Welcome to BBBike - your cycle journey planner! We'll help you find a nice, safe and short bike route in Providence and around.

Please click on a street or point of interest (POI) to start the route search:


10 Rocks
1010 Studios PVD
10th Street
11th Street
12th Street
1478 Atwood Ave
164 Angel
169 Angell
173 Benefit Street
1890 House
1st Avenue
1st Street

219 Bowen
26 Ship Street
2nd Avenue
2nd Street
2nd Time Around Sports

3 Davol Square
360 High School
3rd Avenue
3rd Street

4 Seasons
44 Auto Mall
4th Avenue
4th Street

579 Benefit Street
5th Avenue
5th Street

6 11 Market
60 Hawthorne Place
612 Smithfield Road
66 South Main
67 George
6th Avenue
6th Street

7th Street

86 Waterman
8th Street

9th Street

;Adler's Design Center & Hardware

A child's University
A Street
A World of Adaptations
A&D Fitness
A-47 Christian Assembly Church
Abbey Avenue
Abbott Park Place
Abbott Street
Abbottsford Court
Abby Road
Abby Street
Abe Court
Abel Street
Aberdeen Avenue
Aberdeen Road
Abner Street
Aborn Avenue
Aborn Street
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Road
Abram Street
Abundant Blessing Church
Abundant Life Church
Academy Avenue
Academy Avenue School
Access Road
Accino Hall
Ace Hardware
Achievement First Providence Mayoral Academy
Acorn Avenue
Acorn Court
Acorn Street
Acre Drive
Actinia Street
Ada Street
Adam & Eve
Adams Avenue
Adams Court
Adams Lane
Adams Memorial Library
Adams Street
Addeo Street
Addison Place
Adelade Drive
Adelaide Avenue
Adele Avenue
Adelphi Avenue
Adie Street
Adin Street
Admiral Street
Adrian Hill Way
Advance Auto Parts
Aetna Street
Affinity Primary Care
Africa Street
Agawam Court
Agawam Golf Clubhouse
Agawam Hunt Clubhouse
Agawam Park Road
Agawam Road
Agawam Trail
Agnes B Hennessey School
Agnes E. Little Elementary School
Agnes Street
Ahambra Circle
Ahwahnee Avenue
Aigan Place
Aiken Street
Ailanthus Avenue
Ainsworth Street
Air Force Drive
Airdrie Court
Akid Daily Mart
Al Forno
Al Son de Mi Barrio
Alabama Avenue
Alameda Drive
Alan D-Cent
Alan Shawn Feinstein Elementary School
Alaska Street
Albany Road
Albany Street
Albermarle Avenue
Albert Avenue
Albert Drive
Albert Street
Albin Moser Boathouse
Albro Street
Alcar Drive
Alcaranci Drive
Alcazar Avenue
Alcyon Lane
Alden Road
Alden Street
Alder Avenue
Alder Drive
Alderbrook Drive
Aldine Street
Aldrich Avenue
Aldrich Building
Aldrich Estate Building
Aldrich House
Aldrich Street
Aldrich Terrace
Aleppo Street
Aleppo Sweets
Alexander Avenue
Alexander McGregor Road
Alexander Street
Alexandria Way
Alfa Drive
Alford Street
Alfred Avenue
Alfred Drive
Alfred Drowne Road
Alfred Lima Senior Elementary School
Alfred Lima Senior Elementary SchoolAnnex
Alfred Lima, Sr. Elementary School
Alfred Stone Road
Alfred Street
Alger Avenue
Algonquin Drive
Algonquin Road
Algonquin Street
Alicant Street
Alice Drive
Alice M Waddington School
Alice Street
All Saints Memorial Church
Allard Street
Allard Street Pumping Station
Allegheny Avenue
Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church
Allen Avenue
Allen Bicknell Park
Allen Street
Allenberry Center
Allendale Avenue
Allendale Way
Allens Avenue
Allenson Avenue
Allerton Avenue
Allison Avenue
Allison Court
Allstate Insurance: Jaime Tasca
Allston Street
Allyson Anne Mobile Home Park
Alma Avenue
Alma Street
Almeida Street
Almira Avenue
Almond Avenue
Almond Street
Almquist Street
Almy Street
Alperin Schechter Day School
Alpha and Omega Deaf Church
Alpha Court
Alphonso Street
Alpine Avenue
Alpine Car Wash
Alpine Court
Alpine Estates Drive
Alpine Liquors
Alpine Path
Alpine Ridge
Alta Street
Alternate Learning Project School
Althea Avenue
Althea Drive
Althea Street
Alto Street
Alton Road
Alton Street
Alumnae Hall
Alumni Avenue
Alumni Hall
Alverson Avenue
Alvin Street
Alvina Drive
Alvira Avenue
Ama's Variety and Mini Mart
Amalia Avenue
Amana Drive
Amanda Court
Amanda Street
Amanda Way
Amaral Drive
Amaral Street
Amazing Intimate Essentials
Amber Lane
Amber Street
Amboy Road
Ambrose Burnside Statue
Ambrose Street
Amelia Court
America Street
American Baptist Church
American Eagle Outfitters
American Express Plaza
American Freight Furniture, Mattress, Applia
American Mathematical Society
American Payroll Service Ltd
American Red Cross
American-French Genealogical Society Library
Ames Street
Amey Street
Amflex Drive
Amherst Avenue
Amherst Road
Amherst Street
Amica Mutual Pavilion
Amity Street
Amory Street
Amsterdam Street
Amy Court
Amy Drive
Amy Street
Amy's Place
AnaCyn Salon
Analog Underground
Anama Avenue
Anawan Road
Anchor Street
Anchor Way
Andellas Meat Market
Andem Street
Anderson Avenue
Anderson Drive
Anderson Street
Anderton Avenue
Andover Street
Andrew D. Ferland Way
Andrews Commons
Andrews House
Andrews Memorial Building
Andrews Street
Andy Street
Angela Avenue
Angela Court
Angelico Street
Angell Avenue
Angell Court
Angell Drive
Angell Nails
Angell Road
Angell Street
Angell Street Studios
Angelo Avenue
Angelo's Civita Famese Restaurant
Angels Collective
Angle Street
Anglewood Avenue
Anita Road
Ann Court
Ann Drive
Ann Mary Brown Drive
Ann Mary Street
Ann Street
Anna Court
Annawamscutt Brook
Annawamscutt Road
Anne Drive
Annette Avenue
Annex Building
Annex Finance Post Office
Annie Street
Annie's Way
Annmary Brown Library
Annmary Brown Memorial
Annual Drive
Ansel Avenue
Anson Drive
Anstis Street
Anthony & Sons Auto Detailing
Anthony Avenue
Anthony Carnevale Elementary School
Anthony Drive
Anthony Road
Anthony Street
Anthony's Coal Fire Pizza
Antigo Court
Antonio Drive
Antwerp Street
Aplin Street
Apollo Road
Appian Street
Appian Way
Apple Blossom Drive
Apple Blossom Lane
Apple Hill Drive
Apple House Drive
Apple Lane
Apple Orchard Lane
Apple Tree Lane
Apple Valley Mall
Apple Valley Minerals
Applegate Lane
Applegate Road
Applejack Lane
Appleton Avenue
Appleton Street
Applewood Road
April Court
Apsara Palace Restaurant
Apulia Street
Aqueduct Road
Aquinas Hall
Arbor Avenue
Arbor Drive
Arbor Street
Arcade Avenue
Arcade Street
Arcadia Avenue
Arcadia Way
Arch Street
Archer Avenue
Archer Street
Ardmore Avenue
Ardoene Street
Ardwick Street
Areté Salon
Argol Street
Argonne Street
Argyle Avenue
Argyle Street
Arigna Irish Bar
Ark Court
Arland Drive
Arline Street
Arlington Avenue
Arlington Reading Room Cranston Public Library
Arlington School
Arlington Street
Armageddon Shop
Armand Drive
Armando & Sons Meat Market
Armed Forces Boulevard
Armed Forces Reserve Center
Armenia Street
Armenian Apostolic STS Church
Armenian Memorial
Armento Street
Armington Avenue
Armington Street
Armistice Boulevard
Armstrong Avenue
Army Road
Arnold Avenue
Arnold Court
Arnold Drive
Arnold Park
Arnold Street
Aroma Joe's
Arro Street
Arrow Glen
Arrow Street
Arrow Way
Arrowfield Road
Arrowhead Avenue
Arrowhead Road
Art & Soul
Arthur Avenue
Arthur Street
Arthur Vincent Memorial Field
Asa Messer Annex
Asa Messer Elementary School
Ascham Street
Ash Avenue
Ash Lane
Ash Street
Ashbrook Drive
Ashburne Street
Ashburton Drive
Ashburton Road
Ashburton Street
Ashby Street
Ashland Road
Ashley Street
Ashmont Street
Ashton Court
Ashton Road
Ashton Street
Asia Street
Asian Bakery & Fast Food
Asiana Food Market
Askew Bar & Lounge
Aspedistra Avenue
Aspen Avenue
Aspen Drive
Aspinet Drive
Asprey Boathouse
Assembly of God Church
Assembly of God Church of North Providence
Assembly of Pentecost Church
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
Aster Street
Astle Street
Astor Street
Astral Avenue
Asylum Road
At Home
Athens Diner
Atkins Street
Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic Bank Building
Atlantic Boulevard
Atlas Street
Atomic Appliance
Attillia Street
Attleboro Motor Inn
Atwells Avenue
Atwood Avenue
Atwood Street
Atwood Wine & Spirits
Aubin Street
Auburn Avenue
Auburn Branch Cranston Public Library
Auburn Street
Audrey Street
Audubon Avenue
Audubon Road
Audubon Street
August Street
Augusta Avenue
Augusta Street
Aumond Street
Aurelia Drive
Aurora Avenue
Aurora Street
Ausdale Road
Austin Avenue
Austin T and June Rockwell Levy Library
Auto Gallery
Autumn Avenue
Autumn Street
Aventine Avenue
Avenue A
Avenue B
Avenue Grille
Avenue N
Avery Road
Avon Cinema
Avon Road
Avon Street
Ayr Street
Ayrault Street
Azad Court
Azalea Avenue
Azalea Court
Azalea Drive

B Street
B&C Liquors
Babby Pins Salon
Babcock Street
Back Street
Bacon Street
Badger Road
Baffin Court
Baffoni's Poultry Farm
Bagalia Road
Bagley Avenue
Bagley Road
Bagley Street
Bailey Court
Bailey Street
Bain Street
Bainbridge Avenue
Baird Avenue
Baja's Mexican Grill
Baja's Taqueria
Baja's Tex Mex
Baker Street
Bakewell Court
Balbo Street
Balch Street
Balcom Street
Baldino Drive
Baldwin Court
Baldwin Orchard Drive
Baldwin Street
Balkcom Street
Ballou Avenue
Ballou Street
Ballston Avenue
Bally's Twin River Casino
Balmoral Avenue
Balmoral Court
Balsam Court
Balsam Street
Balston Street
Baltimore Street
Balton Road
Bancroft Street
Baneberry Drive
Bangin' Wingz
Bank Newport
Bank of America
Bank of North America Building
Bank RI
Bank Street
BankFive Lending Office
Bannister Street
Bar 101
Bar Louie
Bar'Lino Pizzeria
Barbara Ann Drive
Barbara Circle
Barbara Court
Barbara Leonard Way
Barbara Street
Barbato Drive
Barber Avenue
Barber Shop
Barberry Drive
Barberry Hill
Barberry Road
Barbette Drive
Barbour Drive
Barden Street
Barker Avenue
Barker Playhouse
Barker Street
Barnaby Castle
Barnaby Street
Barnard Street
Barndoor Lane
Barnes & Noble
Barnes Avenue
Barnes Street
Barney Avenue
Barney Street
Barnsdale Road
Baron Court
Barrett Avenue
Barrett Street
Barrington Avenue
Barrington Baptist Church
Barrington Congregational Church
Barrington Court
Barrington Early Childhood Center
Barrington Police Department
Barrington Post Office
Barrington Presbyterian Church
Barrington United Methodist Church
Barrows Street
Barry Court
Barry Road
Barry Street
Barstow House
Barstow Road
Barstow Street
Bart Drive
Bartlett Avenue
Bartlett Drive
Barton Street
Barus Building
Basil Crossing
Basil's Pizza
Bass Street
Bassett Street
Bassi Lane
Basswood Avenue
Basswood Road
Batcheller Avenue
Bates Avenue
Bates Street
Bath & Body Works
Bath Street
Batteries + Bulbs
Battey Street
Batting Cages
Baxter Street
Bay Lawn Avenue
Bay Spring Avenue
Bay Street
Bay Tower Medical Center
Bay Tree Cafe
Bay View Avenue
Bayamo Lane
Bayard Street
Bayberry Beer Hall
Bayberry Court
Bayberry Garden
Bayberry Road
Bayley Street
Bayside Avenue
Bayview Avenue

bb.q Chicken + Soban Korean Eatery

Beach Avenue
Beach Loop Trail
Beach Point Drive
Beach Road
Beach Street
Beachmont Avenue
Beacon Avenue
Beacon Avenue School
Beacon Circle
Beacon Park Drive
Beacon Street

beans & buns

Bear Hill Road
Bear Hug Boulder
Beaufort Street
Beaumont Street
Beauregard Avenue
Beautiful Beginnings Child Care Center
Beauty Works
Beaver Court
Beaver Road
Becker Avenue
Beckett Street
Beckside Road
Beckwith Street
Bedford Hall
Bedford Road
Bedson Road
Bee's Thai Cuisine
Beech Avenue
Beech Street
Beech Tree Road
Beechcrest Street
Beecher Street
Beechwood Avenue
Beechwood Drive
Beetle Street
Begonia Drive
Bel Air Drive
Belair Avenue
Belaire Drive
Belcourt Avenue
Belcrest Road
Belden Street
Beldon Avenue
Belgium Street
Belgrade Avenue
Belise Chevrolet
Belise Nissan
Belise Toyota
Belknap Church
Belknap Farm Drive
Belknap Street
Bell Avenue
Bell Drive
Bell Street
Bella Avenue
Bella Court
Bella Road
Bella Woods Court
Bellefont Street
Bellevue Avenue
Bellevue Boulevard
Bellevue Drive
Bellevue Street
Bellmore Drive
Bellows Street
Belmont Avenue
Belmont Road
Belmont Street
Belmore Road
Belnap Drive
Beloit Street
Belton Circle
Belton Drive
Belvedere Boulevard
Belvedere Drive
Belvedere Street
Belview Street
Ben & Jerry's
Ben Mondor Way
Benbridge Avenue
Bend Street
Benedict Road
Benedict Street
Beneficent Congregational Church
Benefit Street
Benevolent Street
Benjamin Avenue
Benjamin Drive
Benjamin Street
Bennett Avenue
Bennett Avenue School
Bennett Drive
Bennett Street
Bennington Road
Bensley Street
Benson Avenue
Benson Hall
Bent Road
Bentley Road
Bentley Street
Benton Street
Berclay Street
Bergen Street
Bergeron Street
Bergin Street
Berkeley Street
Berkley Street
Berkshire Road
Berkshire Street
Berlin Street
Bernard Avenue
Bernard Street
Berndt Street
Bernice Drive
Bernon Street
Berry Spring Street
Berry Street
Bertha Street
Berwick Avenue
Berwick Lane
Berwick Place
Berylson Family Fields
Best Buy
Best Little Hair House
Beta Court
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethany Church of the Nazarene
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel Street
Betsey Williams Drive
Betteridge Court
Beulah Street
Bev Circle
Bevelin Road
Beverage Hill Avenue
Beverly Ann Drive
Beverly Road
Beverly Street
Bianco Court
Bible Baptist Church
Bicentennial Way
Bicknell Avenue
Big Lakes Trail
Big Meadow
Big Tony's
Bigelow Circle
Bignall Street
Billy Taylor Park Footbridge
Billy Taylor Skate Park
Biltmore Avenue

bin 312

Binford Street
Bingham Street
Binghampton Avenue
Bingley Terrace
Birch Avenue
Birch Road
Birch Street
Birchard Street
Birchfield Road
Birchland Street
Birchtree Drive
Birchwood Drive
Birchwood Middle School
Bishop Avenue
Bishop McVinney Memorial Auditorium
Bishop McVinney Regional Elementary School
Bishop Street
Bismark Street
Bissell Street
Bittersweet Court
Bittersweet Lane
Bittersweet Trail
BJ's Wholesale Club
BJ’s Gas
Black Creek Lane
Black Oak Court
Black Oak Drive
Black Street
Blackamore Avenue
Blackberry Knoll Way
Blackburn Street
Blacksmith Road
Blackstone Academy Charter School
Blackstone Avenue
Blackstone Boulevard
Blackstone Boulevard Walking Path
Blackstone House
Blackstone River Bikeway
Blackstone Street
Blackstone Valley Bikeway
Blackstone Valley Community Center
Blackstone Valley Prep Middle School 2
Blaine Street
Blair Lane
Blaisdell Avenue
Blaisdell Street
Blake Street
Blake's tavern
Blanc de Noir Salon
Blanche Avenue
Blanding Avenue
Blaney Circle
Blaze Pizza
Blessed Sacrament Rectory
Blessed Sacrament School
Blick Art Materials
Bliss Place
Bliss Street
Blodgett Avenue
Bloodgood Street
Bloom Street
Bloomfield Street
Bloomingdale Avenue
Blossom Drive
Blount Clam Shack
Blue Bonnet Drive
Blue Fish Restaurant
Blue Gentian Road
Blue Jay Drive
Blue Ridge Road
Blue Room
Blue Trail
Blueberry Lane
Blueberry Trail (blue)
Bluff Avenue
Bluff Street
Blundell Street
Bly Street
Blythe Way
BMC Mart
Bobolink Drive
Bodell Avenue
Bogman Street
Bold Point Park
Bold Point Park Access Road
Bolt Coffee
Bolton Avenue
Bolton Street
Bonaparte Street
Bond Road
Bond Street
Book Court
Books On the Square
Boone Street
Booth Avenue
Booth Street
Borah Street
Borden Avenue
Borden Street
Borealis Coffee Company
Borinquen Street
Boston Sports Clubs
Boston Street
Boston Switch interlocking tower
Bosworth Street
Bottles Fine Wine
Bough Street
Boulevard Avenue
Boulevard Pizzeria
Boulston Lane
Boundary Avenue
Bourbon Place
Bourne Avenue
Boutwell Street
Bow Street
Bowden Avenue
Bowdoin Street
Bowen Avenue
Bowen Street
Bower Street
Bowers Street
Bowles Court
Bowlett Street
Boxwood Avenue
Boyce Avenue
Boyd Avenue
Boyd Street
Boyden Boulevard
Boylston Avenue
Boylston Drive
Boys & Girls Club of Providence
BP Shop
Bracken Street
Bradford Avenue
Bradford Road
Bradford Street
Bradley Hospital
Bradley Lab
Bradley Street
Bradshaw Street
Brady Lane
Brae Street
Braman Street
Branch Avenue
Branch Road
Branch Street
Brandon Road
Brandon Street
Brandon's Beach
Brattle Street
Bravo Brasserie
Brayton Avenue
Brayton Avenue Park
Brayton Street
Breeze Avenue
Breeze Way
Brenda Court
Brenda Drive
Brenton Avenue
Brentwood Avenue
Brentwood Drive
Bretton Woods Drive
Brettonwoods Drive
Brewed Awakenings
Brewer's Cove Haven Marina
Brewster Road
Brewster Street
Briar Hill Drive
Briar Hill Road
Briarbrook Drive
Briarbrooke Lane
Briarcliffe Road
Briarwood Drive
Brickway On Wickenden
Bridge Street
Bridgeton Court
Bridgeton Road
Bridgewater Triangle Westpoint
Bridgham Court
Bridgham Farm Road
Bridgham Street
Bridle Avenue
Bridle Court
Bridle Way
Brielle Lane
Briggs Street
Bright Futures Child Care Center
Brighton Street
Brightridge Avenue
Brightridge School
Brightwood Avenue
Brimfield Road
Brinkley Street
Bristol Avenue
Bristol Street
Britton Street
Broad Street
Broadmoor Road
Broadview Road
Brockton Street
Brook Avenue
Brook Court
Brook Farm Road
Brook Hill Drive
Brook Street
Brookdale Avenue
Brookdale Boulevard
Brookdale Road
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfield Road
Brookfield Street
Brookhaven Drive
Brooks Street
Brookside Avenue
Brookside Court
Brookside Drive
Brookview Drive
Brookway Road
Brookwood Drive
Brookwood Road
Broom Street
Brow Street
Brown Avenue
Brown Bear
Brown Bee Coffee
Brown Center for Students of Color
Brown Drive
Brown Fox Point Early Childhood Education Center
Brown Play School
Brown R. Church
Brown Rugby Ground
Brown Stadium
Brown Street
Brown University Bookstore
Brown University Department of Public Safety
Brown University Pharmacy
Brown University Sciences Library
Browne Hill Court
Browne Street
Brownell & Field Company
Brownell Street
Bruno Avenue
Brunswick Avenue
Brunswick Street
Brush Hill Road
Bryan Street
Bryant Road
Bryant Street
Bubbie's Market Deli
Bubble Tea House
Bubble Wash Laundromat
Buchanan Street
Buchard Street
Buck Hill Road
Bucklin Avenue
Bucklin Street
Buckthorne Avenue
Buddy Boulder
Budlong Avenue
Budlong Road
Buell Court
Buena Vista Avenue
Buffalo Court
Buffum Street
Buford's Restaurant
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Building 1
Building 2
Building 3
Building 4
Building 5
Building 6
Building 7 (Sherlock Center)
Building 8
Building 9 (Social Work)
Bullion's Street
Bullock Street
Bullocks Point Avenue
Bunker Street
Bunny Trail
Buratti Road
Burbank Street
Burger King
Burgess Avenue
Burgess Building
Burgess Street
Burke Avenue
Burke Street
Burleigh Street
Burlington Street
Burnett Street
Burnham Avenue
Burns Street
Burnside Avenue
Burnside Street
Burr Street
Burrati Road
Burroughs Street
Burrow Street
Burrows Street
Burrs Lane
Burton Avenue
Burton Street
Busby Street
Butler Avenue
Butler Drive
Butler Hospital
Butler Street
Buttercup Road
Butterfield Funeral Home
Button Hole
Buttonwood Drive
Buxton Drive
Bye Street
Byfield Street
Byron Avenue
Byron Boulevard
Byron Street
Byway Road

C Bros Lane
C Street
Cactus Street
Cadillac Avenue
Cadillac Drive
Cadorna Street
Cady Road
Cady Street
Caesar Augustus
Cafe Choklad
Cafe La France
Cafe Pearl
Cafe Zog
Caffe Itri
Cahill Street
Cahir Street
Cala Drive
Calais Street
Calaman Road
Caldarone Street
Calder Road
Calder Street
Caleb Earle House
Calef Street
Calf's Tongue
Calhoun Avenue


California Avenue
California Nails & Salon
Calla Street
Callan Street
Callender Avenue
Calumet Street
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Covenant Church
Calverly Street
Calvert Court
Calvin Avenue
Camac Street
Cambio Court
Cambria Court
Cambridge Circle
Cambridge Street
Camden Avenue
Camden Avenue School
Camden Lane
Camelia Drive
Cameron Street
Camille Drive
Camp Street
Campanella Field
Campbell Avenue
Campbell Street
Campbell Terrace
Campus Fine Wines
Campus Market
Canal Street
Canal Street Studios
Canal Walk
Cancun Mexican Restaurant
Candace Allen Carriage House
Candace Street
Candice Court
Candleberry Court
Candleberry Road
Candy Cane Preschool
Candy Court
Canete Street
Canine Clips
Canna Street
Cannon Street
Canochet Trail
Canonchet Avenue
Canonchet Lane
Canonchet Road
Canonchet Street
Canonchet Trail
Canterbury Court
Canton Court
Canton Street
Cantone Drive
Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit
Capeway Road
Capital Good Fund
Capital Gulf
Capital Street
Capitol Street
Capitol View Avenue
Caporal Street
Capri Drive
Capron Street
Captain G Harold Hunt School
Captain Seaweed's Pub
Capu Cine
Capuano Avenue
Capwell Avenue
Cara Drive
Caraway Drive
Carder Street
Cardi Circle
Cardinal Road
Carding Lane
Cardiovascular Institute of New England
Cardosi Court
Cargill Street
Carl Avenue
Carl G Lauro Memorial School
Carl Street
Carleton Street
Carling Circle
Carlisle Avenue
Carlisle Street
Carlo Court
Carlsbad Street
Carlton Avenue
Carlton Street
Carltons Trail
Carmac Street
Carman Street
Carmine Drive
Carnation Drive
Carnation Street
Carol Ann Circle
Carol Ann Drive
Carol Court
Carolann Avenue
Carole Court
Carolee McNamara Way
Carolina Avenue
Carolina Street
Caroline Avenue
Caroline Street
Caronia Street
Carousel Drive
Carousel Drive East
Carousel Drive West
Carovilli Street
Carpathia Road
Carpenter Avenue
Carpenter Drive
Carpenter House
Carpenter Street
Carr Haus Cafe
Carr Street
Carriage Drive
Carriage House Day Care Center
Carriage Lane
Carriage Trail
Carriage Way
Carrie Ann Drive
Carrie Avenue
Carrie Brown Avenue
Carrie Tower
Carrington Avenue
Cars Automotive Inc.
Carson Street
Carter Avenue
Carter Day Nursery
Carter Street
Carter's Way
Carteret Street
Cartier Street
Cartney Drive
Carver Court
Carver Road
Carver Street
Casa Azul Taqueria
Casade Oracion Gethsemane Church
Case Avenue
Case Lane
Case Mobile Home Estates
Case Street
Caserta Pizzeria
Casey Tattoo
Casino Avenue
Cass Street
Cassarino's Restaurant
Cassisi Court
Castleton Drive
Castro Street
Caswell Hall
Catalpa Avenue
Catalpa Road
Catalpa Street
Catamore Boulevard
Cate's Landing
Cathedral Avenue
Cathedral of Saint John the Episcopal
Catherine Street
Catlin Avenue
Cato Avenue
Cato Street
Cauley Street
Cavalcade Boulevard
Cavalry Drive
Cavalry Street
Caxton Street
Cecelia Drive
Cecil Street
Cecile Street
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Hill Terrace
Cedar Lane
Cedar Path
Cedar Street
Cedarbrook Road
Cedarcrest Drive
Cedarwood Drive
Celebration Way
Celentano Place
Celestia Avenue
Celestial Church of Christ
Celia Street
Celona Drive
Cemetery Street
Centennial Avenue
Centennial House
Center Avenue
Center for Individualized Training and Education
Center House
Center House Rear Offices
Center Place
Centerdale Avenue
Centerdale Barber
Centerdale Bypass
Centerdale Elementary School
Central Avenue
Central Baptist Church
Central Congregational Church
Central Falls
Central Falls City Hall
Central Falls Congregational Church
Central Falls Fire Department
Central Falls Police Department
Central Falls Post Office
Central Heating Plant
Central High School
Central Landfill
Central Meat Market
Central Street
Central Street School
Centre Street
Centreville Bank
Centro Cristiano de Adoracion
Centro Evangelist Church
Century Circle
Century Lane
Ceres Street
Ceviches by Divino
Chace Avenue
Chace Drive
Chace's Lane
Chad Brown Street
Chaffee Street
Chainey Street
Chalkstone Avenue
Chaloner Court
Chamberlain Street
Chambers Building
Chambers Street
Chambly Avenue
Champlin Building
Chandler Avenue
Chandler Street
Channing Avenue
Chantilly Court
Chapel Avenue
Chapel Grille
Chapel Lane
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Chapel Road
Chapel Street
Chapel Valley Boulevard
Chapin Avenue
Chapin Memorial Chapel
Chaplin Street
Chapman Street
Chappell Street
Chappy Street
Charcalee Drive
Charity Street
Charlene Road
Charles Avenue
Charles E. Shea Senior High School
Charles Fortes Academy
Charles Fortes Academy Annex
Charles Street
Charlesfield Court
Charlesfield Street
Charlotte Hope Street
Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Street
Charlton Avenue
Charpentier Avenue
Charter Street
Chartier Street
Chase Lane
Chase Plaza
Chase Street
Chateau Chatillon
Chatham Road
Chatham Street
Chaucer Street
Chauncey Avenue
Chedell Avenue
Chelsea Drive
Chenango Avenue
Chengdu Taste
Cherry Avenue
Cherry Hill Drive
Cherry Hill Preschool
Cherry Hill Road
Cherry Lane
Cherry Road
Cherry Street
Cheryl Drive
Cheryls Way
Cheshire Drive
Cheshire Street
Chester Avenue
Chester Street
Chester W Barrows School
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Hill Avenue
Chestnut Hill Drive
Chestnut Street
Chianese Field
Chicory Lane
Child Care Center
Child Care Connection of East Providence
Child Care Connection of East Providence Part II
China Dynasty Restaurant
China Sea
CHINATown on Thayer
Chinatown on Thayer
Chinese American Mini Mart
Chinese Christian Church of Rhode Island
Chinese Food
ChiroPlus Spine & Injury Center
Chiswick Road
Chomp Kitchen & Drinks
Chong Qing House
Christ Apostolic Church
Christ Church of Deliverance
Christ Church of Providence
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ Miracle Vineyard Church
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
Christ Temple
Christadelthian Ecclesia
Christopher Dodge House
Christopher Drive
Christopher Rhodes School (Former)
Christopher Street
Chrysanthy Court
Church Hill Drive
Church in North Providence
Church of God
Church of God and Saints;Saint Pauls Community Church
Church of God Emanuel
Church of God in Christ
Church of the Advent
Church of the Epiphany
Church of the Holy Name of Jesus
Church of the Lord Jesus
Church of the Master Baptist
Church of the Mediator
Church of the Messiah
Church of the Presentation
Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Resurrection
Church of the Transfiguration
Church Street
Churchill House
Cindy Circle
Cindy Drive
Circle Dance
Circle Drive
Circle K
Circle Road
Circle Street
Circuit Drive
Cisco's Pizza
Citation Court
Citi Nails
Citizens Bank
Citizens Bank Johnston Campus
Citizens Bank Way
Citizens Drive
City Gas & Food Mart
City Kitty
City of Cranston - Highway Department
CIty of Cranston - Public Works Garage
City of Cranston VIN Inspection Station
City Smoke Shop
City View Avenue
City View Circle
City View Parkway
Cladrash's Avenue
Claire Court
Claire Street


Clara Street
Claremont Avenue
Claremont Road
Claremont Street
Clarence Street
Clarendon Avenue
Clarendon Street
Claridge Road
Clarion Street
Clark Avenue
Clark Dalrymple Boathouse
Clark Hall
Clark Street
Clarke Lane
Clarke Street
Clarkson Street
Clarner Street
Classic Court
Classical Hair Design
Classical High School Athletic Building
Classical High School Athletic Field
Classical High School Auditorium
Classical High School Cafeteria
Classical High School Tennis Courts
Claverick Street
Clay Street
Clayton Street
Clear Meadow Drive
Clear View Drive
Clearwater Street
Clematis Street
Clemence Lane
Clemence Street
Clemence-Irons House
Clemenceau Street
Clement Street
Cleveland Avenue
Cleveland Street
Clews Street
Clifden Street
Cliff Avenue
Cliff Street
Cliffdale Avenue
Clifford Street
Clifford Street Urban Trail
Cliffside Drive
Clifton Avenue
Clifton Street
Clinton Street
Clock Tower Deli & Market
Cloud Street
Clove Street
Clover Lane
Clover Street
Cloverdale Road
Club House
Clube Juventude Lusitana
Clyde Avenue
Clyde Street
Clym Street
Coast Guard Lane
Coastal1 Credit Union
Coastway Plaza
Cobb Street
Cobble Hill Road
Coco Goose
Coen Lane
Coes Street
Coffee Bean Express
Coffee Exchange
Coffee Grinder
Coggeshall Street
Cohasset Lane
Colby Street
Cold Spring Avenue
Cold Spring Street
Coldbrook Court
Coldbrook Drive
Coldbrook Road
Cole Avenue
Cole Farm Court
Cole Road
Cole Street
Cole's Brook Loop (Yellow)
Coleman Street
Colesonian Drive
Coletta Court
Colfall Street
Colfax Street
Colgate Street
College Lane
College Road
College Street
Collingwood Drive
Collins Avenue
Collins Street
Collyer Monument
Collyer Street
Colonial Avenue
Colonial Baptist Church
Colonial Drive
Colonial Road
Colony Drive
Colony Road
Colony Street
Colorado Avenue
Colton Drive
Columbia Avenue
Columbine Avenue
Columbus Avenue
Columbus Boulevard
Columbus Court
Columbus Street
Columbus Theater
Colvin Street
Colwell Drive
Colwell Street
Comedy Connection
Comella's Auto Body
Comfort Drive
Comfort Inn
Commack Road
Commerce Road
Commerce Street
Commerce Way
Commercial Road
Commercial Street
Commercial Way
Commodore Avenue
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry
Commodore Street
Common Street
Community Boating Center
Community Drive
Community Preparatory School
Community Prepatory
Como Street
Compton Street
Comstock Avenue
Comstock Parkway
Comstock Street
Conanicut Street
Conant Street
Conca Street
Concannon Fitness Center
Concannon Street
Concord Avenue
Concord Street
Conduit Street
Cone Avenue
Cones Ice Cream
Cong Ohawe Sholam
Congdon Street
Congdon Street Baptist Church
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congress Avenue
Congress Road
Congress Street
Conifer Drive
Conley Avenue
Connecticut Avenue
Connecticut Street
Connors Lane
Consolation Avenue
Constitution Court
Constitution Hill
Constitution Street
Contillo Drive
Convent Street
Cooke Place
Cooke Street
Cool Licks Ice Cream
Coolidge Street
Coolspring Drive
Coombs Street
Cooper Street
Copley Lane
Cora Street
Corina Street
Corinth Street
Cork & Brew
Corliss Park
Corliss Street
Corliss–Brackett House
Cormier Road
Cornell Avenue
Cornell Street
Corner Store
Cornerstone Church
Cornerstone School
Cornfield Road
Cornplanter Row
Cornwall Street
Corral Court
Corrente Avenue
Corrente Court
Corrine Street
Cortez Street
Cortland Lane
Cory Avenue
Cosmic Pizza
Cosmo Drive
Cottage Avenue
Cottage Circle
Cottage Street
Cotter Street
Cotton On Kids
Cottonwood Drive
Coulters Road
Council Rock Road
Council Rock Road South
Country Club Drive
Country Hill Lane
Country Kitchen
Country Parkway
Country View Drive
Countryside Drive
Countryside Liquor Store
County Road
County Street
Court Avenue
Court Street
Courtesy Cleaners
Courtland Street
Courtney Avenue
Courtyard Providence Downtown
Cove Court
Cove Street
Covel Avenue
Covel Circle
Covell Street
Covell Street School
Covenant Church
Covenant Congregational Church
Covenant Cooperative Nursery School
Cowden Street
Cowden Street School
Cowper Court
Coxe Street
Coyle Avenue
Coyle Drive
Cozzens Avenue
Cozzens Street
Craig Drive
Craige Avenue
Craigie Avenue
Craigie Street
Cranberry Road
Cranberry Terrace
Crandall Drive
Crandall Street
Crane Street
Cranston City Hall
Cranston Country Club
Cranston Fire Department Station 1
Cranston Fire Department Station 2
Cranston Fire Department Station 3
Cranston Fire Department Station 4
Cranston Fire Department Station 5
Cranston Fire Department Station 6
Cranston High School East
Cranston High School West
Cranston Lanes
Cranston Medical Labs
Cranston Police Department
Cranston Police Training Academy
Cranston Post Office
Cranston Public Library
Cranston Street
Cranston Street Methodist Church
Cranston Veterans Memorial Ice Rink
Cranston West
Cranston YMCA
Crary Street
Crate & Barrel
Crawford Road
Crawford Street
Cread Place
Creighton Street
Crepe Corner
Cresant Drive
Crescent Avenue
Crescent Road
Crescent Street
Crescent View Avenue
Crest Avenue
Crest Circle
Crest Drive
Creston Way
Crestwood Drive
Crestwood Road
Crimea Street
Crocus Drive
Crocus Path
Cromwell Street
Cronan Painting Co
Crooked Avenue
Cross Street
Crossing Court
Crossman Street
Crossroads Covenant Church
Crossroads Gift Shop
Crosstown Press Inc
Crossway Road
Crothers Avenue
Crout Street
Crow Point Road
Crowfield Drive
Crowinshield Street
Crown Avenue
Crown Street
Croyland Road
Cruise Street
Crusty's Pizza
Cruz Street
Crystal Place
Cul de Sac Way
Culinary Archive and Museum;Johnson & Wales University Culinary Arts Museum
Culver Street
Cumberland Farms
Cumberland Road
Cumberland Street
Cumerford Street
Cunningham Square
Cupine Path
Currier Sanctuary
Curry Road
Curt Street
Curtis Lane
Curtis Street
Curve Avenue
Curve Path
Curvin McCabe School
Cusano Street
Cushing Road
Cushing Street
Cushman Avenue
Cushman Street
Custer Avenue
Custer Street
Custom House Street
Cut Price Swimming Pools
Cute Street
Cutler Street
Cutters Green
Cutting Avenue
CVS Highlander Charter School
CVS Pharmacy
Cybrareed Path
Cynthia Drive
Cynthia Road
Cypress Avenue
Cypress Court
Cypress Design
Cypress Drive
Cypress Road
Cypress Street
Cyprus Path
Cyr Street
Cyril Court
Cyrus Fisher House

D & M Tyre
D Street
D'Angelos Sandwich Shop
Daboll Street
Daggett Avenue
Daggett Court
Dahlia Street
Dail Drive
Dairy Queen
Dairy Twirl
Daisy Court
Daisy Drive
Daisy Path
Daisy Street
Dakota Street
Dale Avenue
Dale Street
Daley Court
Dallas Alley
Dallas Avenue
Dallas Street
Dalton Street
Dambria Drive
Damian Court
Damon Street
Dan Street
Dana Drive
Dana Street
Danby Street
Danforth Street
Dangelis Drive
Daniel Avenue
Daniel D Waterman School
Daniel Dailey House
Daniels Street
Daniels Way
Dante Avenue
Dante Street
Darby Street
Dario Drive
Dark Side of the Pond
Darling Street
Darlingdale Avenue
Darlington Congregational Church
Darlington Early Childhood Center
Darlington Mortuary Of L. Heroux & Son, Inc.
Darlington Post Office
Darrow Street
Dart Street
Dartmoor Avenue
Dartmouth Avenue
Dartmouth Road
Dartmouth Street
Dash Bicycle
Dave & Buster's
Dave's Barbershop
Dave's Fresh Marketplace - Cranston
Dave's Marketplace
Davenport's Bar and Grille
Davey Lopes Recreation Center
Dave’s Coffee
David Charles Gallery
David Drive
David Street
Davis Avenue
Davis Court
Davis Park Multi Use Path
Davis Street
Davol Square Marketplace
Dawe Way
Dawes Street
Dawley Avenue
Dawn Drive
Dawson Avenue
Dawson Street
Day Street
Dayton Court
De Pasquale Avenue
De Pinedo Street
De Soto Street
Dean Avenue
Dean Parkway
Dean Ridge Boulevard
Dean Ridge Court
Dean Ridge Drive
Dean Street
Dear Hearts Ice Cream
Dearborn Avenue
Dearborn Drive
Dearborn Street
Dearhill Drive
Debbie Court
Debbie Drive
Deborah Circle
Deborah Cook Sayles Memorial Library Pawtucket Public Library
Deborah Cook Sayles Public Library
Deborah Road
Deborah Street
Deborah Way
Decatur Avenue
Dedham Avenue
Dedham Road
Dee's Deli
Deer Run
Deer Street
Deer View Road
Deerfield Drive
Deerfield Road
Deerfield Terrace
Defoe Place
Dekalb Street
Del Sesto Building
Del-Jo Drive
Delaine Street
Delany Street
Delaware Avenue
Delhi Street
Dell Avenue
Dellwood Road
Delmar Street
Delmonico Building
Delmont Street
Dels Lane
Delta Drive
Delta Liquors
Delta Street
Deluca Street
Delway Road
Deming Street
Den Den Café Asiana
Denise Drive
Denison Street
Dennell Drive
Dennis Avenue
Dennison Street
Denver Avenue
Denver Street
Department of Veterans Affairs Health Sciences Library
DePasquale Plaza
Depew Street
Depot Avenue
Depot Cafe
Derby Avenue
Derby Lane
Derby Street
Derbyshire Drive
Dercole Drive
Derman Street
Derry Street
Desmarais Avenue
Detroit Avenue
Deutzia Avenue
Devereux Avenue
Devine Street
Devon Street
Devonshire Street
Devyn Lane
Dewey Avenue
Dewey Street
Dexter Avenue
Dexter Court
Dexter House
Dexter Road
Dexter Street
Dexterdale Road
Di Fazio Drive
Di Fillippo Court
Di Guilio Drive
Di Mario Drive
Di Ponte Drive
Di Sarro Avenue
Diamond Dry Cleaners
Diamond Street
Diana Avenue
Diana Drive
Diane Drive
Diaz Street
Dick's Sporting Goods
Dickens Street
Dickinson Street
Dike Street
Dillon Lane
Diman Place
Dinaro Drive
Diploma Street
Discover the Wild Gift Shop
Division Street
Dix Avenue
Dix Street
Dixon Street
Dixwell Avenue
Doane Avenue
Doane Street
Doctor Earl F Calcutt Middle School
Doctor Edward A Ricci School
Doctor Joseph A Whelan Elementary School
Doctor Martin Luther King School
Dodge Street
Dogwood Drive
Doherty's Ale House
Dollar General
Dollar Street
Dollar Tree
Dome Street
Domin Avenue
Don Avenue
Don Court
Donald Lewis Drive
Donelson Street
Donigian Park Path
Donna Drive
Donnelly Street
Dora Street
Dorado Lane
Doran Drive
Dorchester Avenue
Dore Hall
Doreen Court
Doric Avenue
Doric Avenue Field
Doric Day Nursery School
Doric Lodge
Dorm Lane
Dorman Avenue
Dorman Drive
Doro Place
Dorothy Avenue
Dorr Avenue
Dorr Street
Dorrance Street
Dorset Road
Dosco Drive
Double Dragon
Doubloon Street
Doug Rayner Wildlife Refuge
Douglas Avenue
Douglas Pike
Douglas Street
Douglas Terrace
Dove Street
Dover Avenue
Dover Road
Dover Street
Downes Avenue
Downing Avenue
Downing Street
Doyle Avenue
Doyle Drive
Doylston Drive
DQ Grill & Chill
Dr Duff's Lost & Found Project
Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School
Dr. Kevin M. Hurley Middle School
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
Drake Road
Draper Road
Draper Street
Dresden Street
Dresser Street
Drew Street
Drill Street
Drolet Avenue
Drowne Parkway
Drowne Street
Druid Road
Drummond Drive
Drummond Field
Dryden Avenue
Dryden Boulevard
Dryden Lane
Dtails Pet Spa & Boutique
Duck & Bunny RIP
Duckworth Street
Dudley Street
Duke Street
Dunbar Avenue
Dunbar Street
Duncan Avenue
Duncan Building
Duncan Drive
Duncan Road
Duncan Street
Dune Brothers Seafood
Dunedin Street
Dunford Street
Dunham Avenue
Dunnell Avenue
Dunnell House
Dunnell Lane
Dunnellen Road
Dupont Drive
Durante Avenue
Durfee Street
Durfee TrueValue
Durham Street
Durk's Bar-B-Q
Dusky Avenue
Dutchess Avenue
Dutchess Drive
Dutchess Way
Dutton Street
Duxbury Street
Dwight Building
Dwight Street
Dyer Avenue
Dyer Street
Dyerville Avenue

Eagle Road
Eagle Street
Eames Street
Earl Avenue
Earl Drive
Earl Street
Earle Street
Early Street
Early Years Learning Center
East 1st Street
East Avenue
East Bacon Street
East Bay Bike Path
East Bay Manor
East Bay Post Office
East Bel Air Road
East Drive
East Dunnell Lane
East End, The
East Franklin Street
East George Street
East Hall
East Hill Drive
East Josephine Street
East Knowlton
East Knowlton Street
East Lakeview Drive
East Lantern Road
East Manning Street
East Orchard Avenue
East Park Street
East Pine Drive
East Providence
East Providence Central Fire Station
East Providence City Hall
East Providence Early Childhood Center
East Providence Fire Department Station No. 3
East Providence High School
East Providence Police Department
East Providence Station Post Office
East River Street
East Shore Circle
East Side - Post Office
East Side Bagel Co.
East Side Cheese & Provisions
East Side Construction
East Side Drive
East Side Nursery School
East Side Pockets
East Smithfield Public Library
East Spectacle Street
East Spring Street
East Street
East Transit Street
East View Avenue
East View Street
Easter Street
Eastern Avenue
Eastlande Park
Easton Avenue
Easton Street
Eastside Marketplace
Eastside Mart
Eastward Drive
Eastwood Avenue
Eastwood Street
Eaton Street
Eben Brown Lane
Eben Street
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Ebenezer Knight Dexter Statue
Ebony Drive
Echart Lane
Echo Lane
Echo Street
Eddington Street
Eddy Street
Eddy Street Learning Center
Eden Crest Circle East
Eden Crest Circle West
Eden Crest Drive
Eden Park Drive
Eden Park School
Edendale Avenue
Edge College Hill Apartments
Edge Street
Edgehill Avenue
Edgehill Road
Edgeknoll Avenue
Edgemere Avenue
Edgemere Drive
Edgemere Road
Edgemont Street
Edgewood Avenue
Edgewood Boulevard
Edgewood Cheese Shop
Edgewood Congregational Church
Edgewood Drive
Edgewood Highland School
Edgewood Highlands School
Edgewood Liquors
Edgewood Road
Edgewood Sailing School
Edgeworth Avenue
Edison Avenue
Edith Street
Edna Avenue
Edna Martin Wildlife Refuge Loop
Edna Street
Edward Avenue
Edward Lane
Edward S Rhodes School
Edward Street
Edwards Avenue
Edwards Road
Edwards Street
Edwin Street
Egan Road
El Gallo De Oro
Elaine Avenue
Elberta Street
Elbow Street
Elden Court
Elder Avenue
Elder Place
Elder Street
Eldorado Drive
Eldorado Street
Eldridge Street
Eleanor Drive
Eleanor Slater Hospital
Eleanor Street
Electra Auto Sales
Electronics Drive
Elena Street
Elevation II
Elgin Street
Elinora Street
Eliot Avenue
Eliot Road
Elite Drive
Eliza Street
Elizabeth and Malcolm Chace Theater
Elizabeth Avenue
Elizabeth Baldwin Elementary School
Elizabeth Drive
Elizabeth Road
Elizabeth Street
Elizabeth Way
Elks Drive
Elks Lane
Ella Risk School
Ellen Lane
Ellenfield Street
Ellery Street
Ellis Street
Ellison Street
Ellwood Street
Elm Avenue
Elm Circle
Elm Court
Elm Drive
Elm Street
Elma Street
Elmcrest Avenue
Elmcrest Drive
Elmcroft Avenue
Elmdale Avenue
Elmdale Street
Elmgrove Avenue
Elmhurst Avenue
Elmira Street
Elmo Street
Elmore Avenue
Elmsgate Way
Elmway Street
Elmwood Auto Sales
Elmwood Avenue
Elmwood Avenue Church of God
Elmwood Drive
Elmwood Mattress
Elmwood Station Post Office
Elsie Drive
Elsie Street
Elson Drive
Elton Circle
Elton Road
Elton Street
Elvira Street
Elwyn Street
Emanuel Street
Embajada De Cristo
Emelia Street
Emeline Street
Emerson Street
Emily Street
Emily Way
Emma G Whiteknact School
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church
Emmett Street
Emmons Avenue
Emory Street
Empire Drive
Empire Loan
Empire Street
Endicott Street
Enfield Avenue
Enfield Street
Englewood Avenue
Englewood Lane
Ennis Place
Enos Circle
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Enterprise Row
Enterprise Street
Ephese Seventh-day Adventist French Church
Epworth United Methodist Church
Erastus Street
Eric Court
Eric Place
Ericson Place
Erie Street
Erimlinda Street
Ernest Street
Errol Street
Escada Restaurant & Bar
Esek Hopkins Middle School
Esmond Mill Drive
Esmond Street
Esperanza de Vida
Essex Road
Essex Street
Estelle Street
Esten Avenue
Esten Street
Esther Drive
Esther Street
Estrell Drive
E.T. Wyman Elementary School
Etelvina Drive
Ethan Street
Etna Street
Euclid Avenue
Eudora Street
Eugene Street
Europe Street
European Wax Center
Euston Avenue
Ev'rybody's Tavern
Eva Street
Evaleen Street
Evangeline Drive
Evans Park
Evans Street
Evans Way
Evelyn Street
Evelyn Way
Everbloom Drive
Everett Avenue
Everett Road
Everett Street
Evergreen Court
Evergreen Drive
Evergreen Parkway
Evergreen Road
Evergreen Street
Evergreen Way
Everleth Avenue
Everly Street
Everson Street
Ewing Multicultural Center
Excellent Pizza
Exchange Bank Building
Exchange Court
Exchange Street
Exchange Terrace
Executive Hair Salon
Exeter Avenue
Exeter Street
Explosion Market
Extra Space Storage
Ezekiel Street

F C Greene Memorial Boulevard
Faces of the Rainforest
Faculty Club
Fair Street
Fairbanks Avenue
Fairbanks Street
Fairfax Drive
Fairfield Avenue
Fairfield Road
Fairfield Street
Fairlawn Avenue
Fairlawn Street
Fairlawn Way
Fairmont Street
Fairmount Avenue
Fairoaks Avenue
Fairview Avenue
Fairview Road
Fairview Street
Fairway Drive
Fairweather Avenue
Faith and Hope Baptist Church
Faith Lutheran Brethren Church
Faith Nursery School
Faith Presbyterian Church
Faith Street
Falco Street
Falcon Avenue
Falcon Court
Falcon Crest Drive
Falconer Street
Fales Street
Fall River Avenue
Fall River Pawn Brokers
Fall View Drive
Fallon Avenue
Fallon Memorial School
Fallon School
Fallview Drive
Falmouth Road
Falmouth Street
Famigletti Drive
Family Dollar
Famingletti Avenue
Famous Footwear
Far Side of the Pond
Farm Fresh Providence Farmers Market
Farm Street
Farmington Avenue
Farnum Avenue
Farnum Pike
Farnum Road
Farnum Street
Farragut Avenue
Farragut Street
Farrar Lane
Farrar Street
Farrell Place
Farrell Street
Farwell Street
Fat Belly's
Father Kenney Boulevard
Fatima Drive
Faunce Arch
Faunce Drive
Fay Memorial Field
Fay Street
Fearless Fish Market
Feast & Fettle
Federal Hill House Association Early Learning
Federal Road
Federal Street
Federal Way
Federated Auto Parts
FedEx Office
Feed the Cheeks
Feinstein Academic Center
Feinstein Junior Scholar Wetlands Trail
Felicia Drive
Felix Mirando Way
Felix Street
Fellini Pizzeria
Fellowship of House Church
Felsmere Avenue
Fenmoor Street
Fennel Hall
Fenner Avenue
Fenner Street
Fenway Street
Fenwick Road
Fenwood Avenue
Fera Street
Ferdinand II
Fern Avenue
Fern Drive
Fern Street
Fernandez Square Liquors
Fernando Street
Fernbrook Court
Fernbrook Drive
Ferncliff Avenue
Ferncliffe Road
Ferncrest Avenue
Ferncrest Boulevard
Ferncrest Court
Ferncrest Drive
Ferrer Road
Ferrier Drive
Ferris Avenue
Ferris Street
Fiat Avenue
Field Street
Fielding Road
Fieldwood Avenue


Fillmore Street
Filmore Avenue
Finance Way
Finch Avenue
Fiore Street
Fire Fighter Memorial Hall
Fire House
Firehouse Hotdogs
Firethorn Lane
Firglade Avenue
Firglade Drive
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church in America
First Baptist Church of Pawtucket
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First Church of God
First Pentecostal Church
First Tabernacle Church
Fisher Street
Fisk Street
Fiske Street
Fitness Area - Rings
Fitzhugh Street
Fitzy's Pub
Fiume Street
Five Below
Flanagan Campus Athletics Field House
Flanders Street
Flatbread Company
Fleet Avenue
Fleet Library
Fleet Street
Fleming Road
Fleming Street
Fletcher Avenue
Fletcher Street
Flint Avenue
Flint Street
Flora S Curtis Memorial School
Flora Street
Floral Avenue
Floral Drive
Floral Park Boulevard
Florence Street
Florida Avenue
Flower Street
Floyd Avenue
Floyd Road
Flynn Annex
FM Global
Foch Avenue
Follett Street
Fones Alley
Font Boulder
Food Mart
Foote Street
Forand Circle
Forbes Street
Ford Lane
Ford Street
Fordson Avenue
Forest Avenue
Forest Hill Drive
Forest Street
Forest View Drive
Forestry Circle
Forestwood Drive
Forman Center
Forsyth Street
Forsythe Circle
Forsythia Lane
Fort Avenue
Fort Street
Fortin Avenue
Fortini Street
Fosdyke Street
Foss Avenue
Foster Road
Foster Street
Foundry Street
Fountain Avenue
Fountain Street
Four Buds Flower Shop
Four Town Farm
Fourth Baptist Church
Fowler Avenue
Fowler Street
Fox Place
Fox Point Center
Fox Point Fire Station
Fox Point Grocers
Fox Point Veterans Memorial
Fox Ridge Drive
Fox Run
Fox Tale Drive
Foxglove Drive
Fran Conway Place
Fran's Stylistic Hair Fashions
Frances Avenue
Frances Drive
Francis Avenue
Francis J Varieur School
Francis Street
Franciscan Convent
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary
Franciscan Park
Franconia Drive
Frank Drive
Frank Road
Frank Street
Frank's Auto Top & Upholstery
Frankfort Street
Franklin Avenue
Franklin Street
Fraser Street
Frazier Terrace
Fred Street
Fred's Place
Frederick C Greene Memorial Boulevard
Frederick Drive
Frederick Street
Fredrick Street
Free Methodist
Freeborn Avenue
Freedom Court
Freedom Drive
Freedom Road
Freehold Avenue
Freeman Parkway
Freeman Street
Freeplay Bar Arcade
Freese Street
Freeway Drive
Freight Street
Fremont Street
French American School
French Drive
French Street
Frenchy's Countryside Creamery
Fricker Street
Friendly Bicycle
Friendly Drive
Friendly Road
Friends Avenue
Friends House Day Care and Kindergarten
Friends Marketplace
Friends School
Friendship Lane
Friendship Street
Fringetree Drive
Frisky Fries
Frog & Toad
Front Avenue
Front Street
Frost Street
Froyo World
Fruit Hill Avenue
Fruit Street
Fuller Avenue
Fuller Branch East Providence Public Library
Fuller Street
Fulton Street
Fundati Coffee
Funston Avenue
Furlong Street
Furnace Hill Road
Furnace Street

G Pub
Gage Street
Gaglione Court
Gail Avenue
Gainer Avenue
Gale Court
Galego Court
Galen Court
Galileo Avenue
Gallatin Street
Gallery Belleau
Gallup Avenue
Gallup Street
Galveston Street
Gamma Court
Gano Avenue
Gano Dog Park
Gano Gateway Path
Gano Park Baseball Field
Gano Park Bike Path
Gano Street
Gansett Avenue
Gap Kids
Garden Avenue
Garden City Center
Garden City Drive
Garden City Nutrition
Garden City Post Office
Garden City School
Garden Court
Garden Drive
Garden Grille
Garden Hills Court
Garden Hills Drive
Garden Hills Parkway
Garden of Heroes
Garden Street
Gardiner Avenue
Gardner Avenue
Gardner House
Gardner Street
Garfield Avenue
Garfield Street
Garibaldi Street
Garland Avenue
Garner Avenue
Garnet Street
Garrahy Judicial Complex
Garrison Street
Garrity Street
Garvey Court
Garvey Road
Garwaine Drive
Gary Street
Gaspee Point Drive
Gaspee Point Overlook
Gaspee Street
Gates Street
Gaudet Street
Gavel Avenue
Gay Street
Gel Essentials
Gem Street
Gemelli Drive
Gemini Drive
Genao Beauty Studio
General Hawkins Drive
General Pulaski
General Street
Geneva Street
Genji Sushi
Gennaro Place
Genoa Avenue
Genoa Street
Gentian Avenue
GeoChem Building
Geoff's Superlative Sandwitches
Geoffreys Court
George Bennett Highway
George C Calef School
George Circle
George J Peters School
George J. West Elementary School
George J West School
George M. Cohan Boulevard
George M Cohan Path
George M. Cohen Monument
George N Hunt Campus School
George R. Martin Elementary School
George Redman Linear Park
George Street
George Waterman Road
Georgia Avenue
Georgia Court
Georgiaville Baptist Church
Georgiaville Fire Station
Georgiaville Pond Beach
Gerald Street
Geranium Circle
Germania Street
Gerry Drive
Gertrude Avenue
Gesler Street
Gesmondi Drive
Gianna Drive
Gibbon Court
Gibbs Lane
Gibbs Street
Gibson Avenue
Gifford Street
Gilbane Building
Gilbert Street
Gilbert Stuart Middle School
Gill Avenue
Gill Street
Gillen Avenue
Gillen Street
Gillooly Drive
Gilmore Street
Gina Court
Gina Drive
Gladstone Street
Gladstone Street School
Gladys Street
Glasgow Street
Glay Field
Gleason Street
Glen Avenue
Glen Drive
Glen Hills Drive
Glen Hills School
Glen Meadows Drive
Glen Ridge Road
Glen Road
Glen Street
Glen View Drive
Glenbridge Avenue
Glencoe Lane
Glendale Avenue
Glendale Way
Glengrove Avenue
Glenham Road
Glenham Street
Glenmere Drive
Glenn Avenue
Glenna Drive
Glenrose Drive
Glenwood Avenue
Globe Street
Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church
Gloria Street
Glossop Street
Gloucester Street
Glover Street
God's Purpose Church
Goddard Building
Goddard Road
Goddard Street
Gods Creations
Goeckel Avenue
Goff Avenue
Goff Jr. High
Goff Street
Gold Star Barber Shop
Golden Avenue
Golden City
Golden Pot
Goldsmith Avenue
Goldsmith Street
Golf Avenue
Golini Drive
Golini Street
Gompers Street
Good Fortune Supermarket
Goodall Place
Gooding Street
Gordon Avenue
Gordon School
Gordon Street
Gorham Lane
Gorizia Street
Gorton Street
Gosepel Tabernacle Church
Goss Building
Gotham Court
Gott's Pond
Gould Avenue
Gould Road
Gould Street
Goulding Street
Gourmet House
Governor Christopher and Lola Del Sesto Middle School
Governor Francis Inn
Governor Stephen Hopkins House
Governor Street
Governor William Sprague Mansion
Grace Apartments
Grace Chapel Assembly of God Church
Grace Christian Fellowship Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Harbor Church
Grace Harbor Community Church
Grace Street
Grace Welcome Center
Graduate by Hilton Providence
Graduate Center Bar
Graduate Center E
Graffiti Mural
Grafton Street
Graham Street
Grand Avenue
Grand Broadway
Grand Street
Grand View Street
Grandstand Drive
Grandview Avenue
Grandview Road
Granite Ledge Avenue
Granite Street
Graniteville Auto Sales, Inc.
Graniteville Baptist Church
Graniteville School
Grant Avenue
Grant Mill Apartments
Grant Street
Grantland Road
Grape Court
Grape Street
Grassmere Avenue
Grassy Plain Road
Gray Birch Drive
Gray Coach East
Gray Coach lane
Gray Coach Lane
Gray Coach West
Gray Street
Graybar Road
Graysonia Drive
Graywood Drive
Great Road
Great Room
Great View Avenue
Greater RI Baptist Temple
Greaton Drive
Greco Lane
Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption
Greeley Street
Green Avenue
Green Bush Drive
Green Court
Green Dot Trail
Green Dry Cleaning
Green Ink
Green Jacket Shoal
Green Lane Road
Green Line Apothecary
Green River Silver Co.
Green Street
Green Valley Drive
Greenbrier Drive
Greene Avenue
Greene High School
Greene Street
Greenfield Avenue
Greenfield Street
Greenhalgh Drive
Greening Lane
Greenslitt Avenue
Greenville Avenue
Greenville Drive
Greenville Insulation and Seamless Gutters
Greenville Water
Greenway Street
Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich Street
Greenwood Avenue
Greenwood Lane
Greenwood Street
Gregg's Restaurant
Gregory Drive
Grenore Street
Grenville Street
Grey Birch Lane
Grey Birch Road
Greylock Avenue
Greystone Auto Center
Greystone Avenue
Greystone Elementary School
Greystone Methodist Church
Gridley Street
Grieco Honda
Grieco Hyundai
Griffith Drive
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Biomedical Building
Grimwood Street
Griswold Avenue
Grosvenor Avenue
Groton Street
Grotto Avenue
Grouse Trail
Grove Avenue
Grove Avenue School
Grove Street
Grovedale Road
Grovedale Street
Groveland Avenue
Grover Street
Gude Street
Gulf Avenue
Gulf Express
Gurney Street
Guzman Hall
Gwinnett Court

Haddon Hill Road
Hadwin Street
Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology
Hagan Street
Hagen Avenue
Haig Avenue
Haines Park Road
Haitian Independence Memorial
Halcroft Place
Hale Street
Haliburton Road
Hall Building
Hall Place
Hall Street
Halleck Avenue
Halliday Street
Halligan Road
Halsey Street
Halton Street
Hamden Road
Hamilton Avenue
Hamilton Drive
Hamilton Road
Hamilton Street
Hamlet Street
Hamlin Street
Hamlyn Street
Hammett Lane
Hammond Street
Hampshire Road
Hampshire Street
Hampton Inn & Suites Providence Downtown
Hampton Road
Hampton Street
Hancock Road
Hancock Street
Hand Street
Handy Avenue
Handy Street
Hangry Kitchen
Hannah Drive
Hannah Greene Estate Building
Hannah Street
Hanover Avenue
Hanover Street
Hans Street
Hanson Road
Hanson Street
Happy Hollow Nursery School
Harbor Freight Tools
Harbor View
HarborOne Bank
Harborside Café
Harborside Village
Harbour Terrace
Harbourside Boulevard
Harcourt Avenue
Harcourt Street
Harding Avenue
Harding Street
Hargraves Street
Harian Road
Harkins Hall
Harkness Street
Harlam Street
Harlem Street
Harman Avenue
Harmon Avenue
Harmony Drive
Harmony Street
Harold Street
Harper Avenue
Harriet Court
Harriet Street
Harriet's Kitchen
Harrilla Lane
Harrington Avenue
Harrington Drive
Harrington Road
Harrington Street
Harris Avenue
Harris Court
Harris Driftway
Harris Road
Harris Street
Harrison Avenue
Harrison Street
Harrison Street High School
Harry Kizirian Elementary School
Harry Street
Harry's Bar & Burger
Hart Street
Hart's Court
Hartford Avenue
Hartford Place
Hartshorne Road
Haruki East
Harvard Avenue
Harvard Court
Harvard Street
Harvest Road
Harvest Street
Harvey Avenue
Harvey Street
Harwich Road
Harwol Court
Harwood Street
Hasbro Children's Hospital
Hasbro Way
Hasbro's Our Big Backyard
Hascall Street
Haskins Street
Haslam Street
Hastings Avenue
Hatfield Street
Hathaway Street
Hatherly Street
Hatton Street
Hauxhurst Street
Havana Street
Haven Avenue
Haven Street
Haven United Methodist Church
Hawes Street
Hawk Street
Hawkins Boulevard
Hawkins Circle
Hawkins Street
Hawley Street
Hawthorn Road
Hawthorn Street
Hawthorne Avenue
Hawthorne Drive
Hawthorne Place
Hawthorne Street
Hay Street
Hayes Street
Haylee Court
Hayward Place
Hayward Road
Hayward Street
Hazael Street
Hazard Avenue
Hazard Street
Hazbro Childrens Hospital
Hazel Drive
Hazel Origin Coffee
Hazel Street
Hazelton Road
Hazelton Street
Hazelwood Avenue
Hazelwood Street
Health Avenue
Heath Avenue
Heath Court
Heath Street
Heather Street
Heaton Street
Hebdeen Street
Hebron Street
Hedley Avenue
Hedley Circle
Helen Street
Helm Street
Helme Street
Heltzen Avenue
Hemalin Road
Hemenway's Seafood Grill and Oyster Bar
Hemingway Drive
Hemisphere Building
Hemlock Avenue
Hemlock Court
Hemlock Drive
Hemlock Loop Trail (Green)
Hemlock Street
Hempstead Street
Henderson Expressway
Henderson Street
Hendrick Street
Hendricks Street
Hennessey Avenue
Henrietta Street
Henry Barnard School
Henry Bear's Park
Henry Court
Henry Drive
Henry J Winters School
Henry Street
Henry W Cooke Co.
Herbert Street
Hercules Pizza Works
Hereford Street
Heritage Circle
Heritage Drive
Heritage Liquors
Heritage Park Early Learning Center
Herod Street
Herschel Street
Hersey Road
Hersey Street
Hersheys of Warwick
Hervey Street
Hewes Street
Hewett Street
Heywood Lane
Hi-Tech Auto Sales
Hiawatha Street
Hibiscus Drive
Hickory Drive
Hickory Lane
Hickory Road
Hickory Street
Hickory Trail (red)
Hicks Street
Hidden Street
Higgins Avenue
Higgins Street
Higginson Avenue
High and Low
High Gate Road
High Meadow Court
High School Avenue
High Security Center, RI Department of Corrections
High Service Avenue
High Street
High View Drive
Highland Avenue
Highland Street
Highview Avenue
Highview Drive
Highwood Terrace
Hilarity Street
Hilary Drive
Hilda Street
Hill Avenue
Hill Court
Hill Street
Hillard Street
Hillcrest Avenue
Hillcrest Drive
Hillcrest Drive North
Hillel House
Hiller Drive
Hillhurst Avenue
Hillsdale Drive
Hillside Avenue
Hillside Court
Hillside Drive
Hillside Road
Hillside Street
Hilltop Avenue
Hilltop Drive
Hilltop Road
Hilltop Street
Hillview Avenue
Hillview Drive
Hillview Road
Hillwood Street
Hilton Avenue
Hilton Drive
Hilton Providence
Hilton Street
Hines Farm Road
Ho-Ho Chinese Restaurant
Hobart Avenue
Hobby Lobby
Hobson Avenue
Hodsell Street
Hoffman Avenue
Holbrook Avenue
Holburn Avenue
Holden Street
Holgate Street
Holland Avenue
Holland Street
Hollie Street
Holliman School
Hollins Drive
Hollis Street
Hollow Ridge Road
Holly Avenue
Holly Drive
Holly Hill Lane
Holly Street
Hollyhock Drive
Hollywood Avenue
Hollywood Road
Holmes Avenue
Holmes Road
Holsmith Court
Holy Cross Church
Holy Cross Church of God
Holy Ghost Church
Holy Ghost School
Holy Name of Jesus School
Holy Rosary Church Hall
Holy Temple Church of God in Christ
Holy Trinity Church Complex
Holyoke Street
Home Avenue
Home Street
Homefield Avenue
Homeland Street
Homer Hall
Homer Street
Homer-Nickerson Connector
Homes Street
Homeside Drive
Homestead Avenue
Homestead Street
Homewood Avenue
Homewood Suites
Honey Dew
Honey Dew Donuts
Honey Lou Court
Honey Suckle Path
Honeysuckle Drive
Honeysuckle Road
Hood Avenue
Hood Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
Hood Street
Hooker Street
Hooper Place
Hoover Avenue
Hope Avenue
Hope Baptist Church
Hope Church
Hope Club
Hope Court
Hope High School
Hope Highlands Middle School
Hope Hill Terrace
Hope Road
Hope Street
Hopedale Road
Hopewell Avenue
Hopkins Avenue
Hopkins Street
Hoppin Avenue
Hoppin House
Hoppin Street
Horace Mann Hall
Horace Mann House
Horace Street
Horizon Drive
Hornbeam Drive
Hornbeam Road
Hornbine Street
Horse Cave
Horsford Avenue
Horticultural Center
Horton Place
Horton Street
Hosey Drive
Hospital Road
Hospital Street
Hot Topic
Hotel Providence
Houghton Street
Hours & Son
House of Faith Church
House of Hoops
House of Prayer Church
Houston Street
Howard Avenue
Howard Street
Howe Street
Howell Street
Howie Avenue
Howland Avenue
Howland Road
Howland Street
Hoyt Avenue
Hoyt Street
Hubbard Street
Huber Avenue
Huckleberry Court
Hudson Place
Hudson Street
Hudson Street Deli
Hugh B Bain Middle School
Hugh B. Bain Middle School
Hughes Avenue
Hugo Street
Huldah Street
Hull Street
Humbert Avenue
Humbert Street
Humboldt Avenue
Humes Street
Humphrey Street
Humphreys Road
Hungry Ghost Press
Hunt Drive
Hunt House Museum
Hunt House Root Cellar
Hunt School
Hunt Street
Hunt-Cavanagh Hall
Hunter Avenue
Hunters Knoll
Hunters Road
Hunters Run
Huntington Avenue
Huntington Drive
Hunts Avenue
Hunts Mill Pump House
Hunts Mill Road
Hunts Mill Trail
Hurdis Street
Hurlbert Avenue
Hurley Avenue
Huron Street
HurtInRI Hunter Law Office
Husted Court
Hutchinson Avenue
Huxley Avenue
Huxley Overlook
Hyacinth Street
Hyatt Street
Hybrid Drive
Hyde Avenue
Hyde Street
Hylestead Street
Hymer Street

Ianthe Street
Ida Court
Ida Street
Idaho Avenue
Ide Avenue
Idee di pietra
Iglesia de Cristo Mi-el
Iglesia Evangelica el Mesias
Iglesia Evangelica Emmanuel
Iglesia Pentecostal Calvario
Illinois Avenue
Illinois Street
Illustration Studies Building
I.M. Gan
Imera Street
Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception School
Imperial Avenue
Imperial Hall
Imperial Place
In-Sight Library
Independence Drive
Independence Place Condominiums
Independence Way
India Point Park Bridge
India Street
Indian Road
Indian Trail
Indiana Avenue
Industrial Avenue
Industrial Circle
Industrial Court
Industrial Lane
Industrial Road
Industrial Way
Infield Court
Ingleside Avenue
Inglewood Road
Ingraham Street
Inkerman Street
Inman Street
Insomnia Cookies
Interlocken Road
International Alliance Church
Intervale Avenue
Intervale Road
Invernia Road
Iola French Park
Iola Street
Iona Avenue
Iona Street
Ionia Street
Iowa Street
Ipswich Street
Iris Drive
Iris Lane
Iron Boulder
Iron Cross Boulder
Iron Forge Road
Iron Horse Way
Iron Lion Tattoo
Irons and Russell Building
Irons Avenue
Iroquois Drive
Iroquois Trail
Irving Avenue
Irving Court
Irving Road
Irving Street
Isaac H. Pinkney House
Isabella Avenue
Island Avenue
Island Street
Issac Ray Medical Library
Italy Street
Ivan Avenue
Ivan Street
Ivanhoe Street
Ives Street
Ivone Court
Ivy Avenue
Ivy Lane
Ivy Place
Ivy Street

J Life Mart
J. McLaughlin
J Medeiros Way
Jackson Avenue
Jackson Road
Jackson Street
Jackson Walkway
Jacksonia Drive
Jacky's Galaxie and Sushi Bar
Jacob Street
Jacoby Way
Jacqueline Court
Jacqueline Drive
Jade Boulder
Jade Island Restraunt
Jaffrey Street
Jain's Laundry
Jambo Junction
James L. McGuire Elementary School
James P. Adams Library
James R D Oldham School
James Street
Jamie Drive
Jane Howland Drive
Jane Howland Place
Jane Street
Janes Street
Janet Court
Janet Drive
Japonica Street
Jared Court
Jasmine Avenue
Jasmine Court
Jasmine Path
Jason Drive
Jasper Street
Jastram Street
Jay Street
Jaylin Drive
J.D. Byrider
Jean Drive
Jeffers Street
Jefferson Avenue
Jefferson Boulevard
Jefferson Park Road
Jefferson Street
Jeffres Street
Jenckes Lane
Jenckes Street
Jencks Road
Jenkins Street
Jenks Avenue
Jenks Garden Lane
Jenks Street
Jenks Way
Jennifer Circle
Jennifer Drive
Jennings Avenue
Jenny Drive
Jephry Floral Studio
Jerry Lane
Jerry's Artarama
Jerry's Auto Repair
Jersey Mike's Subs
Jersey Street
Jessica Circle
Jessica Court
Jewell Street
Jewett Street
Jewish Community Center of Rhode Island Preschool
J.G. Eddy & Co. Building
Jill Court
Jillson Street
Joan Drive
Joann Drive
JOANN Fabrics and Crafts
Job Street
Joe's Classy Tuxedos
John Britto Basketball Courts at Gano Street Park (North)
John Britto Basketball Courts at Gano Street Park (South)
John Brown House Museum
John Carter Brown Library
John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library
John F Kennedy Circle
John Hay Library
John Hope Day Care Center
John Hope Settlement House
John J. Moran Medium Security Facility, RI Department of Corrections
John J. Partington Way
John M Reposa Jr Way
John O. Pastore Federal Building and Post Office
John Street
John W Horton School
John's New York System
Johnson & Wales University Bookstore
Johnson & Wales University Campus Safety & Security
Johnson & Wales University Campus Safety and Security
Johnson Avenue
Johnson Building
Johnson Place
Johnson Street
Johnston Auto Sales
Johnston Fire Department
Johnston Fire Station #1
Johnston Fire Station 2
Johnston Historical Society
Johnston Police Department
Johnston Post Office
Johnston Senior Cente
Johnston Senior High School
Johnston Town Hall
Johnston Towne Centre
Jolly Roger
Jonathan Treadwill House
Jonathan Way
Jones Avenue
Jones Street
Jones-Walton-Sheridan Funeral Home
Jordan Avenue
Jordan Street
Jordan's Jungle
Josa Street
Josal Drive
Joseph A. Doorley, Jr. Municipal Building
Joseph Henry Lane
Joseph Jenks Junior High School
Joseph Street
Josephine Avenue
Josephine Street
Josephine White Block
Joslin Street
Joy Street
Joyce Drive
JR's Providence
Juan Pablo Duarte
Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex
Judge Street
Judith P. Higgins CPA
Judith Street
Judkins Street
Judyann Drive
Julia Drive
Julia Street
Julia Way
Julian Street
Julie Ann Circle
Julie Ann Court
Julie's Way Up
Julien Avenue
Julien Street
Junction Avenue
Junction Street
June Avenue
June Street
Juniper Avenue
Juniper Drive
Juniper Road
Juniper Street
Just Fabrics
Justice Street
Justin Way
Jutras Street
Juvenile Corrections, RI Department of Youth, Children, and Families

Kabob and Curry
Kai's Nail Salon & Spa
Kane Gym
Kane Road
Karen Court
Karen Drive
Karo Barbershop
Katama Road
Katelan Court
Katherine Drive
Kauffman Center
Kay Jewelers
Kay Street
Kayak/Canoe Access
Kaza Maza
Kearney Street
Kearns Avenue
Kearsarge Drive
Keene Avenue
Keene Street
Keith Avenue
Keller Avenue
Kelley Avenue
Kellie Ann Court
Kelly Street
Kelton Street
Kemp Building
Kemper Street
Kendall Drive
Kendall Lane
Kendall Street
Kenilworth Way
Kenmore Court
Kenmore Street
Kenmore Way
Kennedy Avenue
Kennedy Drive
Kenney Drive
Kensington Avenue
Kensington Road
Kensington Street
Kent Avenue
Kent Drive
Kent Heights Elementary School
Kent Heights Fire Station
Kent Heights Playground
Kent Place
Kent Street
Kentland Avenue
Kenton Avenue
Kenton Drive
Kenwood Street
Kenyon Avenue
Kenyon Drive
Kenyon Road
Kenyon Street
Kenyon Street School
Keough Street
Kepler Street
Kermit Street
Kern Acre Drive
Kernwood Avenue
Kerry Lane
Kettle Point Avenue
Kids Kingdom Day Care Center
Kids Way
Kids World Child Care Center
Kids Zone Day Care Center
Kilburn Avenue
Kildeer Road
Kiley Street
Killian Road
Killingly Street
Kimball Avenue
Kimball Street
Kimberly Court
Kimberly Lane
Kimberly Lane North
Kinder-Care at Work
Kinfield Street
King Avenue
King Circle
King House
King Philip Avenue
King Philip Circle
King Philip Road
King Philip Street
King Phillip Road
King Street
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses
Kings Estates Road
Kings Gate
Kingsford Avenue
Kingston Avenue
Kingston Street
Kingwood Avenue
Kinsley Avenue
Kipling Street
Kirk Drive
Kirkwood Street
Kitchner Road
Kiwanee Road
Klondike Street
Knapp Avenue
KNEAD Doughnuts
Knead Doughnuts
Kneeland Street
Knight Street
Knightsville Branch Cranston Public Library
Knightsville-Franklin Congregation Church
Knightville Meeting House
Knoll Place
Knollwood Avenue
Knowles Drive
Knowles Street
Knowlton Street
Kochi Sushi & Steakhouse
Korean War Memorial
Kossuth Street
Koster Street
Koutsogiane Drive
Kow Kow
Kraunelis Insurance Agency
Kresge Building
Kristen Court
Kristen Drive
Kristin Drive
Kung Fu Tea
Kyle Street

L'Artisan Cafe
L'Europa Auto Repair
La Bonte Road
La Boutique Nails
La Crêperie
La Grange Street
La Iglesia de Dios
La Lupita
La Piñata
La Quinta Inn & Suites
La Salle Academy
La Salle Drive
La Sonrisa
La Vaughn Street
Laban Street
Laborers’ International Union of North America
LaBrie Dance
Lacey Court
Laconia Road
Lacrosse & Soccer Facility
Lad and Lassie Preschool
Ladd Observatory
Ladder 133
Lafayette Street
Lafazia Drive
Laguna's Auto Repair
Lake Avenue
Lake Drive
Lake Garden Drive
Lake Street
Lake View Court
Lake View Road
Lakeland Road
Lakeside Avenue
Lakeside Circle
Lakeside Drive
Lakeside Street
Lakeview Avenue
Lakeview Drive
Lakeview Road
Lakewood Avenue
Lakewood Drive
Lakewood Street
Lambert Street
Lamont Street
Lamson Road
Lancashire Street
Lancaster Street
Landa Pressure Washers of RI
Landon Road
Lane 1
Lane 2
Lane 3
Lane 4
Lane 5
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane E
Lane Eg
Lane G
Lane Three
Lane Two
Lanesboro Street
Lang Court
Lang's Bowlarama
Langdon Avenue
Langdon Street
Langham Road
Langsberries Avenue
Lanni Drive
Lannister Lane
Lansdowne Road
Lansing Avenue
Lantagne Avenue
Lantern Lane
Lantern Road
Lao Lanexang Market
Larch Avenue
Larch Street
Larch Way
Larchmere Drive
Larchmont Avenue
Larchwood Drive
Lark Avenue
Larkspur Drive
Larned House
Larry Lane
Larry's Lounge
Las Gigantes Meat Market
LaSalle Bakery
LaSalle Mobil
Laten Knight Road
Latham Avenue
Lauder Avenue
Laura Street
Laurel Avenue
Laurel Court
Laurel Drive
Laurel Hill Annex
Laurel Hill Avenue
Laurel Hill Avenue Annex
Laurel Hill Avenue School
Laurel Street
Laurel Way
Laurelhurst Road
Lauren Court
Lauren Drive
Laurens Street
Laurie Anne Court
Lauriston Street
Lavan Street
Law Avenue
Law Offices of Gregory J Schadone
Lawn Avenue
Lawn Path
Lawn Street
Lawnacre Drive
Lawrence Avenue
Lawrence Drive
Lawrence Road
Lawrence Street
Lawton Street
Layton Street
Leading Street
Leah Drive
Leah Street
Leahy Street
Leander Street
Learning Brooke Early Childhood Education Center
Leather Avenue
Leavitt Street
Leawood Drive
Lebaron Court
Lecia Drive
LeCreatif Salon
Ledge Road
Ledge Street
Ledgemont Country Club
Lee Ann Drive
Lee Avenue
Lee Road
Lee Street
Lee's Chinese
Leeds Theatre
Lees Farm Common
Legendary Boxing RI
Legg Street
Legion Drive
Legion Memorial Drive
Legion Way
Legris Avenue
Lehigh Street
Leicester Way
Leigh Lane
Leigh Street
Leland Mowry Drive
Leland Street
Lemon Grass
Lena Drive
Lena Street
Lennon Family Field
Lennon Road
Lennon Street
Lenox Avenue
Lenox Road
Leo Avenue
Leonard Avenue
Leonard Jenard Drive
Leonard Street
Lerner Street
Leroy Drive
Les Pawson Loop
Leslie Avenue
Leslie Drive
Leslie Road
Leslie Street
Leslie Way
Lester Street
Levi Lane
Levitation Gallery Smoke Shop
Leviton I School
Leviton II School
Lewis Street
Lexington Avenue
Leyden Street
Li Rog
Libera Street
Liberty Arming the Patriot
Liberty Street
Libia Street
Library Road
Liege Street
Life Storage
Ligia Court
Like No Udder
Lilac Circle
Lilac Street
Lillian Avenue
Lillian Lane
Lillian Road
Lillian Street
Lily Avenue
Lily Drive
Lily Pond Street
Lily Street
Lily's Soups & Scoops
Lim's Fine Thai & Sushi Restaurant
Limerock Road
Lincoln Avenue
Lincoln Field Building
Lincoln Meadows Drive
Lincoln Park Avenue
Lincoln School
Lincoln Seventh Day Adventist Church
Lincoln Street
Lincoln Woods Road
Linda Court
Lindell Street
Lindemann Performing Arts Center
Linden Avenue
Linden Drive
Linden Road
Linden Street
Lindesta Road
Lindsey Drive
Lindy Avenue
Linfield Circle
Linfield Court
Linfield Drive
Link Street
Linton Street
Linwood Avenue
Linwood Drive
Lion's Head
Lions Memorial
Lippitt Building
Lippitt House
Lippitt Street
Lisbon Street
Lisi Lane
Little Caesars
Little League Baseball Diamond
Little Meadow
Little Neck Avenue
Little Road
Little Sister
Little Street
Littlefield Hall
Littlefield Street
Liverpool Avenue
Livi's pockets
Livingstone Street
Lladnar Drive
Lladner Road
Lloyd Avenue
Lloyd Phillips Court
Lloyd Street
Loch Lomond Road
Lockbridge Street
Lockmere Road
Lockwood Street
Locust Avenue
Locust Glen Court
Locust Glen Drive
Locust Street
Lodge Street
Lodi Street
Lofty Road
Logan Court
Lois Avenue
Lojai Boulevard
Lolly Lane
Lombardi Street
London Avenue
Long Bend Street
Long Court
Longfellow Road
Longfellow Street
Longfellow Terrace
Longhill Drive
Longley Court
Longmeadow Drive
Longmont Street
Longo Street
Longue Vue Avenue
Longview Drive
Longwood Avenue
Lonsdale Avenue
Lookoff Road
Lookout Avenue
Loominous Rugs
Loomis Street
Lopez Street
Lorcum Lane
Lord Street
Lore Collection
Loreto Street
Loretta Street
Lori Drive
Lori Ellen Drive
Lorimer Avenue
Loring Avenue
Loring Lane
Loring Parkway
Loring Street
Lorraine Avenue
Lorraine Street
Lottie Drive
Lotus Nail Lounge
Lotus Pepper
Lotus Place
Lou Circle
Loud Street
Louis Avenue
Louis Family Restaurant
Louisa Street
Louisbourg Place
Louise Ann Drive
Louise Avenue
Loveday Street
Lovell Avenue
Lovers Retreat Bridge
Loving Touch Day Care Center
Lowden Street
Lowell Avenue
Lowell Drive
Lowell Street
Lowell's Garage
Lower Heart
Lower Max Reed Field
Loxley Drive
Loxley Road
Lubec Street
Lucas Street
Lucia Street
Lucia's Mexican Restaurant
Lucile Street
Lucille Street
Lucky Enough
Lucky Mini Mart
Lucy Street
Ludlow Street
Lufkin Court
Luigi Street
Luigi's Gourmet Express & Restaurant
Luke Street
Luminous Salon & Spa
Luna Street
Lunn Street
Lupine Avenue
Lupine Street
Luray Street
Lusi Drive
Luther Avenue
Luther Court
Luther Street
Luthers Corners
Luxe Burger Bar
Luzon Avenue
Lydia Avenue
Lydia Street
Lyman Avenue
Lyman Hall
Lyman Street
Lynch Street
Lynde Street
Lyndhurst Avenue
Lyndon Road
Lynn Avenue
Lynn Court
Lynn Street
Lyon Avenue
Lyon Court
Lyon Street

MA 114A
Mabel Drive
Mabel Street
Mac Arthur Street
Macari Drive
Macbeth Street
Macera Drive
Macera Farm Road
MacGregor Street
Machado Garage
Macintosh Drive
Mack's Traverse
Macklin Street
Maclaine Drive
MacMillan Hall
Macon Street
Maddock Alumni Center
Madeira Avenue
Madeira Liquors
Madeline Drive
Madison Avenue
Madison Court
Madison Street
Madrid European Bakery & Patisserie
Mafalda Street
Magazine Street
Magdalene Street
Magellan Street
Magenta Road
Magill Court
Magill Street
Magnan Road
Magnolia Avenue
Magnolia Lane
Magnolia Street
Maiden Lane
Main Avenue
Main Street
Mainella Street
Majestic Avenue
Major General Nathanael Greene
Makin Street
Mal Brown Hall
Malbone Street
Malcolm Street
Malden Street
Mallory Court
Malta Street
Malvern Avenue
Malvern Street
Manchester Farm Road
Manchester Street
Mancini Drive
Manhasset Street
Manhattan Street
Manila Street
Manilla Avenue
Manistee Street
Mann Street
Manning Drive
Manning Street
Manning Walk
Manola Avenue
Manomet Street
Manse Court
Mansfield Street
Manson Avenue
Manton Avenue
Manton Court
Manton Heights Pathway
Manton Street
Manuel Avenue
Manuel Street
Maple Avenue
Maple Farms Road
Maple Street
Maplecrest Avenue
Maplecrest Drive
Maplehurst Avenue
Mapleton Street
Mapleview Drive
Maplewood Avenue
Maplewood Drive
Maplewood Street
Maranatha Tabernacle Church of God
Marantha Tabernacle Church
Marblehead Avenue
Marbury Avenue
Marc Allen
Marcello Street
March Street
Marco Polo Plaza
Marconi Memorial
Marconi Street
Marcus Aurelius
Marcy Street
Marden Street
Mare Rooftop Restaurant
Marengo Street
Margaret Avenue
Margaret I Robertson School
Margaret Street
Margrave Avenue
Maria Avenue
Maria Circle
Marian J Mohr Memorial Library
Maribeth Drive
Marie Avenue
Marie Court
Marietta Street
Marieville Elementary School
Marigold Circle
Marigold Court
Marilyn Drive
Marine Avenue
Marine Corp Trail
Marine Drive
Marion Avenue
Marion Avenue North
Marion Street
Marion Terrace
Marisa Lane
Mark Drive
Market Place
Marlaine Drive
Marlborough Avenue
Marlborough Street
Marlow Street
Marne Street
Marnoch Drive
Marple Street
Marquette Drive
Marrin Street
Marsden Court
Marsh Street
Marshall Court
Marshall Road
Marshall Street
Marshall Way
Marston Boat House
Marston Hall
Martello Street
Martha Road
Martha Street
Martin Avenue
Martin Court
Martin Street
Martins Way
Marty's Liquors
Marvel Field
Marvell Drive
Marvin Street
Mary Ann Court
Mary Ann Drive
Mary Avenue
Mary E. Fogarty Elementary School
Mary E Fogerty School
Mary Jo Court
Mary Street
Mary, Mother of Mankind
Maryland Avenue
Masala Indian & Pakistani Cuisine
Mashapaug Street
Mashuena Drive
Masico Drive
Mason Avenue
Mason Road
Mason Street
Massachusetts Avenue
Massachusetts Street
Massage Envy
Massasoit Avenue
Massasoit Drive
Massie Avenue
Massimo Ristorante
Masso Drive
Mastro Electric Supply
Mather Avenue
Mathewson Street
Mathewson Street United Methodist Church
Matilda Street
Matson Avenue
Matteo Drive
Mattie Street
Mattress Firm
Mattress Firm Clearance
Maude Street
Maudsley Avenue
Mauran Avenue
Mauran Street
Maureen Drive
Maven's Delicatessen
Mavis Street
Mawney Street
Max Reed Field
Maxcy Drive
Maxcy Hall
Maxfield Avenue
Maxim Street
Maximum Security, RI Department of Corrections
Maxons Lane
May Drive
May Street
Mayberry Street
Maycant Lane
Mayfair Drive
Mayfair Road
Mayfield Road
Mayfield Street
Mayflower Drive
Mayflower Street
Maynard Avenue
Maynard Street
Mayor Salvatore Mancini Union Free Public Library and Cultural Center
Mazey's Restaurant
McAloon Street
McArthur Drive
McAvoy Street
McBride's Irish Pub
McCabe Avenue
McCabe Street
McCallum Avenue
McCann Place
McCausland Avenue
McClellan Street
McCusker Court
McDermott Hall
McDuff Street
McGartland Road
McGlynn Sculpture Court
McGuire Road
McHale Court
McKinley Street
McLaughlin Auto Parts
McMillen Street
McVickar Hall
McVinney Hall
Mead Street
Meader Street
Meadow Avenue
Meadow Circle
Meadow Court
Meadow Lark Drive
Meadow Road
Meadow Street
Meadow View Boulevard
Meadow View Drive
Meadowbrook Road
Meadowcrest Drive
Meadowcrest Early Childhood Center
Meadowcrest School
Meadowlark Drive
Meadowsite Drive
Meaghan Brooke Lane
Meagher Hall
Mecca Street
Mechanics Avenue
Medberry Street
Medeiros Farm Road
Mediterranean Pizza
Medway Street
Meehan Auditorium
Meeting Street
Meeting Street Cafe
Meeting Street School
Mekong Seafood
Melanie Circle
Melissa Street
Meller-Danforth Education Center
Melody Lane
Melrose Avenue
Melrose Church of God
Melrose Street
Melton Road
Melton Street
Memorial Avenue
Memorial Boulevard
Memorial Drive
Memorial Park Road
Memorial Road
Mencoff Hall
Mendon Avenue
Mendon Road
Mendon Street
Meni Court
Meola Street
Mercer Street
Merchant Street
Merchants Bank Building
Mercy Street
Meredith Drive
Meridian Street
Meriline Street
Merino School
Merino Street
Merit Drive
Merrick Street
Merrill Road
Merrill Street
Merrimac Street
Merritt Avenue
Merritt Road
Merry Street
Merrymount Drive
Meshanicut Park Nursery School
Meshanticut Drive
Meshanticut Park Baptist Church
Meshanticut Valley Parkway
Messenger Drive
Messenger Street
Messer Street
Messina Street
Metacomet Avenue
Metcalf Avenue
Metcalf Street
Methodist Church of Asbury
Methyl Street
Metro by T-Mobile
Metro Cafe
Metro Mart
Metropolitan Avenue
Metropolitan Park Avenue
Metropolitan Park Drive
Metropolitan Regional Career & Technical Center
Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center
Metropolitan Road
Mi Ranchito
Miantonomo Drive
Mica Avenue
Michael Drive
Michael K. Galvin Beauty & Business Academy
Michael Road
Michael S. Van Leesten Memorial Bridge
Michael Street
Michal J. Barboza, CPA
Michelle Drive
Michigan Avenue
Middle Drive
Middle Highway
Middle Street
Middleton Street
MidiCi - Wood Fired Pizza
Midland Drive
Midland Street
Midler Street
Midvale Avenue
Midway Avenue
Midway Road
Midwood Street
Mighty Mike's Pizza
Mike's Kitchen
Miku Sushi
Mikveh Nachman v’Raizel
Milan Fine Clothiers
Milano Street
Milano's Pizza
Milburn Road
Milburn Street
Mildred H. Aitken School
Miles Avenue
Milford Street
Milk Money
MiLK Store
Milk Street
Mill Road
Mill Street
Millard Avenue
Millard Street
Miller Avenue
Miller Circle
Miller Field 1
Miller Field 2
Miller Gymnastics
Miller Street
Mills Drive
Milner Field Road
Milo Street
Milton Avenue
Milton Road
Milton Street
Miner Street
Mineral Spring Avenue
Minerva's Pizza
Mink Road
Mink Street
Minnesota Street
Minola Street
Minoru Street
Minto Street
Minuteman Press
Miriam Hospital
Miriam Street
Mirick Avenue
Mission Electric
Mission Place
Mississippi Avenue
Mister Sister
Mitchell Circle
Mitchell Street
Mobil Mart
Mobile Gas Station
Moccasin Trail
Mockingbird Drive
Modena Avenue
Modern Diner
Modesta Street
Moeller Place
Mohawk Drive
Mohawk Street
Mohawk Trail
Mollie Drive
Molloy Street
Molter Street
Mongenais Street
Mongone Drive
Moniker Brewery
Monitor Street
Monmouth Drive
Monongahela Avenue
Monro Muffler Brake Specialists
Monroe Avenue
Monroe Street
Monsigner Bove School
Monson Street
Montague Street
Montecarmele Street
Montessori Children's House
Montgomery Avenue
Montgomery Street
Monti Circle
Monticello Drive
Monticello Place
Monticello Road
Monticello Street
Montrose Street
Monument Avenue
Monument Loop (orange)
Monument loop (orange)
Monument Loop (orange)
Monument Street
Moody Street
Moon House
Moore Avenue
Moore Hall
Moore Street
Moorefield Street
Moorland Avenue
Moorland Street
Moran Softball Field
Moreland Street
Morgan Avenue
Morgan Hall
Morgan Mill Road
Morgan Street
Morning Star Row
Morningside Court
Morra Way
Morrill Lane
Morris Avenue
Morris Street
Morrison Street
Morton Avenue
Morton Drive
Morton Street
Moses Brown School
Moses Brown Street
Moshassuck Court
Moshassuck Road
Moshassuck Street
Moshassuck Valley Industrial Highway
Moss Street
Motel 6
Mott Street
Moulton Lane
Mount Ash Avenue
Mount Avenue
Mount Calvary Church
Mount Hope Avenue
Mount Hope Child Care Center
Mount Hope Community Baptist Church
Mount Moriah Avenue
Mount Pleasant Academy
Mount Pleasant Avenue
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant High School
Mount Vernon Boulevard
Mount Vernon Street
Mount View Drive
Mount Zion Church of God
Mountain Avenue
Mountain Laurel Drive
Mountain Street
Mountaindale Road
Movimiento Pentecostal Monte Sinai
Mowry Avenue
Mowry Street
Moy Street
Mozart Street
Mr Lemon
Mrs. Robinson Fine Lingerie
Mt. Hope Child Care/YMCA
Mt. Pleasant Branch
Mulberry Avenue
Mulberry Circle
Mulberry Drive
Mulberry Street
Mullen Road
Mulligan's Island Golf and Entertainment
Murad Street
Muriel Avenue
Muriel Street
Murphy Court
Murphy Street
Murray Avenue
Murray Street
Museum of Natural History and Planetarium
Musket Road
Muskrat Pond Loop (White)
Muslim Community Center of Rhode Island
Mutual Place
Mutual Street
My Sons Inflatable Rentals
Myers Drive
Myers Street
Myles Street
Myra Avenue
Myra Street
Myron J. Francis Elementary School
Myrtle Avenue
Myrtle Path
Myrtle Street
Mystery Farms Drive
Mystery Farms Road
Mystic Avenue
Mystic Street

Nahant Street
Nail Zone Salon & Spa
Nakomis Drive
Namquid Drive
Nancy Street
NAPA Auto Parts
NAPA Auto Parts - Raps Auto Parts Supply
Naples Avenue
Nardolillo Funeral Home
Nardolillo Street
Narragansett Avenue
Narragansett Boulevard
Narragansett Brewery
Narragansett Park Drive
Narragansett Parkway
Narragansett Street
Nashua Street
Nassau Street
Natalie's Pizza
Nathan Bishop Middle School
Nathanael Greene Elementary School
Nathaniel Avenue
Nathaniel Greene Middle School
Nathaniel Street
Natick Avenue
National Exchange Bank Building
National Office Furniture
Natural History Avenue
Naushon Avenue
Naushon Court
Naushon Road
Navaho Street
Navigant Credit Union
Navy Lane
Nebraska Street
Needham Street
Needle Grove Point
Negansett Avenue
Neighbors Lane
Nellie Street
Nellie Street Extension
Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship
Nelson Fitness Center
Nelson Road
Nelson Street
Nelson Terrace
Nemo Street
Neo's Pizza
Neon Marketplace
Neptune Street
Netherlands Avenue
Netop Drive
Nettie's Popcorn
Neutaconkanut playground
Neutaconkanut Road
Nevada Avenue
New Asian Market
New China
New Court
New Covenant Worship Center
New Depot Avenue
New England Dent Removal
New England Gold & Silver Jewelers
New England Laborers-Cranston Construction Academy
New Hampshire Avenue
New Hampshire Street
New Harvest Coffee Roasters
New Haven Street
New Jerusalem Church of God
New London Avenue
New Rivers American Bistro
New Road
New Street
New York Avenue
Newark Street
Newburg Street
Newbury Comics
Newbury Street
Newbury Village Drive
Newcomb Street
Newell Avenue
Newell Road
Newfield Avenue
Newland Avenue
Newman Avenue
Newman Church
Newman Road
Newmarket Street
Newport Avenue
Newport Creamery
Newport Street
Newton Salvan Street
Newton Street
Niagara Street
Niantic Avenue
Nice Slice
Nicholas A Ferri Middle School
Nicholas Brown Yards
Nichols Street
Nicholson House
Nick's on Westminster
Nickerson Community Center
Nickerson Hall
Nickerson Street
Nicks on Broadway
Nicole Court
Nightingale House
Nimitz Road
Ninigret Avenue
Nipmuc Trail
Nisbet Street
Niverville Street
No name
Noble Street
Nocera Liquors
Nolan Street
Nolan Street Extension
Nolbeth Drive
Norfolk Avenue
Norfolk Street
Norma Street
Norman Avenue
Norman Drive
Normandy Drive
Normandy Street
Norris Avenue
North Alvira Avenue
North American Family Institute Alt. Program
North Anderson Avenue
North Avenue
North Bend Street
North Benson Avenue
North Blossom Street
North Broadway
North Brow Street
North Candy Court
North Carpenter Street
North Ciarendon Street
North Country Club Drive
North County Street
North Court Street
North Crow Point Road
North Davis Street
North Elmore Avenue
North End (2-way traffic)
North Fair Street
North Fairview Street
North Howard Avenue
North Hull Street
North Long Street
North Loxley Drive
North Main Street
North Olney Street
North Palm Boulevard
North Pearson Drive
North Phillips Street
North Prospect Street
North Providence
North Providence Encompass Park
North Providence Fire Station #1
North Providence Fire Station #2
North Providence Fire Station 2
North Providence Fire Station 3
North Providence Fire Station 4
North Providence High School
North Providence Old Town Hall
North Providence Police Station
North Providence School Department
North Providence Town Hall
North Rome Avenue
North Rose Street
North Seekonk
North Sharon Street
North Shore Drive
North Spruce Street
North Station Post Office
North Street
North Union Street
North Vale Avenue
North View Avenue
North View Terrace
North Way
North Williams Street
Northampton Street
Northeast Ambulance Service
Northup Avenue
Northup Street
Northwest Passage
Norton Avenue
Norton Street
Norwich Avenue
Norwood Avenue
Norwood Avenue School
Norwood Branch Warwick Public Library
Norwood Elementary School
Norwood Field
Norwood House
Nostalgia Providence
Not Just Snacks
Not Just Spices South Asian Foods
Noto Drive
Notre Dame Avenue
Notre Dame Street
Nottingham Way
Nourish 401 Cafe
Nourish Plaza
Nowell Road
Noyes Avenue
Nueva Generacion Cristiana Rhode Island
Nye Street

O Connell Street
O Connor Street
O Neil Street
O'Gorman Building
O'Hara Avenue
O'Reilly Auto Parts
O'Relly Auto Parts
O'Rourkes Bar & Grill
Oak Avenue
Oak Crest Drive
Oak Grove Boulevard
Oak Grove Cemetery
Oak Hill Avenue
Oak Hill Drive
Oak Knoll Court
Oak Lawn Branch Cranston Public Library
Oak Lawn School
Oak Park Drive
Oak Point Road
Oak Street
Oak Tree Lane
Oak View Drive
Oakcrest Drive
Oakdale Avenue
Oakdale Street
Oakhurst Avenue
Oakland Avenue
Oakland Street
Oaklawn Avenue
Oaklawn Baptist Church
Oaklawn Grange
Oaklawn Manor Drive
Oakleigh Avenue
Oakley Street
Oakridge Drive
Oakwood Avenue
Oakwood Drive
Oakwood Road
Oasis Market
Obadiah Brown Road
Obed Avenue
Observation Structure
Observation Trail Loop (Blue)
Observatory Avenue
Observatory Road
Ocean Avenue
Ocean Pride Seafood
Ocean State Auto Sales
Ocean State Job Lot
Ocean State Laundromat
Ocean State Vapes
Ocean Street
Ocean Tides School
Ocean View Drive
Ochil Place
Oconnor Street
Octavia Street
Oddfellows Hall
Office Parkway
Ogden Street
Ogie’s Trailer Park
Ohio Avenue
Okeefe Lane
Okie Street
Old Access Road
Old Atwood Avenue
Old Barrington Road
Old Cherry Hill Road
Old Colony House
Old Country Road School
Old County Road
Old Louisquisset Pike
Old Navy
Old Oak Avenue
Old Park Avenue
Old Phenix Avenue
Old Pocasset Lane
Old Pocasset Road
Old Post Preserve Condominiums
Old River Road
Old Road
Old Scituate Avenue
Old Simmonsville Road
Old Spring Road
Old Stone Bank Building
Old Tannery Road
Olde Clarke Road
Oldham Street
Olin Avenue
Olive Avenue
Olive del Mondo
Olive Street
Oliver Hazard Perry Middle School
Oliver Street
Olivia Court
Olivia Drive
Olivia Way
Olivia's Forest Parking
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
Olmsted Way
Olney Arnold Road
Olney Avenue
Olney Street
Olney Street Baptist Church
Olney-Margolies Athletic Center
Olneyville Center
Olneyville New York System
Olneyville Square
Olson Court
Olympia Avenue
Olympic Records
Omega Way
Omni Providence Hotel
One Weybosset Hill
Oneida Street
Onset Street
Ontario Street
Opechee Drive
Ophelia Street
Opper Street
Orange Dot Trail
Orange Path
Orange Street
Orange Trail
Orchard Avenue
Orchard Drive
Orchard Lane
Orchard Place
Orchard Street
Orchard Street School
Orchard Valley Drive
Orchardhill Road
Ordway Street
Oregon Avenue
Oregon Street
Orford Street
Organic Grow Hut Hydroponics
Orient Avenue
Oriental Street
Oriental Taste
Oriole Avenue
Oriole Street
Orlando Avenue
Orlando Drive
Orlando Street
Orleans Street
Orlo Avenue
Orlo Avenue School
Ormand Drive
Ormonde Street
Orms Street
Orteleva Drive
Orth Street
Osage Drive
Osborn Street
Osceola Avenue
Osgood Avenue
Ostend Street
Oswald Street
Our Lady of Consolation Church
Our Lady of Consolation School
Our Lady of Fatima Hospital
Our Lady of Grace Church
Our Lady of Loreto School
Our Lady of Lourdes Church Complex
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Our Place Tuxedos & Uniforms
Outback Steakhouse
Outlet Avenue
Outlook Avenue
Outreach Ministries
Overbrook Drive
Overhead Way
Overhill Road
Overland Avenue
Overlook Circle
Overlook Parkway
Owen Avenue
Owen Street
Oxford Street
Oxford Street School
Oxford Tavern

Pacific Seafood market
Pacific Street
Packard Avenue
Packard Street
Packer Street
Packet Street
Paddock Drive
Padelford Avenue
Padelford Street
Page Building
Page Street
Paige Circle
Paine Avenue
Paisley Street
Palfrey Place
Paliotta Parkway
Pallas Street
Palm Avenue
Palm Boulevard
Palm Street
Palmer Avenue
Palmer Drive
Palo Tapas Bar
Palou Drive
Pamden Lane
Pamela Court
Pamela Jean Road
Panaderia El Quetzal
Panay Street
Panera Bread
Paolino Street
Papa Gino's
Papa John's
Paper Nautilus
Papino Road
Parade Street
Paradiso Way
Parasol Court
Parcel 6
Parcel 9
Pardon Miller House
Parente Street
Paris Street
Parish of the Good Shepherd
Park Ave Auto Services
Park Avenue
Park Drive
Park Forest Road
Park Hill Road
Park Lane
Park Place
Park Place Congregational United Church of Christ
Park Road
Park Row
Park Row West
Park Sq Avenue
Park Street
Park Theater
Park View Avenue
Park View Boulevard
Park View Drive
Park View Middle School
Park Way Road
Parker Avenue
Parker Drive
Parker Street
Parkhill Road
Parkis Avenue
Parkman Street
Parkside Avenue
Parkside Circle
Parkside Drive
Parkside Road
Parkside Rotisserie and bar
Parkview Avenue
Parkview Drive
Parkway Avenue
Parma Ristorante
Parnell Street
Parrillo Circle
Parroquia San Eduardo
Parsonage Street
Parsons Street
Partition Street
Partridge Lane
Partridge Street
Party City
Pasadena Court
Pasadena Street
Pasco Drive
Passeonquis Drive
Past Treasures Consignment
Pasta Beach
Pasteur Street
Pasture View Lane
Paterson Street
Patricia Circle
Patricia Drive
Patriot Auto Glass
Patt Street
Patterson Avenue
Patton Road
Paul Cuffee Charter School
Paul Cuffee High School
Paul Street
Paula Road
Paulhus Court
Pavilion Avenue
Pavilion Court
Pavillion Avenue
Pawnee Street
Pawtucket Armory Arts Center
Pawtucket Avenue
Pawtucket City Hall
Pawtucket Congregational Church
Pawtucket Country Club
Pawtucket Credit Union
Pawtucket Day Child Development Center
Pawtucket Dollar Plus
Pawtucket Fire Station 1
Pawtucket Fire Station 2
Pawtucket Fire Station 3
Pawtucket Fire Station 4
Pawtucket Fire Station 5
Pawtucket Food Mart
Pawtucket House of Pizza
Pawtucket Police Department
Pawtucket Post Office
Pawtucket Public Library
Pawtucket Times Building
Pawtuxet Avenue
Pawtuxet Baptist Church
Pawtuxet Memorial Park
Pawtuxet Rangers Armory
Pawtuxet Village Playground
Payette Street
Payton Street
Pazi's Place
PC Tech
Peace Street
Peach Avenue
Peach Hill Avenue
Peach Orchard Drive
Peach Tree Drive
Pearce Avenue
Pearl Avenue
Pearl Street
Pearson Avenue
Pearson Drive
Peary Street
Peck Avenue
Peck Hall
Peck Lane
Peck Street
Peckham Avenue
Peckham Street
Peeptoad Court
Peeptoad Road
Peerless Street
Pekin Street
Pelham Parkway
Pelham Street
Pell Chafee Performance Center
Pemberton Street
Pembroke Avenue
Pembroke College Tribute
Pembroke Drive
Pembroke Field
Pembroke Field House
Penbryn Avenue
Pendleton Street
Penelope Place
Pengrove Street
Penn Street
Pennsylvania Avenue
Penny Lane
Penrod Avenue
Penrose Avenue
Penrose Street
Pensacola Street
Pensaukee Avenue
Pentecostal Church of God
People of Gods Love Church
Peoples Baptist Church
Peoples Savings Bank Building
Pep Boys
Pepe's Kitchen
Pepper Mill Lane
Pequot Road
Pequot Street
Perched Boulder
Perennial Drive
Perimeter Trail (Red)
Perkins Avenue
Perkins Street
Permain Road
Perrin Avenue
Perrins Crossing
Perry Avenue
Perry Street
Pershing Avenue
Pershing Road
Pershing Street
Pet Supplies Plus
Petansett Court
Peter Green House
Peter Pan Way
Peter Pond Court
Peter Street
Peterson Recreation Center
Pets II Grooming
Pettaconsett Avenue
Petteys Avenue
Pettis Street
Peveril Road
Pezzi Street
Pezzullo Street
Pheasant Court
Pheasant Drive
Pheasant Ridge Road
Pheasant Run
Phebe Street
Phenix Avenue
Phenix Ridge Drive
Phil Gasbarro Liquors
Philips Angel Court
Phillips Avenue
Phillips Memorial Baptist Church
Phillips Memorial Library
Phillips Street
Philmont Avenue
Pho Horn's
Pho Saigon and Bar
Phoebe Street
Phoenix Street
Physical Plant
Piave Street
Pickett Road
Picotte Drive
Pidge Avenue
Piedmont Street
Pier Road
Pierce Athletic Complex
Pierce Avenue
Pierce Memorial Field
Pierce Memorial Stadium
Pierce Place
Pierce Street
PieZoni's Pizza
Pike Street
Pilgrim Avenue
Pilgrim Circle
Pilgrim Drive
Pilgrim High School
Pilgrim Parkway
Pilgrim Post Office
Pilgrim Street
Pilsudski Street
Pimental Drive
Pine Avenue
Pine Cone Drive
Pine Crest Drive
Pine Grove Street
Pine Hill Avenue
Pine Hill Drive
Pine Meadow Drive
Pine Path
Pine Road
Pine Street
Pinecrest Drive
Pinehurst Avenue
Pinehurst Road
Pinetop Road
Pinewood Avenue
Pinewood Drive
Pinnacle Boulder
Pinnacle Trail (orange)
Pinnacle trail (orange)
Pioneer Avenue
Pioneer Pizza
Pippa's Papers
Pippin Orchard Road
Pippin Street
Pitman Street
Pizza Fair
Pizza J
Pizza Marvin
Pizza Pie-er
Pizzitola Gymnasium
PJ Keating
PJ's Pub
Plain Street
Plainfield Circle
Plainfield Pike
Plainfield Street
Planet Avenue
Planet Fitness
Planet Street
Plant City
Plant Street
Plantation Drive
Platinum Salon
Play Plus Preschool
Plaza Drive
Plaza Street
Pleasant Avenue
Pleasant Court
Pleasant Hill Road
Pleasant Street
Pleasant Surprises
Pleasant Valley Parkway
Pleasant Valley Parkway Urban Trail
Pleasant View Avenue
Pleasant View Drive
Pleasant View Elementary School
Pleasant View Road
Pleasant View School
Pleasant View Way
Pleasure Drive
Pleasure Street
Plenty Street
Plum Road
Plum Street
Plymouth Road
Plymouth Street
Pocahontas Drive
Pocasset Avenue
Pocasset Street
Poco Loco Tacos
Poe Street
Point Street
Point Street Bridge
Point Trail
Poirier Street
Pokanoket Avenue
Polk Street
Pollard Avenue
Polly Drive
Polly Street
Polo Circle
Polo Street
Pomham Street
Pommenville Street
Pomona Avenue
Ponagansett Avenue
Pond Avenue
Pond Court
Pond Street
Pond Street North
Pond View Road
Pontiac Avenue
Pontiac Food Mart
Pontiac Tap
Pope Street
Poplar Avenue
Poplar Circle
Poplar Drive
Poplar Street
Poppy Circle
Poppy Drive
Poppy Hill Drive
Port Edgewood Marina
Porter Street

portfolio cafe

Portland Road
Portland Street
Portsmouth Avenue
Portugal Parkway
Portugese American Club
Posnegansett Avenue
Post Office Court
Post Road
Potomac Circle
Potomac Road
Potter Building
Potter Drive
Potter Street
Potter-Burns Elementary
Potter-Burns Elementary School
Potter-Burns School
Potters Avenue
Pottery Barn
Powell Street
Power Avenue
Power Road
Power Street
Powerline Cutoff
Powhatan Street
Prairie Avenue
Praise Tabernacle
Pratt Avenue
Pratt Circle
Precious Angels Child Care Center
Precision Auto
Preneta Street
Prentice Avenue
Prentice Street
Prescott Avenue
Prescott Library
Prescott Street
President Avenue
President's House
Preston Avenue
Preston Drive
Preston Street
Prete-Metcalf Field Playground
Price Rite
Price Rite Entry
Price Street
Prime Street
Prime Time Preschool
Primrose Drive
Primrose Hill Road
Primrose Lane
Primrose Path
Primrose Street
Prince Street
Prince's Hill Avenue
Princess Avenue
Princess Pine Road
Princeton Avenue
Printery Street
Priscilla Avenue
Priscilla Drive
Priscilla Lane
Private Appliance Service
Privet Street
Proctor Avenue
Proctor Place
Progress Avenue
Progress Street
Promenade Street
Prospect Avenue
Prospect Heights
Prospect House
Prospect Street
Prospect Terrace Viewpoint
Prosper Street
Protech Auto Repair
Provazza Drive
Providence - Bristol
Providence - Newport
Providence Academy of International Studies
Providence Animal Rescue League (PARL)
Providence Assembly of God Church
Providence Avenue
Providence Baptist Church
Providence Career and Technical Academy
Providence Center School
Providence Children's Museum
Providence Church of God
Providence City Hall
Providence Coal Fired Pizza
Providence College
Providence College Office of Safety & Security
Providence College Veritas Flame
Providence Community Library: Fox Point Library
Providence Community Library: Knight Memorial Library
Providence Community Library: Mount Pleasant Library
Providence Community Library: Olneyville Library
Providence Community Library: Smith Hill Library
Providence Community Library: South Providence Library
Providence Community Library: Wanskuck Library
Providence Community Library: Washington Park Library
Providence Country Day School
Providence Diamond
Providence Fire Department
Providence Fire Department Engine Co. 11
Providence Fire Department Engine Co. 13
Providence Fire Department Engine Co. 6
Providence Fire Department Engine Co. 9
Providence Fire Department Headquarters
Providence Friends Meeting House
Providence Gas Co. Building
Providence Hebrew Day School
Providence Main Post Office
Providence Performing Arts Center
Providence Place
Providence Place Cinemas 16 and IMAX
Providence Police Department Headquarters
Providence Police Mounted Command
Providence Presbyterian Church
Providence Public Library
Providence Public Safety Complex
Providence Public Safety Memorial
Providence Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church
Providence Square Building
Providence Street
Providence Tattoo
Providence VA Medical Center
Providence Vegan Deli
Providence Veterens Adminisration Medical Center
Providence Wine Bar
Prudence Avenue
Public Street
Pullen Avenue
Pullman Avenue
Pumgansett Street
Purchase Street
Puritan Avenue
Puritan Drive
Puritan Street
Purple Cow Ice Cream
Puss n Boots Nursery School
Putnam Pike
Putnam Street

Quail Circle
Quail Hollow Road
Quail Ridge Road
Quality Fuel
Quality Fuels
Quarry Street
Queen Street
Quince Street
Quincy Avenue
Quincy Street
Quinsicket Road
Quinton Street

R E Barry Pumps Inc
R Providence
R&S Gas and Auto
Rachel Street
Rachela Street
Rachella Court
Racine Avenue
Radcliffe Avenue
Railroad Avenue
Railroad Street
Rainbow Water
Raising Cane's
Ralco Way
Raleigh Avenue
Ralls Drive
Ralph Street
Ralph Street School
Ralston Street
Ramblin Brook Road
Ramsay Street
Ran Zan
Rancocos Drive
Rand Street
Randall Avenue
Randall Pond Dock
Randall Road
Randall Square
Randall Street
Randolph Street
Rangeley Avenue
Rangeley Road
Rangely Court
Rankin Avenue
Raphael Avenue
Raritan Avenue
Rathbone Street
Ravena Avenue
Ravenswood Avenue
Rawson Avenue
Ray Drive
Ray Hall
Ray Hodde Way
Ray Street
Raymond Avenue
Raymond C LaPerche School
Raymond Dettore, Jr.
Raymond Drive
Raymond Hall
Raymond Road
Raymond Street
Rayna Road
Read Avenue
Read Street
Reade Street
Reali's Fine Cuisine
Realty Way
Reardon Avenue
Rebelle Artisan Bagels
Reclining Figure No. 2 — Bridge Prop
Recreation Area
Recreation Center
Red Blue Digital
Red Brick Nursery School
Red Cedar Drive
Red Cedar Lane
Red Ginger
Red Hawk Drive
Red Oak Drive
Red Oak Trailer Park
Red Robin Drive
Red Stripe
Red Trail
Red Wing Avenue
Redbud Terrace
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Redeemer Church
Redfern Drive
Redfern Street
Redfin Crudo + Kitchen
Redland Avenue
Redway Circle
Redwing Street
Redwood Avenue
Redwood Chapel
Redwood Drive
Redwood Lane
Redwood Street
Reed Avenue
Reeves Place
Refuge Deliverance Tabernacle
Regal Nails
Regal Plating
Regal Point
Regal Way
Regan Court
Regency Plaza Apartments
Regent Avenue
Regent Drive
Regina Drive
Reindeer Lane
Reliable Gold Ltd.
Relic Revival Salon & Studio
Relph Street
Remington Street
Rena Street
Renaissance Church
Renaissance Hall
Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel
Reservoir Auto and Alignment Repair
Reservoir Auto Services
Reservoir Avenue
Reservoir Avenue School
Reservoir Street
Residence Inn
Restaurant Capri
Restoration House
Restwood Road
Rev. John Cunningham Square
Revere Street
Reverie Lane
Revival Brewing Company
Revive Barbershop
Reynolds Avenue
Reynolds Street
Rhode Island Avenue
Rhode Island Billiard, Bar & Bistro
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island Credit Union
Rhode Island Department of State Library
Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles
Rhode Island Guns & Ammo
Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial
Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hydrophonics
Rhode Island Irish Famine Memorial
Rhode Island IX State Memorial and Remembrance Park
Rhode Island Jewish Historical Society Library
Rhode Island Jewish Museum
Rhode Island Law Center
Rhode Island Lottery
Rhode Island Museum of Science and Art (RIMOSA)
Rhode Island Nurses Institute
Rhode Island Office of Housing Energy and Intergovernmental Relations Library
Rhode Island Public Expenditure Library
Rhode Island Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Rhode Island School for the Deaf
Rhode Island School for the Deaf Library
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhode Island State Council of Churches
Rhode Island State House Tours
Rhode Island State Library
Rhode Island State School for the Deaf
Rhode Island Street
Rhode Island Supreme Court
Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal
Rhode Island Training School for Youth (Historic)
Rhode Runner
Rhodes Avenue
Rhodes On The Pawtuxet
Rhodes Place
Rhodes Street
Rhody Hen Cafe
Rhyme and Reason Nursery School
RI 103
RI 114
RI 12
RI 246
RI 5
RI Audio
RI Credit Union
RI Department of Human Services
RI Tire & Auto Repair Service
Rialto Street
Riata Drive
Ricard Street
Ricci Drive
Rice Avenue
Rice Street
Rich Street
Richard Banna Way
Richard Circle
Richard Road
Richard Street
Richardson Drive
Richardson Street
Richfield Avenue
Richland Avenue
Richland Road
Richland Street
Richmond Avenue
Richmond Drive
Richmond Point
Richmond Street
Richmond Street Urban Trail
Richter Street
Ricom Way
Rider Tire
Ridge Avenue
Ridge Drive
Ridge Road
Ridge Side Avenue
Ridge Street
Ridge View Court
Ridge Way
Ridgefield Road
Ridgeland Nlq
Ridgeland Road
Ridgevale Court
Ridgeway Avenue
Ridgeway Road
Ridgewood Drive
Ridgewood Road
Riff Raff Bookstore and Bar
Riley Drive
Riley Street
Rill Street
Rim Nahm
Rimwood Drive
Ring Avenue
Ring Street
Ringgold Street
Rio Road
RIPTA R-Line to Broad City Line
RISD Admissions Office
RISD Auditorium
RISD store
Risho Avenue
River Avenue
River Drive
River of Life Church
River Road
River Street
Riverbend Drive
Riverdale Street
Riverfarm Road
Riverside Avenue
Riverside Branch East Providence Public Library
Riverside Branch Library
Riverside Congregational Church
Riverside Drive
Riverside Fire Station
Riverside Junior High School
Riverside Post Office
Riverview Avenue
Riverview Building
Riverview Drive
Riverwoods Court
Roanoke Street
Robbins Funeral Home
Robert Circle
Robert Drive
Robert F Kennedy School
Robert L Bailey II Elementary School
Robert L. Bailey, IV Elementary School
Robert Street
Roberta Avenue
Roberta Drive
Roberta Richman Way
Roberta Street
Robin Hood Drive
Robin Hood Road
Robin Road
Robin Street
Robin's Way
Robinlyn Drive
Robins Way
Robinson Avenue
Robinson Street
Roblen Drive
Roblyn Drive
Robson Street
Rocco Avenue
Rochambeau Avenue
Rochambeau Branch Providence Public Library
Rock Avenue
Rock Hill Drive
Rockaway Street
Rockcrest Drive
Rockcrest Lane
Rockingham Street
Rockland Avenue
Rockledge Avenue
Rockridge Road
Rockstar Piercing
Rockwell Avenue
Rockwell Street
Rockwood Avenue
Rockycliff Drive
Rockyroad Avenue
Roda Drive
Roddy Avenue
Rodel Street
Rodeo Drive
Rodman Street
Roffee Street
Roger Road
Roger Street
Roger Williams Avenue
Roger Williams Circle
Roger Williams Court
Roger Williams Day Care Center
Roger Williams Green
Roger Williams Hospital Health Sciences Library
Roger Williams Medical Center
Roger Williams Middle School
Roger Williams National Memorial Visitor Center
Roger Williams Park Carousel
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Roger Williams Statue
Roger Williams University Providence Campus
Rogers Avenue
Rogers Road
Rogue Island Local Kitchen & Bar
Roland Avenue
Roland Court
Roland Street
Rolfe Square
Rolfe Street
Roll Into It
Rollingwood Drive
Roma Avenue
Roma Street
Rome Avenue
Rome Court
Rome Drive
Rome Street
Rondo Street
Ronnie Drive
Roome Lane
Roosevelt Avenue
Roosevelt Street
Rosanna Avenue
Rosario Drive
Rose Avenue
Rose Bush Circle
Rose Court
Rose Drive
Rose Hill Drive
Rose Lane
Rose Street
Rosebank Avenue
Rosebank Drive
Rosedale Avenue
Rosedale Street
Rosegarden Street
Roseland Avenue
Roseland Court
Rosella Avenue
Rosemarie Drive
Rosemary Street
Rosemere Drive
Rosemere Road
Rosemont Avenue
Rosemont Terrace
Roseview Drive
Rosewood Avenue
Rosewood Drive
Rosewood Street
Roslyn Avenue
Rosner Avenue
Ross Simons Drive
Rossi Drive
Rossman Street
Rotary 2
Rotary Drive
Rotondo Avenue
Round Again Records
Rounds Avenue
Row Lane
Rowan Street
Rowe Avenue
Rowe Drive
Rowena Drive
Rowland Street
Rowley Street
Royal Avenue
Royal Crest Drive
Royal Fried Chicken
Royal Liquors
Royal Little Drive
Royal Street
Royer Street
Ruane Atrium
Ruane Friar Development Center
Ruby Street
Rufus Street
Rugby Street
Ruggieri Carpet One Floor & Home
Ruggieri Circle
Ruggles Street
Rumford Day Nursery School
Rumford Motor Inn
Rumford Pet Center
Rumford Pet Express
Rumford Post Office
Rushmore Avenue
Rushton Drive
Ruskin Street
Russe Street
Russell Avenue
Russell Court
Russell Lane
Russell Street
Russet Way
Russo Street
Rustigan Rugs
Ruth Avenue
Ruth Street
Rutherglen Avenue
Ruthven Street
Rutland Street
Rutledge Drive
Ruxton Street
Ruzzi Street
Ryan Center
Ryan Lane
Ryans Lane
Ryder Avenue
Rye Street

Sabin Point
Sabin Street
Sables Way
Sabra Street
Sachem Avenue
Sachem Drive
Sachem Road
Sachem Street
Sack Street
Sackett Street
Sackett Street School
Saco Street
Sacramento Street
Sacred Heart Avenue
Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Rectory
Sacred Heart School
Saddle Green Court
Saddle Lane
Sadler Street
Sagamore Road
Sage Court
Sage Drive
Sailor Way
Saint Adalberts Church Center
Saint Andrew's School Rhode Island
Saint Ann's Catholic Church
Saint Anthonys Church
Saint Anthonys Greek Orthodox Church
Saint Anthonys School
Saint Augustine Church
Saint Augustine School
Saint Bartholomews Church
Saint Bartholomews School
Saint Brendans School
Saint Cecilia School
Saint Cecilia's Church
Saint Charles Church
Saint Davids Episcopal Church
Saint Davids Play School
Saint Edwards School
Saint Ephraims Church
Saint Francis Cemetery Chapel
Saint Francis Chapel Lending Library
Saint Francis Xavier
Saint George Maronite Catholic Church
Saint Georges Roman Catholic Church
Saint James Court
Saint James Lutheran Church
Saint James Place
Saint James Street
Saint John the Baptist Church
Saint Johns Circle
Saint Johns Episcopal Cemetery
Saint Johns Rectory
Saint Joseph Church
Saint Joseph Hospital Health Science Library
Saint Josephs School
Saint Laurent Parkway
Saint Leo Church
Saint Leo School
Saint Lukes Roman Catholic Church
Saint Margarets School
Saint Marks School
Saint Martins School
Saint Mary and Saint Mena Orthodox Church
Saint Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church
Saint Mary School
Saint Mary's Way
Saint Marys Antiochian Church
Saint Marys Church
Saint Marys Church of the Immaculate Conception
Saint Marys Drive
Saint Marys Episcopal Church
Saint Marys Home
Saint Marys Road
Saint Marys School
Saint Mathews Episcopal Church
Saint Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church
Saint Matthews Church
Saint Matthews School
Saint Michaels Convent
Saint Michaels Court
Saint Michaels Roman Catholic Church
Saint Michaels School
Saint Michaels Schools
Saint Patrick School
Saint Patricks Church
Saint Patricks Church Hispanic Ministry
Saint Patricks School
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
Saint Paul's Holiness Church
Saint Paul's School
Saint Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church
Saint Peter School
Saint Peters and Saint Andrews Church
Saint Pius School
Saint Pius V School
Saint Raphael Academy
Saint Raymonds Church
Saint Rocco Church
Saint Rocco School
Saint Rocco School Grounds
Saint Sahag and Saint Mesrob Armenian Church
Saint Sebastian Catholic Church
Saint Stephens Church
Saint Teresa
Saint Teresa of Avila Church
Saint Teresas High School
Saint Theresa School
Saint Thomas School
Saint Thomas Street
Saint Vincent Center
Saint Vincent Center School
Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral
Sak's Wine & Cellar
Sal's One Stop
Salem Avenue
Salem Drive
Salem Gosel Mission
Salem Street
Salina Avenue
Salina Street
Salina's Nail Salon
Salisbury Court
Salisbury Drive
Salisbury Road
Salisbury Street
Salk's Ace Hardware
Salmon Street
Salon Johna
Salon Panache
Salon Persia
Salon Thread
Salter Street
Salty Brine Broadcast Center
Salvati Way
Salvation Army
Salzillo Street
Sammy Lane
Samoset Avenue
Sampson Avenue
Samuel Avenue
Samuel B. Mumford House
Samuel Slater Junior High School
San Antonio Way
San Giovanni Drive
San Miguel School
San Souci Drive
Sanctuary Drive
Sanctuary Lane
Sand Pond Road
Sand Trap Lane
Sanders Academy
Sanders Avenue
Sandlewood Avenue
Sando Street
Sandra Court
Sandringham Avenue
Sandstone Circle
Sanford Street
Santiago Street
Santini Street
Santomarco Drive
Sarah and Joseph Dowling, Jr. Theater
Sarah Court
Sarah Dyer Barnes School
Sarah Street
Sarah's Beauty Salon
Saratoga Avenue
Saratoga Street
Sargent Avenue
Sargent Street
Sassafras Street
Saunders Street
Save The Bay Drive
Saverio Street
Savin Street
Savings Street
Savoy Street
Sawin Avenue
Sawins Lane
Sawyer Building
Sawyer Street
Sawyer Way
Saxe Street
Saxonia Road
Sayles Avenue
Sayles Memorial Church
Sayles Street
Saylesville Elementary School
Scalabrini Drive
Scandinavian Communities
Scaralia Road
Scarborough Road
Scenery Lane
Scenic Drive
Scenic Road
Scenic View Drive
Schaffer Street
Schiller Street
Schofield Street
School grounds
School One
School Road
School Street
Schreiber & Schreiber Law
Schuyler Street
Science of Mind Church
Scituate Avenue
Scituate Farms Drive
Scituate Vista Drive
Scoops Ice Cream
Scotland Road
Scott Avenue
Scott Drive
Scott Road
Scott Street
Scottish Rite Masonic Center
Scotts Miracle-Gro Athletics Fields
Scranton Avenue
Sea Lion sculpture
Sea View Avenue
Seabiscuit Place
Seabrook Drive
Seabury Street
Seal House
Seamans Avenue
Seamans Street
Seaplane Diner
Searle Avenue
Searle Street
Sears Avenue
Seaview Avenue
Seba Kent Road
Sebille Road
Second Baptist Church
Second Pentecostal Church
Second Skin Tattoo
Sedan Street
Sedge Avenue
Seekonk Fire Department
Seekonk Fire Depatrtment
Seekonk High School
Seekonk Police
Seekonk Post Office
Seekonk Public Library
Seekonk Street
Seekonk Town Hall
Seekonk Water District
Seekonk Water District Land
Sefton Drive
Seldon Street
Selim-Rogers Recreation Center
Selim-Rogers Recreation Center Pool
Selkirk Road
Selkirk Street
Selma Street
Seminole Trail
Senate Street
Seneca Avenue
Seneca Street
Serenity Court
Serpentine Avenue
Serrel Sweet Road
Service Road
Service Road #3
Sessions Street
Seth Street
Setian Circle
Seton Street
Seven Oaks Drive
Seven Stars
Seven Stars Bakery
Sevier Street
Seville Street
Seymour Avenue
Seymour Street
Shadbush Road
Shades Pier Optical
Shades Pier Optical Optician
Shady Glen Road
Shady Lane
Shafter Street
Shake Shack
Shalom Ministries
Shamrock Lane
Shannon Motors
Shari Drive
Sharon Avenue
Sharon Drive
Sharon Street
Sharpe Drive
Sharpe Refectory
Shaw Avenue
Shaw Memorial Church
Shaw Street
Shawmut Avenue
Shean Street
Sheffield Avenue
Sheffield Road
Sheila Lane
Sheldon Avenue
Sheldon Street
Sheldon Street Church
Shell Service Center
Shepard Avenue
Shepard Street
Sherbrook Road
Sherburne Street
Sheridan Avenue
Sheridan Street
Sherman Avenue
Sherman Field
Sherman Street
Sherri Drive
Sherry Street
Sherwood Avenue
Sherwood Lane
Sherwood Park
Sherwood Place
Sherwood Street
Shiloh Street
Ship Rock
Ship Street
Shipyard Street
Shirley Boulevard
Shirley Miller House
Shirley Street
Shirwood Drive
Shop & Go
Shore Drive
Shore Road
Shore's Fresh Food Market
Shoreham Court
Short Avenue
Short Cut
Short Hill Drive
Short Road
Short Street
Shortway Road
Showcase Cinemas
Sibley Street
Sibyl Street
Sidehill Avenue
Sidney Frank Hall
Sidney Street
Siegal Building
Siena Restaurant
Silo Drive
Silver Birch Road
Silver Creek Drive
Silver Hook Trail
Silver Lake Avenue
Silver Lake Community Center
Silver Lake Pizza
Silver Spring Avenue
Silver Spring Elementary School
Silver Spring Golf Club
Silver Spring Street
Silver Star Bakery
Silver Street
Simmons Street
Simmonsville Avenue
Simmonsville Flood Memorial
Simpson Street
Sims Avenue
Sinclair Avenue
Sioux Place
Sip N Dip Donuts
Siravo Street
Sisson Street
Skate Park
Ski slope
Skycrest Avenue
Skyview Drive
Slade Building
Slade Street
Slate Hill Road
Slater Avenue
Slater Mill
Slater Mill Historic Site Library
Slater Park Avenue
Slater Road
Slater Street
Slavery Memorial
Slavin Center
Slocum Street
Small Format
Small Point Café
Smart Street
Smith Avenue
Smith Hill Branch
Smith Hill Early Childhood Learning Center
Smith Street
Smithfield Avenue
Smithfield Avenue Congregational Church
Smithfield Avenue Nursery School
Smithfield Post Office
Smithfield Road
Smithfield Town Hall
Smokestack Cigar Shop
Smokey Drive
Smug Brewing
Snake Den
Sneaker Junkies
Snow Road
Snow Street
Snowberry Court
Snowdrop Drive
Soaring Eagle Zip Ride
Soban Street
Social Street
Sockanosset Cross Road
Socony Road
Softball Diamond
Softball Field
Solar Gas
Solar Street
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Soldiers Memorial Gate
Sole Desire x Run Newport
SoMain 2
SoMain 3
Somar Street
Somerset Avenue
Somerset Road
Somerset Street
Somo Kitchen & Sushi
Sonia's Near East
Sonoma Court
Sons of Jacob Synagogue
Sophia Academy
Sophia Street
Sophie Danforth Administration Building
Soprano Circle
Sorrell Road
Sorrento Street
South Angell Street
South Atlantic Avenue
South Avenue
South Bend Street
South Bennett Drive
South Blossom Street
South Broadway
South Brookside Avenue
South Brow Street
South Carpenter Street
South Clarendon Street
South Comstock Parkway
South Council Rock Road
South County Street
South Court Street
South Fair Street
South Fuller Street
South Hall
South Hill Drive
South Hull Street
South Lane
South Larchmont Street
South Locust Avenue
South Long Street
South Main Street
South Olney Street
South Phillips Street
South Pleasant Street
South Prospect Street
South Providence Branch
South Rose Street
South Seekonk
South Sharon Street
South Spruce Street
South Street
South Tim Healey Way
South Union Street
South Water Street
South Wheaton Avenue
Southern Industrial Drive
Southern Street
Southwick Drive
Sovereign Way
Soverign Bank
Spa Street
Spaceship Boulder
Sparkbrook Road
Sparrow Street
Speck Avenue
Spectacle Avenue
Spectacle Street
Spectrum India
Speedy Pizza
Speer Street
Spencer Gray Tennis Courts
Spencer Street
Spenstone Road
Spicer Street
Spinnaker Drive
Spirit and the Word Church
Spiritus Fermenti
Split Rock Trail
Spofford Avenue
Spokane Street
Spooner Street
Sports Tap
Sportsman Drive
Sprague Avenue
Sprague Circle
Sprague Playground
Sprague Street
Spraque Circle
Spray Avenue
Spring Avenue
Spring Court
Spring Garden Street
Spring Green Road
Spring Meadow Court
Spring Street
Springdale Avenue
Springfield Apartments
Springfield Avenue
Springfield Middle School
Springfield Middle School I
Springfield Street
Springhill Drive
Springhouse Trail
Springwood Street
Spruce Avenue
Spruce Street
Spurwick School II
Spurwink Place
Spywood Avenue
Squanto Street
Squantum Association
Squantum Drive
Squantum Road
Squantum Street
Squire Lane
Sri Chinmoy
SSCLT - City Farm
St Andrews Way
St. Ann School
St. Anthony
St. Augustine School
St. Bartholomew School
St. Basil Melkite Catholic Church
St. Brendan's Church
St. Cuthbert's Orthodox Church
St. Dominic Chapel
St. Joseph Hall
St. Joseph's
St. Martin's Church
St. Mary's on Broadway
St Marys Drive
St Michaels Church
St. Michaels Way
St. Patrick School
St. Paul Church
St. Peter's Church
St. Thomas Regional School
Stable Drive
Stacy Street
Stadden Street
Stadium Road
Stadium School
Stafford Court
Stafford Street
Stagecoach Drive
Stamford Avenue
Stamp Farm Road
Stamp Farms
Standish Avenue
Stanfield Street
Stanford Street
Stanhope Drive
Stanhope Street
Staniford Street
Stanley Street
Stansbury Street
Stanton Avenue
Stanton Street
Stanwood Street
Star Avenue
Star Lane
Star of Jacob Church
Star Path
Star Street
Starline Way
Starling Drive
Starr Street
State Police Barracks
State Street
Stateline Liquor Shop
Stateline Shop
Station Street
Stayton Street
Stearns Street
Stedman Avenue
Steele Street
Steeple Lane
Steeple Street
Steere Avenue
Steere Street
Stella Drive
Stella Street
Stenton Avenue
Stephanie Drive
Stephen DiChiara CPA
Stephen Hopkins Court
Stephen Olney Elementary School
Stephen Robert '62 Campus Center
Stephen Street
Stereo Discount Center
Sterling Avenue
Sterling Drive
Sterling Street
Sterry Street
Steuben Street
Stevens Road
Stevens Street
Stevie D's Riverside Tavern
Stewart Street
Stillman Street
Stillwater Avenue
Stillwater Road
Stimpson Street
Stimson Avenue
Stock Culinary Goods
Stockwell Street
Stoddard Place
Stokes Street
Stone Drive
Stone Hill Elementary School Playground
Stone Hill School
Stone Ridge Drive
Stone Street
Stone Trail
Stoneham Court
Stoneham Drive
Stoneham Street
Stonehill Drive
Stonelaw Avenue
Stony Acre Drive
Stony Brook Drive
Stop & Shop
Stowe Avenue
Stratford Avenue
Stratford Road
Strathcona Road
Strathmore Place
Strathmore Road
Strawberry Lane
Stream Drive
Stromberg Court
Stuart Road
Stuart Street
Stuart Theatre
Student Union Loop
Student-Athlete Success Center
Studio 44

studio 539 flowers

Stump Hill Road
Sturman Street
Suce Pizza cafe
Sudbury Street
Suez Street
Suffolk Avenue
Suffolk Street
Sugarhill Court
Sugarman Sinai Memorial Chapel
Suites Hall
Sullivan Street
Sullivan Terrace
Sullivans Pub
Sumach Avenue
Summer Drive
Summer Street
Summerfield Drive
Summit Avenue
Summit Drive
Summit Street
Summit Wall
Sumner Avenue
Sumner Street
Sumter Street
Sun and Moon Korean Restaurant
Sun Builders, Inc.
Sunbury Street
Sundale Road
Sunflower Circle
Sunglass Hut
Sunny Market
Sunny Path
Sunnyside Avenue
Sunrise Drive
Sunrise Market
Sunset Avenue
Sunset Drive
Sunset Ridge Drive
Sunset Terrace
Sunshine Drive
Sunshine Preschool
Superior Street
Superior View Boulevard
Surplus Provisions
Surrey Drive
Surrey Lane
Susan Avenue
Susan Circle
Susan Drive
Sussex Street
Sutcliff Avenue
Sutcliffe Circle
Sutton Avenue
Sutton Place
Sutton Street
Swallow Drive
Swan Court
Swan Street
Swanee Street
Swanton Street
Sweet Avenue
Sweet Brier Avenue
Sweet Corn Drive
Sweet Fern Drive
Sweet Hill Drive
Sweet Pea Drive
Sweet Road
Sweet Street
Sweetbriar Avenue
Sweetbriar Drive
Sweetbriar Road
Sweetbriar Street
Sweetfern Road
Swift Street
Swiss Street
Sybaris Street
Sycamore Avenue
Sycamore Drive
Sycamore Street
Sydney Court
Sydney Providence
Sydney Rose Court
Sykes Place
Sykes Road
Sykes Street
Sylvan Avenue
Sylvan Road
Sylvester Street
Sylvia Avenue
Sylvian Street
Sylvier Street
Symmetry Duncan Lodge
Symposium Books
Syracuse Street
Syrihoa Path

Tab Avenue
Taber Avenue
Tabernacle Baptist Church West Side
Table Rock Road
Tabor Drive
Tabor Street
Taco Bell
Tacoma Street
Taffy Drive
Taft Avenue
Taft Street
Tag Drive
Tag Sale Treasures
Talbot Manor
Talbot Street
Talbot Way
Talcott Avenue
Talcott Street
Tall Oak Court
Tall Pines Lane
Tallman Avenue
Tallulah's Taqueria
Tallwood Drive
Tally Street
Tampa Street
Tanager Road
Tangent Street
Tanglewood Drive
Tanglewood Lane
Tanner Building
Tanner Street
Tanyard Lane
Tappan Street
Tara Street
Tara Way
Tarklin Street
Tartaglia Street
Tasca Kia
Tashmoo Way
Taste of India
Taunton Avenue
Tavares Pediatric Center
Tavares Pediatric Center School
Taylor Avenue
Taylor Drive
Taylor Natatorium
Taylor Road
Taylor Street
TD Bank
Tea In Sahara
Teakwood Drive
Tecumseh Street
Tee Jay Drive
Teed Avenue
Tel Aviv
Telephone Building
Tell Street
Temple Avenue
Temple Beth-El
Temple Court
Temple Drive
Temple Emanuel
Temple Place
Temple Sinai Suburban Reform Temple
Temple Street
Temple to Music
Ten Mile River Greenway
Ten Prime Steak & Sushi
Tennessee Avenue
Tennis Courts
Tennyson Lane
Tennyson Road
Teofilo Braga Way
Tepee Trail
Teresa Street
Teresea Street
Terino Drive
Teriyaki Korean House
Terminal Road
Ternay Gardens
Terra Court
Terrace Avenue
Terrace Way
Terrence Murray Baseball Stadium
Terry Street
Testa Drive
Tevere Drive
Tew Place
Texas Avenue
Texas Roadhouse
Textron Chamber of Commerce Academy
Textron Elephant and Giraffe Pavilion
Textron Tower
T.F. Green Hall
TGI Fridays
Thackeray Street
Thatcher Street
Thayer Place
Thayer Street
The Alpine Motel
The Arcade
The Ave bar and grill
The Avery
The Barre + Yoga Experience
The Beatrice
The Butcher Shop
The Charlotte Woods Elementary School
The Cheesecake Factory
The Children's Place
The Childrens Place
The Children’s Workshop
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Classic Man Barbershop
The Cosmopolitan
The Cuisinart Center for Culinary Excellence
The Dean Hotel
The Den
The Dorrance
The Eagle
The Earle Building
The English Cellar
The Falconer
The Fiering House
The Fighting Gladiator
The First Universalist Church in Providence
The Friedman Center
The George Sage Gymnasium
The Gordon School
The Groden Center School
The Groden Center, Inc.
The Growing and Learning Child Care Center
The Home Depot
The Hopscotch Room
The Hot Club
The Hummingbird Palace
The Hut
The Independent Man
The Ivy Room
The Karl P. Jones Gymnasium
The Laundry Club
The Learning Community
The Little Red Schoolhouse
The Little Shepard Preschool
The Livingston Center for Early Childhood
The Main Oasis
The Map Center
The McLaughlin Athletic Center
The Montessori School
The Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design
The Nitro Bar
The Old Court Bed & Breakfast
The Old Road
The Original Italian Bakery
The Pancratiast
The Parlour
The Pavilion at Grace
The Point Tavern
The Proccaccianti Group
The Providence Athenaeum
The Providence Center School
The Providence Rink
The ProvidenceG
The Pumpkin Patch
The Red Brick Nursery
The Right Click
The Rooftop
The Rose Room Cafe
The Rosendale
The Salvation Army of Providence, RI
The Scurvy Dog
The Sergeant Cornel Young Jr. Elementary School
The Sergeant Cornel Young Junior Elementary School
The Shortcut (green)
The Square
The Strand Ballroom & Theatre
The Thirsty Beaver Hometown Pub & Grub
The Time Capsule
The Union Soldier
The UPS Store
The Wheeler School
The Wilkinson
The Wolf School
The XO Bar
Thelma Street
There, There.
Theresa Court
Theresa Street
Thistle Drive
Thomas Avenue
Thomas Drive
Thomas Lane
Thomas Olney Common
Thomas Spann Way
Thomas Street
Thompson House
Thompson School
Thompson Street
Thor Place
Thorne Street
Thornley Street
Thornton Avenue
Thornton School
Thornton Street
Thornwood Drive
Three Sisters
Three Wheel Studio
Throop Alley
Thunder Trail
Thurber Avenue
Thurber Avenue School
Thurber Street
Thurbers Avenue
Thurman Street
Thurston Street
Thyme Drive
Ticknor Street
Tidd Street
Tides Family Services Center
Tidewater Street
Tiffany Circle
Tiffany Street
Tilden Avenue
Tilden Street
Tilton Avenue
Tim Healey Way
Timber Street
Timberland Drive
Time Street
Times Squared Way
Times² STEM Academy
Timothy Drive
Tingley Lane
Tingley Street
Tiny Bar PVD
Tippling Rock Road
Tisdale Street
Titus Lane
Tizzy K's
TJ Maxx
TLC Day Care Center
Tobacco King
Tobbaco Road
Tobey Street
Tobie Avenue
Tobyhanna Street
Tockwotton Street
Todd Street
Togansett Road
Toledo Avenue
Toledo Street
Tomahawk Trail
Tomato Boulder
Tomb Avenue
Tombstone Boulder
Tomcat Terrace
Tome Street
Tommy's place
Tompson Drive
Toner Street
Tony's Colonial Food
Tony's Pizza
Top Hill Drive
Top Street
Topeka Street
Tophill Circle
Tophill Road
Tori Tomo
Toronto Avenue
Tortilla Flats
Toti's Pizza & Grill
Tots Cooperative Nursery School
Touro Street
Towanda Drive
Tower Avenue
Tower Road
Tower Street
Town Fair Tire
Town Forest
Town House Road
Town of Johnston Municipal Court
Town of North Providence Recycling Division
Towne Street
Townsend Street
Tractor Supply Company
Trader Joe's
Trainor Street
Transit Street
Trask Street
Traver Avenue
Traverse Road
Traverse Street
Traymore Street
Treehouse For All
Tremont Street
Trent Street
Trenton Street
Trepanier Apartments
Trepanier Street
Tri-Town Child Care Center
Tri-Town Wine & Spirits
Triangle Park
Triangolo Gates
Tricia Circle
Trieste Street
Triggs Memorial Golf Course
Trinidad Street
Trinity Brewhouse
Trinity Christian Academy
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Parkway
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity Repertory Theater
Tripoli Street
Tripps Lane
Tristan Court
Tropical Ilhas Lounge
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
Troughton Place
Troy Street
Truman Street
Trumpet of Faith Pentecostal Church
Try Again Boulder
Tryon Avenue
Tucker Avenue
Tucker Lane
Tucker Street
Tudor Street
Tulip Avenue
Tulip Circle
Tulip Hill Drive
Tullson Avenue
Tumblesalts Cafe
Tupelo Hill Drive
Turcone Street
Turin Street
Turk's Head
Turks Head Building
Turner Avenue
Turner Reservoir Loop Trail
Turner Street
Turnessa Drive
Turnessa Green
Turnstone Lane
Tuscola Avenue
Tuskers Cafe
Tuxedo Avenue
Tweed Street
Twenty Stories
Twice Told Tales
Twilight Avenue
Twin Birch Drive
Twin Oaks
Twin River Road
Twins Lane
Tyler Street
Tyndall Avenue

Udell Street
Ulta Beauty
Umberto Street
Uncle Tony's Pizza and Pasta
Uncle's Transmission
Under the Laurentide
Underwood Avenue
Underwood Street
Union Avenue
Union Bar and Burrito
Union School
Union Station Brewery
Union Street
Unit Street
United Church of Christ
United First Born Church of Jesus Christ;Camp Street Community Ministries
United Pentecostal Church
United Presbyterian Church
United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island
United States Post Office
United Street
United Way of Rhode Island
Unity Avenue
Unity Street
University Avenue
University of Rhode Island
Uno Pizzeria and Grill
Untapped Games
Updike Street
Upland Road
Upland Way
Upper Campus Road
Upton Avenue
Upyonda Way
Urban Avenue
Urban Outfitters
Urban Street
Urbana Street
Urquhart Street
Ursula Road
US 1
US 1A;US 44
US Rubber Lofts
U.S. Sen. John Chafee Athletic and Recreational Complex
Usher Avenue
Utica Street
Utter Street
Utton Avenue
Uxbridge Street

V Salon
Vacca Avenue
Vacca Street
Vale Avenue
Vale Street
Valente Drive
Valentine Circle
Valentine Drive
Vallette Street
Valley Community and Day School
Valley Community School
Valley Falls Heritage Park
Valley Green Court
Valley Street
Valley View Drive
Valley View Road
Valleybrook Drive
Vallone Road
Valvoline Instant Oil Change
Van Ausdall Street
Van Buren Street
Vanderland Avenue
Vandewater Street
Vandieman Avenue
Vanner Street
Vanners Court
Varin Drive
Varnum Avenue
Varsity Courts
Varson Street
Vartan Gregorian Elementary School
Vartan Gregorian Quad A
Vartan Gregorian Quad B
Vasilios Pizza
Vassar Avenue
Vatsana Thai & Sushi
Vaugh Cleaners
Vaughan Street
Veazie Annex Number One
Veazie Street
Veazie Street School
Veggie Fun
Venice Avenue
Venice Street
Ventura Street
Venturi Avenue
Venturi Green
Vera Street
Verdi Street
Verdic Avenue
Verdun Street
Veritas Eternaliter Juvenis (truth is eternally young)
Vermont Avenue
Vermont Street
Verndale Avenue
Vernon Drive
Vernon Place
Vernon Street
Vero Court
Vervena Street
Vesuvius Street
Veterans Memorial Auditorium
Veterans Memorial Elementary School
Veterans Memorial Parkway
Veto Street
Vialls Drive
Vickery Street
Vicksburg Street
Victor Avenue
Victor Emanuel Avenue
Victor Street
Victoria Avenue
Victoria Mount Street
Victoria Street
Victoria's Secret
Victory Assembly of God Church
Victory Avenue
Victory Street
Vietnam War Memorial
View Street
Vigilant Street
Viking Road
Villa Avenue
Villa Drive
Villa Street
Village at Red Oak
Village Avenue
Village Circle
Village Cleaners
Village Court
Village Drive
Village Green North
Village Green Preschool
Village Green South
Village Imprints
Village Road
Villanova Circle
Vincent Avenue
Vincent Drive
Vincent Gardner Lot
Vincent Resturant
Vincent Street
Vincent Way
Vine Avenue
Vine Street
Vineland Avenue
Vineland Drive
Vineyard Avenue
Vineyard Road
Vineyard Street
Vineyard Terrace
Vintner Ave Playground
Vintner Avenue
Vinton Avenue
Vinton Street
Vinyard Lane
Viola Avenue
Viola Building
Viola Street
Violet Drive
Violet Path
Violet Street
Vireo Street
Virginia & Spanish Peanut Co.
Virginia Avenue
Virginia Baldwin Orwig Music Library
Virginia Lane
Virginia Road
Vision Boulevard
Vista Court
Vista Donuts
Vista Drive
Vista Road
Vista spur
Vittorio Emanuel Street
Vivaldi's Pizza
Vivian Avenue
Vocational Resources
Volturno Street

W R Watters School
W. Versach
Wabun Avenue
Wade Street
Wadsworth Avenue
Wadsworth Street
Wagon Trail
Wagon Wheel Lane
Wai Wai House
Wain Street
Wainwright Street
Waite Avenue
Waite Street
Wakefield Avenue
Walcott Court
Walcott Street
Waldo Street
Waldron Avenue
Wales Street
Walgreens Pharmacy
Walker Avenue
Walker Drive
Walker Street
Wallace Street
Waller Street
Walmart Garden Center
Walmer Avenue
Walnut Avenue
Walnut Grove Avenue
Walnut Road
Walnut Street
Walsh Avenue
Walt's Roast Beef
Walter Avenue
Walter Hall
Walter Street
Waltham Street
Walton Street
Wampanoag Trail
Wamsetta Avenue
Wamsutta Avenue
Wamsutta Place
Wanda Court
Wannamoisett Road
Wannisett Avenue
Wanskuck Avenue
Wanskuck Boys School
Wanskuck Branch
War Admiral Place
War Memorial
Wara Wara
Warby Parker
Ward Avenue
Wardlaw Avenue
Wardlaw Court
Ware Court
Warm Up Cave
Warm Up Trail
Warman Avenue
Warners Lane
Warren Avenue
Warren Court
Warren Place
Warren Street
Warrington Street
Warwick Avenue
Warwick Early Learning Center at John Brown Francis
Warwick Road
Warwick Street
Wasaga Road
Washakie Avenue
Washburn Avenue
Washburn Street
Washington Avenue
Washington Bridge (George Redman) Linear Park
Washington Park Branch
Washington Park Preschool
Washington Park Station Post Office
Washington Park United Methodist Church
Washington Place
Washington Road
Washington Secondary Bike Path
Washington Secondary Rail Trail
Washington Street
Washington Trust
Wasiota Avenue
Watauga Street
Water Lane
Water Street
Water View Lane
Water Way Road
Waterfront Drive
Waterman Avenue
Waterman Dog Park
Waterman Grille
Waterman Street
Waterman Street Building
Waterplace 2
Waterplace Park
Waterplace Park stage
Waterside Avenue
Waterview Avenue
Waterway Road
Watkins Avenue
Watson Street
Wauregan Drive
Wave Credit Union
Waveland Street
Waverly Place
Waverly Road
Waverly Street
Wayland Arch
Wayland Avenue
Wayland Building
Wayland Fresh
Wayland Street
Wayne Avenue
Wayne Street
Wayside Drive
Wealth Avenue
Weaver Library
Weaver Street
Webb Street
Webber Avenue
Webster Avenue
Webster Avenue School
Webster Lane
Webster Street
Wedding Cake House Bed & Breakfast
Wedge Row
Wedge Street
Wedgewood Drive
Weeden Avenue
Weeden Street
Weetamoe Drive
Weingeroff Boulevard
Weir Street
Weiss Court
Welcome Gateway
Welcome Road
Welcome to Providence College
Weld Building
Weldon Street
Welfare Avenue
Welfare Street
Well Avenue
Wellesley Avenue
Wellington Avenue
Wellington Street
Wellness Center & Residence Hall
Wells Drive
Wendell Road
Wendell Street
Wendi Drive
Wendy Brown Home
Wenscott Lane
Wentworth Avenue
Wentworth Street
Wesley Street
Wesleyan Avenue
Wessex Street
West Avenue
West Bel Air Road
West Blue Ridge Road
West Broadway Neighborhood Association
West Carpenter Street
West Clifford Street
West Cole Street
West Cute Street
West Drive

west elm

West Exchange Street
West Forest Avenue
West Fountain Street
West Friendship Street
West Hall
West Hamden Road
West Harry Street
West Hill Circle
West Hill Drive
West House
West Hunt Street
West Lakeview Drive
West Larchmont Avenue
West Lawn Avenue
West Marine
West Park Street
West River Parkway
West River Street
West River Trail
West Road
West Russe Street
West Side Diner
West Street
West View Avenue
Westbrook Drive
Westbrook Road
Westcott Avenue
Westdale Avenue
Westerly Avenue
Western Avenue
Western Cranston Learning Center
Western Hills Lane
Western Hills Middle School
Western Industrial Drive
Western Promenade Street
Western Street
Westfield Drive
Westfield Road
Westfield Street
Westford Road
Westminster Avenue
Westminster Eyecare Asociates
Westminster Street
Westmore Street
Weston Avenue
Westwood Avenue
Westwood Court
Westwood Manor Drive
Westwood Road
Wetmore Avenue
Wetmore Street
Weybosset Hill Post Office
Weybosset Street
Weymouth Street
What Cheer Avenue
What Cheer Garage & Studios
Wheatland Avenue
Wheeler Avenue
Wheeler School
Wheeler Street
Wheelock Avenue
Whelan Road
Whipple Avenue
Whipple Court
Whipple Hall
Whipple Road
Whipple Street
Whippoorwill Road
Whirlaway Place
Whiskey Republic
Whitaker Avenue
Whitcomb Road
White Avenue
White Birch Road
White Court
White Dot Trail
White Drive
White Electric
White Oak Lane
White Owl Bar & Kitchen
White Squadron Road
White Street
Whitehall Street
Whitehead Street
Whitewood Court
Whitewood Drive
Whitford Avenue
Whitin Avenue
Whiting Street
Whitman Street
Whitmarsh Street
Whitney Street
Whittaker Street
Whittier Avenue
Whittier Drive
Whittier Road
Whittle Avenue
Whittlesey Road
Whole Foods Market
Wholesale Way
Wickenden Street
Wickendon Pub
Wickham Court
Wickham Street
Wilbur Avenue
Wilcomb Road
Wilcox Avenue
Wild Berry Drive
Wild Bites Snacks
Wild Colonial
Wild Street
Wild Witches
Wildacre Drive
Wildcat Café
Wildcat Center
Wildcat Concessions
Wilder Road
Wildflower Drive
Wildrose Court
Wildwood Avenue
Wildwood Drive
Wiley Street
Wilkins Street
Wilkinson Mill
Will Ann Circle
Willard Avenue
Willard Street
Willern Street
Willett Avenue
William Avenue
William D'Abate School
William Ellery Place
William G Braude Library
William H. Hall Free Library
William R. Dutemple School
William Street
Williams Avenue
Williams Church
Williams Family Cemetery
Williams Street
Williams Way
Willie's Grab & Go
Willing Avenue
Willington Road
Willis Avenue
Willis Street
Williston Street
Williston Way
Willliam D'Abate Elementary School
Willow Avenue
Willow Drive
Willow Road
Willow Street
Willow Way
Wilmarth Avenue
Wilmarth Court
Wilna Street
Wilshire Lane
Wilson Avenue
Wilson Street
Wilton Avenue
Winchester Street
Windham Shire Drive
Windhurst Avenue
Windmill Lane
Windmill Street
Windmill Street School Annex 1
Windmill Street School Annex Number 1
Windsor Court
Windsor Road
Wine and Cheese
Wine Street
Wines and More
Winfield Court
Winfield Road
Wingate Avenue
Wingate Court
Wingate Road
Wings Over Providence
Winika Court
Winners Circle School
Winona Street
Winrooth Avenue
Winslow Building
Winslow Street
Winsor Drive
Winsor Hill School
Winsor Lane
Winsor Street
Winsor-Swan-Whitman Farm
Winsted Street
Winter Drive
Winter Green Path
Winter Harbor Avenue
Winter Street
Winterberry Court
Winterberry Lane
Wintergreen Avenue
Winthrop Avenue
Winthrop Road
Winthrop Street
Winton Street
Wisdom Avenue
Wisteria Lane
Woburn Road
Woburn Street
Wolcott Street
Wolf Hill Road
Wolfe Street
Wollaston Street
Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island
Wonderland Early Learning Center
Wong's Kitchen
Woo Drive
Wood Hollow Lane
Wood Road
Wood Street
Woodbine Avenue
Woodbine Street
Woodbury Road
Woodbury Street
Woodcliffe Avenue
Woodcrest Drive
Wooddale Avenue
Woodfall Street
Woodhaven Boulevard
Woodhaven Road
Woodhill Drive
Woodlake Drive
Woodland Ave
Woodland Ave Conservation Land
Woodland Avenue
Woodland Court
Woodland Street
Woodland Terrace
Woodland Trail
Woodlands Express! Train Ride (Seasonal)
Woodlawn Avenue
Woodlawn Catholic Regional School
Woodlawn Funeral Home
Woodman Street
Woodmont Drive
Woodmont Street
Woodridge Road
Woodridge School
Woods Gerry Gallery
Woods Lane
Woodside Avenue
Woodside Drive
Woodside Road
Woodside Street
Woodstock Lane
Woodview Drive
Woodward Avenue
Woodward Road
Woonasquatucket Avenue
Woonasquatucket Greenway (Eagle Square)
Woonasquatucket Greenway Ramp
Woonasquatucket River Greenway
Woonosquatucket River Greenway (Merino Park Loop Trail)
Worcester Avenue
Worchester Street
Word of Life Covenant Church
World War I Memorial
World War I Monument
World War II Memorial
Worth Street
Worthington Road
WPA Concrete Path
Wright Street
Wriston Avenue
Wriston Drive
Wyatt Street
Wychwood Place
Wyndham Avenue
Wyndham Garden Downtown Providence Hotel
Wynne Drive
Wynne Street
Wythe Avenue

Xaco Taco
Xavier Academic Complex
Xavier Court

Yale Avenue
Yama Fuji
Yankee Candle
Yard Street
Yarmouth Street
Yellow Cottage
Yellow Trail
Yellowstone Avenue
Yeoman Avenue
York Avenue
York Road
York Street
Yorkshire Street
Yorktown Place
You Rock School of Music
Youlden Avenue
Young Avenue
Young Lane
Young Orchard Avenue
Young Street
Yuro Street

Zambarano Avenue
Zane Street
Zanfagna Street
Zanni Lane
Zella Street
Zephyr Lane
Zinnia Drive
Zion Korean United Methodist Church
Zipporah Street
Zoar Avenue
Zoar Street
Zone Street
Zoo Entrance