - Plaza Singapura Bangkok Street Mookata Bangladeshi Food Bangunan Foh Chong Bangunan MARA Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim Bangunan UMNO Banh Mi 233 Banh Mi Brothers Banh Mi Thit Bánh Mì Bé Bi Banjara Bank Negara Malaysia Bank of America Bank of East Asia Bank of India Bank of Singapore Centre Bank Rakyat Bank Simpanan Nasional Banshing Industrial Co. Banyan Condominium Banyan Park Banyan Tree & Ruin Bao Er Cafe Bao Mei Boneless Chicken Rice Bao Today Bar Bar Black Sheep Bar Naked Bar on Chulia Bar On Chulia Bar Room Bar Rose Bar Stories Bar-Roque Grill Barakkath Frame Maker Barasingha Barbary Walk Barbecue Pit Barber Barber Point Barber Shop Bar.B.Q. Tonight BarCode Barcook Barcook Bakery Bare-faced Curassow Baris Bistro Bar Baristart Coffee Baristart Coffee Singapore Bark Avenue Barker Road Barker Road Methodist Church Barker Ville Barking Deer Barossa Gardens Barracuda Restaurant Barrage Cove Barrels Barrio by Kulto Barrio Chino BARRO mex out Bartley Beacon Bartley Christian Church Bartley GreenRise Bartley Neighbourhood Bartley Residences Bartley Ridge Bartley Road East BARTLEY ROAD EAST Bartley Secondary School Bartley Vue Bartley Walk Basharsil Bros Basheer Graphic Books Basil & Thyme Basketball / Volleyball Courts Basketball Court
B Beautique Beautique Hair and Beauty School Beauty 100 Beauty and the Chris Beauty Care Beauty Cube Beauty Empire Beauty Glow Beauty house Beauty Ideas Beauty in The Pot Beauty Land Beauty Lane Beauty Language Beauty Salon 463 Beauty Slim Beauty Spa Beauty Space Beauty World Integrated Transport Hub (U/C) Beautymore.sg Beaver's Beaverton Court Bebek Goreng Pak Ngdut Become Aesthetics Clinic Becs and Carrie’s Bedchamber Boutique Bedford Road Bedok Bedok 538 Market & Food Centre Bedok Avenue Bedok Beacon Bedok Bus Interchange Bedok Camp Bedok Central Bedok Central Post Office Bedok Church of Christ Bedok Close Bedok Court Bedok Garden Bedok Garden & Landscape Bedok Green Primary School Bedok Green Secondary School Bedok Heaven Bedok Industrial Park C Bedok Industrial Park E Bedok Jetty Bedok Lane Bedok Lutheran Church Bedok Mall Bedok Market Place Bedok Methodist Church Bedok Neighbourhood Police Post Bedok North Avenue 1 Bedok North Avenue 2 Bedok North Avenue 3 Bedok North Avenue 4 Bedok North Drive Bedok North Neighbourhood Police Centre Bedok North Road Bedok North Springs Bedok North Street 1 Bedok North Street 2 Bedok North Street 3 Bedok North Street 4 Bedok North Street 5 Bedok North Vale Bedok North Woods Bedok Park Connector Bedok Place Bedok Public Library Bedok Reservoir Crescent Bedok Reservoir Floating Platform Bedok Reservoir Garden Bedok Reservoir Punggol Vale Bedok Reservoir Road Bedok Reservoir View Bedok Ria Crescent Bedok Ria Drive Bedok Ria Place Bedok Ria Terrace Bedok Ria Walk Bedok Rise Bedok Road Bedok South Bedok South Avenue 1 Bedok South Avenue 2 Bedok South Avenue 3 Bedok South Bloom Bedok South Blossoms Bedok South Horizon Bedok South Neighbourhood Police Centre Bedok South Parkview Bedok South Road Bedok South Secondary School Bedok Sports & Fitness Centre Bedok Sports Complex Bedok Sports Hall Bedok Telephone Exchange Bedok Tennis Centre Bedok Terrace Bedok Town Secondary School Bedok Town Square Bedok View Secondary School Bedok Walk Beds and Dreams Bee Cheng Hiang Bee Cheng Hiang @ Ang Mo Kio Bee Cheng Hiang мясо Bee Chun Heng Bee Heong Palace Restaurant Bee Hock Guan Bee Huat Department Store Bee Kee Hong KongThiam Sim Bee San Avenue Bee's Brand Bird's Nest & Health Products Bee's Knees Bee's Knees Urban Beechwood Grove Beer & Hops Beer Factory Beer Force Beer Shop Beertale Begonia Begonia Crescent Begonia Drive Begonia Lane Begonia Road Begonia Terrace Begonia Walk Begum Bridal & Boutique Bei Fang Feng Wei Beijing Roast Duck House Beirut Grill Bejeweled BELFOR (Asia) Pte Ltd Belgravia Ace Belgravia Drive Belgravia Green Belgravia Park Belgravia Villas Belilios Lane Belilios Road Belimbing Avenue Bell of Happiness Bell of Happiness (Dar Pomorza) Bell's Crusine Bella Beauty House Bella Pasta Bellavile Belle Belle Belle Vista Belle Vue Residences Belle-ville Pancake Cafe Bellerive Bellewaters Bellewoods Belllo Hotel Belmond Green Belmont Road Beloved Aroma Belvedere Close Belvia Belysa Ben & Jerry's Ben and Jerry Ben Baker Ben Harington Hair Shop Benaan Kapal Bridge Benches Cafe Bencoolen Bencoolen House Bencoolen Link Bencoolen Street Bencoolen Underground Mall Bendemeer Bendemeer Court Bendemeer Light Bendemeer Primary School Bendemeer Road Bendemeer Secondary badminton court Bendemeer Secondary School Bendemeer Ville Benel Beng Cheng Restaurant Beng Thin Hoon Kee Restaurant Beng Wan Road Bengawan Solo Benjamin Barker Benji Benoi Channel Benoi Crescent Benoi Lane Benoi Place Benoi Road Benoi Sector Benson Salted Duck Rice Beo Crescent Beo Printing Beppu Menkan Japanese Noodle Restaurant Bergen Marine and Offshore Bergs Beriwell Berjaya Waterfront Food Truck Park Berjaya Waterfront Hotel Berkeley Residences Berkshire Road Berlayer Point Lighthouse Berlin Wall - old site Berlin Wall fragments Bermuda Road Bernam Street Bernard Street Bero Coffee Singapore Berries Berrima Road Berry Tree Preschool Bershka Berwick Drive Beryl's Bes Bar Bes Price Minimart Bess 168 (Punggol) Bess 8 Bess Choice Bess Station Best Ah Ma Cafe by Tin Box Best Bakes Best Choice Furniture Design Studio Best Denki BEST Denki Best Denki Best Friends Best Healthcare Centre & Spa Best Lighting Best Lightings Best Pan Food House Best Satay Best Satay 7 & 8 (Lau Pa Sat) Best Tech Best Wash Bestar Bestino Curtain Gallery Bestway Building Betel Box Backpackers Hostel Bethany Christian Centre Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church Bethany Presbyterian Church Bethel Assembly of God Bethel Presbyterian Church Bethel Preschool Bethesda Cathedral Bethesda Center Bethesda Chapel Bethesda Church (Bedok-Tampines) Bethesda Church (Bedok-Tampines) Service Hall Bethesda Church Bukit Arang Bethesda Hall (Church) Bethesda Kindergarten Bethesda Mall (AMK) Bethesda Pasir Ris Mission Church Bethesda Serangoon Church Bethlehem Bible Presbyterian Church Betime Building Better Days Cafe & Bar Better Vision Between sea and sky by Oliver Strebelle Beulah House Beurre Beverly Beverly Hill Beyond 9 to 5 Beyond Ballet Studio Beyond Beauty Beyond Flowers Beyond Illusion Beyond Pancakes Beyond The Dough Pizzeria BFS Hair Studio Bgain 221 Eating House Bhai Sarbat Teh Tarik Bhamo Road Bharal Bharat Building Bharath Store Bharathaanjali BHC Chicken BHG Bi Sheng Furniture Centre BIA MUAY THAI GYM Bibi & Baba Bibimbap & Dosirak Bibs & Mitts Bicycle Shop Bidadari Bus Interchange Bidadari Greenway Bidadari Park Drive Bidadari Polyclinic & Nursing Home Bideford Road Bierhaus Big Bakery Big Bang Big Banyan Tree Big Bird Big Boss Big Boss Bistro Big Bowl Pod Big Bowls Project Big Brand Satay Boutique Big Bubble Dive Centre Big Bucket Treehouse Big Eater Big Fish Aquarium Big Fish Small Fish Big Foot Pre School Big G Market Big Mama Big Sale Warehouse Biggin Hill Road Bigmama BBQ & Beer Bijin Nabe Bikaner Bikanervala Bike Actually Bike Connect Bike Haus Bike Production Bike Republic Bike Stop Bikemart SG Bikes n Bites Bikini Bar Bikkut Bilal Lane Bill Key Art Billabong Billboard Billion Food Point Bimba y Lola Bin Tong Park Binchang Rise Binchang Rise Playground Binchang Walk Bing Bing Ice Cream Gallery Bingki Korean bingsu dessert Binjai Crest Binjai Hill Binjai Park Binjai Rise Binjai Walk Binomio Binturong Biohackk Biomedical Grove Biopolis Drive Biopolis Road Biopolis Street Biopolis Way Bioskin Biosphere Capital Birch Road Birch Tree Design Pte. Ltd. Bird Bird Bakery Bird Bird Chicken Bird Paradise Bird Paradise Shop Bird Park Drive Birdie Numnum Gastro Bar Birds of a Feather Birds Of Paradise Birds of Paradise Birds of Paradise Gelato Boutique & Sandwich Bar
B Boonview Boost Boost Juice Boost Juice Bar Bora Bora Beach Bar Borderless Coffee Boring&Meaningless Bornean Orang Utan Borneo Motors BORNGA 본가 Borthwick Drive Boscombe Road Bose Boss Bar & Kitchen Bosses Bossi face Bossini
B Brilliant Color Brilliant Manufacturing Brilliant Stars Entertainment BrilliantTOTS Brinda's Brisa Bristol Road British Essential British Indian Curry Hut BritishIndia Briyani by Hamidah Bi Briyani Catereer Briyani Concepts Briyani.com Brizay Park BRMC Little Lights Preschool - Vanda Broadrick Close Broadrick Road Broadrick Secondary School Broadway Broadway Coffee Shop Broadway Coffeeshop Broadway Foodcourt Centre Broadway Hotel Broadway Kopitiam Brockhampton Drive Brompton Junction Brompton Kitchen Brompton Road Brooke Road Brookvale Drive Brother
B BS27 Dresscode BSG Trading Pte. Ltd. Bsi mart BTH Bldg 103 BTH Centre BTO Contractors Pte. Ltd. Buangkok Buangkok Bus Interchange Buangkok Court Buangkok Crescent Buangkok Drive Buangkok East Drive Buangkok Edgeview Buangkok Green Buangkok Green Medical Park Buangkok Link Buangkok Park Connector Buangkok Parkvista Buangkok Sports Park Buangkok Square Buangkok Square Mall Buangkok Tropica Buangkok Vale Buangkok View Buangkok Woods Bubble Fresh Bubbly Petz Buckaroo's Buckley 18 Buckley Block Buckley Classique Buckley Classique Drop-off Road Buckley Road Bud Buddy Hoagies Budget Value PTE LTD Budgetone Hotel Budi Court Buffalo Buffalo Road Bugatti Bugis Bugis Cube Shopping Mall Bugis Fortune God Bugis Junction Bugis Junction Tower Bugis Point Bugis St. Chuen Chuen Chicken Rice Bugis Street Bugis Street Back Lane Bugis Street Chuen Chuen Bugis Street Chuen Chuen Chicken Rice Bugis+ BuilderSmart Building 1 (Administration) Building 2 (Education) Building 3 (Arts) Building 5 (Physical Education) Building 7 (Science) Bukang Bukchon Korean Restaurant Bukit Arang Road Bukit Ayer Molek Bukit Batok Bukit Batok Avenue 1 Bukit Batok Bus Interchange Bukit Batok Central Bukit Batok Central Link Bukit Batok Central Post Office Bukit Batok Crescent Bukit Batok Driving Centre Bukit Batok East Avenue 2 Bukit Batok East Avenue 3 Bukit Batok East Avenue 4 Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 Bukit Batok East Avenue 6 Bukit Batok East Park Connector Bukit Batok Golf Driving Range Bukit Batok Green Bukit Batok Industrial Park A Bukit Batok Interchange Bukit Batok Nature Park Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Police Centre Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Police Post Bukit Batok Park Connector Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church Bukit Batok Public Library Bukit Batok Road Bukit Batok Secondary School Bukit Batok Street 11 Bukit Batok Street 21 Bukit Batok Street 22 Bukit Batok Street 23 Bukit Batok Street 24 Bukit Batok Street 25 Bukit Batok Street 31 Bukit Batok Street 32 Bukit Batok Street 33 Bukit Batok Street 34 Bukit Batok Street 41 Bukit Batok Street 51 Bukit Batok Street 52 Bukit Batok Viacom Assessment Center Bukit Batok West Avenue 2 Bukit Batok West Avenue 3 Bukit Batok West Avenue 4 Bukit Batok West Avenue 5 Bukit Batok West Avenue 6 Bukit Batok West Avenue 7 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 Bukit Batok West Avenue 9 Bukit Batok West Park Connector Bukit Brown Cemetery gates Bukit Brown Municipal Cemetery Bukit Canberra Indoor Sports Hall Bukit Canberra Swimming Complex Bukit Chermin Road Bukit Drive Bukit Gombak Sports Hall Bukit Gombak Vista Bukit Ho Swee Court Bukit Ho Swee Crescent Bukit Ho Swee Link Bukit Ho Swee View Bukit Manis Road Bukit Merah Bukit Merah Branch Office Bukit Merah Bus Interchange Bukit Merah Central Bukit Merah East Neighbourhood Police Centre Bukit Merah Joint Testing & Vaccination Centre Bukit Merah Lane 1 Bukit Merah Lane 2 Bukit Merah Lane 3 Bukit Merah Lane 4 Bukit Merah Post Office Bukit Merah Public Library Bukit Merah Ridge Bukit Merah Secondary School Bukit Merah View Bukit Merah West Neighbourhood Police Centre Bukit Mugliston Bukit Panjang Bukit Panjang / Zheng Hua Park Connector Bukit Panjang Camp Bukit Panjang Fire Post Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel Bukit Panjang Government High School Bukit Panjang Integrated Transport Hub Bukit Panjang Ke Kou Mian Bukit Panjang Khek Community Guild Bukit Panjang Link Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Kindergarten Bukit Panjang Neighbourhood Police Centre Bukit Panjang North Neighbourhood Police Post Bukit Panjang Park Connector Bukit Panjang Post Office Bukit Panjang Primary School Bukit Panjang Public Library Bukit Panjang Ring Road Bukit Panjang Road Bukit Panjang South Neighbourhood Police Post Bukit Panjang Station Square Bukit Pasoh Road Bukit Purmei Avenue Bukit Purmei Road Bukit Purmei Ville Bukit Regency Bukit Sedap Road Bukit Teresa Close Bukit Teresa Road Bukit Timah Bukit Timah Fire Post Bukit Timah Link Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Bukit Timah Neighbourhood Police Centre Bukit Timah Neighbourhood Police Post Bukit Timah Park Connector Bukit Timah Post Office Bukit Timah Primary School Bukit Timah Railway Station Bukit Timah railway station Bukit Timah Road Bukit Timah Summit Bukit Timah VHF Station Bukit Timah Visitor Services Counter Bukit Timbalan Bukit Tinggi Road Bukit Tunggal Road Bukit V / The Reserve Residences Bukit View Primary School Bukit View Primary School (U/C) Bukit View Secondary School Bukit Way Buko Nero Bulgogi Syo Bulim Avenue Bulim Bus Depot Bulim Depot Bulim Drive Bulim Square Bulim Street Bulim Walk Bull and Bear Bullarum Bullion Park BullionStar Bumbo Rum Club Bumboat tickets – Singapore river cruise Bun Specialist Bunc Hostel Bunc@Radius Hostel Bunc@Radius Little India Hostel Bunch & Branches Bunga Rampai Place Bunga Raya Bungkus Bunker
B Bunker Buona Lodge Buona Vista Court Buona Vista Neighbourhood Police Post Buona Vista Terminal Burger & Lobster Burger Bar Burger bar New York Burger Frites Burger King Burgerlabo Burghley Drive Burghley Squash & Tennis Centre Burgundy Crescent Burgundy Drive Burgundy Hill Burgundy Rise Burial Preparation Facility Burkill Hall Burlington Square Burmah Road Burn Road Burnfoot Terrace Burning Oak Burnt Cones Burnt Ends Dempsey Rd Buroh Crescent Buroh Drive Buroh Lane Buroh Street Burp Burp Kitchen & Bar (Bishan Park) Burrata Joy Gustavo Lapasta Bury Road Bus Only Bus-only corridor Bushido Business Link Business Park Drive Bussorah Street Bussorah Street information Buta Kabayaki Buta Kin Butahage Butcher Boy Butcher Shop Butter & Cream Butter & Spice Butter better Butter Studio Buttercake N Cream Butterfly Avenue Butterfly Aviary Butterfly Garden Butterfly Maze Butterfly Park & Insect Kigdom Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom Butterknife Folk Buttertown Butterworth 8 Butterworth Lane Butterworth View Buy N Save Buyan Russian Haute Cuisine & Caviar Bar Buycycle Buyong Road
C C Block C J Koh Law Library C Patisserie C. Rashiwala Bros. C&L Cafe C&T Facial & Beauty Salon Cabana Cabelony Hair Studio Cable Car Cable car tickets Cable Road Cables International Cactus Crescent Cactus Drive Cactus Road Cad's Alley Cadence Light Caesar Palace Caevest Cafe Cafe & Bar Gaurocre Cafe 134 Cafe 2000 Cafe 566 Cafe 68 Cafe Agora Café Amazon Cafe B Cafe Belle Vie Cafe Coco Cafe de Muse Cafe Etc. Cafe Football Singapore Cafe Hotshot Cafe Iguana Café Insadong Cafe Kook Cafe Melba Café Monochrome Cafe Monochrome Café Nido Cafe O Cafe Own Cafe Ren Cafe Wabi Sabi Cafe&Meal MUJI Cafe3 Café@Moberly, Student Hub@Moberly Cafeteria Caffe Fernet Cahaya Singapura Cairnhill Arts Centre Cairnhill Astoria Cairnhill Circle Cairnhill Crest Cairnhill Neighbourhood Police Post Cairnhill Plaza Cairnhill Residences Cairnhill Rise Cairnhill Road Cake Bakery Cake Bar Cake Delights Cake History Cake Inspiration Cake Spade Cakes and Cravings Cal-Ameen Caldecott Close Caldwell House Cali Cafe California Pizza Kitchen Caligraph Coffee Callidora Ville Calls Hub Calshot Road Caltex Caltex Alexandra Caltex Bukit Batok Service Station Caltex Chong Pang Calvary Assembly of God Church Calvary Baptist Church Calvary Bible-Presbyterian Church Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church Calvary Pandan Kindergarten Calvin Klein Camaca Camberley Pre-School Cambio Suites Camborne Road Cambridge Industrial Trust Cambridge Road Cambridge Village CAMC Service Centre Camden Park Camelia Park Camellia Camellia Lodge Camellia Tea Bar Camelot-by-the-Water Camera Hospital Cameron Hotel Camouflage Hub Camp Christine Camp Kilo Charcoal Club Camp Road Campbell Inn Campbell Lane Camper's Corner Outdoor Outfitters Campers Corner Camphor Avenue Campsite Area 3 Campsite Area D Campus Boulevard Campus by The Assembly Place Campus Club House Campus Green Campus Rider Canaan Centre Canada Road Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza Canadian 2 For 1 Pizza Canadian 241 Pizza Canadian International School Canadian Pizza Canberlin Lodge Canberra Crescent Canberra Drive Canberra Lane Canberra Link Canberra Park Connector Canberra Primary School Canberra Residences Canberra Road Canberra Secondary School Canberra Station Canberra Street Canberra View Canberra Vista Canberra Walk Canberra Way Canberra-Sembawang Park Connector Candeville Candid Electric Candlenut Candy Empire Candylicious Cang-Ai Wedding Canne Ville Canning Lane Canning Rise Canning Walk Canninghill Piers Showflat Canninghill Square Cannondale Canon Canopy Canopy Coffee Club Café Canopy Flyer Canopy Garden Dining Canopy walk Canossa Catholic Primary School Canossaville Children's Home Canossian Convent Kindergarten Canteen Canteen 4 Canteen Bistro Canterbury Road Cantilevered Gym Canton Paradise Canton Paradise Essence Of Hong Kong Canton Paradise (Star Vista) Canton Paradise 樂天小香港 Canton Street Cantonment Close Cantonment Link Cantonment Primary School Cantonment Road Cantonment Towers Cape of Good Heart Gallery Cape Royale Capella Singapore Capital Restaurant Pte Ltd Capital Tower Capital Tower Plaza CapitaSpring Sky Garden Capitol Building Capitol Optical Capitol Singapore Capitol Theatre Cappadocia Capri Capri by Fraser Capri Spa Capricci Capricorn Drive CapsulePod@Aljunied Captain Grocer's Capuchin Monkey Capybara Car Buyers Club Car Choice Car Park
C Car Park to Chestnut South Connector Car Park (USSC) Carabelle Caracara Carbon& Card Access Cardiff Grove Cardiff Residences Carera Bathroom Pte. Ltd. Careshop de Cafe Careworks Cargo & Travels Cargo Agents Blk A Cargo Agents Blk B Cargo Agents Blk C Cargo Agents Blk D Cargo Agents Blk E Cargo Lift Caribbean at Keppel Bay Caring Carisbrooke Grove Carissa Park Condominium Carl's Jr. Carlisle Printers & Graphic Designers, Blk1001 Jalan Bukit Merah, #02-11, Singapore 159455 Carlisle Road Carlo Catholic Society Carlton City Hotel Carlton Hotel Carmel Presby Church Carmen Street Carmen Terrace Carmichael Road Playground Carmina Carnation Drive CARNE Singapore Caro Patisserie Carole Carpark Carpark 3 Carpe Diem Childcare Resort Carpe Diem Kidz Playschool Carpe Diem Schoolhouse Carpenter and Cook Carpenter Street Carpenters Carpmael Road Carrara Cafe Carrhill Road Carribbean Flamingo Carrisa Park Carrotsticks & Cravings Carrotsticks and Cravings Cars & Stars Cars Online Cart Cobbler
C Cartier Caruso Carver Street Casa Casa Cairnhill Casa Cambio Casa Clementi Casa Espania Casa Esperanza Casa Italia Casa Jervois Casa Merah Casa Meya Casa Meyfort Casa Novacrest Casa Riveria Casa Rosa Casa Sarina Casa Sarina Swimming Pool Casa Spring @ Yishun Casa Tartufo Casa Uno Casa Vostra Casa Yan Casablanca Casafina Casanova Cascadale Cascade Pavilion Cascata Case Logic Caseen Street Casero Cash Converters Cash Studio Karaoke Bar Cashew Crescent Cashew Heights Cashew Link Cashew Park Condominium Cashew Road Cashew Terrace Cashin House Cashin Street Cashmart CASIO Caspian Cassandra Fashions Cassia Crescent Cassia Drive Cassia Link Cassia View Cassowary Casterly Castle Beach Castlery Casual Poet Library Casuarina Cove Casuarina Curry Casuarina Entrance Casuarina Prata (Sixth Ave) Casuarina Primary School Casuarina Road Casuarina Walk Cat & the Fiddle Cat & The Fiddle Cat and kittens Cat and the Fiddle Cafe Cat Smart Cat Socrates Catchment Path Catering Services Cathay Cineleisure Orchard Cathay Cineplex Cathay Forecourt Cathay Laksa Cathay Photo Cathedral Café Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre Catholic Centre Catholic High School Catholic Kindergarten Cats & Cafe Cats Garage Cattel Building Catterick Road Cattleland 2 Causeway Point Cavan Road Cave Cave Path Cavemen Cavemen Butchery Cavenagh Bridge Cavenagh Bridge старый шотландский мост Cavenagh Fortuna Cavenagh Gardens Cavenagh Lodge Cavenagh Road Cavendish Park CB2 CCK Dorm A CCK Dorm B CCL CDL Green Gallery CDPL Tuas Dormitory CÉ LA VI Cecil Court Cecil Street Cecilia Block (Creative Arts Building) Cedar Avenue Cedar Girls' Secondary School Cedar Primary School Cedarwood Grove Cedele Cedele Bakery Cafe Cedele Bakery Kitchen Cedele (Great World City) Celebration of Arts Celebrity Facial Salon Celestia Celestial Resort Ubin (closed) Celine's Gelato Cellarbration Cellini Célmonze Cemetery Central Street 12 Cemetery Central Street 15 Cemetery Central Street 25 Cemetery Central Street 29 Cemetery Central Street 31 Cemetery Central Street 32 Cemetery Central Street 33 Cemetery Central Street 34 Cemetery Central Street 8 Cemetery North Street 1 Cemetery North Street 13 Cemetery North Street 15 Cemetery North Street 16 Cemetery North Street 17 Cemetery North Street 2 Cemetery North Street 4 Cemetery North Street 4A Cemetery North Street 6 Cemetery South St 12 Cemetery South St 12A Cemetery South St 14 Cemetery South St 16 Cemetery South St 18 Cemetery South St 7 Cemetery South St 9 Cemetery South Street 1 Cemetery South Street 10 Cemetery South Street 17 Cemetery South Street 18 Cemetery South Street 25 Cemetery South Street 3 Cemetery South Street 34 Cemetery South Street 5 Cempaka Cengal Pasir Cenosis Centennia Suites Centennial Tower Centra Heights Centra Residence Centra Suites Central 65 Hostel & Cafe Central Boulevard Central Catchment Park Connector Central Christian Church Central Exchange Green Central Expressway Underpass Central Green Condo Central Grove Central Hong Kong Café Central Lane 1 Central Library Central Library Annexe Central Library Plaza Central Line 3 Central Mall Central Manpower Base Central Meadows Central Narcotics Bureau Central Park Tower Central Plaza Central Staff Apartments Central Stage Central Thai Central Trio @ AMK Central View Central Water Catchment Central Water Tank Central Weave @ AMK Centrale 8 Centre 42 Centre for Ethnobotany Centre of New Life Centre Stage School of the Arts
C Centrium Square Centro Centro Mans Centurion 12 Century @ Cellars Century Mansions Century Warehouse Century Wines Cerebral Palsy Centre Cerelia Vista Ceres Cermin Mata Certified Laptop Repair (Bugis) - Screen Repairs - Apple Macbook Surface Pro Dell Lenovo Acer Toshiba Alienware Asus HP Samsung Singapore Service Centre Certis Central Certis Cisco Auxiliary Police Force Certis Cisco west hub CES Bldg 69 CES Centre CEVA Logistics Ceylon Lane Ceylon Road CFoot Cha Chaan Teng Cha Rim Cha Yu Fan Hou Cha-Cha Thai Muslim Chaat's Corner Chabuton Chabuton Ramen Chachacha Chagee Chai Chee Avenue Chai Chee Drive Chai Chee Gardens Chai Chee Green Chai Chee Lane Chai Chee Neighbourhood Police Post Chai Chee Nonya Food Stuff Chai Chee Pork Porridge Chai Chee Road Chai Chee Seafood Restaurant Chai Chee Street Chai Fatt Motor Trading Chai Ming Optical Pte Ltd Chai O’clock Chaiwalla & Co Chakra Challenger Challenger @ Bugis Junction (Level 3) Challenger (Flagship B1) Challenger Mini Challenger Mobile Challenger Pit Challenger PIT @ SingPost Challenging Route Chalong Chameleon Champagnat House Champion Hotel Champion Hotel City Champions Bliss Champions Court Champions Green Champions Way Chan + Hori Contemporary Chan Brothers Chan Brothers Building Chan Chan Chan Cheng Chan Foon Jade & Jewellery Chan Grove Chan Huat Chan's World Holidays Chancellor@Orchard Chancery Court Chancery Grove Chancery Hill Road Chancery Hill Walk Chancery Lane Chancery Lane Pill Box Chancery Park Chander Road Chandra Mahal Chanel Chang Chang Charn Road Chang Cheng Chang Cheng Mee Wah Chang Chewang Chang Wang Bake Shop Chang Ziang Hotel ChangCheng mi Wah Change Alley Changi Changi Air Base East Changi Air Base East Expansion Changi Air Base (West) Changi Airbase Changi Airport Connector Changi Airport Fire Station 1 Changi Airport Nursery Changi Airport T2 Famous Fried Fish Fishball Noodle Changi Airport Terminal 1 Changi Airport Terminal 2 Changi Airport Terminal 2 Post Office Changi Airport Terminal 3 Changi Airport VIP Complex Changi Animal and Plant Quarantine Station Changi Baptist Church Changi Bay Changi Beach Club Changi Beach Club Sports Complex Changi Beach Park Changi Bethany Church Changi Business Park Changi Business Park Avenue 1 Changi Business Park Avenue 3 Changi Business Park Bus Terminal Changi Business Park Central 1 Changi Business Park Central 2 Changi Business Park Central1 Changi Business Park Crescent Changi Business Park Vista Changi City Point Changi Coast Road Changi Coast Walk Changi Court Changi East Changi East Close Changi East Depot Changi East Project Office Changi Experience Studio Changi Ferry Road Changi Fire Station Changi General Hospital Changi Golf Club Changi Green Changi Heights Changi Lodge 2 Changi Lodge 3 Changi Naval Base Changi Neighbourhood Police Centre Changi North Crescent Changi North Rise Changi North Street 1 Changi North Street 2 Changi North Way Changi NPC Changi Point Board Walk Changi Point Bridge Changi Prison Complex Changi Recommends Changi Rewards Changi Rise Condo Changi Road Changi Sailing Club Changi (Singapore) - Tanjung Belungkor (Malaysia) Changi South Avenue 1 Changi South Avenue 2 Changi South Avenue 3 Changi South Avenue 4 Changi South Lane Changi South Street 1 Changi South Street 2 Changi South Street 3 Changi Steamboat Changi Village Changi Village Bungalow Changi Village Cendol Changi Village Coastal Walk Changi Village Coastal Walk (Kelong Walk) Changi Village Market & Hawker Centre Changi Village Road Changi Village (Singapore) - Tanjung Pengelih (Malaysia) Changi Village Terminal Changi Women's Prison Changing Rooms Changkat Changi Secondary School Changkat Neighbourhood Police Post Changkat Primary School Channel Sam Chantilly Rise Chantique the Bridal Gallery Chao Shan Cuisine Chaoniu Hot Pot Chapel Close Chapel Road Chapter 2 Cycle Chapter 55 Chapter B Chapters Char Seal Bar Char Yong (Dabu) Association Charco's The Flaming Chicken Charging bull Charis Lodge Charis Methodist Church Charity Bar Charles & Keith Charles' Classic Cakes ( Charleston Charlie's Charlie's Corner #01-70 Charlie's Paradiso Charlie's Tapas, Grill & Bar Charlotte Charlton Corner Charlton Lane Charlton Residences Charlton Road Charlton Villas Charlton18 Charlton27 Charm Beauty Zone Charming Garden Chartwell Drive Chat MAsala Chateau Le Fame Chatelet Chateraise Chatsworth Avenue Chatsworth International School Singapore (Bukit Timah Campus)) Chatsworth Park Chatsworth Preschool Chatsworth Road Chaung Thar Myanmar Minimart Chawang Bistro Chawang the Elephant Chay Yan Street Cheang Hong Lim Place Cheang Jim Chwan Place Cheang Wan Seng Place Cheap Jobs Interprise Cheap John's Enterprise Cheapest attraction Ticket Singapore Checkers Backpackers Checkers Hostel Chee Hoe Hong PTE LTD Chee Hoe Seng Minimart Chee Hoon Avenue Chee Nien Tong Cheeky Beehon 麒记 刺激米粉 Cheers Cheers! Cheeselads Cheetah Chef China Chef Icon Chef Kiosk Chef Street Chef’s Hats Chef’s Table Chek Jawa Visitor Center Chek Jawa Wetlands Chelsea Gardens Chelsea Lighting Chelsea Village Chempaka Avenue Chempaka Kuning Link Chemperai Trail Chen Fu Ji Restaurant Chen Hing Trading PTE LTD Chen Li Presbyterian Church Chen Sian Tng Temple Chen's Mapo Tofu Chencharu Green Chencharu Hills Chencharu Link Chencharu Vines Chendu Enterprises Chendur Impex Cheng Hoe House Cheng Mun Chee Kee Pig Organ Soup Cheng Mun Kee Cheng Rui Lifestyle Feng Shui Cheng San Community Club Cheng San Court Cheng San Crest Cheng San Green Cheng San Place Cheng San Public Library Cheng San View CHeng Seng & Co Cheng Soon Crescent Cheng Soon Garden Cheng Xing Qi Tian Gong Xiang Yu Hui Cheng Yan Court Cheng Yan Place Cheng's Cheng's 27 Chengtai Nursery Pte. Ltd. ChenJi Chenn Leonn Building Chennai Trading Cheong Chin Nam Road Cheongdam Korean Skin Management CHEOTNUN - Korean Dessert Cafe Cheow Keng Road Chepstow Close Cherie Hearts Cherki Cherry Avenue Cherry Gardens Cherry Hill Cherryloft Resorts Chervil Unisex Hair Salon Cheryls cones Chesed-El Synagogue Chess Academy (Singapore) Chester Park Chestervale Chestnut Avenue Chestnut Bike Park Chestnut Close Chestnut Crescent Chestnut Drive Chestnut Drive Playground Chestnut Exercise Area Chestnut Gardens Chestnut Lane Chestnut Nature Park Chestnut Nature Park South Biking Trail Chestnut Nature Park South Hiking Trail Chestnut Residences Chestnut Terrace Chestnut Ville I Chestnut Ville II Chettinad Catering Pte Ltd Chettinadu Restaurant Chettynad Curry Palace (செட்ழநரஞ கறி பேலஸ்) Cheval Cheval cafe bar bistro Cheviot Hill Chevron House Chew Design Chew Kee Eating House Chew Tai Hin Chew's Optics Chez Poppy Chi Toi Vietnamese Crusine Chia Ann Siang Chia Ping Road Chia Puddies Chiak! Chiang Kong Chiang Mai Thai Kitchen Chiap Guan Avenue Chiap Lee Chiat Teck Arts and Frame Makers Chibing Chic A Boo Chic Fever Chic-a-boo Chic-a-boo Fried Chicken Chicaboo Chicha San Chen ChiCha San Chen CHICHA San Chen Chicha San Chen CHICHA San Chen 吃茶三千 Chicha San Chen;Tendon Kohaku Chick A Boo Chicken & beer Korean Chicken Bar Chicken Claypot House Chicken Hotpot Chicken House Chicken Pie Kitchen Chicken Pot Chicken rice
C Chicken Rice Chicken Steamboat Chico-loco Chiew Kee Noodle House Chifa! CHIJ Katong Convent School CHIJ (Katong) Primary School CHIJ (Kellock) Primary School CHIJ (Our Lady of Good Counsel) Primary School CHIJ (Our Lady of the Nativity) Primary School CHIJ (Our Lady Queen of Peace) Primary School CHIJ St Joseph's Convent CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent CHIJ (Toa Payoh) Primary School CHIJ (Toa Payoh) Secondary School Chik Soo Chiku Road Chikuwa Tei Chikuyo Tei Chil Chil Child Development Centre – Bukit Batok Child's Atelier Children Swimming Pool Children's Cove Preschool Children's Garden Cafe Children's Museum Singapore Children's Playground Children's Pool Children's pool Children's Pool Chili Ban Mian and Char Quay Teow Chili’s Pizza Chill @ Chong Pang Chillas Chilli Padi Nonya Cafe Chilli Padi Nonya Restaurant Chilli Pan Mee (Batu Road) Chilli Pedi Chiltern Drive Chiltern Park Chimichanga Chimpanzee Chin Bee Avenue Chin Bee Crescent Chin Bee Drive Chin Bee road Chin Cheng Avenue Chin Chew Street Chin Chin Eating House Chin Giap Soon Chin Hing & Co. Chin Hon Motor Chin Hong Cycle Co. Chin Huat Live Seafood Chin Keng Tye Trading Chin Lee Chin Leong Bicycle Co. Chin Lien Bible Seminary Chin Ling Nursery Chin Mee Chin Confectionery Chin Seng Enterprise Chin Sin Huan Eating House Chin Swee Road Chin Swee View Chin Terrace Chin Wah & Co Chin Wah (Paints) Chin Wah Paints Chin Yong Fruits Trading Chin Yuan Metal China Cultural Centre China Moutai China Square Central Car Park Entrance/Exit China Square Food Court China Street China Whampoa Home Made Noodle Chinastar International Trading Pte Ltd Chinatown Complex Foodcourt Chinatown Heritage Centre Chinatown Point Chinatown Tai Chong Kok Confectionery Hue Kee CHINDAMANI INDIAN RESTAURANT Chinese and Japanese Gardens Chinese Art Centre Chinese Cemetery Chinese Cemetery Path 11 Chinese Cemetery Path 13 Chinese Cemetery Path 14 Chinese Cemetery Path 15 Chinese Cemetery Path 17 Chinese Cemetery Path 19 Chinese Cemetery Path 21 Chinese Cemetery Path 26 Chinese Cemetery Path 32 Chinese Cemetery Path 34 Chinese Cemetery Path 36 Chinese Cemetery Path 4 Chinese Cooked Food Chinese Cuisine Chinese Furniture Chinese Garden Road Chinese Giant Salamander Chinese Heritage Centre Chinese International Corporation Pte Ltd Chinese Library Chinese Medical Store Chinese mixed veg Chinese Noodle Chinese Procession Chinese Puppet Play Stand Ching Ching Unisex Hair Salon Chingu BBQ Korean Chingu Dining Rochester Chinta Manis Peranakan Patisserie Chip Aik Liquor Co. Chip Bee Gardens Chir Chir Chirashi-Ai Cafe @ Beauty World Centre | Floor 1 Chiselhurst Grove Chitra's Chitty Road Chiu Piano Chivas Cho Choa Chu Kang Choa Chu Kang Avenue 1 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 2 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 6 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7 Choa Chu Kang Central Choa Chu Kang Central Post Office Choa Chu Kang Centre Choa Chu Kang Crescent Choa Chu Kang Drive Choa Chu Kang Exchange Choa Chu Kang Grove Choa Chu Kang Interchange Choa Chu Kang Link Choa Chu Kang Loop Choa Chu Kang Neighbourhood Police Centre Choa Chu Kang Neighbourhood Police Post Choa Chu Kang North 5 Choa Chu Kang North 6 Choa Chu Kang North 7 Choa Chu Kang North Park Connector Choa Chu Kang Park Connector Choa Chu Kang Public Library Choa Chu Kang Road Choa Chu Kang Stadium Choa Chu Kang Street 51 Choa Chu Kang Street 52 Choa Chu Kang Street 53 Choa Chu Kang Street 54 Choa Chu Kang Street 62 Choa Chu Kang Street 64 Choa Chu Kang Swimming Complex Choa Chu Kang Terrace Choa Chu Kang Town Centre Choa Chu Kang Track 14 Choa Chu Kang Way Chobu Ya Chock Full of Beans Choco Express Chocolate Gallery Chocolate Origin Chocolates Candy Delicatessen Chocspot Chocspot J8 Choice Choice @ 215 Choice Retreat House Choice Salon Choices Chola Resto Bar Chomel Chomp Chomp Satay #34 Chong AIK Chong Boon View Chong Hoe Chong Hua Tong Tou Teck Hwee Chong Kuo Road Chong Pang 165 Hard Court Chong Pang Amphitheatre Chong Pang Camp Chong Pang Combined Temple Chong Pang Green Chong Pang Huat Chong Pang Huat #26 Chong Pang Nasi Lemak Chong Pang Neighbourhood Police Post Chong Pang View Chong Pang Vista Chong Qing Grilled Fish Chong Qing Grilled Fish Upper Thomson Chong Qing Steamboat Bar Chong Qing Xiao Mu Deng Chongfu Primary School Chongzheng Primary School Choo Building Centre Choo Chiang Marketing Choo Chiang Marketing Pte. Ltd. Choo Chiang Roasted Meats Choon Guan Street Choon Hin Furniture Choon Kim House Chop Chop Chop Chye Bee Chop Hup Moh Chop Lee Lian Chop Seng Cheong Chop Tai Chong Kok Chop Wah On Chop Yong Moh Chopard Chopin overlooking the symphony stage Chops! ChoPSuey Café Chosen Chota Chow Cute Chow Cute Cafe Chow Tai Fook Chow Zan Dessert House Christ Church Secondary School Christ Methodist Church Christee Christian Cemetery Path 11 Christian Cemetery Path 13 Christian Cemetery Path 2 Christian Cemetery Path 3 Christian Cemetery Path 4 Christian Cemetery Path 5 Christian Cemetery Path 7 Christian Cemetery Path 8 Christian Community Chapel Christian Evangelism Christian Gospel Mission Christian Louboutin Chrono95 Chu Lin Road Chu Sheen Trading Chu Siang Tong Temple Chu Siang Wah Sua Temple Chu Yen Street Chua Chu Kang Primary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School (Main Campus) Chua Thian Poh Hall Chuan Close Chuan Drive Chuan Florist Chuan Garden Chuan Heng Hardware Trading Pte Ltd Chuan Hoe Avenue Chuan Hoe Seventh-day Adventist Church Chuan Jiang Hao Zi Steamboat Restaurant Chuan Lane Chuan Leong Chuan Lim Chuan Link Chuan Pai Chuan Park Chuan Place Chuan Terrace Chuan View Chuan Village Chuan Walk Chuan Wei Xuan Chuan Xiang Le Chuddagaram Romzzan Chug Chug Chui Huay Lim Club Chui Huay Lim Teochew Cuisine Chui Xiang Kitchen Chulia Street Chulove Cafe CHUMPO2 Indonesian Padang Chun Fun How Chun Kee Chun Tin Road Chung Cheng High School (Main) Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) Chung Cheng Prawn Noodles and Chilli Mee Chupitos Church of Christ Church of Christ - Lavender Church Of Christ Of Malaya Church of Christ the King Church of Divine Mercy Church of God Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea Church of Our Saviour Church of Saint Anthony Church Of Saint Francis Xavier Church of Saint Joseph Church of Saints Peter and Paul Church of Singapore Church of St Alphonsus Church of St Bernadette Church of St Francis of Assisi Church of St. Ignatius Church of St. Michael Church of St Stephen Church of St. Teresa Church of St Vincent De Paul Church of the Ascension Church of the Divine Mercy Church of the Epiphany Church of the Holy Cross Church of The Holy Family Church of the Holy Trinity Church of The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church of The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church of the Risen Christ Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Transfiguation Church of the True Light Church Street Chutex Building Chutney Mary Chuville Chwee Chian Road Chwee Chian View Chye Joo Construction Chye Keong Kong Stainless Steel Works & Trading Chye Seng Huat Hardware Château de sable Châteaux Châteraisé Ci Yan Organic Vegetarian Health Food Ci Yuan CC & Hawker Centre Ci Yuan Hawker Centre Ciao CIAS Building CIAS Cargo Centre Cichlid Aquarium Supplies Ciclo E Cafe Ciclo e Caffé Ciel Patisserie CIMB Bank CIMB Plaza Cinergy Solutions LLP Cinewav @ MKB Cinnamon College Cinnamon South Learn Lobe Cinq Salon Cintech 1 CIO JB to spore Circle Inn Circle Line Stage 6 Station worksite Circuit Link Circuit Road Circular Road Cisco Recall Citadines Citadines Rochor Citadines Science Park Singapore Citariya Centre Citi Beauty Citi Lights Citi Snack House Citi Wealth Hub Citibank Citibank Campus Citigold Citikids Academy Citilink Warehouse Complex Citrus Hotel City Backpackers City Chain City Edge City Hardware City Harvest Church City Hot Pot City Hotpot City House City Mahjong Centre City Music City Regency City Scoot : Electric Scooter Rental City Sprouts City Square Mall City Square Post Office City Square Residences City Studios City Tourist Hub City Tours City Tyres City View City View @ Cheng San City Vue Citylife@Tampines Citylights CityLink Mall CityNeon Design Centre Cityscape @ Farrer Park Civic District Civil Defence Academy Civil Defence Academy Furnace Civil Defense Heritage Gallery Civil Service Club Changi Civil Service College (CSC) Civilian War Memorial Civit CJ Malatang Clacton Road Clan Cafe Clap Cafe Clare's Hair Spa Claremont Clarence Lane Clarence Ville Clarke Quay Clarke Quay Central Clarke Quay Jetty Ticket Counter Clarke Street Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Class Room 3 Classic Rosewood Industries Pte Ltd Classique Classique Hotel Claudine Restaurant Clavon Claymore Connect Claymore Drive Claymore Hill Claymore Road Claypot Porridge Clean Pro Cleansing Biotope Cleantech Heights Cleantech Loop CleanTech View Clemenceau Avenue Clemenceau Avenue North Clemenceau Bridge Clementi Clementi Arcade Clementi Ave 2 Food Centre Clementi Avenue 1 Clementi Avenue 2 Clementi Avenue 3 Clementi Avenue 4 Clementi Avenue 5 Clementi Avenue 6 Clementi Bus Interchange Clementi Camp Clementi Cascadia Clementi Central Post Office Clementi Close Clementi Crescent Clementi Crest Clementi Fire Station Clementi Gateway Clementi Jade Clementi Lane Clementi Loop Clementi Meadows Clementi Neighbourhood Police Post Clementi NorthArc Clementi Park Clementi Peaks Clementi Police Division Headquarters Clementi Polyclinic Clementi Primary School Clementi Primary School Entrance Clementi Public Library Clementi Ridges Clementi Road Clementi Shine Clementi Sports Hall Clementi Street 11 Clementi Street 12 Clementi Street 13 Clementi Street 14 Clementi Town Secondary School Clementi View Clementi West Fire Post Clementi West Post Office Clementi West Street 1 Clementi West Street 2 Clementi Woods Condo Clementi Woods Condo Entrance Drive 1 Click N Print Gift Ideas Cliff Road Cliff top path Clifford Centre Clifford Pier Lighthouse Cliften Clifton Vale Climb Asia Clippers Clippers Barber Clippers Barber Hillion Mall Clive Street Cliveden at Grange Clos Pasoh Closet Cloud Dancer Cloud Faber Cloud Forest Cloud Forest, Flower Dome, OCBC Skywalk Cloud Nine Cloud Nine: Raining Cloud Pavilion Clouded Leopard Clover Avenue Clover By The Park Clover Close Clover Crescent Clover Crescent Playground Clover Rise Clover Way Club 21 Club 56 Club A380 Club CSC @ Changi Club Echo Club Famous Club Fredo’s Baker Club House Club July Club Street Club Street Social Club V2 Pub Clubhouse Clubhouse / Management Office Clubhouses Cluny Hill Cluny Park Cluny Park Residence Cluny Park Road Cluny Park Way Cluny Road Clusia Cove Cluster B Clydescove Cmart CMCC
C Cnergy CNES Shoemaker Co Chung Co+Nut+ink Co-op@NTU Cafe Coach Coast to Coast Trail Coast to coast trail Coast-to-Coast Trail Coastal Breeze Residences Coastal mangrove Coastal Park Connector Coastal Path (Closed since 2017) Coastal Rhythm Coastal Trail Coastal View Residences Coastarina Coastcycles Coastes Coastline of Singapore (1969) Coastline Residences Coba Kedai Kopi COCA Restaurant Cochrane Lodge 1 Cochrane Lodge 2 Cochrane Recreation Centre Coco Club CoCo Ichibanya Coco Palms CocoCane Coconut Queen Coconut Rice Cocoon (Facility Block) Cocopalms Swimming Pool CocoPalms welcome feature Cocotto Code Bright Coffee Bean Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Coffee Break Coffee Club Coffee Culture Coffee Express Coffee Faculty Coffee Friends Coffee Hive Coffee hut Coffee Lounge Coffee Queen Coffee Shiop Coffee Shop Coffee Shop - Chicken Rice Coffee Shops Coffee to Go Coffee-Hugg Coffee@works Coffeeshop Cofreely Cogent 1.Logistics Hub COL Colbar Colchester Grove Cold Stone Creamery Cold Storage Cold Storage Fresh Cold Storage Fresh Gold Coldstream Avenue Colectif Designs Hillview Coleman bridge Coleman Lane Coleman Street Coliwoo 75BR Coliwoo Hotel Pasir Panjang Coliwoo Serangoon 450 Collared Peccary Collective Designs College Avenue East College Avenue West College Collection College Green College Green — Dunearn Road Hostels College Link College Link Walkway College Link way College of Alice & Peter Tan College Road Collezione Collin's COLLIN'S®️ GASTRO DINING Collins Collins Aerospace Collyer Quay Colobus Monkey Colony Color Vizio Colorfy Hair Design Colorich Colorland Paint Centre Colour Box Colourful house in little India Colourful Shophouses Colours Colours Hub Colugo Deck Colugo Trail Columbus Coffee Co. COM1 COM2 COM4 Combat Durian Combee Health Products Come-well Chinese Medicine Hall Comel Comer Comfort Delgro Engineering Comfort Design Pte Comida Mexicana Comma Space 逗号空间 Command House Commando Training Institute Commerce Street Commercial Affairs Department Commerzbank Common block Common Grill by Collin's COMMON GROUND creating whole communities Common Man Common Man Coffee Roasters Common Man Roasters Common Man Stan Commonwealth 10 Commonwealth 16 Commonwealth Avenue Commonwealth Avenue West Commonwealth Close Commonwealth Crescent Commonwealth Drive Commonwealth Green Commonwealth Heights Commonwealth Lane Commonwealth Link Commonwealth Neighbourhood Police Post Commonwealth Secondary School Commonwealth Towers Commonwealth View Communal Hall Communal Hall/Block 1 Commune Communicable Disease Centre Communicable Disease Centre 2 Community Coffee Community information board Community Plaza COMO Adventure Grove Como Cuisine Como House COMO Marketplace Compass Compass Green Compass Heights Compass One Compassvale Ancilla Compassvale Arcadia Compassvale Boardwalk Compassvale Bow Compassvale Bus Interchange Compassvale Cape Compassvale Court Compassvale Crescent Compassvale Drive Compassvale Gardens Compassvale Green Compassvale Haven Compassvale Helm Compassvale Lane Compassvale Link Compassvale Lodge Compassvale Mast Compassvale North Gate Compassvale Place Compassvale Plains Compassvale Primary School Compassvale Road Compassvale Secondary School Compassvale South Gate Compassvale Street Compassvale Vista Compassvale Walk Compose Coffee Computhink Computing Drive Concentration Concept City Concierge Concord Concord Primary School Concorde Hotel Concorde Hotel Singapore Condo Lane Condom Lorry Cone Jipangyi Coney Island Park Connector Coney Island Steps Confluence Confucius Confucius Mandarin Institute Confucius statue Cong Ngot dessert Congo River Coniston Grove Connaught Drive Connect 71 Cafe Connector Lim TuaTow Road Conrad Centennial Singapore Conrad Singapore Orchard Conservatory Drive Conserved Terrace Houses Consulate of The Principality of Liechtenstein Consulate-General of Indonesia Contemporary Melting-Pot & Bar Continental Continental Automotive Control Tower Conutink CoNutink Convenience Store Convenient Value Selection Convention Centre Converse Conway Circle Conway Grove Coo Cook Book Cook Street Cook.Bake.Host Cookhouse and Multipurpose Hall Cool Nite Cool Spot
C Cooling Close Cooliv Waterfront Service Apartment Copper Chimney Copthorne King Hotel Copy Shop (1$ color) Coq & Balls Coral Edge Coral Park Magic Tree Coral Primary School Coral Spring Coralls Corals at Keppel Bay Corfe Place Corinne Cornerstone Bakes Cornerstone Community Church Cornwall Gardens Cornwall Road Corona Ville Coronation Baptist Church Coronation Drive Coronation Road Coronation Road West Coronation Village Coronation Walk Corporation Court Corporation Drive Corporation Rise Corporation Road Corporation Spring Corporation Tiara Corporation Walk
C Cortina Cortina Watch C.O.S. Printers Cosat Coffee Cosford Road Costa Costa Del Sol Costa Grove Costa Rhu Costa Ris Costa Riviera I Costa Riviera II Costa Sands Resort (Sentosa) Costumes & Mascots Costumes 'n' Parties Costura Costus Trail Cosway Cosy Lodge Cotswold Close Cottage & Kettle Cottage Pies Cafe Cottesmore Road Cotti Coffee Cotton Amour Cotton boutique Cotton Dreams Cotton On Cotton-top Tamarin Cottontail Creamery Country Brot Country Esquire Country Florist Country Grandeur Country Park Condominium Countryside Grove Countryside Link Countryside Place Countryside Road Countryside View Countryside Walk Court Court Martial Bar Court Road Courts Courts Megastore Courts Nojima Courtship Hub Courtyard Cafe Courtyard Singapore Novena Cove Avenue Cove Drive Cove Sanctuary Day Spa Covenant Community Methodist Church Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Bukit Panjang) Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Woodlands) Covenant Presbyterian Church
C Cuppage Plaza Cuppage Road Cupping Room Coffee Roasters Curated Records Curbside Restaurant and Wine Bar Curio Home Curious Creatures Curious Tails Currency House Curry & Curry Curry is Drink Curry Times Curry Times 咖喱食堂 Curry Village Curry village Curry Wok Curtain Artistz Curtin Singapore Cuscaden Parfumerie Cuscaden Reserve Cuscaden Residences Cuscaden Road Cuscaden Walk Cut by Wolfgang Puck Cut through car park Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman Cyathea Trail Cyberhub Nth Cyberhub@IBP Cycle & Carriage Cycle & Carriage Automotive Pte Ltd Cycle & Carriage Service Centre (Alexandra) Cycle Path Network CycleCraft Cycling Path At WestWood Residences Cycling Path Network Cycling Today Cycling Track Sentosa Cyclogic Cypress Cypress Avenue Cyprus Road Cô Chung Côte D'Azur
D D D Block D Cyclewerh 1 D!rty D' Almira D' Dalvey D' Elias D' Evelyn D' Grove Villas D' Kenaris D'Almeida Street D'Artistry Salon D'Chateau @ Shelford D'Cut Hair Studio D'Ecosia
D D'Snack Station D'Star Bistro D'Thai Family Wellness Hub D'Weave D'Zendiq Fashion D'zerts Cafe D2000 D3 WInes PTE LTD D9 Cakery Da Bao Lorong 15 Da Jing Jiao Da Li Pawnshop Da Lian Traditional Noodles Da Paolo Da Paolo Gastronomia Da Silva Lane
D Da You (Chinatown) Departmental Store Pte Ltd 大有超級百貨(私人)有限公司 Daawat Tandoori Dabba Street Dabu Haka Building Daebak Korean Cuisine Daebak Korean Food Daehwa Korean vegetarian Daejin Daelim Motor DaeSsikSin Daessiksin Daffodil Daffodil Drive Dafne Street Dah Lok Dry Cleaners Dah Yen Medical 大元药行 Dahan Road Dahlia Dahlia Gallery Dahlia Park Condominium Dai-Ichi Fishmart Daikin Proshop Daily Bite Daily Coffee Daily Cut Daintie Dames Daintree Residence Dairy Farm Crescent Dairy Farm Estate Dairy Farm Heights Dairy Farm Lane Dairy Farm Loop Dairy Farm Nature Park Dairy Farm Quarry Meadow Dairy Farm Quarry north side
D Dal.Komm Playground Dalla Vale Dallas Cafe & Bar Dallas Restaurant & Bar Dalvey Court Dalvey Estate Dalvey Gate Road Dalvey Haus Dalvey Road Damai Grove Damai Primary School Damai Secondary School Damn Damselfly's Wing Dan Kafe Dance Ensemble Singapore Dance Studio Dancing Crab Dancing Fish Signature Danish Seamen's Church Danji Korean BBQ Restaurant Danshiri Dapper Coffee Dapur Penyet Dario Dark Horse Japanese Bar Darlene Hotel (Geylang) Darshino's Darts Legend Darul Ghufran Mosque (Masjid Darul Ghufran) Daruma Tavern Darwin Interior Dashi Master Marusaya Dat Little Cafe Daun Pandan Rice Dumpling David Elias Building Davidson Road Dawn Dawn Stars Dawn Ville Dawson Road Dawson Vista DaXi Day & Night Dayspring Kindergarten Dazhong Primary School DB Schenker DBS DBS Asia Hub DBS Clementi Branch DBS Digital Branch DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre DBS Thomson Branch DBS Treasures DC Comics Super Heroes Cafe Dcpro Bike De Arte Hair Studio De Centurion De Classic Golden Spoon Pte Ltd De Hair Art De Hair Profile DE Hair Team De Iluvia Gallery De La Salle School De Legno De Lente
D De Luca Restaurant DE Master Locksmith De Paradiso De Rerum Natura De Riya De Royale De Souza Avenue De Souza Street De Style Dead End Deal Road Dean & Deluca Dean's Coffee Shop Dear Mutt Pet Hotel Decades Bar Decathlon Decathlon, Singapore DECK Decomissioned Bus Decorative Tiles Mural painting Dedap Gardens Dedap Link Dedap Place Dedap Road Dee Dee Moo Thai Steamboat Dee Sha Thai Cuisine Defence Technology Tower A Defence Technology Tower B DeFred Defu Avenue 1 Defu Avenue 2 DEFU IND EST Defu Lane 1 Defu Lane 10 Defu Lane 11 Defu Lane 12 Defu Lane 2 Defu Lane 3 Defu Lane 4 Defu Lane 5 Defu Lane 6 Defu Lane 7 Defu Lane 8 Defu Lane 9 Defu South Street 1 Defu South Street 2 Dekia Furniture Delcie’s Desserts and Cakes Delfi Orchard Delhi Delibowl Delicia Gourmet Delicius Pasticceria Delifrance Délifrance Delifrance Délifrance Delifrance Délifrance Delight Hair Design Deli(Jie) Fish Head Steamboat Delisa Agency Pte Ltd Delisnacks Delisnacks (德利食) Deliz Cafe Dell Dell Lane Delsey Paris Delta Avenue Delta Bridge Delta Estate Delta Hockey Pitch Delta Road Delta Senior School Delta Sports Complex Delta Sports Hall Dempsey Road Den Bar and Kitchen Dendeng Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) Dengfu Ville Denham Close Denham Road Denizen Denmark Denzy DePadova Department of Math and Science General Office Depot Close Depot Heights Depot Lane Depot Road Depot Road Food Centre Depot Road Zhen Shan Mei Claypot Laksa Depot Road Zhen Shan Mei Claypot Laksa (#01-75 Depot Walk Deptford Road Derbyshire Heights Derbyshire Road Derma Medic Beauty Dermis Deschutes Brewery Desdign & Comfort Design & Print Shop Design 4 Space Pte. Ltd. Design Avenue Design Orchard Design Pad Design Zest Pte. Ltd. Designer Bengal Singapore Designers Lighting Desigual Desker Road Desmond Jason Academy Natural Crystal Gems Desmond's Creation Dessert King Dessert Story Destination Beverage Detective Conan in Chinatown SG Detention Barracks Devan Nair Institute Development Devonshire 8 Devonshire Residences Devonshire Road Dew Spring @ Yishun Dewi Dewi's Beauty Parlour Dexter Fruits Deyi Secondary School DF Coffee Bar DFS DFS Watches Dhaka Travel Dharmasala Silks Dhawal's Dheli 6 DHL DHL Distribution Centre Dhobi Express Di Bakery Di Spa Saloon Di Wei Teochew Restaurant Dialogue in the Dark Singapore Diamond Diamond Gallery Diamond Impex Diamond Implex Diamond Industries Diamond Kitchen Dian Xiao Er Dian Xiao Er 店小二 Diana King Diana's Alteration Diandin Leluk Dickenson Hill Road Dickson Nasi Lemak Dickson Road Dido Street Dieppe Barracks Different Taste DIgi Sound Digi-Sound Hearing Care Centre Digisound Hearing Digital Kitchen Digital Light Canvas Digital Loyang 1 Dignity Mama Dignity Mama Stall Digvijay Sequins Dilip
D Dim Sum Hall Dim Sum Haus Dim Sum Shop Dim Sum Wen Dao Shi Dimbulah Dimbulah (Market Street) Dimbulah Mountain Estate Coffee Dimensions Din Pang Avenue Din Tai Fung Dine@7 Cookhouse Diner’s Shack Ding Chiang Lou Ding Dong Ding Ji Cafe 鼎记餐室 Dining Hall Dinner Lok Lok Mou DINO Dior Dip Pool Direct Direct Asia Direct Funeral Services Directly Director Administration Conference Room Dirty Fingers Disa's Fashion Discover Singapore Discovering the Southern Ridge Discovery Garden Discovery Walk Disk Precision Industries Distinct Identify Pte. Ltd. District 10 Bar Tapas Restaurant District 19 Diva Hair & Nail Boutique Diva's Interior Design Diversity Trail Divine Realm Vegetarian Restaurant Divine Wine Divino Divani Dix Road D.I.Y Essentials DIY Laundry DJ Bakery DJ Cool Cut DJI DK Dmen's Salon DMK DNIV International Pte Ltd Do Main Bakery Do Qoo Do Rae Mee Dobbie Rise Dobi Express Dobi Express Laundromat Dock Road East Dock Road South Dock Road West Doco Dog Frenzy Pet Shop Dog Run Dog Run @Tiong Bahru Park Doggie Delight Doggies Galore Doggylicious Studio Dohca Doki Doki Donburi Dolc Patisserie Dolce & Gabbana Dollars & Scents Dollhouse Pets Dolly Club Dolphin Engineering Dolphin Island Dolç Patisserie Domain 21 Dome Dome Bakery Domino's Domino's Pizza Domus Don Dae Bak Don Don Donki Don Don Donki Clarke Quay Central DON DON DONKI Jem Don Ho Don Lechón Don Lechon Don-Don Dona Manis Cake Shop Donburi King
D Dong Bei Ren Jia Dong Fang Cai Guan Donglin Donguri DonNBap Doong Ji D.O.P Mozzarella Bar & Restaurant Dopa Dopa Creamery Doris's Devilishly Delicious Curry Dormakaba Dormer Park Dorothy’s Bar Dorra Slimming Dorset Road Dorset View Dorsett Changi City Singapore Dorsett Residences Dorsett Residences Swimming Pool Dorsett Singapore Dosa Dosirak Dot Metch Door Controls Dots N Tots Dou Hua Ah Mei Double Bay Double Black Diamond Grade Trail Double Hair Cut Shop Double Scoops Double Shot Coffee Kampong Bahru Double Shot Coffee Shenton Douc Langur Dough Culture Dough Magic Dover Avenue Dover Close East Dover Court Dover Court International School Dover Crescent Dover Drive Dover Gardens Dover Heights Dover Neighbourhood Police Post Dover Parkview Dover Rise Dover Road Dover Street Market Singapore Dover Village XO Fishhead Bee Hoon Dover Ville Downstairs Downtown Core Downtown Live House DPS International School Dr Cindy's Medical Aesthetics Dr. Lash DR Shoe Repair Dr. Sun Yat Sen Dragon Pavilion Dragon Playground Dragon's Teeth Gate Dragon's Teeth Gate Viewpoint Dragon-i Dragonflies at Kent Ridge Park Dragonfly Dragonfly Bridge Dragonfly Riders Drain Remains Drake Avenue Drangon Bran Bird's Nests Draycott 8 Draycott Drive Draycott Eight Draycott Park DREAM Dream Lodge Dream Works Wedding Dress Studio DreamFish Inc. Dreamlash: Premium Korean Eyelash Extension Studio Dreamy Paws Dress Care Dressed Woman Drinfini Drink Stall Drinks & Snacks Drinks&Co. Kitchen Drinkz Connections Drips Driving Range Drongo Trail Drop off Drop Off Drop off Drop Off Drop off Drop Off
E E-Gadget Extra E-Lites Mobile E-Sarn E-Sarn Thai Corner E-Sarn Thai Cuisine E1 E1 Personal Audio E1A E2 E2A E3 E3A E4 E4A E5 E6 E7 E8 EA Each A Cup Each a Cup Each A Cup Each a Cup Each A Cup Each-A-Cup Each-a-Cup Eager Beaver Schoolhouse @ Bukit Merah Central Eagle Eye Centre Eagle Wing Mart Eagle Wings Cinematics Eagle Wings Gelato & Gifts Eagle Wings Loft Eagle's Eye Eagle's Perch EagleEye Optics Eagles Center Eagle’s Eye Gallery Ean Kiam Place Earle Swensen's Earlybird Earnst Hardware Engineering Pte Lte Earth Earth Trail Earthspa East Bay Gardens East Coast Avenue East Coast Commune East Coast Drive East Coast Estate East Coast Integrated Depot East Coast Park Service Road East Coast Road East Coast Seafood Centre East Coast Terrace East Cost Residences East Grove East Lodge East Lodge (Clementi) East Manhattan East Meadows East Ocean Restaurant East Payoh Palm East Payoh Spring East Plan 21 East Point East Promenade East Signature East Spring Primary School East Spring Secondary School East Sussex Lane East Treasure East Treasure Chinese Restaurant 東寶之東方明珠 East View East Village Eastbank @ Canberra Eastbrook@Canberra Eastcreek @ Canberra Eastcrown@Canberra EastDelta@Canberra Eastellar Eastern Battlenose Eastern General Hospital Eastern Healthcare & Reflexology Centre PTE LTD Eastern Integrated Health Campus Eastern Lagoon Swimming Pool Eastern Rice Dumpling EastGate EastGlen @ Canberra Eastlace@Canberra Eastlawn@Canberra Eastlink I @ Canberra (U/C) Eastlink II @ Canberra Eastlink Mall Eastpoint Green Eastrees EastSide Eastvale Condo Eastvale Condominium Tennis Court Eastwave@Canberra Eastwind Masions Eastwood Drive Eastwood Green Eastwood Lodge Eastwood Place Eastwood Regency Eastwood Road Eastwood Terrace Eastwood Walk Eastwood Way Easy Clean Easy Cut Easy Wheel EasyWash 24h EAT Eat EAT. EAT Eat. Eat 3 Bowls Eat First Eat Organic Eat Sum Thing EATcetera EAT.DRINK.MAN.WOMAN Eaton Place Eaton Walk Eazihome Laundry & Dry Clean
E Econ Econ Industrial Building Econ Medicare Econ Medicare Centre Econ Medicare Ctr Econ Minimart Econ Vegetarian Delights Econflo Premium Outlet Econflo System Pte. Ltd. Ecopolitan Ecopolitan Clubhouse EcoRing Singapore EcoSanctuary Ecoville EcoWorld Gallery ED'S Copying, Lamination Services & Supplies Edelweiss @ Jurong Edelweiss Kindergarten Edelweiss Park Condominium Eden Eden Crest Eden Grove Eden Hall Eden School Eden View Edgedale Green Edgedale Plains Edgefield Plains Edgefield Primary School Edgefield Secondary School Edgefield Walk Edgware Road EdibleMakerspace Edinburgh Road Edison Lighting House EDL Edo Shokudo Education Resource Centre EE Beauty Ee Teow Leng Road Eestilo de Vida Eezee B2B Marketplace - Making Procurement Easy Efeu Beauty Saloon EG Lightning Ega Juice Clinic EGA Juice Clinic Egg Splash Egg Splash Cafe Egg Splash Shop Eggs 'n Things Eggs Hub Eggslut Ehkay Corner Tailors Eight Cafe & Bar Eight Courtyards Eight Design Eight Immortals Vegetarian Eight Immortals Vegetarian - Toa Payoh Eight Immortals Vegetarian-Admiralty Blk 678A Woodlands Ave 6 #02-01. Eight Korean BBQ Eight Riversuites Eight Treasures Vegetarian Eight@18 Fort Eighteen By Three Eighteen Chefs Eighty Two Eileen Town Gift Shop Eis International Pre-School EJH Corner House EkoLife El Cocinero El Fuego by Collin’s El Jefe El Patio El Tardeo Eland Elba Elbow Room Eldad Minimart
E Elections Department Singapore Electric Eel Electromagnetic Effects Research Lab Electronics Electronics by Sprint-Class Elegan'z Elegant Nails Elemen
E Elhalal Elias Green Elias Park Estate Elias Park Primary School Elias Road Elias Terrace Elias View Elim Church Assembly Of God Elisa Litz Elise Spa Elite Elite Building Elite Custom Elite De' Salon Elite Park Avenue Elite Terrace Elites Optics Elixir Coffee and Wine Elizabeth Drive Elizabeth Heights Elizabeth Hospital Wards Elizabeth Towers Ellenborough Market Café Ellie Art Studio Ellington Square Ellington Square Playground Elliot Road Elliot Walk Ellis Road Ellyza Frozen Food Elm Avenue Elm Tree Elm Tree Books Elmark Elsie Departmental Store ELTA
E Em Gallery EM Gallery Emack & Bolio's Emane Spa Embassy Club Embassy of France in Singapore Embassy of Indonesia Embassy of Switzerland Embassy of the State of Kuwait Embassy of the Union of Myanmar Embassy of Vietnam Ember Embracing Beauty Emerald Beauties Emerald East Emerald Garden Emerald Hair Studio Emerald Hill Road Emerald Link Emerald of Katong Emerald Park Emerald Pavillion
E Emery Point Emicakes Emily Residence Eminent Frog Porridge Eminent Frog Porridge & Seafood Emit Communication Emmanuel & Sons Emmanuel Assembly of God Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church Emmar Store Emmpire 13 Emperor Spa Emperor Watch And Jewellery Emperor's Attic Empire Technocentre Employees Only Emporio Armani Empress Empress Place Empress Porridge Empress Road Empress Road Food Centre EMS Energy En Dining EN Frozen En Lighting and Electrical EN Seeds / Bowl Of Gratitude En Spa En Sushi Enabling Business Hub @ Jurong Enabling Village Map Enak Enak Hong Kong Teahouse Enchante Enchanted Airways Encik Tan Enclave Endeavour Primary School Endless flow Endura Lightning Energy Centre Energy Square Eng Aun Mansion Eng Aun Park Eng Giap Minimart Eng Hin Hoe Eng Hoe Auto Supply Eng Hoon Mansion Eng Hoon Street Eng Household Eng Kee Chicken Wings 榮記 Eng Kong Container Agencies Eng Kong Crescent Eng Kong Drive Eng Kong Garden Eng Kong Lane Eng Kong Place Eng Kong Road Eng Kong Terrace Eng Neo Avenue Eng Onn Chuan Medical Hall Eng San Coffee Eng Seng Restaurant Eng Sheng Hardware Electric Eng Thte Auto Eng Watt Street Eng's Char Siew Wanton Mee Eng's Heritage Eng's Wantan Noodle Enggor Street Engine Test Facility Engineering Bridge Engineering Drive 1 Engineering Drive 2 Engineering Drive 3 Engineering Drive 4 Engku Aman Road Engku Aman Turn Engraving Enjoue Enjoy fleur Enjoy Tea Eno Sin Motor Co. Ensof Event Photography Enterprise Road Entrance Entrance from PIE Entrance portal
E Entry to path Environ Construction Envy EON Shenton Ephemeral Epic Haus Epicentre Epicgram Epicurious Epid'Or Epigram Books EPIKebabs Epitex Epok Epok Nyé Equarius Hotel Equate Cafe Equatorial Apartments Equatorial Petroleum Enterpise Equestrian Walk Equip Trading Equity Heights Erisam Refrigeration Sales & Services Ermani Street Ermenegildo Zegna Ernest Restaurant ERNSports Eron Eros Erskine Road Erstudio Erwin's Gastrobar Escada View Escalator Escape Restaurant & Lounge ESPA Espa Espada Espana Esparina Residences Esparina Swiming Pool Espira Spring Esplanade Esplanade Annexe Esplanade Concert Hall Esplanade Forecourt Garden Esplanade Recital Studio Esplanade Theatre Esplanade Theatre Studio Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Esplanade Xchange Esquina Essen @ The Anchorvale Essen @ The Pinnacle Essentially Strings EssentialPlus Essex Road ESSO Esso ESSO Esso Esso Bukit Timah Esso Dunearn Esso Petrol Station Esso Queensway B Esso West Coast Est. 1819 dine by the quay Estate Estate Office Drive Estate Wines Cellar Esté Villa Estella Garden Estella Gardens Estique Estrella condo swimming pool Estuarine Crocodile Eternal Beauty Centre Eternal Life Baptist Church Ethan Men Ethereal Beauty Shop ETHOZ Etna Eton Hall Pte Ltd Eton House Eton House International School @ Thomson EtonHouse International School EtonHouse International School Orchard Etonhouse Pre-School EtonHouse Pre-School EtonHouse Pre-School @ 223 Mountbatten Etonhouse Preschool Ettrick Terrace Etuckshop Etude House Eu Chin Street EU Holidays Eu Tong Sen Street Eu Yan Sang Eu Yan Seng Eugenia
E Eunos Avenue 3 Eunos Avenue 4 Eunos Avenue 5 Eunos Avenue 5A Eunos Avenue 5B Eunos Avenue 6 Eunos Avenue 7 Eunos Avenue 7A Eunos Avenue 8 Eunos Avenue 8A Eunos Bus Interchange Eunos Community Club Eunos Court Eunos Crescent Eunos Crescent View Eunos Damai Ville Eunos Green Eunos Harmony Hub Eunos (MRT) Bak Koot Teh Eunos Neighbourhood Police Post Eunos Park Eunos Primary School Eunos Road 1 Eunos Road 2 Eunos Road 3 Eunos Road 4 Eunos Road 5 Eunos Road 6 Eunos Road 7 Eunos Road 8 Eunos Spring Eunos Tech Park Eunos Tenaga Ville Eunos Vista Euphony Gardens Euphoria Eurasian Community House Eurasian Heritage Gallery Euro Sense Euro Star Euro-Asia Court Euro-Asia Investment Euro-Asia Park Euroasia Mini-Mart Eurokars Eusoff Hall Eva Nails & Lashes Evan's Kitch Evangel Family Church Evania Evans Road Evelyn Mansions Evelyn Road Even here somewhere Event & Party Wholesale Event Field Event Plaza Event Square Events Service Concierge Everest Jewellery Everglow Paints & Trading Evergreen Avenue Evergreen Chill Out Bar Evergreen condo Evergreen Food Delight Evergreen Gardens Evergreen Park Evergreen Primary School Evergreen Residences Evergreen Seafood Evergreen Secondary School Everich Industrial Building Everitt Road Everitt Road North Evernew Book Store Everpros Marketing Evershine & Century Complex Everton Park Everton Road Evertop Family Restaurant Everyday mart Everyday Mart EverydayMart Evolution Garden Path Evolution Garden Walk EW1 EW1A Ewart Park Ewe Boon Regent Ewe Boon Road Excalibur Centre Excel Cycle Centre Excellence Mansions Excelsior Shopping Centre Execution of Captured Rimau Commandos Executive Central Exercise and recreation facilities Exercise Area Exeter Road Exit Exit D Exit from Blk 18A Carpark Exotic Tattoo & Piercing Expandore Expat Hair Dresser Expo Drive Express Express Motion Pte. Ltd. Expressions Exquisite Technique Extra Space Eunos 7 Extra Space Self Storage Extra Virgin Pizza Extreme Lighting ExtremeRated.com Eye Do Optics Eye Spectrum Eye Theory Eye Zone Optical Eyecandy Optical Eyecare Studio Eyecare Studio Optometrist Eyechamp Eyedentity
E Eyesmile Optometrist Eyhereal Beauty Studio EZ Home Products EZ Home Products Pte Ltd EZ Mart EZ Wash Laundry Ezan Satay Ezy wash n dry (laundromat) Ezze Galleria
F F1 Pit Building F45 Faber Avenue Faber Crescent Faber Drive Faber Garden Condominium Faber Green Faber Grove
F Familiar Stationary Supplier Familie Mans Family Justice Courts Family needs Family selling baskets FamilyMart Famous Amos Famous Whampoa Seafood White Bee Hoon Famouse Sungei Rd Trishaw Laksa Fan Yoong Road Fancl FANCL Fancy Collection Fancy Mart Fangko Coffee & Beer Fanta Garden Far East Auto Far East Financial Building Far East Fine Arts Far East Flora Far East Organization Children's Garden (water playground) Far East Shopping Centre Far East Square Far Eastern Bank Building Far Eastern Kindergarten Far Far Away Far Horizon Gardens Far Out! Faranese Farleigh Avenue Farm Mart Farm-GH-LR-KC Farmart Farmer Farming Community Farquhar Garden Farrer Drive Farrer Gardens Farrer Park Farrer Park Arena Farrer Park Field Farrer Park Fields Farrer Park Gardens Farrer Park Hospital Farrer Park Primary School Farrer Park Road Farrer Park Station Road Farrer Park View Farrer Road Fashion One Fashion Palace Pte Ltd Fashion Scale Fashionable Fashionable Barber Fast Cheetahs Fast Food Chinese, Malay, Indian & Westen Fat Belly Fat Boy Fat Boys Fat Cat Cycle Fat Cow Palace Fat kid bakery Fat Po Fat Prince Fatboy's Fatboy's The Burger Bar Fatt Choy Mui Seafood Fatty Thai Prawns Noodles Fatty Weng Restaurant Fault Reporting Centre Fav Korean Grillbar Fawr & CO Fayidha Faza Fazz Urban Farm FC FC 27 FC5 to Sports Hall FD.Med Enterprises FDP Hair Salon Feather Wears Feathers Hub Featherz Studio Federal Electronics Pte Ltd Federal Packaging Industries Federation Of Art Societies (Singapore) Feet Haven Feet Press Feet/Flight Hub Fei Fei Noodle House Fei Fei Wan Tan Mei King Fei Qian Minimart Fei Siong Felixstowe Road Fenara Court Fence Ruins Fendi Feng Food 豐富 Feng Ji Chicken Rice Feng Shui Inn Feng Shui Tang Feng Xiang Rubber Parts Trading Fengshan Estate Fengshan GreenVille Fengshan Primary School Feoso Oil Fern Green Primary School Fern Grove @ Yishun Fern Spring Fern View Fernhill Close Fernhill Cottage Fernhill Crescent Fernhill Residences Fernhill Road Ferns Fernvale Acres Fernvale Close Fernvale Community Club Fernvale Court Fernvale Crescent Fernvale Crest Fernvale Dew Fernvale Flora Fernvale Foliage Fernvale Gardens Fernvale Glades Fernvale Grove Fernvale Lane Fernvale Lea Fernvale Link Fernvale Lodge Fernvale Oasis Fernvale Palms Fernvale Primary School Fernvale Residence Fernvale Ridge Fernvale Riverbow Fernvale Rivergrove Fernvale Riverwalk Fernvale Road Fernvale Sails Fernvale Street Fernvale Vines Fernvale Vista Fernvale Vista II Fernvale Woods Fernwood Terrace Fernwood Towers Ferra @ Leonie Hill Ferraria Condominium Ferry ticket office to Indonesia Festive Arts Theatre Festive Grand Theatre Feyazi Fancy Centre (Mini Mart) Fiat Fico Fidelio Street Fidvi Court Field Hockey Pitch Field Road
F Fieldnotes Cakery Fifteen Robin Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue Condominium FIfth Avenue Interior Fifth Lok Yang Road Fifth Season Fifty Years Figaro Gardens Figaro Street Figure Fiji Road Fika Fil Fila Filipino Fiesta Film Box Film Garde Century Square Film Garde Kallang Leisure Park Finder Fine step Finessco Engineering Finest Gourmet Finexis Building Finger Waltz Music & Dance Piano Gallery Fingers Reflexology Finland Gardens Finlayson Green Fiordilatte Fiore Dorato Fiorenza Fir Avenue Firangi Superstar Fire Eel Fire Engine Accessway
F Fire Ramen Fire Safety for Singapore - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Fireplace Firestation Tower Firestone Bakery First Avenue First Bank First Centre First Class Pets First Evangelical Reformed Church First Eyewear Centre First Hospital Avenue First Lok Yang Road First Love Patiss First May First Price First Steps Preschool @ Admiralty First Steps Preschool @ Depot Road First Steps Preschool @ East Coast First Steps Preschool @ Jurong First Steps Preschool @ MacPherson First Steps Preschool @ Sengkang First Steps Preschool @ Yishun First Street First Tattoo First Toa Payoh Primary School
F Firstcom Solutions Fish & Chicks Fish & Co. Fish & Co Fish & Co. Fish @ Bugis+ Fish Mart Sakuraya Fish Tales Fish! Fishball Noodle Stall Fishball Story Fisher BnB Fishermans Path Fishery Port Road Fishery Pot Fishing Cat Fitness Conditioning Cent Fitness Corner Fitness Stations Fitri Creations Five Chancery Five Guys Five Oars Five Oars Coffee Roasters Five Star Hainanese Chicken RIce Five Star Hainanese Chicken Rice Five Stones
F FiveNine Fives Hotel FixieSG Bedok Fiz & Dane Frozen Flag Road Flags & Banners Nation Flagwhite Flair Flair Studio Flame Tree Park Flames of India Flamingo Flamingo Valley Flanders Square Flash Coffee Flavour Flavours By Saute Fleur Fleur De Sel Fleurette Flex Kallang Place Flexform Flight Experience Flight in Harmony Flint Street Flipper's Flippers Flo Classic Hair saloon Flo Residence Floating Gym Floating Pontoon Floating Wetlands Flock Café Flor Patisserie Flora Drive Flora East Flora Road Floral Garden Centre Floral Spring @ Yishun Floral Train Floral Walk Florence Close Florence Road Florence Ville Florida Road Floridian Florissa Park Flotech Flower Affair SG Flower Dome Flower Drum Flower Empire Flower Mat Flower Matters Flower Pig 360 꽃돼지 360 Aged Meat Flower Road Flower Story Flowers Coffee Space Flows and Contours Fluff Bakery Fluff Stack Fluffy Dessert Flutes at the Fort Flutes Restaurant Fly Air Fly Flot Flying Fox Flying Monkey Flynn's Cicheti Fo Lau Ping (Popular) Vegetarian Fo Yin Vegetarian ( Fo You Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant Fo You Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant (佛有緣素食餐館) FOC F.o.C. Faculty of Caffeine FOC Sentosa Foch Road Focus Music Folkestone Road Fong Fu Fong Lee Metal Industries Fong Seng Fast Food Nasi Lemak Fong Seng Nasi Lemak Fong Sheng Hao Fong Sheng Hao 豐盛號 Fong Tat Building Fong Tat Motor Co Pte Ltd Fong Yong Tao Fu Fong's Fontaine Parry Fontana Heights Foo Cheong Furniture Foo Hai Ch'an Monastery Foo Kim Lin Road Foochow Methodist Church Food Centre Food Centre cleaning storeroom
F Food City Food corner Food Court Food court Food emo Food Empire Business Suites Food For Thought Food Haven Food In Action Food in the Woods Food Junction Food Kampung Food Loft Food Lot Food Master Food on Fire Food Paradise Food Park Food Rebel Food Republic Food Splash Food Summon Food Wine Beer Food-Joy Foodcoholic Foodcourt Foodfare FoodHub FoodHub大师 Foodie Market Place (Tiong Bahru) Foodqulique Foods Treasure Foodsta Kitchen Foodtastic Fook Ann Siang Medicine & Trading Co. Fook Hai Building Fook Hin Pawnshop Fook Kin 福勁 Fook Seng Goldenhill Chicken Rice Foot + Nail Care by Princess’s Cottage Foot Care & Limb Design Centre Foot code Foot Court Reflexology Foot Locker
F Footloops Footpath Footpath to backgate Footpath within the Residences Footprints Hostel For the Love of Laundry For The Love Of Laundry Forbidden Force 136 Ford Avenue Fore Coffee Foresque Residences Forest Canopy Boardwalk Forest Discovery Centre Forest Exploration Trail Forest giants Forest Hills Condominium Forest Pavillion Forest Ramble Forest Spring @ Yishun Forest Stream Trail Forest Trail Forest Walk Forest Woods Forest4 Darts Cafe Forestville Forett @ Bukit Timah Forever Living Products Foreword Coffee Foreword Coffee Roasters Forfar Heights
F Forman Makan Former Anderson Serangoon Junior College Former Angsana Primary School Former Bukit Gombak Trail Former Buona Vista Battery No. 2 Gun Former Choa Chu Kang Secondary School Campus Former Dormitories Former Eastern Aerated Water Company Former Grand Hotel Former Green Canteen Former Headman's House Former Hillview Mansion Former Hock Eng Seng Cemetery Former Indian National Army Monument Former Kampung Chai Chee Community Centre Former Lorong Tawas Former Malay Film Productions Former Mandai Hut (demolished) Former Path Former Power Station Former PSB Academy Campus (Delta) Former Queenstown Driving Range Former RAF Hospital Former Raffles College Former Raffles Country Club Former Rail Corridor Former Tanglin Hostel Former Teck Whye Primary School Campus Former Teck Whye Secondary School Campus Former Thai Temple Former yard Former Yishun Primary School Formosa Delights Fornica Singapore PTE LTD Fort Canning Centre Fort Canning Gate Fort Canning Link Fort Canning Open Air Green Fort Canning Park Fort Canning Road Fort Canning Tree Tunnel Fort Gardens Fort Road Fort Road Bridge Fort Road South Fort Sanctuary Fort Siloso Skywalk Fort Ville Fortune Corner Eating House Fortune Park Fortune Supermarket Forture Forum Restaurant Forum The Shopping Mall Fossa Fost Gallery Fosters Steakhouse Foto Express FotoHub Fou Guan Yuan Vegetarian Food (佛光緣) Founder Bak Kut Teh Founder Bakut Teh Founders' Memorial Fountain Microbrewery & Restaurant Fountain of Wealth Four Chain View Hotel Four Fingers Four Leaves Four Leaves Express Four Paws Four Points by Sheraton Singapore, Riverview Four Season coffee bread Four Seasons Hotel Four Seasons Park Four Star Four Star Building Fourplay Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Residences Fourth Chin Bee Road Fourth Lok Yan Road Fourth Street Fowlie Road Foy Yin Vegetarian Fr Damien Centre Fragile Forest Fragrance Fragrance Bak Kwa Fragrance Building Fragrance Court Fragrance Hotel - Viva Fragrance Hotel (Balestier) Fragrance Hotel (Classic) Fragrance Hotel (Imperial) Fragrance Hotel (Kovan) Fragrance Hotel Lavender Fragrance Hotel (Oasis) Fragrance Hotel (Ocean View) Fragrance Hotel (Rose) Fragrance Hotel (Royal) Fragrance Hotel (Viva) Fragrance Hotel (Waterfront) Fragrant Garden Fragrant Gardens Fragrant Wok Fragrant Woods Framelines Frames & Lenses Frames And Glass Framo France Paris Francis Thomas Drive Franck Muller Frank Frank Zui Hair Salon Frank's International Frankel Avenue Frankel Close Frankel Drive Frankel Estate Frankel Place Frankel Street Frankel Terrace Frankel Walk Fraser Residence Fraser Residence Promenade Fraser Street Fraser Suites Fredesvinda Fredo's Free & Easy Minimart Free cinema Free Community Church Free The Robot Freeman Florist Freemasons' Hall Freesia Woods Freeways Foot Reflexology Freight Links Express French Corner French Fold French Road French Toast Pte Ltd Frenchie Fresh 'N' Marine Aquarium Fresh Fruits Fresh Fruits & Juices Fresh Fruits Lab Fresh Laundromat Fresh Look Home Experience Centre Fresh Market Fresh Plus Fresh&Clean Freshio
F Freshly Picked Fresia Fresver Friar's Fried Carrot Cake Fried Chicken Master 炸鶏大獅 Fried Kway Teow Fried Kway Teow (carrot cake - Chai tow kueh) Fried Rice Fried Rice Story Friends Kitchen HK Friendship Food Court Frienzie Bar & Bistro Frienzlink Cafeteria From Chettiars to Financiers Frontier Primary School Frozen BBQ & Steamboat Fruit Bat Fruit Box Fruit juice Fruition Fruits & Durians Fruits Cafe Fruits Shop Fruits Top 1 Department Store Fruity Express FRY Bistro FSL LED Lighting FTMS Global Academy Fu Ee Cars Fu Heng Jewellery Fu Kang Coffee Shop Fu Kang 富康素食轩 - Yishun Fu Lin Fu Lin Men (NSRCC) Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen Fu Lin Yuan Health Soup Restaurant Fu Lu Shou Fu Lu Shou Si Mian Fo Pte Ltd Fuchun Primary School Fuchun Secondary School Fudu Park Fudu Walk Fuel Plus Fuel X Fugetsu Yakisoba Fuhua Primary School Fuhua Secondary School Fuji Fuji Bakery Fuji Trading Singapore Fujifilm Fujifilm Building Fujioh Fujufilm Fuk Tak Chi Fuku Fukudon Fulcrum Fuling F&B Pte Ltd Full House F&B Full House Home Furnishings Full Pint Brewery Fullerton Building Fullerton Promenade Fullerton Road Fullerton Square Fullhouse Home Furnishings Fullion Building Fullsun Marketing Pte. Ltd. Fulton Avenue Fulton Road Fumee by Habanos Fun Arts Fun pool Fun Shop Fun Shop Beach Plaza Fun Tea Fun Toast Fun With Abacus Fun's Florist and Nursery Funan Jewellery Function Room FundExpress Fung Sin Fung Sin Hardware Funlab Preschool FunQ Fur Away Fur Babies Fur Kids Furama Riverfront Singapore Furever Love Furla Furmummy Furnishing Centre Fuse Concept Fusion @ Pine Grove Fusion Spoon Fusionopolis 1 Fusionopolis Link Fusionopolis Place Fusionopolis View Fusionopolis Walk Fusionopolis Way Futsal Court Futsing Building Futsul Court Futura Future Executive Centre (EC) Future Florist Future Ready Academy Fuyong Estate FYI Fyza Bollywood Fashion
G G Art G Hardware G Skin & Nail G Spa G THG F&B G&B Comics G&E Gaming G-Shock G-Shock Casio Premium G1 Hair Studio G2000 G4 Station Backpackers Hostel G7 Sinma Live Bull Frog Clayport Porridge G7 Sinma Live Seafood (Forg Porridge) GabBar Gabriel Villas Gadget Mix Gadgets Base Gading Indonesian Street Food Gaia Korean BBQ Gaijin Gain City Gain City Megastore Gaku Sushi Bar Galaxy Pods Capsule Hotel (Boat Quay) Galaxy Pods Capsule Hotel (Chinatown) Galaxy Star Galaxy Tattoo Gali Batu Bus Depot (U/C) Gali Batu Close Galicier Pastry Galilee Bible-Presbyterian Church Galilee Kindergarten Galisian Family Service Centre Galistan Avenue Gallaria@Kotaraya Gallery Gallery & Co. Gallery 278 Gallery Thirty Three Gallop Court Gallop Gables Gallop Garden Gallop Gardens Gallop Kranji Farm Resort Gallop Kranji Farm Resort Farmstay Villas Gallop Park Gallop Park Road Gallop Road Gallop Stable Gallop Walk Galmon Gambas Avenue Gambas Crescent Gambas Way Gambier Court Gambir Ridge Gambir Walk Game Resort GameMartZ GameMartz Gamepro Shop Games Hub Gan Eng Seng Primary School Gan Eng Seng School Gandhi Restaurant Gangaram Super Savings Family Store Ganges Avenue Ganges River Gangnam Corndog Gangsa Road Gaodes Hardware Pte. Ltd. Gap Year Hostel Garcons Garden Apartments Garden Bay Bridge Garden Beau Pte Ltd Garden Bloom @ Tengah Garden Bridge Garden Centre Garden Court @ Tengah Garden Hill Garden Home Gifts & Souvenirs Garden Link Garden Park Residences Garden Pavilion Garden Pod Garden Seafood Restaurant Garden Service Road Garden Spa Garden Street Garden Terrace @ Tengah Garden Vale @ Tengah Garden View Estate Garden Vines @ Tengah Garden Waterfront I @ Tengah Garden Waterfront II @ Tengah Gardenasia Gardenia Gardenia Road Gardens @ Gerald Gardens by the Bay Gardens by the Bay Drop Off Gardens by the Bay Visitors Centre Gardens Shop Gardens Shop Singapore Botanic Gardens Gardenville Gardenvista Garibaldi Garlick Avenue Garlick Park Garlick Ville Garmco Garrett Garçons Gasafe Concorde Gastronomia Gastronomia da paolo Gate Gate 2 Gate 2B Gateway Avenue Gateway Drive Gateway Minimart & Trading Gateway Theatre Gather GattOpardo Gay Boon Seng Stainless Steel Trading Pte Ltd Gay World Hotel Gayatri Gayatri Restaurant GB Building GC Hairdressing Gcycle GE Aviation Gedanf Butik Gedung Kuning Gee Boon Enterprises Gek Poh Ville Gel Geláre Gelaré Gélare Gelatissimo Gelato Garden Gelatolabo GeloBuna Gelyang Bahru Terrace Gelyang serai market Gem Bar Gem Cat Cafe GEM Residences Gemmill Lane General Assembly Generation Coffee Generator room Genesis Genesis School Genius Central Genius Cut Genkai Koya Genki Sushi Genting Centre Genting Hotel Jurong Genting Hotel (Jurong) Genting Lane Genting Link Genting Road Gentle Drive Gentle Drive Playground Gentle Giants Gentle Reflections Gentle Road Gentle View Gentlebros Café GeoInstinct George Street Georges Georges @ The Cove Georges Beach Club Georgetown Coffee House Geox Gerald Crescent Gerald Drive Gerald Park Geraldine Hairworkshop German Centre German European School Singapore (Dairy Farm Campus) German Market Place Gerry's Grill Get'n'go Gey Hwa Timber Geyland United FC Geylang Geylang Bahru Geylang Bahru Lane Geylang Bahru Riverpoint Geylang Bahru Station Geylang Bahru Terrace Geylang Bahru Ville Geylang Briyani Stall Geylang Chinese Methodist Church Geylang ClayPot Rice Geylang East Avenue 1 Geylang East Avenue 2 Geylang East Central Geylang East Garden Geylang East Post Office Geylang East Public Library Geylang East Swimming Complex Geylang Field Geylang Heritage Geylang Lor 9 Fresh Frog Porridge Geylang Lorong 9 Beef Hor Fun Geylang Methodist School Geylang Neighbourhood Police Centre Geylang Neighbourhood Police Post Geylang Park Connector Geylang Post Office Geylang Road Geylang Road Underpass Geylang Serai Geylang Serai Grocery Geylang Serai Heritage Gallery Geylang Serai Neighbourhood Police Post GG Mart Ghi Unisex Hair Saloon Ghim Moh Ghim Moh Ascent Ghim Moh Close Ghim Moh Edge Ghim Moh Estate Post Office Ghim Moh (Foodfare Coffee Shop) Ghim Moh Green Ghim Moh Link Ghim Moh Natura Ghim Moh Road Ghim Moh Road Food Centre Ghim Moh Valley GHK 407 Foodhouse GHK Food House Gian Hoe Cheong Trading Co. Giant Giant Anteater
G GLC Restaurant Gldies Glen Enterprise Glendale Park Gleneagles Hospital Gleneagles Hospital Building Glentrees Gliderol Doors Gliders Boardwalk Glimpse Global Costume Global Holidays Global Indian International School Global Motor Global Offshore & Marine Global One Global Ville Globetrotter Gloria Jean's Gloria's Snack Shack Glory Hairdresser Glory Presbyterian Church Gloucester Mansions Gloucester Road Glow Garden Glow Grotto Glyph Supply Co. GML Trading GMP Recruitment Services GMT Jewellers GNC Gnee Hong Classic Furniture Go Sports Go Tarboush Go Wellness Go! K - BBQ Korean Restaurant Go-Ang Pratunam Chicken Rice Go2eat Goat Gobi Gochi-So Shokudo Goddess of Mercy Statue Godiva Godmama Goethe Institute Gogreen Segway Eco Adventure Goh Ah Bee Goh Chye Hup Goho Going OM Going Places Bar Gokoku Gokoku Japanese Bakery Gokul Vegetarian Restaurant Gold & Silver Gold Autoworks Gold Coast Condo swimming pool Gold Coast Condominium Gold Pine Industrial Building Gold Scale Goldbell Tower Golden 88 Cafeteria Golden Agri Plaza Golden Beach Vista Golden Cafe Golden Carnation Golden Cassia Golden Cat Golden Clover Golden Coach Golden Daisy Golden Drive Golden Garden Golden Ginger Golden Headed Lion Tamarin Golden Heights Condominium Golden Hostel Golden Jade Restaurant Golden Jasmine Golden Kismis Golden Landmark Shopping Centre Golden Lavender Golden Leaf Golden Leaf Curtain Centre Golden Lily Golden Lodge Building Golden Lotus Golden Mile Food Centre Golden Mile Tower Golden Mint Golden Monkey Golden Mookata Golden Oaks Golden Ocean Golden Orchid Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple Golden Pail Spa Golden Peony Golden Pillow 933 Golden Pines Golden Rise Golden Rise Playground Golden Royal Hotel Golden Saffron Golden Star Hotel Golden Sultan Plaza Golden Tulip Golden Village - Yishun Ten Golden Village Bugis+ Golden Walk Golden Willows Goldenhill Park Condominium Goldenroy Sourdough Pizza Goldheart Goldheart Jewelry Goldhill Avenue Goldhill Avenue Playground Goldhill Drive Goldhill Hakka Restaurant Goldhill Place Goldhill Plaza Goldhill Rise Goldhill View Goldilocks Goldleaf Taiwan Restaurant Goldstar Credit Goldstar Credit Pte Ltd Golf & Leisure Golf Direct Golf Fitter by Henry Golf Link Golf Pride Golf Simply Golfers @ Punggol Driving Range Golftec Gombak Drive Gombak Gardens Gombak Place Gombak View Gomgom Gong Cha Gong cha Gong Cha Gong cha 貢茶 Gong Cha 貢茶 Gong He Guan Gong Yuan Gong yuan ma la tang Gong Yuan Ma La Tang Gong Yuan Mala Tang 宮源麻辣燙 Gongcha Gongga Gongshang Primary School Good Chance Pohpiah Good Cheer 2 Good Fellas Good Guys Good luck Good Luck BBQ Good Luck Beer House Good Luck Beerhouse Good Luck Provision Shop Good Morning Nanyang Cafe Good Old Days Good Old Times BBQ Good Price Centre Good Price Hub Good Price Underground Supermarket Pte. Ltd. Good Salads Good Vibes Cafe Good Year Coffee Shop Good Year Seafood Village Good Yo Goodlink Park Goodlink Park Playground GoodLiving Singapore Goodluck Goodman Goodman Arts Centre Goodman Road Goodview Gardens Goodwill Birds Trading Goodwill Cafeteria Goodwood Goodwood @ Evans Goodwood Gardens Goodwood Grand Goodwood Hill Goodwood Park Hotel Goodwood Residence Goodyear Gopeng Street Gopizza Gordon Grill Gordon Max Gordon Road Gordon Warehouse Bldg 9 Gorgeous Hair Studio Goro Japanese Cuisine Gospel Light Christian Church Gosport Road Gosso Got Luck Gotti Gourmet House Gourmet Pizza To Go! Goutham Minimart GP Motoring Grab & GO GrabKitchen Hillview Grace Apartments Grace Assembly of God Singapore (Bukit Batok) Grace Assembly of God Singapore (Tanglin) Grace Global Raffles Grace Methodist Church Grace Nail Grace Orchard School Grace Park Grace (Singapore Chinese Christian) Church Grace Walk Grace Wellness Gracious Mansions Gradual Ramp Graduate Hall 1 Graduate Hall 2 Graduate Student Apartments (GSA) Grafunkt Design District Graham White Drive Grain Traders Gramercy Music Grand Bluewave Hotel Grand Building Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Grand Duchess Grand Dunman Grand Hyatt Hotel Grand Hyatt Singapore Grand Konak Grand Mandarina Grand Mercure Roxy Hotel Grand Park City Hall Grand Park Orchard Grand Shanghai Grand Slam Grande Vista Grandeur 8 Grandeur Park Residences GrandOptical Grange 1866 Grange 70 Grange 80 Grange Garden Grange Heights Grange Infinite Grange Residences Condominium Grange Road Granite Quarries Granny’s Pancakes Grantral Mall @ Clementi Grasshopper Grasslands GRATiAE Grave of Lim Bo Seng Gravy Restaurant & Bar Gray Lane Gray Mansions Grease Monkey Great Central Great Eastern Great Nanyang Heritage Cafe Great World Serviced Apartments Greater Lot by Cedele Greatland Industrial Building Green Anacondo Green Apple Green Apple Spa Green basikal Green Chapter Green Croft Green Door Bar Green Gardens Green House Green Kiwi Backpacker Hostel Green Lane Green Leaf Cafe (Indian Vegetarian) Green Leaf Cuisine Indian vegetarian Green on Earth Green Point Green Signature Green solo Backpackers Hostel Green Vegetarian inside Koufu food court Yew Tee Point - Basement B1 (near Yew Tee MRT) Greenbank Park GreenBlissHabitat Greendale Avenue Greendale Primary School Greendale Rise Greendale Secondary School
G Grindelwald Grisliaa Grocer @ Interlace Grohe Grosvenor View Group therapy Group Therapy Cafe Grove Grove Avenue Grove Crescent Grove Drive Grove Lane Grove Spring @ Yishun Growing Up Gifted Preschool Grub Grundfos Gryphon Terrace Gryphon Terrace swimming pool GS GSH Plaza GSM Bldg @ Senoko GT Credit Gu Ma Jia Private Kitchen Gu Thai Noodle Cafe Gu Zao Ren Seafood Taiwan Porridge Guacamole 360 Degree Guan Chuan Street Guan Hin &Co Guan Hin Records Guan Hoe Soon Guan Hua Warehouse Building Guan Keat Guan Kee Guan Kitchen Guan Sang Co. Guan Seng Electrical Service Co Guan Soon Avenue Guanaco Guang Yuan 广缘 - Sengkang Guangdong Porridge Guangyang Primary School Guangyang Secondary School Guann Handmade minced Pork & Crab meatballs Guanyin Guard Guardhouse Guardian Guardian Health & Beauty Guards Avenue Guc Salon Gucci GUDSHT Guerilla Coffee Guess Guest La Mien GUI HQ Gui Pin Vegetarian Guiga Korean BBQ Guildford Road Guilin Breeze Guilin Combined Temple Guilin Mansions Guilin View Guillemard Camp Guillemard Close Guillemard Crescent Guillemard Lane Guillemard Road Guillemard Suites Guitar Workshop Gul Avenue Gul Channel Gul Circle Gul Crescent Gul Drive Gul Lane Gul Link Gul Road Gul Street 1 Gul Street 2 Gul Street 3 Gul Street 4 Gul Street 5 Gul Way Gum Gang Won Korean Fusion Restaurant Gunner Lane Gunong Sayang Association Guo Yogurt & Dessert Guoco Midtown Network Hub Guoco Tower Guok Avenue Guoma Steamboat Gurame Gurdwara Sri Guru Nanak Satsang Sabha Gurkha Palace Gurney Drive Gusti Bed and Breakfast Gustoso Guthrie Building Guzman y Gomez GV Bedok GV Bishan GV Building GV City Square GV Credit Pte Ltd GV Funan GV Grand GV Jurong Point GV Katong GV Paya Lebar GV Plaza GV Suntec City GV Tampines GV Tiong Bahru GV VivoCity GX Banh Mi Gy Mobile Gym Gymkhana Avenue Gyoza King Gyromania Gyu Jin Gyu Kaku Gyu-Kaku Gyutan-Tan
H H M Hussain H RK Music H Tyre Pte Ltd H&M H20 Laundromat H2O Residences Ha-jun Ha-Jun Ha-Jun Korean Häagen-Dazs Haakon Habib Crafts Habibi Habibi-san Habitat Habitat Coffee Habourlink Habyt Kada at Maxwell Habyt Novena Hachi Hachi Restaurant Hacienda Grove Haewon Hafary Hafu Dog Hai Ge Ji Hainanese Chicken Rice Hai Guan Seng Trading Hai Kee Hai Leck Holdings Limited Hai Sing Catholic School Hai Sing Crescent Hai Sing Road Hai Tien Lo Hai Yan Hai Zhong Bao Haidar’s Barber Shop Haidilao Hot Pot Haig Apartments Haig Avenue Haig Court Haig Girl's School Haig Lane Haig Road Haig Road Putu Piring Haig Ten Haig View Haig Vista Haig Walk Haig Walk Extension Haigsville Drive Haikee Brothers Hainan Coconut Chicken Pot Hainan Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee Hainanese Chicken Rice Hainanese Curry Rice Hainanese Village Ctr 105 Hair Atorie Hair By Guna Hair Club Hair Connection Hair Creation Studio Hair Flair Gallery Hair Haus Hair Inc. Hair Inn Hair Label Hair Life Hair on Erskine Hair Philosophy Hair Plus Hair Poetry Hair Prime Bedok Hair Remix Hair Salon Hair Sense Stidio Hair Starr Hair Street De Salon Hair Treats Hair Vision Hair Voice Hairdo Hairdresser Salon Unisex Hairitage Studio Hairizer Studio Hairlux Hairpage Hairstuff Hairtech Hairtech Salon Hairz Haising Hotel Haite Hajah Monah Haji Kadi Haji Lane Haji lane Haji Tawakal Haji V. Syed Abu Tahir Trading Hajiah Turfan Hajime Hakka Ampang Yong Tau Fu Hakka Methodist Church Hako Hotel Hakumai Hakuza Halal Frozen Halal Restaurant Haldhi Mexicana Half Netball Court Halifax Road Hall of Residence 1 Hall of Residence 10 Hall of Residence 11 Hall of Residence 12 Hall of Residence 13 Hall of Residence 14 Hall of Residence 15 Hall of Residence 16 Hall of Residence 2 Hall of Residence 3 Hall of Residence 4 Hall of Residence 5 Hall of Residence 6 Hall of Residence 7 Hall of Residence 8 Hall of Residence 9 Hallmark Residences Hallpike Street Halton Road Hamad SAG Traders - Saudagar Kurma Hamadryas Baboon Hamamoto Hamid & Sons Hamilton Place Hamilton Road Hampshire Road Hampstead Hampstead Gardens Han Bing Korean Cafe Han dinasty Han Dynasty HAN Family Han Hot Pot Han Kook Gwan Korean Restaurant Han Kwang Antique & Porcelain Gallery Han Zi Pet Shop Han's Han's Cafe & Cake House Han's (The Chevrons) Han's Union Hana Hanakatsu Katsudon Hanamaruken Hanami Barber Hanbang Skin Solutions Hand in Hand Beijing Restaurant
H Handlebar Handphone Inspiration Hands-on House Handy Road HandyHouse Haneflex Hanfa Hang Ten Hangar66 Cafe Hangout @ Mt. Emily Hanguana Trail Haniffa Hanjip Hankang Pocha HANKANG POCHA 한강포차 Hankook Hankook Driving Emotion Hans Hansang Korean Family Restaurant HansaPoint Hansgrohe Hanwagi Korean Food Hanwoori Hanyasatu Hotel Han’s Hao Di Fang Fish Soup HAO Eccellente Hao Ji Mian Jia Hao Koh Wei Hao Lai Ke Hao Lai Wu Steamboat BBQ Hao Mart HAO mart Hao Mart Hao mart Hao Mart HAO Mart Happiness Is Now! Happy Art Loft Happy Avenue Central Happy Avenue East Happy Avenue North Happy Avenue West Happy Bak Kut Teh Happy Chef Western Food Happy Crab Happy Cup Happy Dog Happy Ending Pizza Parlour Happy Family of Five Happy Fish Swim School Happy Hair Salon Happy Harry's Tailor Happy Hawker Happy Hawkers Happy Hostel Happy Kampong Seafood Happy Owl Cycle Happy Salad Happy Seafood Village Happy Snail Hostel Happy Sunshine Bubble Tea Happy Walker Happy Wash Laundrette Haran Hari Harbour Bay (Batam) - Harbourfront (Singapore) Harbour Drive Harbour Handlers Harbour Residences Harbour Suites Harbour View Gardens Harbour View towers Harbour Ville Hotel Harbour Ville Hotel Hamilton HarbourFront Harbourfront Avenue HarbourFront Bus Interchange Harbourfront Centre Post Office Harbourfront Place Harbourfront (Singapore) - Tanjung Balai Karimun (Karimun, Indonesia) Harbourfront Tower 1 Harbourfront Tower 2 Harbourfront Walk Hard Courts Hard Rock Hard Rock Cafe Hard Rock Hotel Singapore Hard Rock Shop Harding Road Hardware Mall HardwareCity Flagship Store Hardy Hardy Harlyn Road Harmony Harmony in Diversity Gallery Harmony View Harmony Village @ Bukit Batok Haron Groceries Haron Satay Specialist Harper Point Harper Road HarriAnns Nonya Table Harrison Road Harry's Harry's Bar + Dining Harry's Bar and Dining Harry's Clarke Quay Harry's Esplanade Harry's Riverside Point Harry's (The Sail) Harrys Bar Harry’s Harry’s @ Pier Robertson Hartley Grove Haru-Haru Harvest Harvest Care Centre Harvest Mansion Harvest Seafood Harvester Baptist Church Harvester Community Church Harvey Avenue Harvey Close Harvey Crescent Harvey Norman Harvey Norman Outlet Harvey Road Hassan Barber Tradinv Hastings Road Hatch Art Project Hatha vidya traditional Yoga Hattendo Cafe Hatter Street HAUS @ Serangoon Haus On Handy Haus Park Haus Werkz Interior Havaianas Haveen Minimart Pte Ltd Havelock Heights Havelock Hillside Havelock Link Havelock Road Havelock Square Havelock View Haviland Haw Par Beach Villa Haw Par Glass Tower Haw Par Mansion Haw Par Tiger Balm Building Haw Par Villa (CCL) Ventilation Hawaii Foot Spa Hawaii Hostel Hawaii Tailor Hawaii Tower Hawker Centre Hawker Chan Hawker Chan Liao Fan Hawker Chan Liao Fan @ Toa Payoh Hawker chang Hawker QSR Hawkerway Haworth Hay Dairies Hay Dairies Goat Farm Hayashi Hazel Eyecare Hazel Park Condominium Hazel Park Terrace Hazmet Training HB Robinson HBL HC Interior HDB Bedok Branch HDB Function Hall HDB Kovan Wellspring HDC Salon HDDoor He He Ji Fa Super Mart Head & Wellness Healing Touch Healing Wellness HealthCity Novena Healthy & Delicious Hean Thuan Toh Tong Heap Hong & Co Heap Seng Leong Hearing Care Centre Hearing Partners Heart Link Heart of Africa Heart of Darkness Singapore Heart of Yew Tee Heart Springs Spa Heart to Heart Heart To Heart Jewellery Heartbeat@Bedok Heartland Mall Hearty Fruits Heartylands Heavenly Wang Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church HeDeLe Hedger's Hedges Park Condominium Heels & Shoes Workshop Heetea Heguru Education Centre Heguru Method Learning Centre Hei Kim Cafe Hei Sushi Heidy's Salon Heisei Japanese Restaurant Heisenberg Aquarium Centre HEKA Helen's Bar Heliconia Walk Helix House (Residence 4) Hell's Museum Hello Arigato Hello Bakery 面包有约 Hello Bicycle Hello Eyewear Hello Succulent Hem Way Leasing Hemlig Hemmant Road Hempel Hempel (Singapore) Hemsley Avenue Hena Global Holidays Hena Infocom Technologies & Trading Henderson Crescent Henderson Park Connector Henderson Road Henderson Waves Henderson Waves Bridge Hendersonville Hendon Camp Hendon Road Hendry Close Heng Heng Bee & Co Heng Fatt Heng Gi Goose and Duck Rice Heng Gi Goose And Duck Rice Heng Heng Heng Heng Bak Kut Teh Heng Heng Noodle House Heng Ji Chicken Rice Heng Kee Heng Khwee Heng Heng Long Teochew Porridge Heng Long Teochew Porridge & Rice Heng Long Teochew Porridge Rice Heng Moh Seng Heng Moh Seng Religious Goods Heng Motor Heng Mui Keng Terrace Heniu Teppanyaki Henley Ind Bldg Henri Henri Carpentier Henry Moore Henry Park Primary School Heong Hock Cafe Hera Hair Beauty Herbal Pharm Herbivore Herbs 4 Life Herbs and Spices Here is SG Herit8ge Heritage Heritage Apartments Heritage Barber Heritage Bay Hotel Heritage Cafe Heritage Collection on Chinatown Heritage East Heritage Fresh Heritage Hostel Heritage Place Heritage Strings & Arts Heritage tree Heritage View Hermitage Hero's Heron Bay Herschel Supply Co. Hershey’s Chocolate World Hertford Road Hevea Trail Hewlett Packard HexaCube Hey Long Cha Hey Slow Joe Hey! Yakiniku Heytea HGills N Shells HI Hotel Bugis Hi Leskmi Nasi Lemak Hi NOODLE Hi Tea Hi-Five Hian Stationery Co Hiang Foo Siang Temple Hiang Ji Roasted Meat Hiang Tong Keng Tua Peh Kong Association Hiangkie Ind Bldg Hiap Heng Auto Hiap Hong & Co Hiap Joo Bakery Hiap Soon Heng Hiap Tien Keng Leng Poh Tian Temple HiArt Hiart Hibiscus Hidden Garden by the sea Hidden underground Japanese era structure Hifumi High Bar Society HIgh Blood Station High Commission Of Brunei Darussalam High House High Oak Condominium High Park Residences High Point High School Science Block High Street High Street Plaza High Tide Bistro & Bar High Tide mural painting Highball Highest Paints Highgate Highgate Crescent Highgate Walk Highgate Walk Playground Highland Close Highland Condo Highland Road Highland Terrace Highland Walk Highlander Coffee Highline Residences Hikmah Food Restaurant Hilarious Hair Salon Hilite Industrial Building Hill Hill House Hill Street Hill Street Coffee Shop Hillbre28 Hillbrooks Hillcrest Arcadia Hillcrest Arcadia Shops Hillcrest Laundry services Hillcrest Road Hillcrest Villa Hillgrove Gardens Hillgrove Secondary School Hillhaven Hillington Green Hillion Mall Carpark Entrance Hillion Mall Carpark Exit Hillion Residences Carpark Hillock Green Hills Grove Hills TwoOne Hillside Drive Hillside Mansions Hillside Terrace Hillside World Academy Hillsta Hilltop Cafe Hilltop Garden Restaurant Hilltop Grove Hilltop Haven Hilltops Hillview Hillview 128 Hillview Apartments Hillview Avenue Hillview Crescent Hillview Drive Hillview Green Hillview Heights Hillview Link Hillview Park Hillview Park Connector Hillview Regency Hillview Residence Hillview Rise Hillview Road Hillview Terrace Hillview Underpass Hillview Walk Hillview Way Hillvista Hilton Garden Inn Singapore Serangoon Hilton Singapore Orchard Himalaya Kitchen Himawari Himawari Japanese Restaurant OCC Himilayan Tahr Himonoya Hin Leong Hindhede Drive Hindhede Link Hindhede Nature Park Hindhede Place Hindhede Quarry Hindhede Road Hindhede Walk Hindoo Road Hindu Cemetery Path 2 Hinghwa Methodist Church Hippo Hippo Tours Hirajil His.tori Korean BBQ Historic Cannon
H History of Dempsey Hill Hitachi Square Hitachi Tower Hitoyoshi Yakiniku Hive Hjh Maimunah @ Jalan Pisang HKL LIM Team Motorsport HKS Service Centre HL 43 Food House HL Bank HLH Tyre Pte Ltd HM Gallery Hmlet Ho Bee Ho Ching Road Ho Kee Pau Ho Puah Quay Ho Tit Coffee Powder Factory Hobby Art Gallery Hobby Point Hock Ann Jewellers Hock Kee House Hock Lam Beef Hock Motors Enteprise Hock Seng Curtains Hock Siong & Co. Hock Swee Hill Hock Wong Hockey Pitch Hockey Pitch & Bus Bay Hockey Village Hockhua Tonic Hockua Tonic Hodako Hoe Chiang Road Hoe Heng RICAS Hoe Kee Hoe Lye Hoe Nam Bak Kut Teh Hog Badger HoHo Grill & Bar Hoho Korean Restaurant Hoki Hoki Gourmet Dining Hokien Street Hokkai Small Town Hokkai Villa Hokkaido Ice Cream Hokkaido Marche Hokkaido-ya Hokkaido-Ya Hokkien Man Hokkien Mee (1913 Coffeeshop) Hola Ctr 65 Hola Mobile Pitstop Holi Holi Department Store Holiday Inn Holiday Inn (Atrium) Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn Express & Suites Holiday Inn Express Katong Holiday Inn Express (Orchard Road) Holiday Inn Express Singapore Clarke Quay Holiday Inn Express Singapore Serangoon Holiday Inn (Orchard City Centre) Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre Holistic Touch Holland 100 Holland Avenue Holland Close Holland Court Holland Drive Holland Everbloom Pte Holland Flyover Holland Gems Holland Green Holland Green Linear Park Holland Green playground Holland Grove Avenue Holland Grove Drive Holland Grove Lane Holland Grove Road Holland Grove Terrace Holland Grove View Holland Grove Walk Holland Heights Holland Hill Holland Hill Lodge Holland Hill Park Holland Link Holland Mansion Holland Mews Holland Oasis Holland Park Holland Peak Holland Plain Holland Residences Holland Rise Holland Road Holland Village Holland Village Methodist Church Holland Village Way Holland Village XO Fish Head Bee Hoon Restaurant Holland Village XO Fish Head Mee Hoon Holland Vista Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council (Bangkit Office) Hollandse School Singapore Hollie Singapore Suntec City Hollin Hollin Singapore Holloway Lane Holly Lighting & Electrical Pte Ltd Hollywood Holt Residences Holt Road Holttum Hall Holy Covenant Methodist Church Holy Grace Presby Church Holy Innocents' High School Holy Innocents' Primary School Holy Trinity Church Holycow Creamery Holycrab Homage to Newton Home Home & Bathroom Home 360+ Home Bar.Kitchen Home Concepts Interior & Design Pte. Ltd. Home Curtains & Fabrics Home Furnishing and Trading Home Gallery Home Ground Pub Home Hong San Home Hub Home of Seafood Home Station Home Team Academy Home-Fix Home-Fix D.I.Y Home360+ Homeation Homegrown by BNC Homekeeper Homeone Euro Trading PTE LTD HomePlus Zooo Homes Homes65 Homestay Residences Homestolife Hometeam NS (Chinatown) HomeTeamNS HomeTeamNS @ Balestier HometeamNS Adventure Centre HomeTeamNS Bedok Clubhouse HomeTeamNS Khatib Homeway Living Homey Garden Home’s Harmony Homie Hair Homies Bakery Homr Homus Singapore Hon Kah Trading (Bicycle Shop) Hon Sui Sen Drive Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library HONBO Hone Honest Bee Habitat Honeybees Beauty Studio Honeymoon Dessert Honeywell Hong Building Hong Da Lighting Hong Feng Hardware Hong Gee Trading Company Hong Heng Hong Heng Garden Hong Heng Mansions Hong Heng Terrace Hong Hua Guan Marine & Engineering Hong Hurt Hong Kah Chinese Medical Hall Hong Kah Court Hong Kah Green Hong Kah North Neighbourhood Police Post Hong Kah Snack Bar Hong Kah South Neighbourhood Police Post Hong Kah Ville Hong Kee Co. Hong Kee Roasted Chicken/Duck Rice Hong Kiat Seafood Hong Kong Hong Kong Dim Sum Shop Hong Kong Hotel Hong Kong Kitchen BBQ Hong Kong Palace Hong Kong Park Hong Kong Sheng Kee Dessert Hong Kong Sheng Kee Noodle House Hong Kong Stars Cafe Hong Kong Street Chun Tat Kee Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant Hong Kong Style Chee Cheong Fun Hong Kong Zhai 香港仔 Hong Lai Sze Temple Hong Lee Hong Lee Place Hong Leong Hong Leong Bank Hong Leong Building Hong Leong Finance Hong Leong Finance Limited Hong Leong Foundation Crimson Wetlands Hong Leong Swimming Complex Hong Li Hardware Pte. Ltd. Hong Lim Food Centre Hong Lim Market and Food Centre Hong Lim Quay Hong Long Boneless Chicken Rice Hong Nan Motor Agency Hong San Home Hong San Terrace Hong San Walk Hong Seh Motors Hong Sheng Hong Soon Hardware Pte Ltd Hong Sun Tan Temple Hong Tyre & Battery Company Hong Wen Mutton Soup Hong Wen School Hong Win Enterprise Hong Xiang Hong Yun Eating House Hongdae Korean BBQ Hongg Hwa Hardware Hongkong Street Honolulu Cafe 檀島香港茶餐廳 Honolulu Tower Hoo Kee Bak Chang Hood Bar and Cafe HOOGA Hooha Hookah District Hoong Fatt Heng Renovation Pte. Ltd. Hooper Road Hoot Kiam Road Hooters Hoover Fish Porridge Hoover Hotel Hope line Hope Student Care Centre HopHeads Bar Hopscotch Horizon Gardens Horizon Green Horizon Primary School Horizon Residences Horizon Towers Horme Hardware Buroh Horme Hardware Changi Horme Hardware Flagship Store Horme Hardware Woodlands Hornbill Restaurant Horne Road Horne Trading Pte Ltd Horned Lizard Horseshoe Crab Hort Centre Hort House Hort Park Visitor Services Centre Hortus Hoseh Mart Hoshino Coffee Hospital Boulevard Hospital Crescent Hospital Drive Hospital Pavillion Hospital Sultanah Aminah Hospoda Microbrewery Hot & Spicy Nasi Lemak Hot Dog Hot Pot Pin Hot Shotz Hot Spot Cafe Chill Crab Hot Tomato Hotcakes Hotel 165 Hotel 1888 Collection
H Hotel 81 Hotel 81 (Balestier) Hotel 81 (Cherry) Hotel 81 (Chinatown) Hotel 81 Chinatown Hotel 81 (Classic) Hotel 81 (Cosy) Hotel 81 (Dickson) Hotel 81 (Elegance) Hotel 81 (Fuji) Hotel 81 Geylang Hotel 81 (Gold) Hotel 81 (Heritage) Hotel 81 (Hollywood) Hotel 81 (Joy) Hotel 81 (Kovan) Hotel 81 (Lavender) Hotel 81 (Lucky) Hotel 81 Orchid Hotel 81 Osaka Hotel 81 (Osaka) Hotel 81 (Palace) Hotel 81 (Princess) Hotel 81 (Rochor) Hotel 81 (Sakura) Hotel 81 (Selegie) Hotel 81 (Spring) Hotel 81 (Star) Hotel 81 (Tristar) Hotel 81 (Violet) Hotel Bencoolen Hotel Bencoolen (Bencoolen Street) Hotel Bencoolen (Hong Kong Street) Hotel Boss Hotel By Wassies Hotel Chancellor Hotel CIQ
H Hotel Clover 7 Hotel Clover (Jalan Sultan) Hotel Clover (North Bridge Road) Hotel Clover (The Arts) Hotel Conforto Hotel Dragon Inn Hotel Faber Park Hotel Grand Central Hotel Grand Pacific Hotel Jen (Orchardgateway) Hotel JJH Hotel JJH Aliwal Hotel Kai Hotel Lyf Bugis Hotel Mi Hotel Mi Rochor Hotel Michael Hotel Miramar Singapore Hotel New World Memorial Hotel Nuve Hotel NuVe Elements, Clarke Quay Hotel Nuve Stellar Hotel NuVe Urbane Hotel Ora Hotel Re! Hotel Rendezvous Hotel Royal Hotel Royal Queens Hotel Snow Hotel Supreme Hotel Telegraph Hotel Traveltine Hotel VR Hototogisu Hototogisu Ramen Houbii Spot Rope Course Hougang Hougang Ave 3 Park Connector Hougang Avenue 1 Hougang Avenue 10 Hougang Avenue 4 Hougang Avenue 5 Hougang Avenue 6 Hougang Avenue 7 Hougang Avenue 8 Hougang Avenue 9 Hougang B24 Hougang Bus Park Hougang Capeview Hougang Central Hougang Central Bus Interchange Hougang Central Interchange Hougang Central Post Office Hougang Citrine Hougang Close Hougang Crimson Hougang Dewcourt Hougang Green Hougang Heights Hougang Mall Hougang Mart Hougang Meadow Hougang Neighbourhood Police Centre Hougang Neighbourhood Police Post Hougang Olive Hougang Parkedge Hougang Parkview Hougang Primary School Hougang Rivercourt Hougang Secondary School Hougang Sports Complex Hougang Spring Hougang Stadium Hougang Street 11 Hougang Street 12 Hougang Street 13 Hougang Street 21 Hougang Street 22 Hougang Street 31 Hougang Street 32 Hougang Street 51 Hougang Street 52 Hougang Street 61 Hougang Street 91 Hougang Street 92 Hougang Street 93 Hougang View Hounds of the Baskervilles House of Axe House of Balinese Massage House of Camera House of Chinchilla House of Condom House Of Hung House of Kebab House of Peranakan Cuisine House Of Samosas House Of Seafood House Of Spectacles House of Tan Teng Niah House of Tau Sar Pia House Of Thai House of Traditional Japanese Massage House of Traditional Javanese Massage House Of Traditional Javanese Massage House of White Bee Hoon House Of Yam House on the Hill Montessori Preschool House On The Moon House Ruins (NBE) Housing & Development Board Tampines Sand Stockpile Site Houze Hovo How Hup How Sun Avenue How Sun Close How Sun Drive How Sun Road How Sun Walk Howard Road Hoy Fatt Road Hoya Flora and Hampers Hoya Medical Hozen Cafe Vegetarian HP O2O Store HPL Canopy Link HQ 3rd CD Division/Yishun Fire Station HQ 4th CD Division / Bukit Batok Fire Station HQ APGC HRL H.S of Singapore Badminton Hall HSBC HSBC Treetop Walk HSBC TreeTop Walk Hu Cheng Long Hu Ching Road Hua Chin 2000 Hua Guan Avenue Hua Guan Crescent Hua Guan Crescent Playground Hua Guan Gardens Hua Hin & Co Hua Ho Trading motobike workshop Hua Language Centre Hua Mei Gardens Hua Xin Court Hua Xing Institution Hua Yang Hua Yi Secondary School Hua Yu Wee Hua Yuen Porridge Hua Zai Hong Kong Style Roasted Delight 華仔港式燒臘 Huamin Primary School Huang Chao Teochew Noodle House Huang He Lou Huat Heng Fried Oyster Huat Heng Radio Huat Heong Bakuteh Huawei Hub & Spoke Cafe HUBER’S BUTCHERY @ DEMPSEY Huda Restaurant 胡大饭店 Huddington Avenue Hudson Ind Bldg Hudson Technocentre Hudsons Coffee Hue Concept Interior Design Pte. Ltd. Huevos Hug in the spa Hugabo Huggs Huggs Coffee Huggs Collective Hugo Boss Hui Lau Shan Hui Leong Textiles & Trading Hui Oriental Rochester Huit Hullet Rise Hullet Road Hum Jin Pang Humble Origins Hume Avenue Hume Park 1 Hume Park 2 Hummerston's Humpback Hunan Cuisine Restaurant Hundred Acre Creamery Hundred Palms Residences Hundred Trees Hungrayy Hiross Hungry BBQ Hungry Bear Cafe Hungrywich Huo Guo Gong Fu Hup Fatt Hup Hoe Hotel Hup Kah Noodle House Hup Kee Hup Kiong Hup Leong Hupfarri Bath Pte Ltd Hupfarri Hardware PTE LTD Hupfarri Otto Hurry Tyre Hurry Tyre & Battery Hurry Tyres Hush Puppies Hvala Hvper Sport Hwa Aik General Store Hwa Chong Alumni House
H Hwa Heng Beef Noodle Hwa Jin Vegetarian Family Restaurant HWA Lian Electronics Pte Ltd Hwa Mei Bak Kut Teh 华美肉骨茶 HWA Seng Furniture PTE LTD HWA Yew Iron Works Hwang Sil Hwang's Hwee Kee (Pork jelly) Hwi Yoh Court Hwi Yoh Ville Hyang Yeon Hyangtogol Hybrid Scuba Hyde & Co Hyde Park Gate Hyde Park Gate Garden Hyderabad Road Hydro Resources Hydrocore HydroDash Hyena Hyflux Building Hygeia Hygge Hylam Street Hyll On Holland Hythe Road Hytorc Hyundai Hyundai Motor Group Innovation Center Hyundai Service Center Håakon
I I Can Read I Cut Hair Salon I Love Taimei I love you I Suites
I Ifry 爱小炒 IG IGH Design & Contract Pte. Ltd. Iglesia Ni Cristo IHM Retreat House III Cuscaden IKEA IKEA Bistro IKEA Restaurant & Café IKEA Swedish Food Market Ikeda Spa Ikigai Ikki Ikkoten Omakase Ikkousha Hakata Ramen
I Il Clay Pizzeria ILIV @ Grange Illoura Illumia Illuminaire on Devonshire Im Em Thai Kitchen Image Imagen Images of Singapore LIVE Imakatsu IMall Imam Banana Leaf Restaurant
I Impression Improve Department Trading Co IMS Auditorium In A Rainbow In Tek Inaho's Kitchen Bar Inchcape Centre Inchcape Marketing Building Income Centre Income Insurance (Tampines) Incredi Bowl India Overseas Bank Indian Indian Association Cricket Ground Indian Bank Indian cheap restaurant Indian Curry House Indian Express Indian Gharial Indian Grill & Bar Indian Grocery Store Indian Heritage Centre Indian House Indian Kitchen Indian Overseas Bank Indian Overseas Bank Building Indian Palace Indian Settlers of Telok Ayer Indian Supermarket Indian (Tamil) Grocery Store Indian Tandoori Indian Vegetarian Indian Wok Indian Wolves Indie Hostel Indo Chili Indo Thai Bistro & Bar Indocafé The White House IndoChine IndoChine Restaurant Indonesia Family Church Indonesian Food House Indonesian Mural Indoor Sports Hall Indosunda Indulge Indus Garden Indus Road Infant Library Infant School Infineon Technologies Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific (East Wing) Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific (West Wing) Infini at East Coast Infinito Atrix Infinity Eyewear at Telok Blangah Infinity Pool Infinium
I Information Technology Information/Guest Services Ingco by Horme Inggu Road Inkink Inksmith Tattoo Inkstinct Tattoo Inle Myanmar Restaurant Innersense Innisfree Innova Primary School Innovillage Innovillage Lane Inori Japanese Dining
I INSEAD Asia INSPACE Inspiration School of pet grooming Inspire ID Group INSS Hair Studio Insta Hotel Instahair Instant Communities Instax Institition of Engineers Institute for Mathematical Sciences Institute of Mental Health Institute of Policy Studies Institution Hill Integrated Building (CGH-SACH) Integrated Riding Integrated Simulation Centre Integrated Waste Management Facility Intelligent Transport Systems Centre Intense Inter Inter-Oriental (Thomas Lai) Interactive Pool w/ Water Play Equipment InterContinental Singapore InteReno Interior Artist Pte Ltd Interior Diary Interlocal Centre Intermarine Supply Internal Security Department International Baptist Church International Bearings International Business Park International Community School International Food Hall International French School (Singapore) International Road International Service Apartments Hotel Intero Interpol Intertec Intrigg Inuka Cafe Investigation Division Multi-Purpose Room Investment & Credit Zu Ltd Invictus International School INZ Residence Inzwerkz Pte. Ltd. IO Iora
I Irrawaddy Road Irvin's Salted Egg Irving Place Irving Road Irvins Irvins Salted Egg Irwell Bank Road Irwell Hill Irwell Hill Residences ISA Hotel Isaac Isabella Aesthetics ISEAS Library ISEAS Publishing Isetan Iskina Cebu @ Timbre #01-27 Islamic Food Paradise Islamic Religious Council of Singapore Island Club Road Island Creamery Island Garden Walk Playground Island Gardens Walk Island Life Shop Island Penang Kitchen Island View Island Vintage Cafe Isle Eating House Isola Mansions ISS International School Isshin Machi 一心一町 Issin Machi Issoh Izakaya Istana Istana Besar Istana Domain Forecourt Istana Heritage Gallery Istana Kampong Gelam Istana Kampong Glam Istana Pasir Pelangi Istanblue Istanbul Turkish Restaurant Istar Trading Pte
I IT and Career Center IT Roo Cafe It Roo Cafe famous chicken chop It's Time Itacho Sushi Italian Italian Food & Wine Pte Ltd Italian Natural Cosmetics ITE College Central ITE College Central running track ITE College West I.Tea
J J & J J Carter Centre J Express J Gateway J Mart J Petite Patisserie J town cafe J&C Hair Saloon J&J Souvenirs J&P Laundry J's Bar and Grill J-Asia (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. J-Link J-mart J-Walk J-Wok J1 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14C J15 J16 J17 J2 J2 Famous Crispy Curry Puff J2 Telecomm J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J8 Hotel J9 Ja VIni Jaan JAB Design Pte Ltd Jacaranda Entrance Jacaranda Road Jack's Place Jack's Place (Great World City) Jacuzzi Jacuzzi Corner Jacuzzi Pool Jade Jade Dragon Boat Jade House Jade Mansion Jade Mansion Tennis Court Jade of India Jade Residences Jade Spa Jade Spring @ Yishun Jade's Chicken JadeScape Jae's Kitchen Jag WIne Jaggi's Jago Close Jai Thai Jalan Adat Jalan Afifi Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Jalan Ampang Jalan Ampas Jalan Anak Bukit Jalan Anak Patong Jalan Anggerek Jalan Angin Laut Jalan Angklong Jalan Antoi Jalan Arif Jalan Arnap Jalan Aruan Jalan Asas Jalan Asuhan Jalan Awang Jalan Ayer Jalan Azam Jalan Bahagia Jalan Bahar Jalan Bahar Clay Studios Jalan Bahar Power Station Jalan Bahasa Jalan Bahtera Jalan Bahtera Adventure Centre Jalan Baiduri Jalan Bangau Jalan Bangket Jalan Bangsawan Jalan Basong Jalan Batai Jalan Batalong Jalan Batalong East Jalan Batu Jalan Batu Nilam Jalan Batu Ubin Jalan Belang Jalan Belangkas Jalan Belibas Jalan Bena Jalan Benaan Kapal Jalan Beringin Jalan Berjaya Jalan Berseh Jalan Besar Jalan Besar Heritage Trail Jalan Besar Stadium Jalan Besar Swimming Complex Jalan Besut Jalan Bilal Jalan Binchang Jalan Bingka Jalan Binjai Jalan Bintang Tiga Jalan Boon Lay Jalan Bukit Ho Swee Jalan Bukit Merah Jalan Bukit Merah Food Centre Jalan Buloh Perindu Jalan Bumbong Jalan Bunga Rampai Jalan Buroh Jalan Chegar Jalan Chelagi Jalan Chempah Jalan Chempaka Kuning Jalan Chempaka Kuning Link Jalan Chempaka Kuning Playground Jalan Chempaka Puteh Jalan Chempedak Jalan Chengam Jalan Chengkek Jalan Chermai Jalan Chermat Jalan Cherpen Jalan Chorak Jalan Chulek Jalan Daliah Jalan Damai Jalan Darat Nanas Jalan Datoh Jalan Daud Jalan Demak Jalan Dermawan Jalan Derum Jalan Dinding Jalan Dondang Sayang Jalan Dua Jalan Durian Jalan Dusun Jalan Elok Jalan Emas Urai Jalan Empat Jalan Enam Jalan Endut Senin Jalan Eunos Jalan Gaharu Jalan Gajus Jalan Gali Batu Jalan Gapis Jalan Gelam Jalan Gelegar Jalan Gelenggang Jalan Gemala 2 Jalan Gemala 3 Jalan Gembira Jalan Gendang Jalan Geneng Jalan Girang Jalan Gotong Royong Jalan Greja Jalan Grisek Jalan Gumilang Jalan Haji Alias Jalan Haji Salam Jalan Hajijah Jalan Hang Jebat Jalan Hari Raya Jalan Harom Setangkai Jalan Harum Jalan Hiboran Jalan Hikayat Jalan Hitam Manis Jalan Hock Chye Jalan Hussein Jalan Hwi Yoh Jalan Ibadat Jalan Ikan Merah Jalan Ilmu Jalan Inggu Jalan Insaf Jalan Intan Jalan Ishak Jalan Ismail Jalan Isnin Jalan Istimewa Jalan Jamal Jalan Jambatan Lama Jalan Jambu Ayer Jalan Jambu Batu Jalan Jambu Mawar Jalan Janggus Jalan Jarak Jalan Jelita Jalan Jelutong Jalan Jendela Jalan Jentera Jalan Jermin Jalan Jeruju Jalan Jintan Jalan Jitong Jalan Joran Jalan Jurong Kechil Jalan Kakatua Jalan Kampong Chantek JALAN KAMPUNG SIGLAP Jalan Kandis Jalan Kasau Jalan Kathi Jalan Kayu Jalan Kayu Manis Jalan Kebaya Jalan Kechot Jalan Kechubong Jalan Kelabu Asap Jalan Kelawar Jalan Kelempong Jalan Keli Jalan Kelichap Jalan Kelulut Jalan Kemajuan Jalan Kemaman Jalan Kembang Melati Jalan Kembangan Jalan Kemboja Jalan Kemuning Jalan Kenarah Jalan Kerayong Jalan Keria Jalan Keris Jalan Keruing Jalan Kesoma Jalan Ketumbit Jalan Khairuddin Jalan Khairudiin Jalan Khamis Jalan Kilang Jalan Kilang Barat Jalan Kilang Timor Jalan Klapa Jalan Kledek Jalan Klinik Jalan Korban Jalan Krian Jalan Kuak Jalan Kuala Jalan Kuang Jalan Kubor Jalan Kukoh Jalan Kuning Jalan Kupang Jalan Kuras Jalan Kurnia Jalan Kwok Min Jalan Labu Ayer Jalan Labu Manis Jalan Labu Merah Jalan Lada Puteh Jalan Lakum Jalan Lam Huat Jalan Lam Sam Jalan Lana Jalan Langgar Bedok Jalan Lanjut Jalan Lapang Jalan Lateh Jalan Laut Jalan Layang Layang Jalan Leban Jalan Lebat Daun Jalan Legundi Jalan Lekar Jalan Lekub Jalan Lembah Kallang Jalan Lembah Thomson Jalan Lempeng Jalan Lengkok Sembawang Jalan Lepas Jalan Lim Tai See Jalan Lima Jalan Limau Bali Jalan Limau Kasturi Jalan Limau Manis Jalan Limau Nipis Jalan Limau Purut Jalan Limbok Jalan Lokam Jalan Loyang Besar Jalan Lye Kwee Jalan Ma'mor Jalan Machang Jalan Malu Malu Jalan Malu-malu Jalan Mamam Jalan Manis Jalan Mariam Jalan Mas Kuning Jalan Mas Kuning Playground Jalan Mas Puteh Jalan Mas Puteh Playground Jalan Mashhor Jalan Masjid Jalan Mastuli Jalan Mat Jambol Jalan Mata Ayer Jalan Mawar Jalan Mayaanam Jalan Melati Jalan Melor Jalan Membina Jalan Mempurong Jalan Menarong Jalan Mendaki Jalan Mengkudu Jalan Merah Saga Jalan Merbok Jalan Merdu Jalan Merlimau Jalan Mesin Jalan Mesra Jalan Minggu Jalan Minyak Jalan Molek Jalan Muhibbah Jalan Mulia Jalan Murai Jalan Mutiara Jalan Naga Sari Jalan Naung Jalan Nipah Jalan Nira Jalan Noordin Jalan Novena Jalan Novena Barat Jalan Novena Selatan Jalan Novena Timor Jalan Novena Utara Jalan Nuri Jalan Pacheli Jalan Pakis Jalan Pandan Jalan Papan Jalan Paras Jalan Pari Burong Jalan Pari Dedap Jalan Pari Kikis Jalan Pari Unak Jalan Pasir Ria Jalan Pasiran Jalan Payoh Lai Jalan Pekan Ubin Jalan Pelajau Jalan Pelangi Jalan Pelatina Jalan Pelatok Jalan Pelepah Jalan Pelikat Jalan Pelikat Park Connector Jalan Pemimpin Jalan Penjara Jalan Peradun Jalan Pergam Jalan Pernama Jalan Pesawat Jalan Pinang Jalan Pintau Jalan Pintau Playground Jalan Piring Jalan Pisang Jalan Pokok Serunai Jalan Puay Poon Jalan Punai Jalan Puteh Jerneh Jalan Puteri Jula Juli Jalan Puyoh Jalan Rabu Jalan Rahmat Jalan Raja Udang Jalan Rajah Jalan Rajawali Jalan Rama Rama Jalan Rasok Jalan Raya Jalan Rebana Jalan Redop Jalan Remaja Jalan Remis Jalan Rendang Jalan Rengas Jalan Rengkam Jalan Resak Jalan Ria Jalan Riang Jalan Rimau Jalan Rindu Jalan Rukam Jalan Rumah Tinggi Jalan Rumbia Jalan Rumia Jalan Sahabat Jalan Sajak Jalan Salang Jalan Sam Heng Jalan Sam Kongsi Jalan Samarinda Jalan Sampurna Jalan Samulun Jalan Sankam Jalan Sappan Jalan Satu Jalan Saudara Ku Jalan Sayang Jalan Seaview Jalan Sedap Jalan Segam Jalan Seh Chuan Jalan Sejarah Jalan Selamat Jalan Selanting Jalan Selaseh Jalan Selendang Delima Jalan Selimang Jalan Sembilang Jalan Semerbak Jalan Sempadan Jalan Senandong Jalan Senang Jalan Sendudok Jalan Seni Jalan Sentosa Jalan Senyum Jalan Serene Jalan Serengam Jalan Seruling Jalan Setia Jalan Shaer Jalan Siantan Jalan Siap Jalan Sikudangan Jalan Simpang Bedok Jalan Sinar Bintang Jalan Sinar Bulan Jalan Sindor Jalan Singa Jalan Songket Jalan Soo Bee Jalan Sotong Jalan Suasa Jalan Suka Jalan Sukachita Jalan Sultan Jalan Sultan Prawn Med Jalan Sultan Prawn Mee Jalan Sungei Poyan Jalan Taman Jalan Tamban Jalan Tambur Jalan Tampang Jalan Tan Tock Seng Jalan Tanah Puteh Jalan Tanah Rata Jalan Tani Jalan Tanjong Jalan Tapisan Jalan Tari Dulang Jalan Tari Lilin Jalan Tari Payong Jalan Tari Piring Jalan Tari Serimpi Jalan Tari Zapin Jalan Tarum Jalan Teck Kee Jalan Teck Whye Jalan Tekad Jalan Tekukor Jalan Telang Jalan Telipok Jalan Teliti Jalan Tembusu Jalan Tempua Jalan Tenaga Jalan Tenang Jalan Tenggiri Jalan Tenon Jalan Tenteram Jalan Tepong Jalan Terang Bulan Jalan Terubok Jalan Terusan Jalan Tiga Jalan Tiga Ratus Jalan Tiong Jalan Toa Payoh Jalan Todak Jalan Tua Kong Jalan Tukang Jalan Tumpu Jalan Tupai Jalan Turi Jalan Ubi Jalan Uji Jalan Ulu Seletar Jalan Ulu Sembawang Jalan Ulu Siglap Jalan Unggas Jalan Usaha Jalan Wajek Jalan Wak Selat Jalan Wakaff Jalan Wangi Jalan Waringin Jalan Wat Siam Jalan Yasin Jalan Zamrud Jamaica Road Jamal Kazura Aromatics Jamba Jambol Place Jambol Walk Jamboree Jamco Optical Co James Cook University Singapore Jamie's Italian Jamiyah Halfway House Darul Islah Jamiyah Home for the Aged (Darul Takrim) Jan & Elly Jan & Elly English Language School Janani Kadai Jane Theil Janet Hair & Beauty Salon Jang Won Korean BBQ Jang Won Korean Restaurant Pte Ltd Janji Ride JannPaul Jansen 28 Jansen Close Jansen Mansion Jansen Road Jansen8 Japan Home Japan IPL Express Japan Korea Cuisine Japan Rail Cafe Japanese Food Japanese Garden Japanese Garden Bridge Japanese Garden Road Japanese Gourmet Town Japanese Kindergarden Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Japanese Tomb Japna Home Jardin Jasco Jasmine Jasmine Road Jason Salley Jason's Deli Jasons Deli Jasons The Gourmet Grocer Jauriah Java Road Javanese Massage Jawed Habib Jay & Jay Jaya Grocer Jaya Tower Jayee Home Jayleen 1918 Hotel Jayleen Clarke Quay Hotel Jaytarrani JB Ah Meng Restaurant JB Central Hotel JB Hotel JB Viral Cafe JC Coffee Houzz JC Don Cafe & Bar JC Draycott JC Super Market JC Tay JC Ville J.Co JCUS - BLOCK A JCUS - BLOCK C JCUS - BLOCK D JCUS - BLOCK E JCUS - BLOCK F JD JDM Automobile JDMIS - Jewellery Design and Management International School JDT Training Facilty Je Spirit Jean Yip Jean Yip Aesthetics Jean Yip Building Jean Yip Hub Jean Yip Loft Jedburgh Gardens Jeep Sing Jeet's School Jeeves Jeffo’s Jejawi Tower Jeju Kitchen Jelapang Road Jelebu Road Jellicoe Road Jelutong Camp Site Jelutong Tower Jem Parking (In) Jem Parking (Out) Jen Hair Studio JEN Singapore Tanglin Jennings Jeong’s Jjajang Jering Trail Jerry's Barbeque & Grill Jerry.Grill Jerry’s BBQ and Grill Jervios Road Jervois Close Jervois Grove Jervois Hill Jervois Jade Jervois Lane Jervois Lodge Jervois Mansions Jervois Privé Jervois Regency Jervois Road Jervois Treasures Jervoisville Jervols Meadows Jess & Co Jesus Christ The Deliverer, Singapore Jet Concepts Jet Pool Jet Therapy Pool Jetty Ruin Jew Kit Jewel Jewel @ Chuan Hoe Jewel @ Killiney Jewel @Buangkok Jewel Bridge Jewel Coffee Jewel of Balmoral Jewellery City Co. Pte Ltd Jewellery Repair Service Jews of Singapore Museum JForté Sportainment Centre JH Hotel Ji De Chi Dessert Ji Hotel Orchard Ji Ji Noodle House Ji Li Easting House Ji Xiang Confectionery (Everton Ang Ku Kueh) Ji Xiang Court Ji Xing Market Jia Bin Bak Kut Teh Jia Bing (Klang) Bak Kut Teh Jia Xiang Jia Xiang Kitchen Jia Xiang Sarawak Kolo Mee Jiagi Beauty Jiak Chuan Road Jiak Kim Street Jiak Modern Tze Char Jiale Kopitiam Jian Bing Lao Jian Bo Shui Kueh Jian Zao Ipoh curry noodle Jian Zhao Ipoh curry noodle Jiang Su Restaurants Jiang Zi Ya Jiang-Nan Chun Jianghu Buffet Jiang’s Noodle House Jie Bakery (Tai Seng) Pte Ltd Jiemin Primary School Jimmy Monkey Cafe & Bar Jin Biao Coffee Shop Jin Dong Hotel Jin Fine Dining Jin Hock Jin Hua Fish Head Bee Hoon Jin Jin - Eating House Jin Ling Jin Wee Restaurant Jin Wei Ji Jin You Yuan Vegetarian 2nd Jin Yu Jin Yu Coffee House Jin Yu Man Tang Jin Yu Spa Jinder's Jing Jing Cheng Education Centre Jing Hua Xiao Chi Jing Ji Books & Cafe Jing Shan Primary School Jinjja Chicken Jinkura Izakaya Jinsa Galbi JinShangYiPin Jishuai BBQ Jit Poh Building Jit Sin Mini Market Jiu Huang Da Di Temple Jiu Zhuang JJ Laundry Place JJ Sweets JJ Thai Cuisine JJ's Residences @ Jervois Jjan by The Maveric Co JJH Serviced Apartments JK Centre J.Kayu.Prata JL Homes JL LP Gas JLB Residences JMart Jmart
J JMF JO Hotel Jo Malone Jo-Wen Jo-Yi Bakery Joah Korean Joan Bowen Cafe Joan Road Jody Apparel Joe & Dough Joe & The Juice Joe and Juice Joe’s Outlets Johann Strings John Chen John Road John Thai Johnson Controls Building Johnson Suisse Johnson9 Eatery John’s Pizzeria & Bakery Johong Hardware & Paints Pte Ltd Johor Bahru Johor Bahru Chinese Heritage Museum Johor Bahru (MAL) - Woodlands (SGP) Johor Royal Mausoleum Johor Tourism Information Center (JOTIC) Johor Tower Joji's Diner Jok Jok Mor Jollibean Jollibee Jollywell Jom Makam Seafood JOM Makan BBQ Seafood Jomachi Jon Louis Paris Jones The Grocer Jonsson Protein Jon’s Block Joo Avenue Joo Bar Makegeolli Bar Joo Chiat Joo Chiat Avenue Joo Chiat Church Joo Chiat Complex Joo Chiat Càphê Joo Chiat Food Centre Joo Chiat Lane Joo Chiat Mansion Joo Chiat Neighbourhood Police Post Joo Chiat Place Joo Chiat Road Joo Chiat Sofa & Cushion Joo Chiat Terrace Joo Chiat Walk Joo Guan Hin Minimart Joo Heng Restaurant Joo Hong Road Joo Keong Pawnshop Pte Ltd Joo Koon Joo Koon Bus Interchange Joo Koon Circle Joo Koon Crescent Joo Koon Road Joo Koon Way Joo Moh Chiap Kee Trading Joo Seng Joo Seng Green Joo Seng Heights Joo Seng Road Joo Seng Warehouse Joo Yee Road Joon Hiang Road Jordan Food Ind Bldg Jose D'Almeida Jose Rizal (1861-1896) Jose Rizal Mercado Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski Josh's Grill Josh’s Grill Jothi Jotun Journey to the West Jousting Painters Joy Doggy Joy Garden Restaurant Joy Laundry Center Joy Luck Teahouse Joyalukkas Joyden Canton Kitchen Joyden Treasures Joyfor Singapore Joyful Health TCM Clinic Joyre TCMedi Spa JPG Dog Run JPG Main Walkway JR Wellness JS Spa JSE Bikes JSR Design JST Studio Music + Fine Art JTB JTC JTC Space @ Ang Mo Kio JTC Space @ Tampines North JTC Space @ Tuas Biomedical Park JTC Summit JTC Surface Engineering Hub Ju Dian Ju Fu Yuan vegetarian Ju Hua Tai Ju Shin Jung Ju Shin Jung Korean BBQ Ju Wei Sichuan Cuisine JU95 JUBA Jubilee Bridge Jubilee Garden Restaurant Jubilee Presby Church Jubilee Road Juewei J.U.G Japanese Barbershop Jui Residences Juice Clinic Juice Land Julaiha Julia Beauty Saloon Julia Gabriel Centre Julie Bakes Juluca Jumbo Seafood Jumbo Seafood @ Dempsey Jumbo Seafood Gallery Jumbo Seafood (Riverside Point) Jun Xin Building Junction 10 Junction 8 Roof Garden Junction Nine June's Breathe Cafe Jungalore Jungle Fall Path Jungle Trail Junior Adventure Trail Junior Kuppanna Junior Library Junior p@ge Junior the Pocket Bar Juniper At Ardmore Juniper Hill Junshin Express Junyuan Primary School Junyuan Secondary School Jupiter 18 Jupiter Road Jupiter Road Playground Jurassic Mile Jurassic Mile - Changi Airport Connector Jurassic MIle Start/End Jurassic Mile Start/End Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure Jurassic World Jurong Apartments Jurong Arcadia Jurong Camp Jurong Canal Drive Jurong Central Park Pathway Jurong Central Plaza Jurong Christian Church Jurong Church of Christ Jurong Community Hospital Jurong Data Center Jurong East Jurong East Avenue 1 Jurong East Baseball Field Jurong East Breeze Jurong East Central Jurong East Central 1 Jurong East Court Jurong East Fire Post Jurong East Integrated Transport Hub Jurong East Interim Bus Interchange Jurong East Joint Testing & Vaccination Centre Jurong East Neighbourhood Police Centre Jurong East Softball Field Jurong East Sports Complex Jurong East Street 11 Jurong East Street 12 Jurong East Street 13 Jurong East Street 21 Jurong East Street 24 Jurong East Street 31 Jurong East Street 32 Jurong East View Jurong East Ville Jurong East Vista Jurong Fire Station Jurong Frog Farm Jurong Gateway Road Jurong Health Services Jurong Health Specialist Outpatient Clinics Jurong Hill Jurong Island Highway Jurong Lake Gardens Gym Jurong Lake Link Jurong Medical Centre Jurong Neighbourhood Police Post Jurong Park Connector Jurong Park Connector (Interim) Jurong Penjuru Dormitory 1 Jurong Penjuru Dormitory 2 Jurong Pier Circus Jurong Pier Road Jurong Pier Way Jurong Point Post Office Jurong Police Division HQ Jurong Port Road Jurong Primary School Jurong Provision Shop Jurong Pumping Station Jurong Regional Library Jurong Regional Line Integrated Rail & Bus Depot Jurong Road Jurong Secondary School Jurong Seventh-day Adventist Church Jurong Town Hall Bus Interchange Jurong Town Hall Road Jurong West Jurong West Avenue 1 Jurong West Avenue 2 Jurong West Avenue 3 Jurong West Avenue 4 Jurong West Avenue 5 Jurong West Blossom Jurong West Central 1 Jurong West Central 2 Jurong West Central 3 Jurong West Crystal Jurong West Jewel Jurong West Joint Testing & Vaccination Centre Jurong West Library Jurong West Neighbourhood Police Centre Jurong West Park Connector Jurong West Post Office Jurong West Primary School Jurong West Secondary School Jurong West Sports Complex Jurong West Street 22 Jurong West Street 23 Jurong West Street 24 Jurong West Street 25 Jurong West Street 26 Jurong West Street 41 Jurong West Street 42 Jurong West Street 51 Jurong West Street 52 Jurong West Street 61 Jurong West Street 62 Jurong West Street 63 Jurong West Street 64 Jurong West Street 65 Jurong West Street 71 Jurong West Street 72 Jurong West Street 73 Jurong West Street 74 Jurong West Street 75 Jurong West Street 76 Jurong West Street 81 Jurong West Street 82 Jurong West Street 91 Jurong West Street 92 Jurong West Street 93 Jurong West Swimming Complex Jurong-Clementi Town Council Jurongville Jurongville Secondary School Just Dough Just Inn Pine Just The Place Justin Flavours of Asia Justin Hairstylist Justus Juying Primary School Juying Secondary School Juz Bread Juz Eat Juz Interior Juz Scoop JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach JW Watch JXIN Hotel JY Organics Jyu Gae
K K Hotel 12 K Hotel 14 K Hotel 8 K Wellness Spa K-cuts Kinex K-Tower K2 Guesthouse KA Centre Ka-En Kaayaloram KADA Kadayanallur Street Kaen Kafe & Kafe Dona Bakehouse Kafe San Francisco Coffee Kafe UTU Kaffe & Tiast Kaffe & Toast
K Kageyama Ramen & Tonkatsu Kagurazaka Saryo Kah Mee Optical Co. KAH Motor Kah Motors Kah Tyres & Batteries Kai Garden Kai Joo Optical Kai Juan Kai Kai Gifts Kailash Parbat Kaira Technologies Kaisendon Kaiyo Reptile Products Kaiza Kajiken Kak Guan Hardware Pte Ltd. Kak Wan's Kitchen Kaka Fruit & Vegetable Kakak Café Kaki Bukit Kaki Bukit Autohub Kaki Bukit Avenue 1 Kaki Bukit Avenue 2 Kaki Bukit Avenue 3 Kaki Bukit Avenue 4 Kaki Bukit Avenue 5 Kaki Bukit Avenue 6 Kaki Bukit Bloom Kaki Bukit Camp Kaki Bukit Crescent Kaki Bukit Garden Kaki Bukit Green Kaki Bukit Hostel Kaki Bukit Industrial Terrace Kaki Bukit Neighbourhood Police Post Kaki Bukit Park Kaki Bukit Place Kaki Bukit Polyclinic and Nursing Home Kaki Bukit Road 1 Kaki Bukit Road 2 Kaki Bukit Road 3 Kaki Bukit Road 4 Kaki Bukit Road 5 Kaki Bukit Road 6 Kaki Bukit Ville Kalam Mart Kalam Restaurant Kale by KangSu 康素 Kalidasa Avenue Kalla Beauty Spa Kallang Kallang Airport Drive Kallang Airport Way Kallang Avenue Kallang Bahru Kallang Bahru Underpass Kallang Barber Kallang Basin Swimming Complex Kallang Breeze Kallang Cantonese Live Prawn Noodle Kallang Estate Fresh Market and Food Centre Kallang Fire Station Kallang Football Hub Kallang Heights Kallang Horizon Kallang Junction Kallang Neighbourhood Police Post Kallang Park Conenctor Kallang Park Connector Kallang Place Kallang Pudding Road Kallang Residences Kallang Rivergreen Building Kallang Riverside Kallang Riverside Park Kallang Road Kallang SDBA Nursery Kallang Sector Kallang Tennis Hub Kallang Theatre Kallang Trivista Kallang View Kallang walk Kallang Water Sports Center Kallang Wave Mall Kallang Way Kallang Way 1 Kallang Way 2 Kallang Way 2A Kallang Way 3 Kallang Way 4 Kallang Way 5 Kally Hair Dressing & Beauty Salon Kalma Kalonn - Wine and Craft Beer Bistro Kalpz Beauty Kitchen Kam Auto Mart Kam Jia Zhuang Seafood #01-1690 Kam Leng Hotel Kam Long Curry Fish Head Kam's Roast KAMAL Restaurant Kamala Jewellers Kamome Bakery Kamon Udon Kamoshita Sake & Wine Kampiung Rekoh Kampiung Teluk Jawa Kampong Ampat Kampong Arang Kampong Arang Road Kampong Bahru Bus Termiinal Kampong Bahru Bus Terminal Kampong Bahru Road Kampong Bugis Kampong Chai Chee Restaurant Kampong Chicken Eating House Kampong Chicken House Kampong Eating House Kampong Eunos Kampong Glam Kampong Glam Neighbourhood Police Post Kampong Java Neighbourhood Police Centre Kampong Java Road Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Kampong Kapor Road Kampong Kayu Road Kampong Kembangan Neighbourhood Police Post Kampong Lorong Buangkok Kampong trail Kampong Ubi Kampong Ubi Estate Kampong Ubi Neighbourhood Police Post Kampong Ubi View Kampung Ah Siang Kampung garden Kampung House Kampung Pasir Putih Kampung Sireh Kampung Sungai Melayu Kampung Ubi CC Court Kampung Wak Hassan Kanada-Ya Kanda Wadatsumi Kandahar Street Kandis Lane Kandis Link Kandis Residence Kandis Walk Kanemochi Kang Ching Road Kang Choo Bin Road Kang Choo Bin Walk Kang Ha Pheng Sim Kow Kang Mei Kang Tai TCM Kang Zhi Yuan Kanisha Marican Road Kanpai Kanshoku Ramen Bar Kanshouku Ramen Bar Karcool Karikal Lane Karmic Kaleidoscope Kartright Speedway Karu’s Karva Kasai Road Kash Phul Kashkha Kassia Kastu Rina Lodge Katanashi Katanasui An Kataomo KATC Autotrans Pte. Ltd. Kate Jubilee Kate Spade Katia Verde Art Katomo Hair Studio Katong Katong Antique House Mural Katong Antique House 加東古董 Katong Catholic Book Centre Katong Credit Katong East Coast Speciality Shop Katong Flower Shop (Pte) Ltd Katong Keah Kee Fried Oysters Katong Mei Wei Katong Mei Wei Chicken Rice Katong Park Katong park in its heyday Katong Park Towers Katong Point Katong Post Office Katong Swimming Complex Katong V Katong Ville Katsu Izakaya Japanese Bistro Katsu-an かつ庵 Katsumata Katsuya Kaung Chin Wai Mini Mart Kaveri Kaw Kaw SG Kawah Furnishing Kawai Cutz Kawaii Kutz Kawaii Nails Kawan Hostel Kawasaki Kawata Kay Lee Roast Meat Kay Poh Road Kay Poh Road Baptist Church Kay Siang Road KAY-JEN Kazbar Kazo Café Kazoku Japanese Cuisine Kazuki Kazura KB KB Industrial Building KB-1 KBB Credit SD KC Tan Technologies KCC (Singapore) Pte Ltd Kcuts
K KCuts White Sands Kcuts10 KDS Supermarket Keat Hong Axis Keat Hong Camp Keat Hong Close Keat Hong Colours Keat Hong Crest Keat Hong Grange Keat Hong Link Keat Hong Mirage Keat Hong Pride Keat Hong Quad Keat Hong Verge Keat Lim vegetarian Keat Lim Vegetarian Food Kebab Faktory Kebabs Factory Kebabs Faktory Kebaya Kebun Baru Court Kebun Baru Edge Kebun Baru Heights Kebun Baru Link Kebun Baru Neighbourhood Police Post Kebun Baru Palm View Kebun Baru View Kec Sound & Vision Keck Seng Tower Kedai Biskut Cenderamata Tradisional Kedai Dobi Miss Bubble Kedai Emas Kampong Melayu Kedai Kopi Kedai Makan Hock Chang Hin Kedai Makanan Dan Minuman Ji Yuan
K Kedai Runcit Nashi Kedai Serbaneka S Eleven Mart Kedai Viral Kee Beng Filters Kee Choe Avenue Kee Seng Street Kee Song Brothers Poultry Ind. Pte Ltd Kee Sun Avenue Kee's Keene Road Keep our waters clean Kei Kaisendon Keika Ramen Keisuke Keisuke Plus Keisuke Ramen Singapore Keisuke Tonkotsu King KEK Seafood KEK Seafood (Chilli Crab) Kelantan Court Kelantan Lane Kelantan Road Keliville Keliville Private Access Road Keller Hair Studio Kellett Court Kellock Lodge Kellock Road Kelly Villas Kelong Bridge Kelopak Road Kelulut Hill Kembangan Gardens Kembangan Kedai Kembangan Suites Kembangan Wave Keming Primary School Kempas Residences Kempas Road Ken Pro Shop Kenanga Avenue Kenangan Coffee Kenaris Keng Bee Restaurant Keng Cheow Street Keng Chin Road Keng Kiat Street Keng Lee Road Keng Song Confectionary Keng Soon Building Kenko Kenko Wellness Spa Kenler Road Kenny Rogers Roaster Kensington Park Kensington Park Drive Kensington Park Road Kensington Sq Pool Kensington Square Kent Heights Kent Ridge Crescent Kent Ridge Drive Kent Ridge Education Kent Ridge Guild House Kent Ridge Guild House Extension Kent Ridge Hall Kent Ridge Hill Residences Kent Ridge MTB Kent Ridge Road Kent Ridge Secondary School Kent Ridge Service Reservoir Kent Ridge Terminal Kent Ridge Tutors / Global Art Kent Road Kent Vale Kent Ville Kentish Court Kentish Green Kentish Lodge Kentview Park Kenya Crescent Kenya Crescent road Kenzo Keong Saik Keong Saik Bakery Keong Saik Road Keppel Bay Drive Keppel Bay Tower Keppel Bay View Keppel Bay Vista Keppel Club Keppel Gul Circle Districenter Keppel Harbor Keppel Hill Keppel Marina East Desalination Plant Keppel Offshore & Marine Keppel Reservoir Keppel Road Keppel South Central Keramat Keramat Iskandar ... Keramat Iskandar Shah Keramat Radin Mas Keramat Road Kerbau Hotel Kerbau Road Keris Drive Kerluxe Kerong Lane Kerong Walk Kerrisdale Ker’s Hair Salon Kestrel Ketam Channel Ketam Trail Kevin Khoo Kevin's Kew Avenue Kew Crescent Kew Drive Kew Green Kew Heights Kew Lane Kew Organics Kew Residencia Kew Terrace Kew Walk Key Power Sports Keyi Keyser Technologies Keystone Cable KFC KFood KH Plaza KH Roberts Khadijah Mosque Khai Seng Garden Khai Wah Battery & Tyre Pte Ltd Khalid Trading Khalsa Crescent Drug Rehabilitation Centre Khan Products KHAN Restaurant Khan Saab Restaurant Khana Basmati Khansama Tandoori Restaurant Khao Hom Khatib Bongsu Park Connector Khatib Camp Khatib Court Khatib Evergreen Khatib Fitness and Conditioning Centre Khatib Gardens Khatib Spring Khatib Vale Khe Kheam Hock Garden Kheam Hock Road Kheiseng Trading & Fish Farm Kheng Cheng School Kheng Chiu Happy Lodge Kheng Keng Kheng Nan Lee Teochew Porridge Khiang Guan Avenue Khim Seng Gas KHL Building Khong Guan Khoo Kay Chai Complex Khoo Teck Puat Hospital Ki Residences at Brookvale Kia Hiang Restaurant Kian Ann Engineering Kian Heng Kian Hong Cycle Pte. Ltd. Kian Joo Vegetarian Food Supply Centre 健裕斋料供应商. Kian Lian Kian Seng Hardware Trading PTE LTD Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant Kian Teck Avenue Kian Teck Crescent Kian Teck Dormitory Kian Teck Drive Kian Teck Eating House Kian Teck Hostel Kian Teck Lane Kian Teck Road Kian Teck Way Kiang Sing Hong HardwareSuppliers Kiara Ten Kiaw Aik Hardware Trading Pte Ltd Kick Off! Kid Stop Kid's Aqua Flying Fox Kid's Play Kid's Pool Kid's pool Kid's sport pool KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse Kiddy Palace Kidi Winkie Kids 'N' We Kids Fashion Bazaar Kids Haven Kids Kelong Kids Play Pool Kids Playground Kidz Party Store Kidz Zone KidZania Singapore Kidzparel Kilat Court Kiliney Café Killaz Killiney Killiney Bagus Killiney Curry Puff Killiney Hainanese Curry Rice Killiney Kopitiam Killiney Post Office Killiney Road Killiney Road Post Office Killiray Killney Killoman Estate Kilo lounge Kilo Singapore Kim Able Household Kim Bee Seng Kim Bian Hong Goldsmith Kim Cheng Street Kim Choo Kueh Chang Kim Chuan Drive Kim Chuan Lane Kim Chuan Road Kim Chuan Terrace Kim Court Kim Dae Mun Korean Food Kim Ginseng Chinese Medicine Kim Hock Guan Kim Hock Offshore & Marine Kim Hoe Centre Kim Hoe Point Kim Hua Guan Kim Joo Guan Kim Keat Avenue Kim Keat Beacon Kim Keat Christian Church Kim Keat Close Kim Keat Court Kim Keat Food & Drinks Centre Kim Keat Heights Kim Keat Lane Kim Keat Link Kim Keat Neighbourhood Police Post Kim Keat Palm Kim Keat Ripples Kim Keat Road Kim Keat View Kim Leng Kim Leng Office Equipment Pte Ltd Kim Lotus Kim Ming Food Industries Kim Mui Hoey Kuan Kim Poh Hong Kim Pong Road Kim San Leng Kim Satay Kim Seng Bridge Kim Seng Neighbourhood Police Post Kim Seng Park Kim Seng Promenade Kim Seng Road Kim Seng Service Road Kim Seng Walk Kim Sia Court Kim Teng Park Kim Tian 119 Kim Tian Christian Church Kim Tian Green Kim Tian Hotel Kim Tian Hotel (Han) Kim Tian Place Kim Tian Road Kim Tian (Star) Hotel Kim Tian Towers Kim Tian Vista Kim Yam Road Kim's Kim's Family Food Kimage Kimchi Box Kimchi Xpress Kimistry Kimly Bldg Kimly Live Seafood Kimmana Unisex Salon Kin Cuts Kin Hoi Kin Kao Mai Kin Khao's Kin Kin Chille Pan Mee Kin Lee & Company Kin Soon Company Kin Teck Tona Kin Textiles & Garments Kinara Kind Kones Kinderland Kinderland Academy Kinderland Preschool Kindle Garden Preschool by AWWA Kindly Enterprises PTD LTD Kindred Folk Kinetic Garden Exhibition King King Albert Park King Edward VII Hall King George's Avenue King George’s Heights King Julien's Beach Party-Go-Round King kebab King Koil King Koil Gallery King Kong Bistro King Leisure Spa King of Braise King Of Braise King of fried rice King of Fried Rice King of Glory King of Prawn Noodles King Plastic King's Avenue King's Close King's Court King's Cross King's Drive King's Drive Playground King's Garden King's Mansion King's Road King's Walk Kingdom of Belgians - KOB Kingdom of Comics Kingfisher's cove Kingford Hillview Peak Kingritz Showroom Kings Barber Kings Cart Coffee Factory Kings Kart Coffee Kingsford Terrace Kingsford Waterbay KingsGrove Kingsmead Road Kingston Hotel Kingston Terrace Kingswear Avenue Kingyo Izakaya Kinki Kinloss at Lady Hill Road Kinloss House Kinnari Thai Cuisine Kinohimitsu Kinokuniya Kinta Road Kintyre Park Estate Kinvac Gardening and Agrotech Kinzan-ya Kinzo Izakaya Kinzu Izakaya Kiosk Kirei Hair Salon Kirk Terrace Kismis Adventure Park Kismis Avenue Kismis Court Kismis Green Kismis Place Kitchen Concept Kitchen+Ware Kitchener Link Kitchener Road Kitchenman Nasi Lemak Kitchin Tools Kith Kith Cafe Kitty Shop Kiwami KJM Coffee HOUSE KK Super Mart KK Women's and Children's Hospital KKH@Halifax Kki sweets KKKL Travel & Tours Kko Kko Nara KL Mart KL Traditional Chilli Ban Mee Klang Lane KLC International Institute Kleen Klie Rentals KLT 31 KMEDP Green Roof Knead Knight Auto Accessories Knightsbridge Knockout Gear Knots Knots Cafe and Living Knowledge Book Centre Knox View KNS Restaurant KNS RESTAURANT KNS Restaurant KNS Suriya Eating House Knuckles Koat Aroy Kobe Commercial Kobelco Koek Road Kofx Koh Grill & Sushi Bar Koh Keng Hoe Orchid Nursery Koh Sek Lim Road Kohaku Tendon Kohler Kohler Power Systems Kohnangkam KOI Koi KOI Koi Koi Cafe KOI Cafe Koi Cafe Koi Café Koi Express KOI Express Koi Express KOI Express Koi Express KOI Express Koi Express Koi Izakaya Koi pond KOI Thé Koi The KOI Thé Koi The KOI Thé Koi Thé KOI Thé KOI The KOI Thé KOI Thé Express Koji Sushi Bar Kojimaya Kok Fah Technology Farm KOK SEN Kok Sen Kok yow Yong herbal tea Kokonoka Ryori Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba Kola Food Centre Kolam Ayer Bridge Kolam Ayer Community Centre Kolam Ayer Industrial Estate Kolam Ayer Kayaking Centre Kolam Ayer Neighbourhood Police Post Kolej Islam Muhammadiyah Kolkata Beckons Komala Vilas Komala Vilas Sweets & Savories Komala's Fusion Dining Komala's Restaurants Komala’s Vete Mart Komma Komme Komoco Motors Komodo Dragon Kompleks kuarantin Konditori Artisan Bakes Kondominium Tanjung Puteri Kong Beng Industrial Building Kong Cafe Kong Chow Cultural Centre Kong Guan Ind Bldg Kong Heng Metal Polishing Co' Kong Hin Pawnshop Pte. Ltd. Kong Hwa School Konica Minolta Konjiki Hototogisu Singapore Kontiki Koo Kee Kooks Creamery Kool Pub Koon Lee Nursery Koon Seng Road Koong Woh Tong KOP Building Kopar At Newton Kopi Kopi & Tarts Kopi & Tea Kopi Bar Nitro Kopi Kia Hawker Center Kopi Place Kopi Xuu Yau Kopifellas Kopifellas Cafe Kopiloco Kopitam Kopitiam KOPITIAM Kopitiam Kopitiam Ah Fook Kopitiam City Kopitiam Corner Kopitiam Food Court Korat Thai Cafe Korea BBQ Korea House Korean Korean Church in Singapore Korean Church Kindergarten Korean Fusion BBQ Korean Restaurant Korean Tofu House Koryo Mart KORYO MART Koryo Mart Kotobuki Kotobuki Yakitori Kotsujiru Nabe Kottankal Ayurveda Pharmacy Koufu Koufu @ the South Spine Kovan Kovan 209 Market & Food Centre Kovan Close Kovan Crest Kovan Esquire Kovan Garden Kovan Grandeur Kovan Green Kovan Hub Kovan Jewel Kovan Melody Kovan Regency Kovan Residences Kovan Rise Kovan Road Kovan81 Kozen Sushi Bar & Restaurant KPB Building KPE Building KPE Ventilation Building B KPO KPT Krafers' Paradise Kraftwich Kraftwich by Swissbake Kramat Lane Kramat Road Kranji Camp 3 Entrance Kranji Close Kranji Crescent Kranji Link Kranji Loop Kranji Medical Centre Kranji Primary School Kranji Recreation Centre Kranji Reservoir Park Kranji Road Kranji Secondary School Kranji Way Krave Kream Salon Kreams Café Kreta Ayer Heights Kreta Ayer Neighbourhood Police Post Kreta Ayer Road Kreta Ayer Square Kreta Road Kribensis Kriselle Krish Krishna Stores Krispy Kreme
K Krsna's free meals Kruing Path Krumz N Kraves KS21 KSB Regional Ctre K.T. Landscape Pte Ltd KT's Grill KTM KTM 11 Supermarket KTM Muzium KTM Ticket Counter KTS Singapore KTV KTV Lounge Kubova Cuisine Kubur Kassim Kuci Cha Store Kucina Kudai Canteen Tamil Food Kue Kue Nyonya Kuih Warisan Melayu Kuishin Bo Kulinari Kult Yard Kum Yan Methodist Church Kumaran Mini Mart Kumbhak Arna Kumi Den Kumon Kumoya Kuna's Kung Chong Road Kung Fu Tea Kunthaville Kuo Chuan Avenue Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School Kuo Chuan Presybterian Secondary School Kuok Foundation House (Block 7 & 8) Kuok Group Wings of Asia Kura Kura Oyster & Highball Bar Kura Patisserie & Bakery Kurai Court Kurasu Kuriya Fish Market Kuriya Japanese Market Kuriya Market Kuro Karé Kuro Maguro Kurry Korner Kurt Hahn House (UWCSEA Dover Campus) Kusha Salon Kushi @ Thompson Kushi Japanese Dining Kusu Island - Marina South Pier Kuya’s Kwa Geok Choo Law Library Kwan Im Cake (觀音蛋糕) Kwan Im Vegetarian Kwan Im Vegetarian Restaurant (東南亞觀音素食館) Kwan Imm See Temple Kwan Inn Vegetarian Food Kwan Loon Yen Shophouses Kwan Sen Long Kwan Yow Luen Shophouses Kwang Huat Kwang Kee Kwang Kee Flower Garden KWE Kwee Heng Kwee Zeen Kwik Kutz Hair Studio Kwok Gallery Kwong Avenue Kwong Fatt Pers Centre Kwong Min Road Kwong Satay Kwong Siew Heritage Gallery Kwong Soon & Co. Engineering Works Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng Building Ky Anh Quán Kyushu Pancake 九州パンケーキ Kyuukei Coffee
L L Y Motor Enteprises L&H Lighting & Electrical L'Angelus L'Atelier L'Entrecote L'Entrecôte L'Entrecôte Customs House L'Espresso L'etoile L'Occitane L'occitane en provence L'Operetta Corner Bar L'VIV L-Win Lighting gallery L32 Handmade Noodles LA Barbershop La Bella La Belle La Belle Couture La Boca La Braceria La Brasserie La Cafa La Cafe & Bar La Cantina in Venezia La Casa La Champañeria La Crystal La Dolce Vita La Fez Bakery and Cafe La Fiesta La Forketta La Grigne Patisserie La Jiang Shan La Kopi La Mansion La Marelle La Mensa La Meyer La Mode (Sophia) La Nonna La Pasta La Pasteleria Kitchen & Bar La Petite Boutique La Pizzaiola LA Pizzaiola La Pizzaiola La Reve La Saigon Viet Specialty Coffee La Salle Street La Salsa La Stalla La Suisse La table d'Emma La Teh La Vida La Villa La'trim Lab Block Lab Floret LabOne Bldg Labrador Nature and Coastal Walk Labrador Villa Labrador Villa Road Labyrinth LAC Nutrition For Life Lacoste Lady Boss Seafood Lady Fair Lady Hill Road Lady M Lady of the Rosary Ladyboy Ladyfinger Lafe Group Lagnaa... bare foot dining Lagoon View Lagos Circle Laguna 88 Laguna Golf Green Laguna Green Laguna National Laguna National Golf & Country Club Laguna Park Lai Hock Seng Market Lai Huat Sambal Belacan Fish Lai Huat Sambal Fish Lai Huat Seafood Restaurant Lai Huat Signatures Lai Kee Handmade Pau Lai Ming Hotel Lai Ming Hotel Cosmoland Lai Pun Lai Seng Florist Lajiang Shan Lake Grande Lake Life Lake Vista Lakefront Residences Lakeholmz Lakepoint Condomium Lakepoint Drive Lakeshore View Lakeside Drive Lakeside Eatery Lakeside Field Lakeside Green Lakeside Grove Lakeside Grove Playground Lakeside Plaza Lakeside Primary School Lakeside Tower Lakeside View Lakeview Estate Lakeville Lakme Street Lakme Terrace Laksa Laksa Steamboat Lala Bee Hoon LALU Lalu LALU Lam Ann Building Lam Yeo Coffee Powder Lam's Lam's Garden Lambeth Walk Lamipak Gallery LAMY Lan Nuong Lan Ting Cuisine & Wine Lana Cakes Lanco LandBay Landing Lights Landmark Travel Pte Ltd Landridge Condominium Landscape Engineering Laneige Lang Nuong Viet Nam Lange Road Lange28 Langsat Road Langston Ville Langur Trail Lanson Place Lantana Avenue Lao Ban Lao Ban Soya Beancurd Lao Beijing Lao Gai Mee Kuching Lao Huo Tang Lao Jiang Superior Soup Lao Shen Ah Ma Teochew Kueh Lao Sin Kian Choon Lap Pool Lap pool Lapis Lazuli Light Laptop Factory Outlet Large Reclining Figure Larkhill Road Larry Jewelry Lasalle College of the Arts Extension Lasallian Block Lasia Avenue Latern Latido Latitude Latteria Lattice Lattice One Lau Pa Sat Lau Phua Chay Authentic Roasted Delicacies Lau Rock Guan Kee Bak Kut Teh Lau Wang Lau Wang Claypot Delights Lau Wang Claypot Legacy Lau Yang Laughing Buddha (seated) Laughing Buddha (Standing) Laundry Laundry @ yes Laundry Club Laundry service Laundry Unlimited
L Laundryservice visma doby Laurel Wood Avenue LaurelTree Lavano Marketing Pte. Ltd. Lavender Lavender Gardens Lavender Place Lavender Street Laverne's Loft Lavish De' Salon Lavo Lawn Bowl Green @ Waterway Banks Lazeez Lazy Lizard Le bar / Taste Le Binchotan Le Bistrot Du Sommelier Le Café Blanc Le Cafe Confectionary & Pastry Le Carillon De L'Angelus Le Chasseur Le Cove Le Crescendo Le Gambir Le Grove Le Hill Condominium Le Imperial Singapore Le Jardin Le Knot Le Le Zhan Le Lighting Le M Residence Le Man Yuan Seafood Le Marican Le Mont Singapore Le Nouvel Ardmore Le Petit Croissant Le Petit Empire Le Pets Kingdom Le Quest Le Regal Le Reve Le Rida Le Sassoon Le Shrimp Ramen Le Spa Le Steak Le Wood Le Zen Spa Leaf Corner Lean Bento Leap Frogs Learn to Skate Pod Learning Forest Learning Kidz @ Jubilee Square Learning Vision @ HwaChong Learning Vision Hwa Chong Learning Vision NTU LeBar Lechon Republic Lecker Hotdog LeClare@Shenton LED Lighting Led Lighting Led Lumisheet LED Signage LED Signages Lee Fun Nam Kee Lee Guan Chuan Lee Huat Motor Co. Lee Hwa's JewelPlay Lee Khong Lan Trading Co Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (Novena Campus) Lee Kui (Ah Hoi) Restaurant Lee Mart Lee Na Young Lee Seng Lee Bicycle Shop Lee Tai Fu Lee Tong Kee Ipoh Hor Fun Restaurant Lee Wee & Brothers Lee Wee Kheng Building (S1A) Lee Wee Nam Library Leedon Heights Leedon Park Leedon Road Leeds Mart Lee’s Taiwanese Lefon Sewing Machine & Machinery Legacy Legend of Kang Xi Legend of Su Qin Legenda Legendary Legendary Bak Kut Teh Legendary Bak Kut Teh At South Bridge 發传人肉骨茶 Legendary Hong Kong Cart Noodles Legendary Hong Kong 香港傳奇 Legends Lego Leica Leica Gallery Leicester Lodge Leicester Road Leicester Suites Leighwoods Condominium Leisure Goods Company Leisure Park Kallang Leisure Spa Leisure Sports Leith Park Leith Road Lek San Bldg Lelepot Lembu Road Lemon Avenue Lemon Grass Lemon Tree Lemon Vanilla Lempeng Drive Leng Kee Road Leng Kwang Baptist Church Leng's Salon Lengkok Angsa Lengkok Bahru Lengkok Bahru Heights Lengkok Mariam Lengkok Merak Lengkong Dua Lengkong Empat Lengkong Enam Lengkong Lima Lengkong Satu Lengkong Tiga Lengkong Tujoh Lenovo Lens Vision Lenscraft Optics Lenskart Lenskart Junction 8
L Lentor Avenue Lentor Central Lentor Crescent Lentor Drive Lentor Gardens Lentor Green Lentor Grove Lentor Health Nursing Home (Hougang) and Lentor Senior Care Centre (Hougang) Lentor Hills Residences Lentor Hills Road Lentor Lane Lentor Link Lentor Loop Lentor Mansion Lentor Modern Lentor Place Lentor Plain Lentor Road Lentor Street Lentor Terrace Lentor Vale Lentor Walk Lentor Way Lentoria LeNu LeNu Chef Wai's Noodle Bar LeNu Chef Wai’s Noodle Bar LeNu 樂牛 Leo Drive LEON Leong Ji Kitchen Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh Leong Poh Kee Watch Dealer Leong Sen & Co. Leong Wah Kee Mini Market Leong Yeow Leonie Condotel Leonie Gardens Leonie Hill Leonie Hill Residences Leonie Hill Road Leonie Parc View Leonie Studio Leonie Towers Leopard Leopard Cat Leopard Pavilion Leopold Leow Sih Association Leo’s cafe Lepak at Rayz Lepak One Corner by Yassin Kampung Lermit Road Les Amis Les Bouchons Les Bouchons Rochester Leshan Gardens Let There Be Peace Let's Eat! Let’s Play Leuchars Road Leung Sang Leung Sang Hong Kong Pastries Levant Levara Level Up LeVel33 Levenue Levi's Levure Naturelle Lew Lian Gardens Lew Lian Vale Lewin Terrace Lewis Lodge Lewis Road Lex Lexington Lexmar Leyden Hill LFA Global LFC Kopitiam LH LHK 3 Li Cheng Supermarket Li Fa Yun Tun Noodles Li Fang Congee Li Feng Yuan Minimart Li Hin Goldsmith Li Hui Laundrette & Trading Li Hwan Close Li Hwan Drive Li Hwan Place Li Hwan Terrace Li Hwan View Li Hwan Walk Li Ji Coffee Li Ka Shing Library Li Li Cheng Minimart Li Mei Xian Beauty Salon Li Mei Xian Beauty Saloons Li Po Avenue Li Wei Vegetarian 笠维素食 Li XUE Trading Li-Ho Lia Home Liad Fan Hong Kong Soy Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle Lian Aik Tyre & Battery Co. Lian Bee Restaurant Lian Eng Hwa Lian Fong Credit & Trading PTE LTD Lian Hin Pawnshop Lian Hua Chun Fruit Lian Hua Primary School Lian Huat Building Lian Kiar Alloy Tyre & Battery Centre Lian Kok Electrical Supplies Lian Seng Hin Lian Soo Ind Bldg Lian Thong Lighting Lian Villas Liane Road Liang Ban Gong Fu Liang Kee Liang Seah Street Liang Seng Sports Liat Tower Liat Towers Liberte Liberty House Libra Drive Library
l library@chinatown library@harbourfront library@Orchard
L Lichfield Road Lichi Avenue Licked Lido Dry Cleaning Lido Waterfront Boulevard Lien Ying Chow Drive Lien ying chow drive Lien Ying Chow Library Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Life Care Society Life Childcare Centre Life4Cut LifeSprings Canossian Spirituality Centre Lifestorey LifestylEmart Lift F Lift Lobby Light + Form Light Show Viewing Point Light Show: Garden Rhapsody Light Show: Spectra Light Vision Lightart Studio Lightcraft Lightfaktor Lighthouse Lighthouse Evangelism Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands LightHouse (Residence 6) Lighthouse School Lighting Centre Lighting Shop Lightning Tree Lights Advance Lights Collection Lights Evolution Design Lights N Lights Lights Up Lights! Camera! Action! LiHO LiHo LiHO Liho LiHo LiHO LiHo LiHO - Seletar Mall LiHO Bubble tea LiHO bubble tea LiHO here somewhere LiHO Tea LiHO TEA LiHO Tea LiHO TEA LiHO Tea LiHO TEA LiHo Tea LiHO TEA LiHO Tea Liho Tea LiHO Tea LiHo Tea LiHO Tea Lijiededian Lil Dublin Lilac Drive Lilac Park Lilac Road Lilac Walk Lily Avenue Lily*s Lilydale Lim Ah Pin Road Lim Ah Pin Road Post Office Lim Ah Woo Road Lim Aik Seng Departmental Store Lim Beng Coffee House Lim Bo Seng Memorial Lim Bo Seng memorial Lim Chee Guan Lim Chu Kang Lim Chu Kang Camp I Lim Chu Kang Lane 1 Lim Chu Kang Lane 2 Lim Chu Kang Lane 3 Lim Chu Kang Lane 3A Lim Chu Kang Lane 4 Lim Chu Kang Lane 5 Lim Chu Kang Lane 5A Lim Chu Kang Lane 6 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6C Lim Chu Kang Lane 6D Lim Chu Kang Lane 6F Lim Chu Kang Lane 8 Lim Chu Kang Lane 8A Lim Chu Kang Lane 9A Lim Chu Kang Road Lim Chu Kang Track 11 Lim Chu Kang Track 13 Lim Hock Swee Trading Co. Lim Joo Hin Eating House Lim Kee Cooked Food Lim Khay Kee Optical & Contact Lens Centre Lim Kim Hai Building Lim Kopi Lim Liak Street Lim Sam Seng Lim Tai See Walk Lim Teck Boo Road Lim Teck Kim Road Lim Tua Tow Road Lim's Fried Oyster Lim's Provisions Limau Garden Limau Grove Limau Park Limau Rise Limau Terrace Limau Walk Limbang Green Limbang Meadows Limbok Terrace Lime Lime House Caribbean Limited Edt Limmy’s LIMS LIN LIN VEGETARIAN DELIGHT Lina Satay Club Lincoln Road Lincoln Suites Linden Drive Linear Green @ Bedok Linear Park Map Signage Linear Technology Ling Brother Eating House Ling Carpets Ling Hong Tong & Tua Peh Kong Temple Link Link across T6 Link B to W5
L Link F to G Link FC1 to Prince Edward Drive Link FC1 to T3A Link FC2 to F Link from Biopolis to Tanglin Halt Link G to T5/T3 Link Gate 7 to T19 Link H to T4A Link Hotel Link I to Innovillage Link J to L Link J to T6 Link K to T8 Link L to T14 Link MLT1 to FC1/A Link MRT to T12 Link path Link Residence @ Holland Link Road Link road to T20 Link SDC to FC3 Link T10/T7 to J Link T11A to T12 Link T12 to T19 Link T16 to W14 &T17 Link T17 to Convention Link T18A to T18B Link T2 to MLT1 Link T2 to W3 Link T20 to T21 Link T21 to T22 Link T5 to T7
L Link W13 to W14 Link W14 to FC5 Link W2 to W1 Link W3 to W2 Link W5A to W5 Linkway Lino Lion Lion City Delicacies Lion City Sailors Training Centre Lion Group Lion King Lion Peak Hotel Hamilton Lion View Mini-mart Lion-Tailed Macaque Lions Lippo Centre Listening Lab Lit Lit Heng Seng Minimart Lita Ocean Lithe House Littered with Books Little Little Atlas Preschool Little Barn Little Big Little Bowl Little Caesars Little Diner Little Easy Bistro Bar Little Elephant Thai Bistro Little Farms Little farms Little Farms Little Footprints Little Footprints Preschool Little Footprints Preschool Sengkang 201 Little Glass Stand Little Grain Coffee Little Hands Montessori Kindergarten Little Heroes Little Heron Deck Little Hokkaido Little Ice Cream Kafe
L Little India Little India Arcade Little india Heritage trail Little India Riot Site Little Island Brewing Co Little Ones Kindergarten Little Paddington Preschool Little Paws Little Pond 小魚塘 Little Quran Kids Little Raindrops Montessori Pre-School Little Red Dot Little Ribbons Pasta Co. Little Road Little Rogue Coffee Little Saigon Little Saigon (100 Ulu Pandan) LITTLE SHEEP Little Shepard's Schoolhouse Little Skool-House Delta House Little Sparks Montessori Little Spot Little Tattle Little Teahouse Little tiny mobile store Little Vietnam Little Wings Little Woods LittleRedDot Littlewoods Social Liv on Spohia Liv@Changi Live Sea Food Porridge Live Seafood Supplies Lively color centre Livewire Livia Livia Function Rooms Livia Swimming Pool Livinci Interior Design Living Hope Methodist Church Living Off The Land Living Phenomenon Living Sanctuary Brethren Ch Living Seas Livspace Liz Aesthetics LK Performance Centre LKH Precicon Pte Ltd Llaollao Lloyd Court Lloyd Leas Work Release Camp Lloyd Mansion Lloyd Road Lloyd Sixtyfive Lloyd's Lloyd's Inn Lluvia Loading Bay Loading/Unloading Lobster Air Local Local Coffee People Local Fresh Seasonal Local INNterior Local market Location and building of the battery Lock Road Lodge 41 Loewen Cluster Loewen Road Lofi Inn Loft @ Blk 94 Loft @ Holland Loft @ Stevens Log Bridge Log Walk Lok Lok Buffet Lok Yang Way Loke Culinarian Loke Yew Street Lola's Cafe Lolla Loloku Lompang Road Lompang Road Playground London Fat Duck London Grill (#01-08) London Road London Weight Management Lonely tree Long Bar Long Bar Steak House Long Beach Long Beach @ Dempsey Long Beach @ Robertson Quay Long Beach Seafood Long Black Cafe Long John Silver's Long John Silvers Long Phung Long Sand Path Long Zhong Longbeach Townhouses Longchamp Longines Longvale Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice Lookout Loop Lookz Loong Fatt Tau Sar Piah Loop Plaza Lor Bekukong Lor Binkiang Lor Kebasi Lor Mega Lor Napiri Lor Sarhad Lor Sireh Pinang Lora Lookout Lord Farquaad's Castle Lornie 18 Lornie Park Connector Lornie Road Lornie Trail Lornie Underpass Lornie Walk Loron 44 Geylang Lorong 1 Geylang Lorong 1 Geylang Terminal Lorong 1 Realty Park Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Lorong 10 Geylang Lorong 101 Changi Lorong 102 Changi Lorong 104 Changi Lorong 105 Changi Lorong 106 Changi Lorong 107 Changi Lorong 108 Changi Lorong 11 Geylang Lorong 110 Changi Lorong 12 Geylang Lorong 13 Geylang Lorong 14 Geylang Lorong 15 Geylang Lorong 16 Geylang Lorong 17 Geylang Lorong 18 Geylang Lorong 19 Geylang Lorong 1A Toa Payoh Lorong 2 Realty Park Lorong 2 Toa Payoh Lorong 20 Geylang Lorong 21 Geylang Lorong 21A Geylang Lorong 22 Geylang Lorong 23 Geylang Lorong 24 Geylang Lorong 24A Geylang Lorong 25 Geylang Lorong 25A Geylang Lorong 26 Geylang Lorong 27 Geylang Lorong 27A Geylang Lorong 28 Geylang Lorong 29 Geylang Lorong 3 Geylang Lorong 3 Toa Payoh Lorong 30 Geylang Lorong 31 Geylang Lorong 32 Geylang Lorong 33 Geylang Lorong 34 Geylang Lorong 35 Geylang Lorong 36 Geylang Lorong 37 Geylang Lorong 38 Geylang Lorong 39 Geylang Lorong 4 Blk 93 Market and Hawker Centre Lorong 4 Geylang Lorong 4 Realty Park Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Lorong 40 Geylang Lorong 41 Geylang Lorong 42 Geylang Lorong 5 Realty Park Lorong 5 Toa Payoh Lorong 6 Geylang Lorong 6 Realty Park Lorong 6 Toa Payoh Lorong 7 Geylang Lorong 7 Realty Park Lorong 7 Toa Payoh Lorong 8 Geylang Lorong 8 Toa Payoh Lorong 8A Toa Payoh Lorong 9 Geylang Lorong Abu Talib Lorong Ah Soo LORONG AH SOO Lorong Ah Soo Lorong Ah Thia Lorong Ampas Lorong Asrama Lorong Bachok Lorong Bakar Batu Lorong Bandang Lorong Batawi Lorong Bekukong Lorong Biawak Lorong Bistari Lorong Buang Kok Lorong Buangkok Lorong Bunga Lorong Chencharu Lorong Chuan Lorong Danau Lorong G Telok Kurau Lorong Gambir Lorong H Telok Kurau Lorong Halus Lorong Halus Bridge Lorong Halus Park Connector Lorong Halwa Lorong Halwa (original) Lorong How Sun Lorong J Telok Kurau Lorong K Telok Kurau Lorong Kebasi Lorong Kembang Lorong Kembangan Lorong Kemunchup Lorong Kerepek Lorong Kilat Lorong Kismis Lorong L Telok Kurau Lorong Lada Hitam Lorong Lew Lian Lorong Limau Lorong Liput Lorong Low Koon Lorong M Telok Kurau Lorong Mambong Lorong Marican Lorong Marzuki Lorong Mega Lorong Melayu Lorong Melukut Lorong Mydin Lorong N Telok Kurau Lorong Nangka Lorong Napiri Lorong Ong Lye Lorong Pasu Lorong Paya Lebar Lorong Payah Lorong Pelita Lorong Penchalak Lorong Pendek Lorong Pisang Asam Lorong Pisang Batu Lorong Pisang Emas Lorong Pisang Hijau Lorong Pisang Raja Lorong Pisang Udang Lorong Pulai Lorong Puntong Lorong Rusuk Lorong Sakai Lorong Salleh Lorong Samak Lorong Sarhad Lorong Sari Lorong Sarina Lorong Selangat Lorong Semangka Lorong Serai Lorong Serambi Lorong Sesuai Lorong Sidin Lorong Siglap Lorong Stangee Lorong Tahar Lorong Tanggam Lorong Tawas Lorong Telok Lorong Temechut Lorong Terigu Lory Loft Los Primos Lost Ark LOT 98897M MK 04 Lot, Stock & Barrel Pub Lothian Terrace Lotto Carpets Gallery Lotus @ Joo Chiat Lotus Avenue Lotus Bridge International School Lotus Cafe Lotus Kitchen Lotus Thai Restaurant Lotus Vegetarian Lou Yau Louis Louis Garden Louis Kienne Louis Poulsen Louis Vuitton Louisa Coffee LouLou Love is Love Love Lorenzo Love Unisex Love, Bonito Lovelyloop Lovesignia Love.U Loving Pets Lovisa Low Price Centre Lower Delta Road Lower East Side Lower Heliconia Drive Lower Kent Ridge Road Lower Kingfisher Road Lower Palm Valley Road Lower Peirce Trail Lower Ring Road Lower Seletar Close Lowland Road Loy Kee Loy Kee Chicken Rice & Porridge Loyang Loyang Avenue Loyang Besar Close Loyang Bus Depot Loyang Close Loyang Crescent Loyang Drive Loyang Enterprise Building Loyang Gardens Loyang Green Loyang Lane Loyang Link Loyang North Drive Loyang Park Connector Loyang Place Loyang Point Loyang Rise Loyang Street Loyang Town Houses Loyang View Loyang View Secondary School Loyang Walk Loyang Way Loyang Way 1 Loyang Way 2 Loyang Way 4 Loyang Way 6 LR boulangerie LSH Industrials L.S.S Unisex Hair Design LT 1 LT 10 LT 11 LT 12 LT 13 LT 14 LT 15 LT 16 LT 17 LT 18 LT 19 LT 2 LT 20 LT 21 LT 26 LT 28 LT 29 LT 3 LT 33 LT 34 LT 4 LT 5 LT 6 LT 7 LT 76-79 LT 8 LT 9 LTA Rail Academy LTA Vehicle & Transit Licensing Div LTA Vehicle & Transit Licensing DIv Lu Fish Soup Lubritrade Lubritrade Building Luca & Vic Lucca Vudor Lucca’s Trattoria
L Luma Lumiarte Lumileds Lumina Grand Lumine Luminor Lightning Lumnitzera Walk Lumo Bar & Restaurant Luna Bistro Lundrymat Lure Haven Lush Lush Acres Lush On Holland Hill Lutheran Church of our Redeemer Lutheran Road Luv Coffee Luvenus Lux Lux Cove Seafood Luxe Concepts Luxe Sidney Luxe Ville Luxur Luxury Luxury Lifestyle SPA Luxus Hill Avenue Luxus Hill Drive Luxus Hill Heights Luxus Hill Road Luxus Hill View Luxus Hills LVER Lyf Farrer Park Lyf one-north Lyndhurst Road Lyneham Road Lynnsville Lynwood Eight Lynwood Grove Lyznco Lâp L’Apéritif L’Cafe
M M Bakery M Hotel Singapore M Social Singapore M Spa Beauty Salon M Suites M&S Café M&S Outlet M&T Studio M' Gelic Beauty M-Plified Beauty M1 Bikers' Cafe M.1 Motoring M18 Minimart M21 Drycleaners M28 Minimart M66 Ma Cuisine M.A. Deen Biasa Ma Ma Spin Pot Ma Maison Ma Maison Kitchen Ma Mum Mabelle Mac's Cafe & Bar Macalister Road Macaque Trail Maccha House Maccha House 抹茶館 MacDermid Enthone MacDonald House
M Machan's Mac.Infinity MacKenzie Road Mackerrow Road Maco MacPherson Macpherson Blossom MacPherson Eating House MacPherson Garden MacPherson Lane MacPherson Mall Macpherson Minced Meat Noodles MacPherson Oasis MacPherson Primary School MacPherson Residency MacPherson Road Macpherson Road Post Office Macpherson Spring Macpherson View MacPherson Walk MacPherson Weave MacRitchie Fishing Area MacRitchie Fitness Park MacRitchie Nature Trail MacRitchie Reservoir Submerged Boardwalk MacTaggart Road Mad About Sucre Mad Cow cafe Mad for Garlic Mad Jack Mad Roaster Madagascar Madam Mookata Madam Saigon Madame Ooze Madame Tussauds Singapore MADDspace Madeira Court Madeleine's Original Portuguese Egg Tart Madina Madison's Madnest Madras Coffeehouse Madras New Woodlands Madras Street Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah Madrasah Al-Ma'arif Al-Islamiah Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah Madrasah At-Tahzibiah Al-Islamiah Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah Madrinaa Italiano Maduro MAE Workshop Maevins Magal BBQ Magazine Road Magic Chicken Cutlet Magic Gaadi Magic Kitchen Magic Mobiles MagicBoo Magicboo Magnate Magnolia Magnum Maguro Father Maguro-Donya Miura-Misaki-Kou Mah Ltd Maha Bodhi School Maha mart Maha Yu Yi Mahaco Silk Shop Mahey Brothers Mahkamah Seksyen/Majistret Johor Bahru Mahota Kitchen Mai Thai Mai Thai Restuarant Maida Vale Maidstone Road Main Entrance - Gate 1 Main Gate Main Gate Road Main Lecture Theatres 8-11 Main Path Main Pool Main Road Main Street Commissary MainFarmHouse Maison de PB Maison Goyard Maison Ikkokku Maison Kayser Maison Kayser Raffles Place Maison Sucrée Maisone Bowl Majestic Majfa Mini Market Majlis Agama Islam Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru Major-General Lim Bo Seng Information Maju Avenue Maju Camp Maju Camp Tunnel Maju Drive Maju Fitness Conditioning Centre Majulah Electrical Trading Pte Ltd Mak Doner Mak's Place Makai Poké Makam Habib Noh Makan & Sip
M Makan Angin Makan Empire Makan Melaka Makan Place Makan Thai Food Makan Vegan 斋这里 ( Makarios Venture Pte. Ltd. Makcik Can Cook Make A Copy Makepeace Road Makeway Avenue Maki-San Maki-san Maki-San Maki-san Maki-San Making a Splash 3 Makisan Makisan Junction 8 Makmur Makuake Mala Mala Xiang Guo Malabar Malabar Muslim Jama'atah Mosque Malabar Street Malacca Centre Malacca Hotel Malacca Street Malan Road Malay Barber Malay Barber Shop Malay Food Centre Malay Garden Malay Heritage Centre Malay Street Malayan Railways Malayan Sun Bear Malayan Tapir Malaysia Boleh! Malaysia Dairy Bldg Malaysia Dairy Industries Malaysia Local Delights Malcolm Park Malcolm Road Malt Malta Crescent Malthouse
M Malvern Springs Mama & Machi Restaurant Mama Diam Mama Panda Kitchen MAMA Patisserie Mama shop Mamam Beach Mamam Campsite Mamanda Mame Pet Store Mami’s Mamma Mia Man Fatt Lam Temple Man Man Man Man Unagi Man Studio Management Development Institute of Singapore Manatee Manbok Manbok Chinatown Korean BBQ Manchurian Club Mandai Mandai Avenue Mandai Bus Depot Mandai Crematorium and Columbarium Mandai Depot Rail Workshop Mandai Estate Mandai Executive Golf Course Mandai Garden Mandai Lake Road Mandai Lian Hup Tng Mandai Link Mandai Mart Mandai Park Connector Mandai Quarry Road Mandai Rail Depot Locomotive Facility Mandai Rail Depot P-way Facility Mandai Rail Depot Stabling Facility and Bus Depot Mandai Rail Depot Train Wash Mandai Rainforest Resort Mandai Road Mandai Road Track 16 Mandai Road Track 7 Mandai Shooting Range Mandai Track 15 Mandalay Road Mandalay Style Mandalay Towers Mandale Heights Mandarin Gallery Mandarin Gardens Mandarin Oriental Singapore Mandarin Self Storage Mandarin Wellness Mandrill Mangala Theebam Mangiamo Mangiano Mangis Road Mango Mango Spa Mangrove Boardwalk Mangrove Gallery Manhattan Fish Manhattan House Manhattan Mansion Manhatten Lights ManhilL Restaurant Mani Cur Ious Manichi Manila Street Manja Manjusri Secondary School Manna Manna Bistro & Grill Mannai Beauty Salon Mannai Supermarket Manta Manulife Tower Mao Sheng Kranji Landscaping Design Pte Ltd Mao Yang Map of the Southern Ridges Maple Avenue Maple Bear Maple Bear Highgate Maple Lane Maple Tree MapleBear Maplebear Preschool MapleBear Preschool Mapletree Anson Mapletree Logistics Trust Maplewoods Mar Thoma Mansions Mar Thoma Road Mar Thoma Syrian Church in Singapore Mar Thoma Syrian Church Road Maragaret Drive PCN Maranatha Bible Presbyterian Church Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church Marang Road Marang Trail Maranta Avenue Marché Marché Mövenpick Margaret Drive Margarita's Margate Road Margeret Ville Margoliouth Road Marguerite Marhaba Lounge Marhaba Restaurant Mari Mari Maria Avenue Mariam Close Mariam Walk Mariam Way Marican Marigold Drive Marina Barrage Pump House Marina Bay Financial Centre Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 Pickup Point Marina Bay Fire Station Marina Bay Golf Course Marina Bay Neighbourhood Police Centre Marina Bay Sands Marina Bay Sands Tower 4 / Music Arena (proposed) Marina Bay Seafood Marina Bay Suites Marina Bay Tower Marina Bay View Marina Bistro Marina Boulevard Marina Centre Marina Centre Bus Terminal Marina Centre Terminal Marina Coastal Drive Marina Collection Marina Country Club Marina Deck Marina East Marina East Drive Marina Food House Marina Gardens Drive Marina Goldsmith Marina Grove Marina One Marina Promenade Marina South Marina South Avenue Marina South Drive Marina South Pier - Lazarus Island one-way Marina South Pier - Raffles Lighthouse Marina South Pier - Sisters' Island Marina South Pier - St John's Island Marina View Marina View Link Marina View Residences Marina Way Marine Blue Marine Crescent Marine Crescent Gardens Marine Crescent Ville Marine Drive Marine Drive Gardens Marine Mansion Marine Parade Marine Parade Central Marine Parade Neighbourhood Police Centre Marine Parade Neighbourhood Police Post Marine Parade Promenade Marine Parade Public Library Marine Parade Road Marine Parade TC (Serangoon Office) Marine Terrace Marine Terrace Breeze Marine Terrace Haven Marine Terrace Walk Marine View Mansions Marine Villa Express Marine Ville Marine Vista Mariners Cafe Mariners' Corner Restaurant Maris Stella High School Maris Stella Kindergarten Maritime Enegry Testbed Maritime Square Market Street Markhor Marks & Spencer Marks & Spencer Food Marlene Avenue Marlene Ville Marmaris Marn Marne Road Marqus Marriage Grotto Marrison @ Desker Marrybrown Marsh Birds Marsh Garden Marsh Trail Marshall Lane Marshall Road Marsiling Admiralty Park Marsiling Cascadia Marsiling Crescent Marsiling Drive Marsiling Gardens Marsiling Green Marsiling Greenview Marsiling Grove Marsiling Heights Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 1 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 10 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 2 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 3 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 4 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 5 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 6 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 7 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 8 Marsiling Industrial Estate Road 9 Marsiling Lane Marsiling Mall Hawker Centre Marsiling Neighbourhood Police Post Marsiling Park Connector Marsiling Peaks I Marsiling Primary School Marsiling Rise Marsiling Road MARSILING ROAD Marsiling Sapphire Marsiling Secondary School Marsiling Shortlink 1 Marsiling Spring Martaban Road Martia Road Martin Edge Martin Modern Martin No.2 38 Martin Place Martin Place Residences Martin Road Martina Mansions Marty's Casa Del Wild Marukyu Marutama Marutama Ra-men Marutama Ra-Men Marutama Ramen Mary Hair Salon Mary nail shop Mary River Mary Salon Maryland Drive Marymount Convent School Marymount Lane Marymount Road Marymount Substation Marymount Terrace Marymount Terrace Playground Marymount View MAS Building Mas Kuning Terrace Masala Bar Masbie Artisanal Chocolate MASHI NO MASHI Masiling Ridge Masjid Abdul Aleem Siddique Masjid Abdul Gafoor Masjid Abdul Hamid Kampung Pasiran Masjid Ahmad Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim Masjid Al-Abdul Razak Masjid Al-Abrar Masjid Al-Ansar Masjid Al-Attas Masjid Al-Falah Masjid Al-Iman Masjid Al-Islah Masjid Al-Istighfar Masjid Al-Khair Masjid Al-Mawaddah Masjid Al-Muttaqin Masjid Alkaff Mosque Kampung Melayu Masjid Alkaff Upper Serangoon Masjid Angullia Masjid Ar-Raudhah Masjid Assyafaah Masjid Assyakirin Masjid Ba'alwie Masjid Bencoolen Masjid Darul Aman Masjid Darul Makmur Masjid Darussalam Masjid En-Naeem Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh Masjid Haji Yusof Mosque Masjid Hajjah Fatimah Masjid Hajjah Rahimabi Kebun Limau Masjid Hang Jebat Masjid Hasanah Masjid Hussain Sulaiman Masjid India Masjid Jamae (Chulia) Masjid Jamae Queenstown Masjid Jamiyah Ar-rabitah Masjid Kampung Siglap Masjid Kassim Masjid Khalid Masjid Maarof Masjid Malabar Masjid Moulana Mohamed Ali Masjid Muhajirin Masjid Mujahidin Masjid Mydin Masjid Omar Salmah Masjid Pertempatan Melayu Sembawang Masjid Pusara Aman Masjid Sallim Mattar Masjid Stulang Laut Masjid Sultan Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar Masjid Sultan Annexe House Masjid Sultan (Sultan Mosque) information board Masjid Táhá Masjid Tememggong Daeng Ibrahim Masjid Tentera Diraja Masjid Wak Tanjong Masjid Yusof Ishak Masonic Hall Masonic Hall Driveway Massage Master Massimo Dutti MassiveMusic Masta Kafe
M Meat Co. Meat n' chill Meat Smith Meat United Meatchelin Meating Place Meatmen MEC Technocentre Mech-Tech Systems Mecha Store Media Circle Media Link Media Walk Medical Drive Medical Library Medicine Peddlers Medicine+Science Library Meditation Court Mediterranean Coffeehouse Medley Alley Medway Drive Medway Park Mee Sek Food Court Mee Toh School Meena Meeras Curry Banana Leaf Meerkat Mega @ Woodlands Mega Discount MEGA Discount Store Mega Home Mega Value Megapicks
M Megumi Japanese Mei Chin Road Mei Heong Yuen Dessert Mei Hwan Crescent Mei Hwan Drive Mei Hwan Road Mei Lim Optical Mei Ling Heights Mei Ling Street Mei Ling Vista Mei Mei Japanese Carrot Cake MEI MEI Roast Mei Salon Mei Tai Wan Hair Salon Mei Tang Meidi-Ya Meissa Mekong Giant Catfish Mekong River Mel's Drive-in Mel's Place Melaka Satay Celup Melbourne Specialist International School Meldrum Heights Meldrum Hotel Meldrum Lama Kopitiam Melissa Mellben Seafood Mellben Signature Mellower Coffee Mellower Expresso Mellvin Coffee Shop Melodies Limited Melodies Pub & Karaoke Melody Spring @ Yishun Melrose Drive Melrose Park Melrose Ville Meltise Melville Park Membership & Experiences Centre Membina 118 Membina Court MEME Bistro Bar Memo's Art House Memorial for the Victims of the Konfrantasi Memorial to James Brooke Napier Memory World Men Don Tei Men's Tailor Fashion Men-ichi Men-Men Tei Ménage Menara MSC Cyberport Menara Public Bank Mendon Spring Meng Kee Meng Kee Hougang Fried Oyster Meng Meng Roasted Duck 阿明帝皇鴨 Meng Motor Co Meng Suan Road Meng Yew Hotel Menya Kokoro Menya mlMusashi Bukotsu Menya Musashi Takatora Menya Sakura Menzo Butao Meokja Meomi Cat Cafe Meow Barbecue 猫抓烤肉 Meow Dessert Meow Im Kok Temple Mera Lodge Mera Springs Mera Terrace Playground Meragi Close Meragi Road Meragi Terrace Merah Heights Meraki Salon Meraprime Merawoods Merbau Road Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Centre Mercendy Merchant Loop Merchant Road Merchants Merchants' Court Merci Marcel MERCI MARCEL CLUB STREET Mercure Mercure ICON Singapore City Centre Mercure Singapore On Stevens Merely Mergui Mansions Mergui Road Meridian 38 Meridian Invisible Grille Meridian Primary School Meridian Secondary School Merino Crescent Meriton Hotel Meritor Merlin Merlin Goldsmith Merlion Merlion Guardian Statue Merlion Kids Merlion Park Mermaid Mala & BBQ Merpati Alcove Merpati Road Merryfair (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Merryn Avenue Merryn Close Merryn Drive Merryn Road Merryn Terrace Merx Mess Hall MET A Space Pod Meta Methodist Church Of The Incarnation Methodist Girls' School Methodist Kindergarten Methodist School of Music Metro Metro Loft Metropole Drive Metropolitan YMCA Metta Preschool @ Punggol Mewah Bldg Mewtants & Woofs Mexout Mexxis Studio Meya Lodge Meyappa Chettiar Road Meyer Blue Meyer Motors Meyer Place Meyer Residence Meyer Road Meyson Mezza on Nine MGR Mobiles MH Metal Mi Cara Spa Mi Casa
M Mi Sung & Company Mia Fast Food Service Mia Torino Miaja Miam Miam Miami Bistro Mian Jia Noodle Bar Miao Quan Acupunturist & Chinese Physician Michael Kors Michael Trio Michael's Michaela Hair Salon Tokyo Michelin Micheline Micro Bread & Co. Micro Cut Salon Micun Bibinpap Mid Continent Mid-Canopy Walk Middle Road Middle Road Church Middlesex Road Midori's Midpoint Orchard Midtown Mart Midwood Miele Migration Hub Miharu Sapporo Ramen Mihrimah Restaurant Mijyi Mikkeller Mikkeller Bar Milan Shokudo Milchel International Student Hostel Mileage Milestone 198 Milford Villas Milieu @ Middle Road Military Guard Room Military-Industrial Complex Milkfish Milkfish Raffles City Milksha Mill Point Millenia Tower Millenia Walk - Park & Dine Millennium Laundry Miller Street Millet Music Million Goldsmiths Miltonia Breeze @ Yishun Miltonia Close Mimi MiMi.C Mimosa Crescent Mimosa Drive Mimosa Gardens Mimosa Park Mimosa Place Mimosa Road Mimosa Terrace Mimosa Vale Mimosa View Mimosa Villas Mimosa Walk Mim’s Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee Min Ghee Building Min Jiang Min Jiang at One-North Min Seng Pawnshop Min Wah Hotel Min Xiang Ge Min Xiao Min Minah Tina Rina Ayam Penyet Minaka Trading Minang House Minaret Walk Minbu Road Mincheng Bibimbap Mind Cafe Mind Electronics MindChamps MindChamps Preschool Mindchamps Preschool MindChamps PreSchool MindChamps PreSchool @ Biopolis MINDEF Pass Office Minden Road Minds - Towner Gardens School MINDS Fernvale Gardens School MINDS Shop @ Rosyth MINDS Woodlands Garden Ming Chong Auto Parts Accessories Trading Ming Chung 1933 Ming Fa Ming Fa Fishball Ming Garden Ming Ji Roasted Duck Ming Kee Bugis Chicken Rice Ming Lee Eating House Ming Seng Goldsmith Ming Sing Flowers Ming Teck Park
M Ming's Pub Mingfan fruit trading Mingfan Fruit Trading Ming’s Living MINI Mini Autoparts Mini Bar Mini Bowl Pod Mini Challenger Mini Market Non-Stop Mini Mart Mini Mart SM Tresha Mini Storage Mini Wok Minimart MiniMart Minimart Minimize 3D Creations Miniso MINISO Miniso Ministry of Education (Ghim Moh) Ministry of Education Headquarters Ministry of Education Headquarters (Evans Road) Complex Ministry Of Education Language Centre (Newton) Ministry of Education Sports & Recreation Club Ministry of Manpower Services Centre Ministry of Pup Minora Mint Mint Museum of Toys Mint Residences Minto Minto Road Minton Court Minumkopi Minutes Minutiae Mirage Aesthetic Mirage Fineteak Mirage Tower Mirai Robatayaki & Sushi Restaurant Miraku Mirror Mirror Hair & Nail Lounge Mirror on Wall Miryoku Mirza Foods Pte. Ltd. Misaki Japanese Restaurant Miska Cafe Miso Art Studio Miss G's Grill & Bar Miss Korean Hair & Nail Miss Tang's Rice Noodle 唐大小姐小锅米线 Miss Tea Missha Mister Donut Mister Minit Mister Wash Mister Wash Laundromat Mistri Road Mitsu Sushi Bar Mitsuba Japanese Restaurant Mitsubishi Electric Miuray MiWorld MixCart Mixed Greens Mixed Gril & Greens Mixed Rice Mixed Veg Mixed Vegetables MiX.Store Mixue Miyako Teppanyaki & Grill Miz Japanese Restaurant Mizuki Mizuma Gallery Mizume MJ Bldg MJ Textiles MK Cafe MK Hair Mk Levure Naturelle MKM MKR BISTRO MKS Backpackers' Hostel MLT1 MLTZ MM Restaurant & Catering MM Western Charcoal Grill
M MMI Building MMI Preschool MMI Preschool Pasir Ris MMMM! Mo Mart Mo's Moberly Close Mobile phone repair specialist center Mobile Repair Center Mobile X Mobiletime MOC Quan MOCA - Museum of Contemporary Arts Mod Parade Moda Moda Paolo Mode et Creation Pte Ltd Modena Modern Beauty Salon Modern Cuisine Modern Montessori Pre-school Modesto's Modish Hair Salon Modrasah Hoji Mohd Saleh Modulux MOE Changi Coast Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre MOE Dairy Farm Adventure Centre MOE Heritage Centre MOE Kindergarten @ West Spring MOE Labrador Adventure Centre MOE School Cluster Centre MOE Sea Sports Center Moephosis MOF Moghul Sweet Shop Moh Guan Terrace Moh Heng Lee Mohamed Ali Lane Mohamed Ayam Rojak Mohamed Mustafa & Samsuddin Co. Mohamed Sultan Road Mohammadi Mohican Pub Moi Lum Moji Bakery Mok's Thai Cuisine Moko Molecular Playground Molecule Moleskine Molex Molly Malone’s Molly's nonya confectionary Molten diners Mom's Hand Mini Bowl Kitchen Mom's Touch Momentum MoMiJi Cafe Momma Kong’s Mommy Home Momo Gadgets Mon Jervois Monarch Art Gallery Monarchy Apartments Monash University Monday Coffee Bar Mondays Off Mondo Building Mondo Mio Mondrian Singapore Mondrian Singapore Duxton Monetarium Singapore Money Express Money Lenders Money Max MoneyMax Moneymax Moneymax Jewellery Monfort Secondary School Mong Nonya Delight Monga Fried Chicken Mongkok Dim Sum Mongkok Dimsum Mongolia Taste 蒙古味道 Moni Gallery Hostel Monitor Monk's Hill Flats Monk's Hill Road Monk's Hill Terrace Monkey God's Flower & Fruits Mountain Monochrome Monoloq Monso Hair Design Monsoon Monsoon Point Break Monster Chili Monster Curry Monster Curry モンスターカレー Monster Fish Monster Planet Mont Botanik Montblanc Monte Risaia Montebleu Montessori For Children Montessori for Children Montfort Junior School Monti Monti I-Pavilion Montreal Dale Montreal Drive Montreal Link Montreal Road Montreal Spring Montreal Ville Montres Montrosa Montrose Terrace Montview Monument Lifestyle Monzushi Moo Bar & Grill Moo Moo playground Moodswings Vintage Moogambo Mooi Chin Restaurant Mooi Residences MooJaa Mookata Thai BBQ Steamboat Mook's Thai Mookata BBQ Mookalicious Mookata MooLooLaBar Moomoo Moon Wellness Spa Moon Zent Moona Thai Kitchen Moona Thaikitchen Moonbeam Drive Moonbeam Terrace Moonbeam View Moonbeam Walk Moonchild Mooney Mooney Moongate Moonstone Lane Moonstone Residences Moonstone View Moor Block Moral Welfare Home Moreton Close Morgan Hobbycraft Centre Morganfield's Mori Mori Hostel Moriah Bible Presbyterian Church Morley Road Morning Bak Kut Teh Morning Dew Flowers & Gifts Morning Grind Morningstar Ctr Mornington Crescent Morrisin Optical Morrison Block Morrison Optical Pte Ltd Morse Road Morsels MOS Burger Mos Cafe MOS CAFÉ Raffles City Mosaic Kindergarten Mosanco Enchanted Cafe Moscato by Wine & Kitchen Mosella Mosque Street;摩士街 Mother & child Mother Dough Mother's Mother's Restaurant Mothercare Motionsports Motocycle Centre Ptd Ltd Motor Image Leng Kee Road (Subaru) Motor Image Toa Payoh (Subaru) Motor Point Motorbike (NBE) Motorcycle Shop Motorsports Model Collectors Motorwerks MotoWorld Mouawad Mouflon Moulmein Church of Christ Moulmein Neighbourhood Police Post Moulmein Rise Moulmein Road Moulmein View Playground Mounds Playground Mount Alvernia Hospital Mount Echo Park Mount Elizabeth Mount Elizabeth Hospital Mount Elizabeth Link Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital Mount Elizabeth Proton Therapy Centre Mount Emily Road Mount Faber Mount Faber Green Mount Faber Lodge Mount Faber Loop Mount Faber Park Mount Faber Road Mount Faber View Mount Pleasant Drive Mount Pleasant Road Mount Rosie Road Mount Rosie Terrace Mount Sinai Avenue Mount Sinai Crescent Mount Sinai Drive Mount Sinai Lane Mount Sinai Plain Mount Sinai Rise Mount Sinai Road Mount Sinai View Mount Sinai Walk Mount Sophia Mount Sophia Suites Mount Vernon Camp Mount Vernon Camp, Gurkha Contingent Mount Vernon Funeral Parlour Complex Mount Vernon Lane Mount Vernon Road Mountain Coffee Mountbatten Bridge Mountbatten Centre Mountbatten Road Mountbatten Vocational School Mouse Deer Mouth Mouth Restaurant Mövenpick of Switzerland Mövenpick Singapore Hotel & Mövenpick Living Singapore Movicraft Mowbray Road MPA Brani Buoy Depot MPH
M MPSH 1 - 4 MPSH 5 MPSH 6 Mr. & Mrs. Aw Chu Kin Mr & Mrs Mohgan Super Crispy Roti Prata Mr. Appam Mr Bean Mr. Bean Mr Bean Mr. Bean Mr Bean Mr. Biryani Mr. Bucket Mr. Coconut Mr Coconut Mr. Coconut Mr Coconut Mr. Coconut Mr Duck Mr Durian Mr Fix Mr. Holmes Bakehouse Mr Mamak Mr Mobile Mr Mookata Mr. Prata Mr Prata Mr Punch Rooftop Bar Mr Seven Mr Stork Mr Sushi Mr Teh Tarik Cartel Mr Teh Tarik Deli Mr Uncle Mr. Uncle & Auntie Mr. Vadai Mr Vadai MR.DIY Mrs Hen Mrs Pho Mrs Pho House Mrs Plump's Mrs Sign Mrs. Who MS MS Color Ms Inasap Ms BBQ Ms. Maria & Mr. Singh MSD MSD Pharm South MSI MST Golf MSTS Training Centre Mt Everests Spa MT59 MTR Restaurant MTX Taiwan Fusion Cuisine Mu Liang Zai Liang Kee Mucciaccia Gallery Muchachos Mud Experience Muddy murphy's Irish Pub Mudskipper Mufiz Mufiz Prata Corner Mufiz Restaurant Mugiho Bakers Mugiya Mugliston Gardens Mugliston Park Mugliston Road Mugliston Walk Muhammadiyah Mui Kee Mui Lian Shark's Fin Co. PTE LTD Muji Mujosh Mukjja Korean Chinese Restaurant Mukuthi Corner Mul Gogi Mulberry Mulberry Avenue Mulberry Preschool Multi Mission Range Complex (MMRC) Multi purpose Court Multi Purpose Court @ Khatib Multi Purpose Hall Multi sports court Multi-Generational Play Area Multi-Purpose Court Multi-purpose Court 1 Multi-purpose Court 2 Multi-Purpose Hall Multi-purpose Sheltered Area Multi-sport Court SkyTerrace @ Dawson Multico Multipurpose Court Multipurpose Halfcourt Multron Building Mums’ Coffee House Mum’s cafe Mun's Munch Munch Munch Munchi Pancakes Munia Trail, Chestnut Nature Park South Hiking Trail Munshi Abdullah Munshi Abdullah Avenue Munshi Abdullah Walk Murai Airfield Murai Camp Murai Farmway Murai Urban Training Facility Mural Mural - Chinese writer Murano Murano Condo swimming pool Murata Electronics Singapore Pte. Ltd. Tuas Plant Murnane Service Reservoir Murnane Trail Murray Street Murray Terrace Murugan Murugan Trading Murugappa Musa Muscat - Canton Muscat - Singapore Muscat Street Musee Platinum Musee Platinum Tokyo Museum Museum of Ice Cream Music Centre and Canteen Music Connosieur Music Library Music Story Musical Box Museum Muslim Muslim Cemetery Path 15 Muslim Cemetery Path 16 Muslim Cemetery Path 17 Muslim Cemetery Path 18 Muslim Cemetery Path 20 Muslim Cemetery Path 22 Muslim Cemetery Path 6 Muslim Cemetery Path 7 Muslim Delights Muslim Delights @Orchard Muslim Food @ 274D Compassvale Muslim Trust Fund Association Mustafa Cafe Mustafa Centre Mustafa Centre addition Mustafa Jewellery Mustard Mustari Enterprise Muswell Hill Muted gelato Muthul's Curry Muthuraman Chetty Road Mutiara Crest Mutiara Seafood Mutiara View Mutton Soup Steamboat Mutts & Mittens Active Muz Art Muze Music Bistro MV Agusta MWC Recreation Club MWOC@Punggol MXBC My Art Space My Awesome Cafe My Beautiful Do My Beauty Facial My Bike Shop My Bridal Room My Briyani House My Child's Clubhouse
M My Hair Salon My Laundry Matters My Lighthouse My Little Coconut My Little Gems My Little Spanish Place My Manhattan My Saap Saap Thai My Saviour's Church My Showroom
M MYP Plaza Myra MyRepublic Store Mysterious Papua Mystic Myths & Legends
N N E House N-Zone Sports N109 Site Office N4 Neighbourhood Centre Open Space Na Na Na Na Curry Nachi Nada iCutz Nadia Mansions Nadya Bar Nadyas Nafa Arts Kindergarten NAFA Campus 1 Tower Block Nafisa Grocery Store Nagapa Lane NagaraThai Nagore Durgha Indian Muslim Heritage Centre Nah Hwa Chong Fish-Head Steamboat Corner Nail Bliss Nail Candy Nail County Nail Earth Nail Palace Nail Quest Nail Salon & Boutique Nail Studio Nail Symphony Nails 2 Nails Nails Fifth Avenue Nailz Gallery Nailz treats Naj Restaurant Bugis Nakajima Suisan Naked Mole Rat Nakhom Kitchen Nakhon Kitchen Naksu Barbershop Nalaa Restaurant Nalan Nalayanee Trading Enterprise Nallur Road Nam Ann Siang Theon Nam Cheong Nam Hong Siang Theon Temple Nam Kee Chicken Rice Restaurant Nam Kee Pau Nam Kok Electrical Pte Ltd Nam Leong Co Pte Ltd Nam Tow Bird’s Nest Nam Wah Nami Café Namly Avenue Namly Close Namly Crescent Namly Drive Namly Garden Namly Grove Namly Hill Namly Place Namly Rise Namly View NamNam Nan Chiau High School Nan Chiau Primary School Nan Fatt Joss Paper & Joss Sticks Nan Hai Fei Lai Guan Yin Monastery Nan Hua Chang Nan Hua High School Nan Hua Primary School Nan Huat Wine Store Nan Hwa Fishboat Nan Xian Chicken Rice Nan Yang Dao (Malaysian food) NaNa Thai Restaurant Nana Thai Royale Nana's cafe Nana's Green Tea Nanbantei Yakitori Nanbantei 南蛮亭 Nandhana's Nando Nando's Nangfa Thai Kitchen Nangka Trail Nanjing Restaurant Nanjya Monjya Nankin Street Nano Hostel NANO PARTEA Nanson Road Nanta BBQ Nantsuttei Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Campus 2 Nanyang Avenue Nanyang Chee Clan Association Nanyang Circle Nanyang Circle Faculty Housing Nanyang Crescent Nanyang Drive Nanyang Emerald Nanyang Executive Center Nanyang Girls' High School Nanyang Green Nanyang Grove Nanyang Hardware Nanyang Heights Nanyang Hill Nanyang House Nanyang Jade & Jewelry Nanyang Jia Xiang Mixed Rice Nanyang Khek Community Guild Nanyang Kindergarten Nanyang Link Nanyang Meadows Staff Housing Nanyang Meadows Staff Housing NTU Nanyang Neighbourhood Police Centre Nanyang Neo Clan Association Nanyang Old Coffee Nanyang Opal Nanyang Pearl Nanyang Plastics Nanyang Playhouse Nanyang Polytechnic Nanyang Primary School Nanyang Ruby Nanyang Star Nanyang Tech Ctr Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Technological University Alumni Clubhouse Nanyang Terrace Nanyang Terrace Faculty Housing Nanyang Thye Hwa Religion Center Nanyang Trading Aquarium Nanyang Valley Nanyang View Nanyang View Staff Housing Nanyang Walk Naowarat Napier Road Napoleon Food and Wine Bar Nara Naraina Pillai Naranjan Electronics PTE Ltd Narayanan Chetty Road Narooma Road Narrative Coffee Stand
N Nasi Briyani Nasi goreng talam Nasi Lemak Nasi Lemak Ayam Taliwang Nasi Lemar Nasi Padang Nasi Padang Indonesia Bandung Nassim 9 Nassim Hill Nassim Hill Bakery Bistro Bar Nassim Jade Nassim Lodge Nassim Park Residences Nassim Road Nassimville Nasty Cookie Nathan Place Nathan Residences Nathan Road National Archives of Singapore National Cancer Centre Singapore National Cancer Centre Singapore Proton Therapy Centre National Community Leadership Institute National Dental Centre Singapore National Environment Agency (Central Region) National Environment Authority (NEA) National Environmental Agency National Equestrian Centre National Foto Studio National Gallery Singapore National Junior College National Kidney Foundation Dialysis Centre National Kitchen National Library National Museum of Singapore National Oilwell Varco National Orchid Garden National Service Training Institute National Shooting Centre National Stadium National University Hospital National University of Singapore National University of Singapore (Bukit Timah) National Youth Sports Institute Native Native Kitchen Natura @ Hillview Natura Loft Natural Natural Beauty Health Centre Natural Cool Bldg Natural Cool Industrial Building Natural9 Naturalis Nature Aquarium Nature Bowl & Sushi Nature Cafe Nature Café Nature Fresh Mart Nature Gallery Nature Landscape Nature Mansion's Swimming Pool Nature Mansions Nature Playgarden Nature Playground Nature Vegetarian 532 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 #01-2495 560532 11am-9pm. Nature View Nature's Market Nature's Nutrition Natureland Natuzzi Italia Naumi Naumi Liora Naung Residence Nava Grove Naval Base Primary School Naval Base Secondary School Navy Museum Nawab's Briyani NAYANA Plus Nazareth Bible-Presbyterian Church NBA Sport NBC Bugis Junction NBCB NBE NEA North West Regional Office Neat Optics Nectar Nectars & Vine Nee Nee Soon Camp Nee Soon Camp Circus Nee Soon Central Fire Post Nee Soon Central Green Nee Soon Central Meadows Nee Soon Central View Nee Soon Road Nee Soon South Neighbourhood Police Post Nee Soon Sports Centre Nee Soon TC (Ave 4 Service Ctr) Needle & Thread Neem Tree Neez Hair Studio Neighbourhood Common Neighbourhood Commons Neighbourhood PLayground 2 Neil Conversion Clinic Neil Road Neko no Niwa Nelly's Retro Snacks Singapore Nelson Bar Nelson Mandela House (UWCSEA Dover Campus) Nemesu Avenue Nenas Channel Nenda’s Fritters Nene Chicken NeNe Chicken Neng Amy Traders Neo Group Limited Neo Hardware Neo Kim Suey Aquarium Neo Pee Teck Lane Neo Tiew Neo Tiew Crescent Neo Tiew Harvest Lane Neo Tiew Harvest Link Neo Tiew Harvest Place Neo Tiew Lane 1 Neo Tiew Lane 2 Neo Tiew Lane 3 Neo Tiew Road Neon Pigeon Nepal Circus Nepal Hill (colonial bungalows) Nepal Park Neptune Neptune Court Neptune Cove Neptune Florist Neram Crescent Neram Road NES TCM & Spa Nespresso Nests Hub Netball Court Netheravon Road New Art City Colour Centre New Art Museum Singapore New Asia Aluminium Co New Asia Bar (71st Floor) New Balance New Balestier Lighting New Bridge Road New Cambridge New Cameroon Seafood New Cape Inn New Castle Kiosk New Cathay Hotel (Geylang) New Century Building New Century Food House New chapter design.com New City Pawnshop New Concord Auto Parts Trading Co. New Econ New Era Cycle New Everest Kitchen Singapore New Fut Kai Vegetarian Restaurant (新佛界素食館) New Green Pasture Cafe (新綠園有機養生料理坊) New Hairstory New Hawa Restaurant New Hong Kong Roast New Hotel New Industrial Road New Innovation Centre New Jurong Polyclinic and Jurong Nursing Home New Katong Aquarium New Life Bible Presbyterian Church New Loyang Link New Majestic Hotel New Manlee Bak Kut Teh New Market Road New Orchid Hotel New Phoenix Park New Punggol Road New rasa Singapura New Retail Ammenity Carpark Entry New Rong Liang Ge Cantonese Roasted Duck Double Boiled Soup New Shah Alam Restaurant New Sky&Land Organic Agriculture Ptd Ltd New Star New Star Hair Dressing Saloon New Station Snack Bar 新食站厨 New Teck Kée New Teck Kee Chicken Rice New Town Primary School New Town Secondary School New Trendy Salon LLP New Ubin New Ubin Seafood New Udon Moo-ka-ta New Upper Changi Road New World Centre New World Lighting New York New Zenli Enterprises PTE LTD New2U second hand thrift shop
N NEWest Newhouse Furnishing Newpoint Department Store Newport Plaza Newton Newton Circus Newton Edge Newton Gems Newton Life Church Newton Mansions Newton One Newton Road Next Door Spanish Cafe Nexus Nexus International School (Singapore) Neythai Road Neythal Road Ng Ah Sio Bak Kut Teh NG AH SIO bak kut teh 黃亞細肉骨茶 Ng Ah Sio Pork Ribs Eating House Ng Ah Sio Pork Ribs Soup Eating House Ng Khan Chilli Pan Mee Ng Kim Lee Confectionery Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee Ng Nam They Trading Ng Teng Fong General Hospital Ngee Ann City Ngee Ann City Forecourt Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium Ngee Ann Primary School Ngee Ann Secondary School Ngee Fou Restaurant Ampang Yueng Tow Fu Ngee Keong Watch Dealer NGT Confectionery NH Mart Pte Ltd NHG HQ Building Nhung Kitchen Ni Flora Wellness Nic & Tom Eatery Nice Salon Nicholas le Restaurant Nicoll Drive Nicoll Highway Nicon Gardens NID Design NIE Library NIE Swimming Pool Night Safari Nihon Mura Express Niigata Bento Nike Nikma Rt Nikon Nikon Experience Hub @ Funan Nikon Service Centre Nikorex Nilaas Nim Collection Nim Crescent Nim Drive Nim Gardens Nim Green Nim Rise Nim Road Nim Terrace Nin Residences Nine Nine Degrees Nine Fresh Nine Fresh Desserts Taiwan Nine Spices Nine Thirty Nine-Dragon Screen Nineteen Shelford Road NINETEEN80 Ninja Cut Nippon Home Nippon Koi Farm Nippon Paint Nippon Paints Nippor Paint Niqqi's the Cheese Prata Shop Nissan Nitori Niu Dian Beef Noodles NiuNiu Niven Road Nixta NK Hairworks NKS Restaurant
N NNB Ind Bldg No. 1 No Entry No Menu Osvaldo Forlino Family's Kitchen No Name Karaoke No Signboard Seafood No Signboard Seafood Restaurant No Spoilers No Strangers Here No.5 Emerald Hill
N Noosh Nora Apparel Nora's Pastries & Snacks Nordic European Centre Norfolk Road Norika Norjaan Norma Terrace Normal Stainless Steel Normal Stainless Steel PTE LTD Norman Normanton Park Norris Road North Boat Quay North Bridge Centre North Bridge Road North Buona Vista Drive North Buona Vista Link North Buona Vista Road North Canal Road North Coast Avenue North Coast Crescent North Coast Drive North Coast Lodge North Gaia North Hill Food Court North London Collegiate School (NLCS Singapore) North Park Residences North Road North South East West North Spring Primary School North View Path North View Primary School North View Secondary School North Vista Primary School North Vista Secondary School North Woodlands Drive North Woodlands Way Northbrooks Secondary School Northern Optical Northern Opticians Northern Tuas Basin Northland Primary School Northland Secondary School Northlight School Northoaks Northoarks Primary School Northpoint Drive Northshore Bungalows Northshore Cove Northshore Crescent Northshore Drive Northshore Edge Northshore Link Northshore Plaza II Northshore Primary School Northshore Residences I Northshore Residences II Northshore Trio Northshore Walk Northstar @ AMK Northtech Northvale Northwave Northwest Interior Design Northwood Norwegian Seamen's Mission Norwood Grand Nostalgia Hotel NoteBook Spare Parts Noti Restaurant & Bar Notic Board Nottinghill Suites Nouri Nourish Naturally Nouvel 18 Nouvelle Park Nova Nova 88 Nova Furnishing Nova Furniture Centre Nova Mobili Novena Novena Court Novena Hill Novena Peranakan Cuisine Novena Post Office Novena Rise Novena Terrace
N Novo Place Novotel Living Singapore Orchard Novotel Singapore on Kitchener Novotel Singapore On Stevens Nox Nozomi NP Alumni Clubhouse Block 75 NP Alumni Clubhouse Swimming Pool NP Co-op Shop @ 58 NParks Office NPS International School NRZ Garage Motorsport NS Fashion NS Hub (U/C) NS Square NSTI Classroom Block NTU@one-north NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice NTUC Fairprice NTUC FairPrice Finest NTUC Fairprice Finest NTUC FairPrice Finest NTUC FairPrice Finest Clarke Quay NTUC FairPrice Xpress NTUC FairPrice Xtra NTUC Foodfare NTUC Nursing Home NTUC Pasar Nubian Ibex Nude Wax Parlour Nueva Curtain Gallery Nueva Lightz Nugit Number One Lighting Nunsaram NunSongYee Korean Dessert Cafe Nuovo Nur Fayidha Nur Kidayah & Family Nursing Training Centre NurtureStars Preschool Nurul Delight NUS Co-op NUS Co-op@Central Forum NUS Co-op@LT27 NUS Entrance NUS Entrance A NUS Entrance B NUS Entrance C NUS Entrance D NUS Entrance E NUS High Boarding School NUS High School of Mathematics and Science NUS Main Pool NUS Museum NUS Native Plant Nursery NUS Sport Climbing Wall NUS Sports Complex NUS Staff Club NUS Svc D1 NUS Svc D2 NUS Svc E NUS Svc K NUS THE BEST CAMPUS LIFE NUS Training Pool Nusantara Cuisine NUSS Bukit Timah Guild House NUSS Mandalay Guild House NuStar Technologies Nutmeg & Clove Nutmeg Court Nutmeg Road Nutrilite Nutripe Nutrition Depot Nuts & Nibbles NV Residences NY Night Market Nyala NYGH Boarding School Nylon Coffee Roasters NYON Nyonya Chendol Nyonya Memories Nønresident Núodle Núodle 牛一嘴 Nœud Rouge
O O Coffee Club Xpress O comptoir O Plus O scale the highest moutain in the world O sogane O'bok Dabang O'Briens O'Coffee Club Roastery O'Coffee Club Xpress O'day O'Green O'Leary Sports Restaurant O'Leary's Sportsbar & Grill O'ma Spoon Oak Avenue Oak Villas Oakwood Grove Oasia Hotel Oasia Hotel (Downtown) Oasia Residence Oasis @ Elias Oasis Garden Oasis Primary School Oasis Resort Sentosa Oasis Taiwan Porridge Oasis Wellness Centre Oat & About Oatberry Cafe Oath of the Peach Garden O.BBa Obba Jjajang Obelisk
O Objectifs Objectifs - Centre for Photography and Film Oblique Eyewear OBO Collectibles OBS Facilities (U/C) Observation Tower Obsessions Pub Obstacle Course at Forest Adventure OC Building OC@Pasir Panjnag OCBC OCBC Aquatic Centre OCBC Arena OCBC ATM OCBC Bank OCBC Business OCBC Centre OCBC Skyway OCBC Square OCBC Tampines Centre 2 Ocean Curry Fish Head Ocean Curves Ocean Drive Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove Ocean Park Ocean Towers Ocean Wash Ocean Wash Laundromat Ocean Way Oceanfront Suites OCNZ On Dol OCS Command Centre Octapas Octobox Octopus OD Wellness Odelia Bridal Odeon Katong Shopping Complex Odeon Towers Odette Odyssey The Global Preschool Oei Tiong Ham Park Oei Tiong Ham Park Residences Of Stilts and Cheroots Off Trail Off White Offer & Safe Superstore Offer & save Offer & Save Offer & Save Superstore
O Office Mate Office of Safety, Health and Environment Office Ring Road Office Road Offshore OG OG Bridge OG Building OG Factory OG People's Park Ogilvy & Mather Oh Deli Oh My Dog Oh My Fish Oh Neul Han Jeom Korean BBQ Restaurant Oh Some Bowls Ohayo Image OHMM Inspirational Outdoor Furniture Ohms Ohms Mobile OK Bakery Okamura Okinawa Okinawa Haircut Styling OLA Ola Beach Club Olam Coca Olaplex Old Airport Rd Wanton Noodle Old Airport Road Old Airport Road Lor Mee Old Amoy Chendol Old and rare wines collection shop Old Beach Road Prawn Mee Old Birdcage Walk Old Boys Gallery Old Chang Kee Old Chang Kee Coffee House Old Chang Kee 老曾记 Old Chengdu Restaurant Old Choa Chu Kang Road Old Chong Pang Old City Hall Old City Limit Old Civil District Court Old Gasworks Tank Chassis Old Hainanese Village Old Hen Kitchen Old Holland Road Old House Old Jurong Fire Station Tower Old Jurong railway Old Jurong Road Old Kallang Airport Gateway Old Kallang Airport Terminal Building Old KTM Railway Trackbed Old Lim Chu Kang Road Old Madras Old Married Soldiers Quarters Old Nee Soon Firing Range Old Nelson Road Old Parliament Lane Old Pier Road Old Police Academy Gymnasium Old Rochor Beancurd Old School Delights Old Seletar Camp Guard House Old SIA Sports Club Old St Joseph's Institution Old Street Bak Kut Teh Old Street Bakuteh Old Street Kopitiam 1855 Old Street Victoria Cafe Old Supreme Court Old Tampines Road Old Tea House Old Tea Hut Old Terminal Lane Old terraced houses Old Thong Chai Medical Institution Old Tiong Bahru Bak Kut Teh Old Toh Tuck Road Old Town White Coffee Old Upper Thomson Road Old Upper Thomson Road Park Connector Old Woodlands Town Centre Old Yio Chu Kang Road Oldham Lane Oldham Theatre OldTown White Coffee Oleanas Residence Oleander Breeze Oleander Towers Olella Makan House OleOle Singapore Ole’s Olibier Olive Olive Road Olivia & Co. OLLA OLLA Specialty Coffee Ollo Olsen Bakehouse Olympia Egineering Pte Ltd Olympiad International School Olympic Walk Omar Khayyam Avenue Omega OMF International Omma OMMA Korean Charcoal BBQ - Bukit Timah OMMI Omni Kitchen Omni-Theatre Omnivore Omo Omo OmoOmo Food Concepts Omoté Omu
O On Cheong On Hair On Tap On-Road Cycling Lane Onalu Onan court Onan Road Onboard @ Sengkang West Onboard @ Tengah Once Place Once Upon A River Oncospermum Trail One 2 Drink One 4 D'Road Bar One @ Changi City One Akyab One Amber One Balmoral One Bar One Bernam One Bernam Showflat One Bistro Wine Bar One Canberra One Chatsworth One Desire Pte Ltd One Devonshire One Draycott One Duchess One Farrer Hotel & Spa One Fort One Holland Village One Holland Village Residences One Howard One Jervois One Kueh At A Time Cafe One Leicester One Lynwood One Man Coffee One Meyer One More One More Bread One Mount Rosie One Pearl Bank One Punggol One Raffles Institution Lane One Raffles Link One Raffles Place One Raffles Place Tower 2 One Raffles Quay North Tower One Raffles Quay South Tower One Saint Michael's One Shenton Tower 1 One Shenton Tower 2 One Sophia One Spa 1 One Surin One Tat Seng One Tree Hill One Two Kitchen One Upper Pickering One World International School One-Ninety Restaurant
O ONE°15 Marina Sentosa Cove Ong Heng Bee Company Ong Motor Trading Ong Teng Cheong SALT Centre Ong Yong Lee Seafood Eating House. Onigirazu.Don Onisuka Tiger Onitsuka Tiger Onkei Tonkatsu ONLY Only Aesthetics Only One Salon OnlyCreamery Gelato Onraet Road Ontama Don OnTap Ontario Avenue Opah Satay Opal Crescent Opal Suites Open air compound Open Door Policy Open Farm Community Open Square Open University Malaysia Opera Estate Opera Estate Primary School Opera Estate Pumping Station Opera Gallery Operation Dagger Operations and Research Oppa Oppa Sha-Shabu Oppo OPPO Store Opsh Flagship Showroom Optic Precise Optics House Optics Mall Optima Tanah Merah Optique Zone Optometrist @ Work Opus Bar & Grill Orange and Teal Orange Grove Residences Orange Grove Road Orange Grove Serviced Residences Orange Mart Orange Regency Orange Valley Nursing Home OrangeCube Interior Design OrangeTree ORBIS Orcha Beer House Orchard Orchard 22 Orchard Boulevard Orchard Court Orchard Credit Orchard Gateway Orchard Gateway @ Emerald Orchard Grand Court Orchard Hills Residences Singapore MGallery Orchard Hotel Singapore Orchard Link Orchard Neighbourhood Police Centre Orchard Parksuites Orchard Post Office Orchard Promenade Orchard RendezVous Hotel Orchard Road Orchard Road Post Office Orchard Road Presbyterian Church Orchard Scotts Orchard Scotts Residences Orchard Sophia Orchard Spring Lane Orchard Towers Orchard Turn Orchard View Orchid Apartments Orchid Breeding and Micropropagation Lab Orchid Club Road Orchid Drive Orchid Hotel Orchid Mansion Orchid Park Condominium Orchid Park Secondary School Orchid Spring @ Yishun Orchid Village Playground Orchidee Orchidville Ord Bridge Ordinary Burgers Ordinary Light Organic 7 Days (Green Capsule) Orghao Orh-Kee Noodles 潶志麵家 Orient Project Shipping Oriental Chinese Restaurant Oriental Herbal Tea Oriental Plaza Original Herbal Shop Original Sin Orio Oriole Crescent Orion Oro Orpheus Dive Orto Oryx Osaka Ohsho Osaka Osho OSG
O OSIM Oslo Bulk Osman Osomatsu OSRL Singapore OSS Backpackers Hostel Osteria Bar & Billiard Room Osteria Mozza Otaku House Otoko Ramen Otou San Ottawa Road Otter Otter & Pebbles Otter Pizza Otto Ristorante Ottoman Turkish Delights OUE Bayfront OUE Downtown OUE Tower OUE Twin Peaks Our Art Studio @ PLQ Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Our Laundry Point Our Little Ones Our Museum @ Taman Jurong Our Place Bistro Our Space @ Tai Gin Our Tampines Gallery Our Tampines Hub Ourmakan Shop Oustanding Badminton Out Art Studio Out Of The Cake Box (Telok Blangah) Outdoor Basketball Court Outdoor Built-in table & bench
O Overscoop Overseas Family School OVM Super Store Ovon Owen House by Hmlet Owen Road Owl Optics Owl Transit Owls Brew Owndays OWNDAYS Owndays Ox Well & Co Oxford Hotel Oxford Road Oxford Street Oxford Suites Oxford Tailor Oxhide Leather Oxley bizhub 2 Oxley Garden Oxley Hotel Oxley Mansions Oxley Neo Residences Oxley Pawnshop Oxley Residence Oxley Residence (Greg & Olivia Combes) Oxley Rise Oxley Road Oxley Tower Oxley Walk OXO Bathroom Ceramic Oyster O·pen Pasta & Grill
P P & L Eating House P&G Party & Gifts P&G Photographic Centre P&W P103 Site Office P105 Site Office Pa Auk PA Water-Venture Changi PA Water-Venture East Coast Sea Sports Club Pacha Pacific Bookstores Pacific Building Pacific Family Clinic Pacific Plaza Pacto by Parchmen Pacu Padang Padang Chancery Padang Jeringau Paddle Lodge Pandan Reservoir Padi @ Bussorah Padi Bridal Padi Kopitiam Pagoda Street Pahang Street Paik's Bibim Paik's Noodle Paint Mart Paint Shoppe Painted Nail Bar Painters Choice PTE LTD Painters Corner & Trading Painters' Choice PTE LTD Painters' Mart Paintings on the road Pajak Gadai Lian Thye Pak's Bibim Pakistan Road Palace of Thai Chicken Palace Tea Palace Therapy Palais Renaissance Palani Vilas Eating House Palate Playground Palavan Beach Palawan Amphitheatre Palawan Beach Palawan Beach Walk Palawan Express Pera Padala Palawan Green Palazzetto Palelai Buddhist Temple Palette Hair Palisades Palm Avenue Palm Beach Palm Breeze Palm Drive Palm Gardens Palm Green Palm Grove Avenue Palm Isles Palm Lodge Palm Loft Palm Mansions Palm Mansions condo swimming pool Palm Oasis Palm Oasis entrance road Palm Road Palm Spring Palm Valley Palm View Primary School Palm Vista Palmer Road Palmera Residence Palms Palmview Residence Palmwoods Pampered Pet Corner Pan Malayan Warehouse Pan Pacific Orchard Pan Pacific Serviced Suites Beach Road Pan-West Panamericana Panasonic Pancake Boss Martabak Manis Pancake King & Kopi Pancake Place Panchtantra Panda Chan Snack Panda Outdoor Viewing Gallery Pandan Avenue Pandan Crescent Pandan Gardens Pandan Gardens Park Connector Pandan Loop Pandan Road Pandan Valley Pandora Panduit Pang Seng Road Pang Seng Trading Pte Pang Sua Park Connector Pang's Satay Pangium Pangolin Pangolin Adventure Pangolin Hideout Pangsapuri Bukit Chagar Pangshan Green Pangshan Valley Pangshan View Pantai Stulang Pantler Pantry Pao Fu PAP Kembangan Kindergarten PAP Kindergarten PAP Playground Paper burning furnace Paper Rice PaPer Rice Papercup Market Place Papillon Papi’s Tacos PappaMia PappaRich Papura Chicken Essence Par Shi Restaurant Par Tea Paradise Classic Paradise Classic & LeNu Paradise Classic 樂天經典 Paradise Dynasty Paradise Dynasty 樂天星明 Paradise Gastronomy Paradise Gelato Paradise Hotpot Paradise Hotpot 品樂鍋 Paradise Inn Paradise Of Relaxation Paradise Restaurant Paradise Teochew Restaurant Paradox Paradox Singapore Merchant Court at Clarke Quay Paragon Paragon Laundromat Paragon Medical Paragon Suites @ CIQ Parakletos Parallel Coffee Roasters Parbury Avenue Parbury Hill Parc Aston Parc Bleu Parc Bleu Swimming Pool Parc Botannia @ Fernvale Parc Canberra Parc Centennial Parc Central Residences Parc Centros Parc Clematis Parc Clover @ Tengah Parc Elegance Parc Emily Parc Esta Parc Flora @ Tengah Parc Glen @ Tengah Parc Greenwich Parc Haven Parc Imperial Parc Komo Parc Life Parc Lumiere Parc Mondrian Parc Oasis Parc Palais Parc Regency Parc Residences @ Tengah Parc Restaurant Parc Riviera Parc Riviera Basketball Court Parc Riviera Gym Parc Riviera Kids‘ Pool Parc Riviera Swimming pool Parc Riviera Swimming Pool Parc Riviera Tennis Court Parc Rosewood Parc Seabreeze Parc Sophia Parc Sovereign Hotel (Tyrwhitt) Parc Stevens Parc Vera Parc Vista Parc Woods @ Tengah Pari Dedap Walk Pariposa Preschool Paris Baguette Paris Home Paris Miki Parish of Christ Churc Parisilk Electronics & Computers Pte Ltd Park 1 Suites Park 22 Park 22 Hotel Park @ Holland Village Park Avenue Changi Park Avenue Robertson Park Avenue Rochester Park Bench Deli Park Central Park Colonial Park Connector Park Connector Network Park Court Park Crescent Park East Park Green Park Grove @ Yishun Park Hotel (Alexandra) Park Infinia At Wee Nam Park Lane Park Natura Park Nova Park Olympia Park Place Residences Park Regis Park Street Park Vale Park View Hotel Park Villas Green Park Villas Rise Park Villas Terrace ParkEdge @ Bidadari Parker Parking Lot - 220 Canada Road Parkland Residences Parklane Suites Parklane Zha Yun Tun Mee House Parkour Park with Bouldering Wall Parkroyal Collection Marina Bay PARKROYAL COLLECTION Pickering, Singapore PARKROYAL on Beach Road PARKROYAL Serviced Suites Singapore Parkstone Road Parksuites Parksuites Showflat ParkView @ Bidadari Parkview Apartments ParkView Primary School Parkway Apartments Parkway East Hospital Parkway Lodge Parkway Mini Steamboat Parkway Thai @ One-North Parkway View Parkwood Collection Parkwood Residences Parliament Place Parlor Parq Bella Parry Avenue Parry Road Parry Terrace Parry View Parry Walk Parsi Road Partea ParTea Partea Parvifolia Parvis Pas Normal Studios Singapore Pasar Raya Kurma Pasardina Pasir Gudang (Malaysia) - Batam Centre (Kota Batam, Indonesia) Pasir Laba Camp Pasir Laba Road Pasir Panjang Pasir Panjang - Pulau Bukom Pasir Panjang Christ Church Pasir Panjang Church of Christ Pasir Panjang Close Pasir Panjang Court Pasir Panjang Drive Pasir Panjang Hill Pasir Panjang Hill Brethren Church Pasir Panjang Lodge Pasir Panjang Neighbourhood Police Post Pasir Panjang Nursery Pasir Panjang Post Office Pasir Panjang Power Station Pasir Panjang Recreation Centre Pasir Panjang Road Pasir Panjang Station Ventilation Pasir Panjang Terminal 5 Canteen Pasir Panjang Terminal Building 1 Pasir Ris Pasir Ris 66kV Substation Pasir Ris 8/Pasir Ris Mall Pasir Ris Avenue Pasir Ris Beach PCN Pasir Ris Branch Office Pasir Ris Camp Pasir Ris Central Pasir Ris Central Street 3 Pasir Ris Close Pasir Ris Coast Industrial Park 2 Pasir Ris Coast Industrial Park 3 Pasir Ris Coast Industrial Park 6 Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School Pasir Ris Drive 1 Pasir Ris Drive 10 Pasir Ris Drive 12 Pasir Ris Drive 2 Pasir Ris Drive 3 Pasir Ris Drive 4 Pasir Ris Drive 6 Pasir Ris Drive 8 Pasir Ris Farmway 1 Pasir Ris Farmway 2 Pasir Ris Farmway 3 Pasir Ris Flyover Pasir Ris Green Pasir Ris Grove Pasir Ris Heights Pasir Ris Industrial Drive 1 Pasir Ris Industrial Drive 3 Pasir Ris Interim Bus Interchange Pasir Ris Joint Testing & Vaccination Centre Pasir Ris Lane Pasir Ris Link Pasir Ris Minimart Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre Pasir Ris One Pasir Ris Park Pasir Ris Park Connector Pasir Ris Primary School Pasir Ris Public Library Pasir Ris Rise Pasir Ris Road Pasir Ris Secondary School Pasir Ris Sports Centre Pasir Ris Street 11 Pasir Ris Street 12 Pasir Ris Street 13 Pasir Ris Street 21 Pasir Ris Street 41 Pasir Ris Street 51 Pasir Ris Street 52 Pasir Ris Street 53 Pasir Ris Street 71 Pasir Ris Street 72 Pasir Ris Telephone Exchange Pasir Ris Terrace Pasir Ris View Pasir Ris Walk Pasir Ris Way Pasir View Park Pasir View Park swimming pool Passion Passion Gadgets PAssion Wave @ Bedok Reservoir PAssion WaVe @ Marina Bay PAssion Wave @ Sembawang PassionGadgets Pasta Brava Pasta Express Pasta Fresca Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore (Boat Quay) Pasta Inc Pasta J Pasta Play Pasta Risotto (#01-09) PastaGo Pastamania PastaMania Pastamania PastaMania Pastamania Pronto Pastamania! Pastaro Pastorial View Pat Chun Pat's Schoolhouse Pat's Schoolhouse Mount Emily Patec Paterson Hill Paterson Linc Paterson Residence Paterson Road Paterson Suites Path Along Drainage Canal Pathlight School Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) Pathlight School Campus 2 Pathlight School (Tampines Campus) Patisserie Patisserie Clé Patisserie G Patro's Sports Bar & Restaurant Patterson Road Pattukottai cuisine Pat’s Bar Pat’s Schoolhouse Buckley Paul Paul Little Drive Paul Smith Paulaner Bräuhaus Paulinni Pausean Building Paved Function Area Pavilion 11 Pavilion Banana Leaf Pavilion By The Lake Pavilion Circle Pavilion Green Pavilion Grove Pavilion Park Pavilion Place Pavilion Rise Pavilion Street Pavilion View Pawa Bakery Pawa Brothers Trading Pawagam Kapitol Baru Pawfessional Paws Love It Pawsensitive Pet Care Pawsh Club Paya Lebar Paya Lebar 400kV Substation Paya Lebar Air Base Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church Paya Lebar Crescent Paya Lebar Fire Station Paya Lebar Link Paya Lebar Lodge Paya Lebar Methodist Church Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Primary School Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Secondary School Paya Lebar MRT Exit Paya Lebar Neighbourhood Police Post Paya Lebar Park Connector Paya Lebar Post Office Paya Lebar Residences Paya Lebar Road Paya Lebar Street Paya Lebar Walk Paya Lebar Way Pazzion PCF Marsiling PCF Sparkletots PCF Sparkletots @ Sengkang Central Blk 206A PCF Sparkletots @ Telok Blangah Blk 2 (KN) PCF Sparkletots @ Ulu Pandan Blk 24 (DS) PCF Sparkletots Preschool PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Ang Mo Kio-Hougang Blk 535 (DS) PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Ang Mo Kio-Hougang Blk 632 PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bishan East-Thomson Blk 197 PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Fernvale Blk 436D PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Jalan Kayu PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pay Lebar Blk 221 PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Punggol North PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang Central Blk 290A PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang West Blk 330A PCF Tampines Changkat Blk 318 PCN PCU Limited PE Stesen Suis JB Sentral Gerbang Selatan Peace I Bequeath To You... Peach Garden Peach Garden @ The Metropolis Peaches Juice Bar Peak Residence Peakville Avenue Peakville Grove Peakville Terrace Peakville Walk Pearl Bank Pearl Beauty Eyelash & Nail Spa Pearl Garden Pearl Lam Galleries Pearl of India Pearl Street Pearl's Hill City Park Pearl's Hill Reservoir Pearl's Hill Road Pearl's Hill Terrace Pearl's Vision Care Pebble Lane Pebbles Pub Peck Peck Hay Road Peck Hoon Teng Peck Seah Street Pedas Pedas, 2006 Pedestrian Mall Peek-a-Boo Hair.Nails Peek-a-Box Peel Road Pegasus Pegu Road Pei Chun Public School Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School Pei Hwa Secondary School Pei Tong Primary School Pei Wah Avenue Peicai Secondary School Peirce Drive Peirce Hill Peirce Road Peirce Secondary School Peirce Track Peiying Primary School Pejabat Pos Bandaraya Johor Bahru Pejabat Urusan EXIM Bank Pekin Street Peking Optical Pelangi Village Pelican Pelton Canal Park Connector Pembungaan bronze mural Pemimpin Drive Pemimpin Place Pemimpin Place Playground Pemimpin Terrace Pen & Inc PeN/Y/ET & GRILLED Penaga Place Penang Culture Penang Heritage Penang Kitchen Penang Lane Penang Road Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendul Penang Savour Penang Seafood Restaurant Penarakan Houses Pencawang Elektrik Bangunan Azizah Johor Bahru Pencawang Elektrik Gerbang Selatan Pencawang Elektrik Imigresen Checkpoint Jalan Tun Abdul Razak Pender Road Pending Road Peng De Buddhist Artifact Centre Peng Kang Avenue Peng Nguan Peng Nguan Street Peng's Court Peng's Restaurant and Catering Penguin Penguin Cove Cafe Penguin Cove Restaurant Penguin Cove Shop Penguin’s Kitchen Penhas Road Peninsula Excelsior Hotel Peninsula Shopping Centre Penjuru Close Penjuru Lane Penjuru Place Penjuru Road Penjuru Street Penjuru Walk Pennefather Road Penny University Penrose Penshurst Place Penta Hotel Pentecostal Church of Singapore Penthecost Methodist Church Penyet King Penyet Town People's Action Party Community Foundation People's Park Complex People's Park Food Centre Blk 32 People's Up Peoples Park Centre Peperoni Pizzeria Pepper Lunch Pepperl+Fuchs GDC Pepys Hill Condominium Pepys Road Perahu Road Perak Hotel Perak Road Peranakan Culture Mural painting Peranakan Inn Peranakan Museum Peranakan Terrace houses Peranakan Terrace Houses Peranakan Tiles Gallery Percival Road Percolate Pereira Road Perennial Chinatown Point Perfect Perfect 12 Food Paradise Perfection Hairdressing Salon Perfex International Performance Cycles Performance Motors Limited Performing Arts Studio Perle Noire Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House Persian Carpet Gallery Perumal Road Pesari Walk Pestle & Mortar Society Pet Hotel Pet Loft Pet Lover's Centre Pet Lovers Cemtre Pet Lovers Centre Pet Lovers Centre (Holland Village) Pet Me Please Petai Trail Petain Road Petal Garden Petaling Boardwalk Petfolio Petir Park Edge Petir Road Petit Jervois Petit Pain Petite Bakehouse Petiteloftsg Petmart Petmaster Petpaworni Petpawroni Petra Haven Petrol Station (SPC) Petron Jalan Tun Abdul Razak Pets Cookies Boutique Pets Vale Pets' Station Pets' Street Petti Shop Petz Planet Pezzo PH Hydraulics & Engineering Pharmaceutical Lab Centre Pharmacy Pheng Geck Avenue Phil Inn Phil's Studio Philatelic Store @ GPO Philips Home Lighting Phillip Street Phillips Avenue PHO 99 Vietnamese Delight Pho Street Pho Viet Pho's Nam So'n
P Pickering Street Picket & Rail Picket&Rail Baby Kids Pickle Pickleville Picolino Picotin Picotin Express Pictotin Piedra Negra Piermont Grand Pierre Cardin Pierre Cardin Lingerie & Energized Pies & Coffee Pig Organ Soup • Herbal Mutton Pigmy Marmoset PIL Building Pilcrow Pillai Road Pillbox Pillow Talk Hostel Pillows & Toast Heritage Pin Masions Pin Wei Superior Seafood Pin Xian Lou Pin Yi Pinc Pince and Pints Pine & Dine Pine Close Pine Court Pine Garden’s Cake Pine Green Pine Grove Pine Grove Condos Pine Lane Pine Residences Pine Springs Pine Tree Cafe (長春樹) Pine Ville @ AMK Pine Vista Pine Walk Pines Cafe Pinetree Condo Pinetree Hill Pinevale Pinewood Gardens Pinewood Grove Ping Claypot Rice Restaurant Ping Jie Ping Yi Gardens Ping Yi Greens Ping Yi Secondary School Ping-An Gardens Pinhole Coffee Bar Pink Blossoms Brewery Pink Fish Pink Ponk Comics Pink Poodle Pink Tower Montessori Pinto Thai Pioneer Pioneer Auto Pioneer Canteen Pioneer Circus Pioneer Crescent Pioneer Food Village Pioneer Hall (Hall 18) Pioneer House (Residence 5) Pioneer Landscape Pioneer Place Pioneer Primary School Pioneer Road Pioneer Road North Pioneer Sector 1 Pioneer Sector 2 Pioneer Sector 3 Pioneer Sector Lane Pioneer Sector Walk Pioneer species Pioneer Turn Pioneer View Pioneer Walk Pionner Road
P Pisco Pita Bakery Pitangui Lee Na Young Aesthetic Pitch Pitch 4 Pitch 5 Pitch 6 Pitstop Tyres PIXEL Pixie Pixie Nail Spa Pizza & Pastry Pizza Amore Pizza Art Pizza fabbrica Pizza Hut Pizza Hut Delivery Pizza Hut Express Pizza Republic PizzaArc PizzaExpress Pizzaface Pizzamaru Pizzeria L’Operetta PK Auto Parts PLAB LIift-Off Gym PLAB Main Pass Office PLAB Medical & Dental Centre Plain Meredith Plain vanilla Plain Vanilla Plam Grove Condominium Plam Grove Regency Planet Planet Earth Plank Plank Sourdough Pizza Plant House Plant Resource Centre Plantation Acres Plantation Avenue Plantation Close Plantation Creek Plantation Crescent Plantation Drive Plantation Edge I Plantation Edge II Plantation Grange Plantation Grove Plantation Verge Plantation Village Plaque explaining the restored First Botanic Garden 1822 Plasma Karaoke Plate Platform 1094 Platina Road Platina Road Playground Platinum 28 Platinum Edge Platypus Platypus Cantina Platypus Foodbar (E2A) Play E Play Facto School Play Gadget Store Playdress PLAYe PlayE Playfair Road Playground @ Lower Pierce Reservoir Playground at 213/212 Playground at 25 Jalan Membina Playground at Yishun Riverwalk Playground between Blk 28 and Blk 29 Marine Crescent Playground By Playmade Playground near Blk 143 Playground Park Playgroup Playmade Playnation Café Plaza 8 Plaza Singapura Plaza Singapura Forecourt Plentyfull Ploughshare Tortoise Plum Village Restaurant Plumer Road Plus Coffee Joint Plus Minus Eyepoint Plush Pods Plymouth Avenue PM Industrial Building Png Watch Dealer Pó POB from OTH Pocha Pocket Greens Urban Farm & Barn POD Bistro Podi & Poriyal Poets Villas Poh Cheong Concrete Product Pte Ltd Poh Cheu Poh Cycle Poh Heng Poh Ho Poh Hua Industrial Pte Ltd Poh Huat Poh Huat Crescent Poh Huat Drive Poh Huat Road Poh Huat Road West Poh Huat Terrace Poh Kim Poh Kim Diamond & Gem Poh Li Mei Jewellery Poh Seng Hardware Enterprise Pte Ltd Poh Sin Furniture Co. Pohang Seafood & Butchery Poi Ching School Point Loma Poison Ivy Bistro Poke Doke Poke Theory Poland Food Supplier Polar Polar Bear Polar Café Polar Cafe Polar Ice Polar Puffs & Cakes Police Police Cantonment Complex Police Coast Guard Gul Base Police Coast Guard Headquarters Brani Base Police Coast Guard Lim Chu Kang Base Police Coast Guard Loyang Regional Base Police Guard Post Police Headquaters Police Heritage Centre Police Logistic Base Police National Service Department Police Pass Office Police Security Command Poliklinik Polis Pollen Collection Pollen Crescent Polo Club Restaurant & Bar Polo Ralph Lauren Polyart Aquarium Polymicro Polypet Polytechnic Crescent Polytechnic Link Pommi Indian Groceries Pondok Jawa Timur Ponggol Nasi Lemak Ponggol Nasi Lemak Centre Ponggol Seventeenth Avenue Ponggol Twenty-Fourth Avenue Ponggol.SeaFood Poni Ponnusamy Pontian Jiak! Pontian Wanton Noodles Pool Pool Deck Poole Road Poolside Poorvika Pop Mart Pope Jai Thai Popeye Popeyes Popiah Pops Popular Popular Bookstore Popular 大众书局 Por Kee Eating House 1996 Porcelain Cafe Porcelain Hotel Porcupine Porn's Pororo Park Porsche Studio Singapore Port Road Portchester Avenue Portsdown Road POSB PosB POSB PosB ATM POSB Bank POSB Serangoon Central Branch POSB Yishun Branch POSBank Poshgrove East Positano Possum Post Post-Harvest Technology Centre Postcard Potato Corner Potato Head Potong Pasir Potong Pasir Avenue 1 Potong Pasir Avenue 2 Potong Pasir Avenue 3 Potong Pasir Joint Temple Potong Pasir Neighbourhood Police Post Potong Pasir Post Office Poulet Pound Cannon Pow Sing Kitchen Pow Sing Restaurant Power BP Power n Lights Power Sales Corporation PPP Coffee Practical Laboratory Equipments & Glasswares Practice Tuckshop Prada Prague Microbrewery & restaurant PRAIRIE by Craftsmen Praise Evangelical Church Praisehaven Mega Family Store Prajin Karaoke Pramie Automobil Pranakorn Prata Rajah Prata Wala PratuNam Pratunam Plus Prawn Noodles Prawnography Praya Rata Pre-War Double Storey Terrace Houses Precept Electrical Precious Thots Precious Thoughts Preethika Preloved Treasures Premaas Cuisine Premier Football Premier Lighting Premier Structure Premium Barbers PREP Prepluxe Presbyterian Church House Presbyterian High School Preschool By-The-Park @ Evans Preschool for Multiple Intelligences President Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) Press To Pressto Prestige Presto Preston Road Pret A Manger Pretty Beauty Spa Prima Deli Prima Lighting Centre Prima Limited (Flour Mills) PrimaDeli PrimaDéli PrimaDeli PrimaDéli Primary Rainforest Urban Walk Primary School Primate Kingdom Prime PRIME Prime PRIME Prime Bldg 125 Prime Edge Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) Prime Residence Prime Supermarket Prime supermarket Prime SuperMarket Prime Supermarket Primitive Art Piercing & Tattoo Primo Residences Primrose Avenue Prince Charles Crescent Prince Charles East Bridge Prince Coffee House Prince Edward Close 2 Prince Edward Close 3 Prince Edward Drive Prince Edward Link Prince Edward Road Prince George's Park Prince George's Park Residences Prince Noodles Prince of Wales Prince of Wales Road Prince Philip Avenue Prince Road Prince's Flower Shop Princess Princess Anne Close Princess Elizabeth Primary School Princess House Princess Mary walk Princess Mary Walk Princess of Wales Road Princess Street Princess's Cottage Principal Garden Prinsep Link Prinsep St. Presbyterian Church Prinsep Street Print de Creation Print That Now Printing Studio Priority Mail Express Prison Link Centre Pristine Heights Private Pick-up Private Tennis Court Privé Prive Privé Cafe Prive Restaurant Privé Tiong Bahru Priya Sen Skin & Laser Centre Pro Bike Pro-Teach Education Proboscis Monkey Professional Cuf Professor Brawn Cafe Professor's Playground Profile Asia Progress and Advancement Progress Healthcare Pte Ltd Progress Manufacturing ProHealth Medical Group @ Fernvale Project Acai Project Açaí Project Pizza Prologis Prome Road Promenade Promenade Lawn Proofer Proofer Boulangerie Proposed 1200mm diameter potable water pipeline along Holland Road and Ulu Pandan Road from Rail corridor to Clementi Road Prosri Engineering Pte Ltd Protective Security Command Provence Provence Residence Provider Provisions Proximo Prudential Tower Prunus Trail PS cafe PS Cafe PS. Cafe by the Sea PSA Club PSA Horizons PSA Vent Building PSA Vista PSB Academy STEM Campus PS.Cafe
P Pu Xian Puaka Bridge Puaka Hill Puay Hee Avenue PUB Pub 150 Pub 88 Pub 98 PUB construction PUB Service Reservoir Public Affairs Department Public Bank Public House Public Jetty Public Transport Security Command TransCom Public Utilities Board (PUB) Recreation Club Puedo Preschool Pulasan Road Pulau Keppel Marina Pulau Ubin Pulau Ubin - Changi Village Pulau Ubin Police Coast Guard Pulau Ubin Police Post Pull & Bear Pullman Bakery Pullman Residences Pullman Singapore HIll Street Pullman Singapore Orchard Pulpo Borracho Pulse Patisserie Pulut Tai Tai Puma Pump House Pump Station 1965 Puncak Muslim Food Punch Pung Pek Song Leather Co. Punggol Punggol Arcadia Punggol Barat Drive Punggol Barat Lane Punggol Bayview Punggol Breeze Punggol Central Punggol Close Punggol Clover Punggol Coast Bus Interchange Punggol Coast Road Punggol Coralinus Punggol Cove Punggol Cove Primary School Punggol Crest Punggol Discovery Cube Punggol Drive Punggol East Punggol East Flyover Punggol Eastdale Punggol Edge Punggol Emerald Punggol Field Punggol Field Walk Punggol Fire Station Punggol Gardens Punggol Green Punggol Green Primary School Punggol Heritage Trail Punggol Jetty Punggol Lodge Punggol Meridian Punggol Neighbourhood Police Centre Punggol North Avenue Punggol Oasis Punggol Oceanus Punggol Opal Punggol ParcVista Punggol Park Connector Punggol Place Punggol Point - Outward Bound Camp Punggol Point Cove Punggol Point Crown Punggol Point Woods Punggol Post Office Punggol Primary School Punggol Promenade Nature Walk Punggol Promenade Punggol Point Walk Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk Punggol Regalia Punggol Regional Library Punggol Regional Sports Centre Punggol Residences Punggol Ripples Punggol Road Punggol Sails Punggol Sapphire Punggol Secondary School Punggol Seventeenth Avenue Punggol Spectra Punggol Spring Punggol Temporary Bus Interchange Punggol Topaz Punggol View Primary School Punggol Vista Punggol Vue Punggol Walk Punggol Waterway Punggol Waves Punggol Way Punggol West Bank Park Connector Punggol West Community Square Punggol West Flyover Pungol Point Police kiosk Punjab Grill Puppy Colours Singapore Pura Brasa Pure & Well Pure Bliss Pure Gold Purple Purple Star
P Purvis Street Pusat Islam Negeri Johor Puss In Boots’ Giant Journey Putera Putera Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel Putien Putien Fuijian Restaurant Putra Mas Bridal & Beauty Gallery Putri Dagang Putri Indah Condominium Putting Green P.V. Trust Pte Ltd PY Roast Pygmy Hippo Pyroast Pâtisserie CLÉ
Q Q bay Residences Q Loft Q Pub Q Spa Q-Menswear Q-Wa Bar and Yakitori Qafe by Night QB Food Trading QB HOUSE QB House QB HOUSE QB House Kids QB House Premium QB Premium QBHouse Premium QC House QCS Ind Bldg Qi Ji Qi qu Qian Hu Fish Qian Xi (Farrer Park) Restaurant Qiaonan Primary School (Abandoned) Qifa Primary School Qihua Primary School Qiji Qin Garden Kopitiam Qin Ji Rougamo Qin Shu Bao Qinan Building Qinde Egg Tart & Pastries Qing De Gong Temple Qing Yun Combined Temple Qinjie Foot Massage Qisahn QJ Western Food - Hainanese Chicken Rice QMall (U/C) QQ House QQ Noodle House QQ Rice QQHouse
Q Qtech Qualcomm RF360 Quality Road Quan Le Yan Seafood Quan Shui Wet Market Quan Xiang Yuan Seafood Restaurant Quantum Armour Quantum Automation Pte Ltd Quarry cliff Quarters Quartz Ind Building Quay house Quayside Isle Preparatory School Quayside JBCC Que Pasa Queen Astrid Gardens Queen Astrid Park Queen B's Cake Boutique Queen C Nails Queen Elizabeth Walk Queen Ginya Queen of WokFish Head Steamboat Restaurant Queen St. Prawn Noodles Queen Street Queen Street Terminal Queen's Arc Queen's Avenue Queen's Close Queen's Crescent Queen's Fabrics Queen's Road Queen's View Queens Queens Peak Queens Peak (Resident Access) Queensberry Lodge Queenstown Queenstown Baptist Church Queenstown Community Library Queenstown Lutheran Church Queenstown Neighbourhood Police Centre Queenstown Primary School Queenstown Secondary School Queensway Queensway Booster Station Queensway Canopy Queensway Lau Tan Tutu Kueh Queensway Secondary School Queen’s Beauty Quek Teck Beng Canvas PTE LTD Quemoy Road Questa @ Dunman Quick Lane (Alexandra) Quickloan Pte Ltd Quincy Hotel Quinn’s Quinterra
R R A R A South R B R Bangkit R Beach R Bukit Panjang R C R Choa Chu Kang R Coral Edge R Cove R D R Damai R E R F R Faber Peak R Fajar R Harbourfront R Imbiah R Imbiah Lookout R Jelapang R Johor Bahru Sentral R Kadaloor R Keat Hong R Maison R Meridian R Merlion R Nibong R Oasis R Pending R Petir R Phoenix R Punggol Point R Resorts World R Riviera R Sam Kee R Samudera R Segar R Sembawang R Senja R Sentosa R Siloso Point R Soo Teck R South View R Sumang R Teck Whye R VivoCity R Woodlands Train Checkpoint R&B Express R&B Tea R&B 巡茶 R&B巡茶 R&F Seine Region R&F Tanjung Puteri R&R Beauty Studio Rabbit Rabbit Carrot Gun Rabeanco Rabler's Ridge Trail Race Course Lane Race Course Road Race horse Mural Rachel Mung Floral Studio Racing Technik Racing World Rack 1 Rack 2 Rack 3 Rad Son Lighting Radin Mas Neighbourhood Police Post Radin Mas Primary School Raduga Centre Rae Cafe Raeburn Park Rafaels Bistro Rafah Twins Raffles Raffles Arowana Raffles Avenue Raffles Boulevard Raffles Building Raffles City Shopping Centre Raffles Education Square Raffles Florist Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) Raffles Girls’ School Historic Site Raffles Hall Raffles Hospital Raffles Hotel Raffles House Raffles Institution Raffles Kidz @ Punggol Raffles Link Raffles Marina Raffles Paint Raffles Place Raffles Place Post Office Raffles Terrace Raffles Terrace Fountain Raffles' Landing Site Rafflesia Condominium Rafflestag Ragan Video & Fashion Raglan Grove Rahim Grocery Traders Rahmat Seafood Rahmat Siakap Goreng Rail Corridor Rail Corridor Access Rail Garden @ CCK Rail Green I @ CCK Rail Green II @ CCK Railway corridor entry point Railway museum Railway Staff Quarters Raimah Eating House Rain Forest 149 Hostel Rain tree
R Rain Trees International Kindergarten Rainbow Bridge Rainbow Centre - Yishun Park School Rainbow Centre Admiral Hill School Rainbow Centre-Margaret Drive School Rainbow Cove Montessori Pre-School Rainbow Rice House Rainbow street art Rainbow Ville Rainforest Fights Back Rainforest KidsWorld Ampitheatre Rainforest Rhapsody Rainforest Schoolhouse Rainforest Wild Africa Rainforest Wild Asia Rains & Coco Raj Raj Provisions & Trading Pte Ltd Rajah Court Rajah Residences Rajah Summit Rajah Tower Rajans Mart Rajdhani Rake Spade Raken Ippudo Raksha Beaute Raku Raku Rakuichi Rakuichi Japanese Restaurant Ralph & Remy Ramakrishna Mission Ramanico Rambai Boardwalk Rambai Road Rambler's Ridge Trail Rambut Mohd Reaz Rambutan Road Rambutan Trail Ramen Bari-Uma Ramen Champion Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo けいすけ東京 Ramen gallery Ramen Hitoyoshi Ramen Keisuke Tonkotsu King Four Season Ramen Keisuke Tonkotsu King 豚骨王 Ramen Keisuke Tori King Ramen Kiou Ramen Masamune Ramen Matsuri Ramen Taisho Ramp
R Ramp to Level 2 Parking Ramsgate Road Ramya Minimart Ramyun and Soju Randy Indulgence Ranger Station Rangooli Rangooli North Indian Cuisine Rangoon Bar & Bistro Rangoon Club Rangoon Convenience Store Rangoon Lane Rangoon Road Rania Silk House Ranking Sports & Music Rapid Offshore & Marine Rappu Raptor Tower Rasa Istimewa Rasa Istimewa Waterfront Restaurant Rasa Rasa Rasa Rasa @ Kampong Changi Rasa Rasa @ Teck Whye Rasa Sayang Rasau Walk Rashid Hussein Bank Rasok Drive Rato Bhale Restaurant Sdn Bhd Rattan Cane Processors Manufacters RAW
R Raw Gourmet Singapore 01-28 Raymond Studio Razer SEA HQ Razorsharp Pte Ltd RB Capita Building RC4 Multi-Purpose Hall RC4 Tower RDA Singapore Re weaving the forest Read Bridge Read Crescent Read Street Real Food Realstar Reaz Corner Rebecca Road Reception Recoil Reconstruction Lot 06394A MK 04 Recreation Centre Recreation Lane Recreation Road Recreational Tennis Court Red ahous Red Apple Veggie Cafe Red Brick Path Red Cross Campsite Red Dot Design Museum Red Dot Mala Hot Pot Red Dot Pub Red Dot Spa Red Dot Supervalue Red Eye Smokehouse Red Holic Red House Seafood Red Howler Monkey Red Lantern Seafood Red Memory-Smile Red Panda Red Pony Red River Hog Red Star Red Sun Tattoo Art Red Swastika School Red Tail Red-bellied Piranha Red-ruffed Lemur Red-tailed Catfish RedDoorz RedDoorz @Little India RedDot BrewHouse Redemptorist Community Redhill Close Redhill Lane Redhill Rise Redhill Road Redhouse Home Decor RedMan Redman RedMan by Phoon Huat Redpan REDS Hairdressing Redsea Gallery Redwhite Mobile Redwood Avenue Reebok Reebonz Reedfish Reedz Café Reef the Chief Refash Refinery Road Reflections at Bukit Chandu Reflections At Keppel Bay Reflexology walk Refuel Cafe Refuelling Station Regency House Regency Lodge Regency Park Regency Suites Regent Grove Regent Heights Regent Park Regent Residences Regent Secondary School Regent Spa Regent Street Regent Villas Regin Hotel Regina Specialties Registry of Marriages Rehau Building Reimage Reiwa Soba Kappo 蕎麦割烹 令和 Rejuv Footwork Re.juve Relaxing Spa RELC Bldg International Hotel RELC International Hotel Reliance Products Relish Remax Rempapa Ren Ci Ren Ci Community Hospital Ren Ci Hospital REN Scubaworx Ren Tian Tang Renaissance Planners & Designers Renaissance Travel Renaza Rendezvous Hock Loke Kee Rendezvous Hotel Singapore Reneges Path Reneu Skin & Wellness Renewal Christian Church Rengas Path Renozone Interior Design Renxin Traditional Chinese Medicine Replica Print Republic Auto Republic Avenue Republic Boulevard Republic Crescent Republic Link Republic of Fritz Hansen Republic of Singapore Yacht Club Republic Plaza Republic Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic Centre Republic Polytechnic Cultural Centre Research Link Research Techno Plaza Reservation@Vicki's Reservoir Rise Reservoir Road Reservoir View Reservoir Village Residence 1 Residence 2 Residence 3 Residence 8 Residence Twenty Two Residences @ Evelyn Residences @ Killiney Residences @ Limau Residences at 338A Residences at Emerald Hill Residences Jansen Residential College 4 Residential Complex High Commission Of Malaysia Residential Drop-Off Point Resort World Sentosa Resorts World Theatre Rest Bugis Restaurant Abbas Restaurant Amma Restaurant Barakath (ரெஸ்ட்டாரன்ட் பரக்கத்) Restaurant Chedi Restaurant Fayyad 24jam Restaurant Muthu Restaurant Todak Restaurant You Kee Xo Restoran ABK Amin Restoran Abk Madina Restoran AR Fast Food Restoran Bara Restoran CMJ Kitchen Restoran D'Shanghai Restoran Empire Bistro Restoran Fragrance City Restoran Hao Bi Restoran Hua Mui 華美茶餐室 Restoran Kedai Makanan & Minuman AB Restoran Khye Cheang Seafood Restoran Kin Hua Restoran Mee Tarik Restoran New Hongkong Restoran Oriental Kopitiam Restoran Pak Soh Restoran Pokok Ceri Restoran Siu Wei 928 Restoran Syed Ali Restoran TKK Restoran Todak (orang asli) Restoran Wakao Restoran Ya Wang ReStore
R Reunion BBQ Reve Revelry Revenge of the Mummy Reverie - Musical Journey Revival Centre Church Revv Rex Rex Music & Colour Service REZI 24 Rezi 26 Rezor's Edge RFC Ind Bldg Rhapsody on Mount Elizabeth RHB RHB Bank Rheinmetall Defence Rhiss Interior Rhu Cross Rhubarb Rhythms of Nature RI Boarding Ria Apartments Ribs Wings Burgers Ricciotti Rice Rice Bowl Boys Rice garden Rice House Vegetarian Rice Hut Rich and good cake shop Rich East Garden Rich Mansions Richard Vinyl Record Corner Richards Avenue Richards Place Richland Business Centre Richmond Park Ricky Bakery Ricoamona Bridal Ricochet Padel - Laguna Ride Side Skate Café Ridge Court Ridge View Annex (RVA) Ridge View Residential College Ridgewood Close Ridgewood Condominium Ridley Park Ridout Road Rienzi Street Rifle Range Camp II Rifle Range Link Rifle Range Nature Park Visitor Centre Rifle Range Road Rifle Range Trail Ring-tailed Lemur Ringwood Road RInnai Rinting Berjaya Eating House Rio Gardens Rio Vista Ripley Crescent Ripple Bay Riptide Rocket Ris Grandeur Rise Rise & Grind Rising Star Flower Creation Ristorante Amarone Ristorante Takada Ritchie Road Rite Pizza Ritz Apple Strudel & Pastry Ritz Mansions Ritzhouzz Riva Lodge River City Inn River Gems River Isles River Nile River of Life Community Church River Parc River Peaks I River Peaks II River Place River Quest River Safari River South (Hoe Nam) Prawn Noodles River Valley River Valley Apartments River Valley Close River Valley Court River Valley Green River Valley Grove River Valley High School River Valley Neighbourhood Police Post River Valley Primary School River Valley Road River Wonders Riverbank @ Fernvale Riverbay Rivercove Residences Riverdale Residence Riveredge Riverfront Residences Rivergate Rivergate Grocer Rivergreen Riveria 38 Riveria Gardens Riverina Crescent Riverina View Riverina Walk Riverlife Church Riversails Rivershire Riverside Melodies Riverside Point Riverside Primary School Riverside Road Riverside Secondary School Riversound Residence RiverTrees Residences Rivervale Arc Rivervale Bank Rivervale Close Rivervale Court Rivervale Crescent Rivervale Crest Rivervale Delta Rivervale Drive Rivervale Edge Rivervale Gardens Rivervale Gateway Rivervale Green Rivervale Grove Rivervale Haven Rivervale Lane Rivervale Link Rivervale Mall Rivervale Place Rivervale Plains Rivervale Plaza Rivervale Primary School Rivervale Shores Rivervale Street Rivervale View Rivervale Walk Riverwalk Tandoor Riverwalk Tandoor @ Farrer Park Riviera Riviera Drive Riviera Residences Rivière Rizwan Curry Restaurant RJ Paper Ind Bldg 115 R.K. Eating House RM Hotel RMG Tours Pte Ltd RMG Travel Pte Ltd Road H18 Road House Road to Track Roast & Coffee Roast.Duck Roasted Chicken Rice Roasted Delight Roasted Delights Roberts Lane Robertson Blue Robertson Edge Robertson Quay Robertson Walk Robertson100 Robey Crescent Robin Close Robin Drive Robin Lane Robin Regalia Robin Residences Robin Road Robin Suites Robin Walk Robinson 77 Robinson Centre Robinson Point Robinson Square Robinson Suites Rocana Buddha Pagoda Rochalie Drive Rochdale Road Roche Bobois Rochelle at Newton Rochester Drive Rochester Park Rochester Park (colonial bungalows) Rochor Rochor Beancurd Rochor Beancurd House Rochor Canal Fishing Deck Rochor Canal Road Rochor Link Bridge Rochor Neighbourhood Police Centre Rochor Original Beancurd Rock Bar
R Rock Path (closed) Rock Shop Rock Sorter Rocks Rocku Yakiniku Rocky Master Rocky Masters Rod Dee Thai Cafe Rod' Jrud Rodalink Rodyk Street Rohag Roia Rojak Roji Monster Ice cream Roku Bar Roland Restaurant Rolex Rolling Rice Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore Roman Catholic Church of The Holy Trinity Romance Romance in the City Rong Cheng Chuan Wei Hotpot Restaurant Rong Cheng Restaurant Rong Fa Coffee Shop 荣发咖啡店 Rong Fa Sundry Rong Hua Bak Kut Teh Rong Kee Delights Rong Xing Mini Mart Roo's Gastrobar Roof Garden Rooll Roost Rootes Roots @ Transit Rosabelle Launderette Rosabelle Laundrette Rosalia Park Rose Lane Rose Ville Roseburn Avenue Roselane Court Rosewood Rosewood Drive Rosewood Suites Rosie View Roslan Contractor Ross Avenue Rossie Inc. Rosso Vino Rosyth Avenue Rosyth Road Rosyth School Rotan Lane Roti Boy Roti Canai Bukit Chagar Roti Mum Roti Prata House RotiBoy Rotikek Rotork Rouge Rough Guys Coffee Round about Round Boy Roasters Route 1 Route 2 Route 2 - closed 2019 Route 65 Bar + Kitchen Routine Cafe & Bar Rowell Court Rowell Road Roxy Disc House Royal BBQ & Grill Royal Beauty Parlor Royal Biriyani Royal Builders Royal Canin Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club Royal Dragon Royal Enzyme Royal Fabrics Royal Fanco Royal Green Royal Group Building Royal Hallmark Royal Host Royal India Hotel Royal Johor Polo Club Royal Lodge Royal Malaysian Customs Residence Royal One Phillip Royal Palm Royal Palm Mansions Royal Plaza Royal Plaza on Scotts Royal Road Royal Sporting House Royal Thai Royal Thai Embassy Royals Cafe Royce' Royz Et Vous Rozel Rozel Furniture RP EVAC POINT RPIC RPM Music Lounge RSG Wellness Ru Yum T'a Ru's Kitchen Rubato Rubine Ruby Creative Ruby Lane Rucksack Inn @ Thrwhitt Rucksack Inn (Lavender) Rucksack Inn (Mackenzie) Rucksack Inn McKenzie Rude Dog Rudrakshas Rudy Project Ruhens Rui Xia Store Ruin Ruins
R Rumah Peranginan Persekutuan Malaysia Rumah Tinggi View Rumours Bar and Grill Rumours Beach Club Runes Cafe Runme Shaw CFA Studios Running Lab Running Track Russels Road Rutland Road RV Altitude RV Auto Parts RV Residences RV Suites Rvlt RW Selmor Ryan's Grocery Rymden 77 Ryo Sushi Rythm & Ride Ryu Ichi
S S Bakau S Beauty S Cheng Lim S Compassvale S Farmway S Fernvale S Kangkar S Kupang S Layar S Ranggung S Renjong S Rumbia S. Subramaniam S Teck Lee S Thanggam S Tongkang S&N Spa S-Pearl Tea S-Power Mini Supermarket S1 S10 S11 S11 Dormitory @ Punggol S16 S17 S17 Kitchens S2 S2 Collections S3 S4 S4A S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 - Wet Science Building Saap Saap Tha Saap Saap Thai Sabar Menanti Sabar Menanti II Sabio by the Sea Sabio Tapas Bar & Restaurant Saboten Sabre Strokers Sabre Travel Pte Ltd Sadhu SadirAli Provision and Frozen Foods Trading SAF Driving Training Centre SAF eMart SAF Mapping Unit SAF Nee Soon Range I SAF Nee Soon Range II SAF Yacht Club Safarees Safari Safari Cafe Safari House Preschool Safari Sizzles SAFMU Guardroom SAFRA Choa Chu Kang SAFRA Clubhouse (Tampines) SAFRA Clubhouse (Toa Payoh) SAFRA Jurong SAFRA Mount Faber Safra Yishun Country Club SAFTI Military Institute SAFTI Tower Sage Sage Artelier Sago house Sago Lane Sago Street SAH Sports Centre Sahara Sai Ho Building Sai Kitchen Sai Sia Paints Co. Saiboo Street Saigon Rolls Sail Playhouse Saint Andrew's Cathedral Saint Andrew's Community Hospital Saint Andrew's Road Saint Anne's Wood Saint Anthony's Primary School Saint Barnabas Lane Saint Francis Lodge Saint Francis Road Saint George's East Gardens Saint George's Lane Saint George's Road Saint George's Towers Saint George's West Gardens Saint Gregory's Place Saint Helena Road Saint Helier's Avenue Saint James Road Saint John's Road Saint Joseph Church Saint Joseph's Institution International Saint Joseph's Institution Junior Saint Marc Saint Margaret's Road Saint Martin Apartments Saint Martin Lane Saint Martin Residence Saint Martin's Drive Saint Michael Place Saint Michael Regency Saint Michael's Road Saint Michael's Terminal Saint Nicholas View Saint Patrick' School Saint Patrick's Road Saint Patrick's School Saint Theresa Saint Thomas Walk Saint Wilfred Road Saint Xavier's Lane Saizeriya Sakae Sushi Sakari Dining Sake Maru Sakhuntala's Sakunthala's Sakunthala's Food Palace Sakunthalas Sakura Asian Crusine Sakura Bekari Sakura International Buffet Restaurant Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple Sal Thai Restaurant Sala Thai Kitchen Salaam Media Salad & Kebab Corner Salad Stop SaladBox (underground level) Salads Saladstop SaladStop Saladstop Saladstop! Salahuddin Bakery Salam Walk Salem Chapel Sallim Road Sally's Salmaan Food Paradise Salmah Manap Salmin & Co. Salmon King Salmon Samurai Salmon Warrior Salomon Salon 916 Salon Artiz Salon de Edmund Salon One Salon Orient Salon Su Salt tapas & bar Salted Caramel Salvation Salvation Army Command Hqr Singapore Salvatore Salvatore Ferragamo Salvo SAM at Tanjong Pagar Distripark Sam Hardware & Electric Sam Kiang Mansion Sam Leong Road Sam Yat Coffee Sama Sama by Tok Tok Samad & Sons Samayai by 6ixers
S Sambo Innovation Building Sampan Place Sampoorna Swadesi Samsara Wellness Samsim Vietnam Cafe Samsonite Samsui Samsung Samsung Experience Store Samundar Indian Fusion Crusine & Bar Samwoh Corporation PTE LTD Samy's Curry San De Vegetarian 三德 San He Teochew Porridge San Jiang Eating House San Jie Trading San Laksa San Lou Mee Hoon三楼米粉 San Ren Xing San Yu Adventist School San Yuan Ke Geomancy Consultancy San Yuan Tea House San Yuen Gourmet San-Ee Art Gallery Sanchez Limousine Service Convenient Store Sanchos Sanctuary @Newton Sanctuary of Divine Love Chapel Sanctuary813 Sandaime Bunji Sandbank Sanden International (Singapore) Pte Ltd Sandilands Road Sandown Place Sandpiper Hotel Sandwich Road Sandwich Saigon Sandy Lane Sandy Palm Sang Heng Sang Nila Utama Sang Nila Utama Road Sang Nilai Utama Boulevard Sangeetha Bhavan Sanger SaniQUO Pte Ltd Sanji Kagoshima Ramen Sankai Japanese Restaurant Sankranti Sankranti, Changi express Sanmina Sci Systems Sanook Kitchen Sanpoutei Ramen Sans & Sans Sansei Singapura Pte. Ltd. Sant Ritz Santa Fe Mansion Santa Grand Hotel Santa Grand Hotel (Lai Chun Yuen) Santa Grand Hotel (Little India) Santa Grand Hotel (West Coast) Santana Santee Auto PTE LTD Santi’s Santorini Santouka San.wich by Swee Heng Saphire 99 Sapore Saporita Sapporo Misono SAPPORO Petit Doughnut Sara's Saraca Breeze Saraca Drive Saraca Gardens Saraca Hall Saraca Hill Saraca Place Saraca Road Saraca Terrace Saraca View Saraca Villas Saraca Walk Sarah Nadiah Sarah’s Loft Saravana Stores Saravana stores Saravanaa Bhavan Sarawak Kolo Mee Sarhad Ville Sari Ratu Sarimbun Avenue Sarimbun Landing Memorial Sarimbun Scout Camp Sarkies Gardens Sarkies Mansions Sarkies Road Sarnie's Cafe Sarpino's Sarpino's Pizza Sarpino's Pizzeria Sarpinos Sarpinos Pizza Sarvan's SAS Baseball Field Sasa Sassy Bar S.A.T. ALSAGOFF 1935 Satay Popiah Satay Street Sathish Trading & Enterprise SATS Sats Aero Laundry SATS Inflight Catering Centre 1 SATS Maintenance Ctr Satya Jewellery Saujana Road Saunders Road Sausage Market Sauté Saute-san SaVanh Bistro & Lounge Savannah Condopark Save Mart SaveMyPiz LLP (Photo Scanning Service) Saveur S.A.V.H. Library Savoreux Savoy Theatre Sawasdee Artistry Sawasdee Thai Food Pte Ltd Say Seng Tau Kwa Pau Say'on SBCD SBF Center SBS Hougang Depot SBS Transit Bus Depot (Ang Mo Kio) SBS Transit Bus Depot (Bedok North) SBST Ang Mo Kio Depot SBST Bedok North Depot SBST Braddell Bus Park SBST Bukit Batok Depot SBST Hougang Depot SBST Sengkang Depot SBST Soon Lee Depot SCAL Dormitory (Greenfield) SCAL Dormitory (Soon Lee) SCAL Recreation Centre Scaled by Ah Hua Kelong Scanteak Scanteak Factory Outlet Scanteak Signature SCAPE SCAPE Skate Park Scarlett Scarlett Choice Scarlett Supermarket Scarlett 思家客 SCDF Sungei Kadut Fire Post Sceneca Square/Sceneca Residence Scent Discovery Scented Sphere Scentopia Schenker Logistics Schneider Electric Building Schneider Electric Singapore School of Armour School of Economics & School of Computing School of Horticulture School of Science and Technology, Singapore Schoolkidz Sci-Fi City Science Science Centre Observatory Science Centre Road Science Centre Singapore Science Drive 1 Science Drive 2 Science Drive 3 Science Drive 4 Science Park Drive Science Park Road Scissor-cut Curry Rice Scissors Scissors Paper Stone Scoop Scoop Wholefoods Scooter Hub Clementi Scootz Scootz Bikes Scotts 28 Scotts Highpark Scotts Road Scotts Square Screening Room Scruffy Murphy's Irish Cafe-Pub Scuba Warehouse Sculpture SDE3 Plaza SE Archery Se9tember Sea and Land Technologies Sea and Land Technologies Pte Ltd S.E.A. Aquarium Sea Avenue Sea Breeze Avenue Sea Breeze Road Sea Breeze Walk Sea Esta Sea Horizon Sea of Learning – "To Inspire" Sea Pavilion Residences Seabreeze Bookshop Seac Road Seacare Building Seafood Seafood @ Sumbad Seafood Hawker Seafood Paradise Seafood Paradise 樂天海鮮 Seafront Homes Seagate Singapore Design Centre Seagate Technology Seagull Walk Seah Geok Eng Agency Seah Im Air Raid Shelter Seah Im Road Seah Koon Huat Seah Street Seahill Sealand Road Sealy Sealy Sleep Boutique Sean Kee Duck Rice Seared Seascape Seaside Residences Season Season Live Seafood Seasons Glamour Seasons Park Seasons View Seastrand Seatobag Seaview Apartments Seawalk Hardware Second Avenue Second Chin Bee Road Second Hospital Avenue Second Lok Yang Road Second Street Secondary Track Seconds Secret Affair Secret Recipe Sector A Sin Ming Industrial Estate Sector B Sin Ming Industrial Estate Sector C Sin Ming Ind Estate Security Security Command Security Guardhouse Sedap Sedap! Nasi Lemak See Hoy Chan Building See Hoy Chan Equities Pte Ltd See's Candies Seeds by Han Soi Por Segar Close Segar Gardens Segar Grove Segar Meadows Segar Palmview Segar Restaurant 食家小厨 Segar Road Segar Vale Segar Village Seimon-Cho Sek Lim Sekolah Agama Kg Pasir Putih Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Putih Sekupang (Batam, Indonesia) - Harbourfront (Singapore) Selarang Camp Selarang Park Road Selarang Square Selat Pesek Selat Pulau Damar Selat Samulun Selat Sengkir Selataris Select Fashions Selegie House Selegie Road Selegie Soya Bean Selena Electronics Pte Ltd Selera Mak Yani Selera Nasi Padang Selera Rasa Nasi Lemak Selera Restaurant Selera Serambi Selera Sutera Seletar Seletar Aerospace Avenue Seletar Aerospace Crescent Seletar Aerospace Drive Seletar Aerospace Heights Seletar Aerospace Lane Seletar Aerospace Link Seletar Aerospace Park Seletar Aerospace Rise Seletar Aerospace Road 1 Seletar Aerospace Road 2 Seletar Aerospace View Seletar Aerospace Way Seletar Airport Control Tower Seletar Airport Passenger Terminal Seletar Bus Depot Seletar Camp Seletar Close Seletar Club Road Seletar Coffee Seletar Corner Seletar Court Seletar Crescent Seletar Green Avenue Seletar Green View Seletar Green Walk Seletar Hill Restaurant Seletar Hills Drive Seletar Hills Estate Seletar Link Seletar North Link Seletar Park Residence Seletar Pump Station Seletar Reservoir Tower Seletar Road Seletar South Link Seletar Springs Seletar Terrace Seletar View Seletar Waterworks Walk Seletar West Farmway 1 Seletar West Farmway 2 Seletar West Farmway 4 Seletar West Farmway 5 Seletar West Farmway 6 Seletar West Farmway 7 Seletar West Farmway 8 Seletar West Farmway 9 Seletar West Link Seletar West Park Connector Seletar West Road 1 Seletar West Road 2 Seletar West Road 3 Seletar West Walk Self Fix DIY Self-service laundry SELFFIX DIY Selfie Coffee Selleys Selva Arts & Crafts Selvasegara Selvi Stores Selvi's
S Selvni Sem II Sembawang Sembawang Air Base Sembawang air raid shelter Sembawang Alley Sembawang Avenue Sembawang Baptist Church Sembawang Book Store Sembawang Bus Interchange Sembawang Camp Sembawang Close Sembawang Country Club Sembawang Country Club House Sembawang Crescent Sembawang Drive Sembawang Drug Rehabilitation Centre Sembawang Eating House Sembawang Garden Arcade Sembawang Green Sembawang Hardcourt Sembawang Hills Drive Sembawang Hot Spring Sembawang Lighting Sembawang Link Sembawang Neighbourhood Police Centre Sembawang New Town Sembawang Park Connector Sembawang Place Sembawang Post Office Sembawang Presbyterian Church Sembawang Primary School Sembawang Public Library Sembawang Riverlodge Sembawang Road Sembawang Secondary School Sembawang Shopping Centre Sembawang Springs Estate Sembawang Square Estate Sembawang Traditional Claypot Rice Sembawang Vista Sembawang Walk Sembawang Way Sembawang-Nee Soon TC (Nee Soon Sth Office) Sembcorp Sembcorp Marine Tuas Lodge Sembong Road Seminar Centre Seminar Room (Block 8) Semma Bistro Sen of Japan Senang Crescent Seng Bee Bicycle Shop Seng Chew Quarry Seng Choon Seng Choon Engineering Seng Guan Seng Heng Chong Fresh Seng Hong Thiam Kee Seng Huat Seng Kang 88 Trading Seng Kang Primary School Seng Kang Secondary School Seng Kee Black Chicken Herbal Soup Seng Kee Building Seng Kee Local Delights Seng Leong Project Seng Motors Seng Poh Lane Seng Poh Road Seng Wah Hotel Seng Yew Book Store Sengkang Sengkang Ah Eng Sengkang Books & Stationery Sengkang Bus Interchange Sengkang Central Sengkang Central Post Office Sengkang Combined Temple Sengkang Community Hub Sengkang East Avenue Sengkang East Drive Sengkang East Road Sengkang East Way Sengkang Fire Station